Well Ron, I made a lot of headway with your help. Basically got it working and can share the ftp folder over the mesh. It took me a while to figure out how to access it from another node (ie., W4LLZ-N6). What i had to do, step by step see pictures attached, to connect to the ftp folder on W4LLZ-N1 was to: 1. W4LLZ-N1 is where the ftp server is. The mesh doesn't show on other nodes that W4LLZ-N1 is offering that service, like it does IRC Chat (see pic 1). Instead, from W4LLZ-N6 "Mesh Status" page, I click on W4LLZ-N1 and open it, viewing W4LLZ-N1 status page on the W4LLZ-N6 computer.
2. It is there that i can see the FTP server advertized, with a dot/bullet next to it. See pic 2. 3. Then i click on "File Server" and it opens the FTP folder and i can down load files from N1 to N6 perfectly. See pic 3. I would have thought that the service would be advertized like the IRC server, but it makes sense due to the way its set up. Meaning, the node (W4LLZ-N1) is not offering the service but rather the computer (W4LLZ) is offering it through W4LLZ-N1. It works, and is really cool, just not as i expected it would; but its a keeper. Thanks, and please comment.