Those of you who have seen this page before may notice that it has changed ! Changed from an idea to Documentation! I have successfully integrated the phone patch of an SCOM 7K repeater with a Grandstream HT286 ATA adapter and a mesh node. The HT286 has less than a preferred web GUI for setup, but if you are persistent, you can get it set.

Now, if I pick up Hotline ( ) and dial 444625 (the phone patch extension assigned in Asterisk running on K5KTF-USB ( ), you will hear "55" in CW ring out over the radio. From the radio, pressing {PW}88* answers the call.

Or if I am out in the truck, hold the PTT and I dial {PW}{CALLSIGN}* on the DTMF mic, it will call whoever's extension is assigned. I tested by calling Hotline (K5KTF-H or 555834), and sure 'nuff, the red phone rang. When I answered Hotline, the audio from the radio sounded nice and clear, and the phone audio over the air sounded like a telephone..... Pressing PTT and # on the radio hangs up the call. Hanging up the phone hangs up the call, but the radio still needs to have PTT & # to kill that end. Here in Austin we usually assign extensions by callsign. K5KTF=55583 on the DTMF keypad. That way we dont need to remember extensions, as we ALL know each others callsigns. It works for tacticals as well. For example, the City of Austin EOC is called CTECC, which = 28322. So far, we havent found any collisions in extension addressing. If someone has multiple phones/etc, we then append the first initial of the tactical (as for Hotline above). The ONLY issue is that with the 7K, you have to guess all the possible extension lengths and add the allowable masks (see below) in the 7K controller (examples: NG5V=4, K5KTF=5, KF5JIM=6, KF5JIM1=7, K5KTF-PK1 (for the 2-phone kit phone#1)=8 ). And if your VoIP system has an external connection (like Dial 9 to call out to the POTS system), thats even more to add ("9"+3 for area code, +7 for number = 11). I just used the KE5RS dialer software and wrote a string to send it all over the mic, for 3 to 12 characters.
As a cheat sheet for the 7K, here is the masking needed for all possible combinations from my DTMF script:
{PW}68AAA* Accepted number table for 3-digit extensions {PW}68AAAA* Accepted number table for 4-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAA* Accepted number table for 5-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAAA* Accepted number table for 6-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAAAA* Accepted number table for 7-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAAAAA* Accepted number table for 8-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAAAAAA* Accepted number table for 9-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAAAAAAA* Accepted number table for 10-digit extensions {PW}68AAAAAAAAAAA* Accepted number table for 11-digit (9+area+number) {PW}68AAAAAAAAAAAA* Accepted number table for 12-digits
(change {PW} to your controller's password)