Hi, I have been playing with adhoc meshes using HSMM-MESH (now BBHN) for a couple years now here in Honolulu Hawaii. There are a couple of us who have multi-nodal systems. We have set up networks around town, participating in field day and emergency exercises. I encourage everyone in Hawaii to join us here on this forum to share your interest and experiences, and to use us as elmers. Outer island hams are especially welcomed as well as our global ham friends. I have a 6 six node system running at my QTH over looking Waikiki, all under solar pv/battery power. Because of our mountainous environment we need more experimenters to come online to either connect via high gain antennas or VPN via Internet gateways. I am more than happy to help anyone enter is exciting new aspect to amateur radio! Aloha 73 de kh6tz  Wayne |