Hey Guys, (newly) Macomb County resident here. I expect to have a node up and running in Q1 2017. I plan to eventually have an rPi based file server attached with useful emergency information, as well as a VOIP phone and/or server(Asterisk or otherwise). This is all mainly for my own curiousity/enjoyment, but it may be useful for someone. I also plan to attach an Outernet satellite receiver to offer up their curated content. I'd also like to be able to create a duplicate portable setup, as I am part of the Livonia CERT, and this could be useful in a huge disaster (sometimes we could operate multiple incident command posts for a similar area). I'm part of the Livonia Amateur Radio Club, and perhaps I can convince them to add a node to our repeater location such that there would be a more central place to connect to. If you're interested, look me up on QRZ and shoot me an email. I'm sure we could use more local nodes (the map is hopefully not up to date!) Mike - KE8CEH