Firstly, a big thank you to all for your efforts. I'm having a ball! I have been doing some work here in my own lab using some Cisco routing equipment (3700 with 36 port switch module). What I am trying to do si stand up two or more mesh networks using a different SSID for each network. I then want to use the router to route traffic between them. I see this as having some practical use here and also a great way to learn something new, not to mention I have a friend who is a Cisco trained engineer who has gotten interested.
The problem we are having is the NAT that goes on between the LAN and WAN. It's messing with our attempts to create the routes we want. Come to think of it, the NATing plays hob with Asterisk too. Trust me, double NATing is pretty ugly.
I'd like your thoughts on this. I'd kind of like to be able to selectively turn off NATing if possible. Again, thanks! Chuck... WB6YOK