Hi! I've not been here in a couple of years. I still have 4 nodes with very old firmware and need to get updated and see what's new. Please forgive me if this has already been discussed, but I'd like to suggest maybe a small focus on HMMS-MESH on some more generic or even radioless equipment (OLSRD) preconfigured or published with template config files designed to run on inexpensive radioless boxes that run Linux. As well on small PCs retired laptops & the like. One of my HMMS-MESS nodes was always a windows XP laptop with it's card in ad-hoc mode, and it worked great. It required *some* manual setup to make it play with the rest of the WRTs but it worked well.
It's a bit disturbing to see that the latest & greatest version is still oinly really available for the same old hardware (and one type of hardware) from a few years ago
Maybe an effort for a secondary or generic non radio specific realease targeted for small box hardware might worthwhile? it's really easy to grab anything that will run DD-WRT put the wireless interface in AD-HOC mode, set the SSID and channel and set it to bridge to the ethernet on a device running olsrd. Or running OLSRD all setup for HSMM-MESH right on DD-WRT or OPenWRT might be a possibility as well.. on many other hardware devices.
-Steve N8LBV