Hi, We are running a small mesh consisting at this point of 3 Linksys nodes, 6 Xagyl nodes (xagyl.com, OpenWRT 12.09, olsrd, manual configuration, 1W output) and one VM with Debian Linux as a VPN concentrator. Ever since we have migrated the mesh to BBHN-v2 and firmware 1.1.2, we do experience the troubles somewhat similar to the ones described in your news bulletin, and all of them seem to relate to olsrd_secure module. 1. First just like it was mentioned in the other thread, the Debian VM did not connect to the mesh with a 64 bit version of olsrd, and it was specifically olsrd_secure module that did not want to connect. Once I have rebuilt the VM with the 32 bit version of os, everything connected just fine with the same config copied over, so please consider this theory confirmed. 2. However this was not the end. Once in a while olsrd crashes at this VM. After running it with strace, it showed that it crashes with the "stack smashing detected" error in olsrd_secure module right after "[ENC]Received timestamp 14096805" message. You can google "stack smashing detected" message, there is a nice explanation to it on the web. This might be the same case with UBNT problems. 3. Another thing happens on all the nodes, including Linksys. After some point they start ignoring OLSR packets from their neighbors. olsrd is still running, but when restarted with "-d 4" parameter, olsrd_secure keeps saying: "[ENC]Timestamp missmatch in packet from! [ENC]Rejecting packet from". Strange thing, it does not help to simply restart olsrd, you need to reboot the node to fix this. Also, most of our nodes do not have access to NTP servers which might or might not be necessary for the stable operation of olsrd_secure module.
I could send you the debug logs from which I quoted the error messages if you really want to troubleshoot olsrd_secure. However I just believe the whole olsrd_secure thing is no good. This module is known for having bugs, just remember the old version of it that came with BBHN v.0.4.3 firmware - due to a bug in the module code it was incompatible with the later versions of olsrd_secure. I also wonder how many networks have actually changed the default encryption key in all of their routers? For running with the default key adds zero value to security, but brings a lot of headache. The reason I am writhing this is to maybe help you with your troubleshooting, but also to ask you if you have any short-term plans on releasing the new FW version without olsrd_secure. Otherwise we'll probably be rolling back our network to v.1.0.0 for now.
Thank you and 73 Anthony VA3IDL