Hi, all. I'm a new HSMM-Mesh user, and I'm having a problem where the advertised services that I set up in the "Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services" area are not appearing on the Mesh Status page on either 0.4.3 or the new BB-HN v1.0. I've added a web service on port 80 of an already-reserved DHCP host, and clicked the "link" checkbox. I've saved the service, and even gone so far as to reboot the node. I've included screenshots of my current setup. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm in NAT mode or Direct/DMZ mode...the local services column never changes! Am I doing something wrong? Is this a common error? Do I just need to get another node set up for it to search for these services? Help me, oh Elmers of HSMM-MESH. You're my only hope! (Yes, I know that in my screenshots, I am leaving my machines open to the internet. They all run Linux, are behind my home firewall, and are locked down pretty durned tight.)