I'm trying out the VTUN tunneling using Linksys 54GS's. At one end is a cable ISP with a home router, port forwarding set per the user docs for port 5525, static IP established via dyndns service. That's the server end. At the client end, I'm using a cell phone wifi hotspot linked to the client node via a dd-wrt client bridge setup. Internet access via the client node works ok with the gateway set to on. Other nodes local to the client can access the internet via the cell phone. On the client tunnel admin page, the link is shown as 'active', the little dot is present. On the OLSR status page, the VTUN interface is up. On the mesh status page, there are entries for remote nodes at the far end of the tunnel. Oddly, the name of the server node doesn't appear in the client node's neighbor list. There is an entry showing the network IP for the tunnel.
So, everything looks decent, but the tunnel won't pass any traffic. When I click on the mesh status page link for a remote node. I get a timeout or connection refused error. I've tried two different cell phones, using two different carriers, with identical results. Is it possible the cell phone companies are blocking payload traffic, but allowing the TCP control traffic? I haven't yet tried connecting via another landline based ISP. If anyone would like to try a test connection, please e-mail me at my callsign at gmail.com.