I have found what may be a bug, or a design efficiency in the way services urls are input and stored. The issue: The input form (www.cgi-bin/ports) assumes that there will always be a port number attached for the url. This may be true when the protocol is http/https. But it is not the case for all protocols. Suggestion. The form handler should accept an empty port field, and when the port field is empty, it should also delete the ";". This would not break http/https urls that use port 80 as the default. Further, the code that reads /etc/config/services and creates /var/run/services_olsr also appears to not like missing port numbers. If the port number is not present, it does not copy the service entry. And, lastly, the code in /www/cgi-bin/mesh will not add a url from /var/run/services_olsr if it does not contain a port.
The specific use case here is the entry of urls for TeamTalk4, which are of the form: tt://tt4us.bearware.dk?tcpport=10333&udpport=10333&username=guest&password=guest