Where did the Port forwarding and Static DHCP data go when I updated from 0.3.2. to 0.4.1? Nowhere did I see information that these would disapprear in the change logs. I run an ECOM network with 6 routers and 20 client machines, and one server. We run a web server, an FTP server, a Voip server, an e-mail server, and Net Meeting for white board and video conferencing. our Voip server now also have person to person video if we want to implement it. These applications require a number of ports be opened on the router servicing the server. Her is our list of ports that we have to open under 0.3.2 and we expect more as we venture into video meetings and really get Net meeting working right. We also had a number of static DHCP entries that also disappeared Where is the spell checker on these posting screens?