Assumption is that you are using the 1.1.x version of the firmware. There is a current bug in this firmware with the secure feature added. The conditions for this defect (on both ubiquity and linksys) are:
1) a time window of 5 seconds when 2 nodes are in a handshake to authenticate with each other, to confirm they both have the private 128-bit key (which is distributed with our image) and thus can allow the link.
2) If the handshake of #1 fails during this time, then all subsequent packets will be dropped and the node ignored. The handshake can fail due to:
2a) The clock on one of the nodes (via NTP or other) jumps more than 3 seconds (50/50 chance of failure).
2b) Lost packets on RF channel
Options available to workaround:
1) comment out the secure plugin in the config file hostUBN:/etc/config/olsrd hostLinkSys:/etc/config/olsrd.confi and reboot (but all nodes in your mesh must do this to connect)
2) upgrade to bleeding edge experimental images released on the download page (but some other changes to be aware of in these images and all nodes must do this in your mesh)
3) revert to 1.0.x images (no ubnt, 5Ghz, etc. and all nodes...) |