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 Subject :Re:Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan.. 2014-12-29- 14:18:34 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : General
Topic : Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan

Just to be sure I understand... When I perform a wifi scan on a node I am connected to (about 3 miles away)  I see my ISSID. My previous experience was that connected nodes did not appear in the wifi scan. And, in fact, none of the other nodes that are connected appear in that scan.

Also, I disconnected the PicoStation and still see my own ISSID when I do a wifi scan on my local node. I do have neighbors with Wi-Fi hubs that I also see, but no other ad-hoc nodes at all.  It is almost like one chain on the Rocket is seeing the other, and also transmitting 2 separate signals.

Does this still jive with your explanation?

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 Subject :Re:Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan.. 2014-12-29- 13:48:21 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
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Forum : General
Topic : Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan

Thanks.  That is probably the case. I have a PicoStation I have been playing with inside the house.

And, thanks also for the explanation of the ISSID. I knew it wasn't the actual MAC address, but wasn't sure exactly what it was.

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 Subject :Re:Password failure after firmware install - Ubiquiti Loco M2.. 2014-12-29- 13:44:45 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Password failure after firmware install - Ubiquiti Loco M2

Try using username root and the password you set.  You can not change the username as noted in the instructions it will always be root.

If that doesn't work assuming you are on 3.0.0 or newer you can reset the password to hsmm by holding the reset button for 5 seconds.

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 Subject :Re:Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan.. 2014-12-29- 13:42:24 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan

All nodes on the same channel and same SSID share the same ISSID  address, they are in the same format as a MAC address but technically are not actually a MAC and do not identify a single price of hardware.

What you are seeing is the strongest received device at that point when you have other modes around becauzs of the lower layers only passing up the strongest signal to the basic strength counter.

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 Subject :Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan.. 2014-12-29- 13:36:39 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : General
Topic : Odd entry from the Wi-Fi scan

My node is a Rocket-M2 with a RocketDish RD-2G24. When I run a Wi-Fi scan I always see my own node in the results. I am sure it is me since the MAC address is the same as the "Access Point" reported by the iwinfo command on the node.

My question is: why am I seeing my own node in the scan output when I am connected to the mesh? 

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 Subject :Password failure after firmware install - Ubiquiti Loco M2.. 2014-12-29- 13:10:57 
Joined: 2011-01-31- 11:41:17
Posts: 16
Location: SF Bay
Forum : General
Topic : Password failure after firmware install - Ubiquiti Loco M2

Hi, the install went well and I see the status page.

I click "setup" to login and enter the chosen username (callsign-5).

But, when I enter the password, it loops back indicating a failure.

I also tried "root" and "hsmm".  I've been following these instructions:

Setup takes you to the setup pages of the web interface. You will need to supply a username and password to access those pages. The username is always "root", and the password is the one you set on the Basic Setup page. If the node has not yet been configured, the password is "hsmm". Note that the password given to log in to the setup pages is encrypted in transit, so this is safe to do over a wireless connection.

Any idea why I cannot access setup please?



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 Subject :Re:For Sale Two WRT54Gs and JTAG.. 2014-12-29- 11:19:31 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : General
Topic : For Sale Two WRT54Gs and JTAG

You can reflash the locked out node by following the instructions at:
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 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-12-29- 07:19:51 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

I'm pleased to report that the Hamilton Amateur Radio Club Mesh hub is on the air. Located at the corner of Fennel Ave. and Upper Gage Ave. in Hamilton, Ontario, with an antenna HAAT of about 75 meters. We've installled 3 Ubiquiti Nanostation M2's on the North, East and South side of the apartment penthouse. All are running Broadband-Hamnet V 3.0. Nodes are named VE3NCF-EAST, VE3NCF-NORTH, and VE3NCF-SOUTH.

In doing some mobile signal checks, I was able to link up using a Nanostation M2 on my van's roof rack from the intersection of Brant and Dundas in Burlington (right below the repeater tower). Coverage projections indicate good coverage into Burlington and Oakville across the bay, and most of the central mountain area of Hamilton.

It's entirely possible that a link could be established to Oakville across the lake, although the distance becomes challenging.

Please, if you do establish a connection grab a screenshot of the mesh status page showing LQ and email me. At the moment, no services are on the network, but are being planned for a spring instaillation.

We still have some configuration tweaking to figure out, but don't anticipate taking the nodes down for more than an occasional reboot.

More details will appear on the club website:

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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Great News and new questions.. 2014-12-29- 02:58:16 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Great News and new questions

Well I decided to reflash both of my routers to see how things work when everything is default, and I am glad I did. I now see some of the errors of my ways in what I was doing. Its starting to make a bit more sense now and I have confirmed that the two nodes are talking to each other, where as they weren't before, but I was not aware of that. I know how to confirm that now. I also got SSH working, which I didn't before, likely because of all my messing around. Now I can start moving to some of the bigger tasks such as transferring files between to computers, setting up teamspeak server/client, web server, etc.

As far as file transfer type stuff, I know I can just share a folder on a system and just deal with files that way, but I think I may try out a cloud solution. I recently installed "owncloud" on my hosted web server and absolutely love it. So much better than dropbox and many other cloud solutions. Anyway, I see no reason that couldn't work. Plus it may be much easier to manage and rather than setting up a bunch of stuff to give someone access to a shared folder, they can just go to http://localhost/owncloud, login and BAM have access to files. I can also set up permissions of sorts if that need arises. Ill have to keep you all posted how that integration goes. :)

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-29- 02:59:50 By KD0RVY for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Phones.. 2014-12-29- 01:30:29 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
Posts: 33
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Phones

Thanks, they are VOIP phones. Looking forward to trying things.
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 Subject :Re:Phones.. 2014-12-28- 15:47:53 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Phones

if they have an ethernet port (voip phones), they can plug into the mesh. ;-)
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Phones.. 2014-12-28- 11:28:41 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
Posts: 33
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Phones

I am just getting started with BBHN.  I have an Ubiquiti Nanostation M2 and a netgear 108e 300nas on order.  I will be learning with others in our club about BBHN and they will have the Linksys WRT54 routers.

I can get a couple of Linksys/Cisco SPA941 or SPA942 phones from a friend for me to test with.  Are these phones workable with the BBHN?


Vance Nelson, KC8RGO

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 Subject :For Sale Two WRT54Gs and JTAG.. 2014-12-28- 03:58:02 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
Posts: 31
Location: Dallas GA
Forum : General
Topic : For Sale Two WRT54Gs and JTAG

Before I put this on eBay as a package I thought I'd list it here. 
WRT54G V2 Working fine on 1.1.2 but I forgot this password. Includes Unused JTAG kit with Software CD. 
WRT54G-TM in stock firmware working fine.

All for $23 shipped in CONUS only Paypal address will be sent upon making a deal. EMAIL ONLY. Do not reply below please.

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 Subject :Ubiquiti AG-5G23HP AirGrid M5 HP questions.. 2014-12-27- 19:42:13 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
Posts: 31
Location: Dallas GA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti AG-5G23HP AirGrid M5 HP questions

Will this work and is there a tutorial on changing them to HSMM Mesh?  I'm still looking and have not found much on these.  We want to use them as a backbone link or two between repeaters.




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 Subject :Re:Packages/Services.. 2014-12-27- 11:12:33 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : General
Topic : Packages/Services

Pretty much where I am with my configurations. I have several Rpi servers and a grandsteam pbx, when deployed for RACES/ARES I might add ip camera.

I could use a tunnel to connect to some distant nodes. The back bone is not complete yet.

Happy New Year

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:Packages/Services.. 2014-12-27- 11:04:43 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Packages/Services

Personally very few of them.

iperf for connection performance testing as I'm actively testing new links and the blockknownencryption to help maintain Part 97 compliance are the two big ones for me.

Beyond that in really a fan of do not run software in/on the node itself, run it off node as much as you can.  Let the mode be a node. 

Most the people around here are using Pi's or other Devices as the server. 

This is one of those "Yes it physically can do it but should it" items. An advantage of services being off the node is you can replace a node or upgrade the node firmware without needing to add additional programs.

Every program added to a node decreases resources on the node, decrease in resources can decrease mesh network performance as well so if the node does run programs consider making it an edge modess apposed to a node that is in the center of the mesh.

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 Subject :Packages/Services.. 2014-12-27- 10:39:26 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : General
Topic : Packages/Services

Just wondering about what packages others find most helpful?????

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:Great News and new questions.. 2014-12-27- 10:19:52 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Great News and new questions

1a) The node call field which is next to the password fields.

 The SSID should be the same for the devices to talk across wifi (leave at default unless you have a reason to change it ) Dorectly reachable ip's are auto generated in direct mode.

2) Correct, unless you add an access point and treat it the same as a local wifi access to the Lan port.

3) See Setuo screen and user guides and on node help screens.

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 Subject :Re:Great News and new questions.. 2014-12-27- 08:41:13 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
Posts: 26
Forum : General
Topic : Great News and new questions

1) I may have misunderstood what I was doing. Thanks for clearing that up. :)

1a) Im not sure that I understand the "different call signs" part of this. Are you referring to the SSID? Is the directly reachable IP address the one that I can configure to whatever I want, or is the that one that cannot be changed?

2) So the only devices that can have access to the mesh (not including the nodes themselves) are devices that are hard wired to the mesh ie computers, printers, VOPI/SIP phones?

3) How would I know if it's in "direct mode"? So NAT should ONLY be used if absolutely needed? I don't foresee any use for it now, but just want to make sure. :)

4) I have both nodes only about 20 feet apart and no obstructions between the

5) I will be sure to look at the other guides. Thanks

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-27- 08:42:22 By KD0RVY for the Reason
 Subject :Re:EOL.. 2014-12-27- 03:42:49 
Joined: 2011-01-08- 11:57:13
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Location: Dallas GA
Forum : Linksys End Of Life
Topic : EOL

Sorry I hit return twice.  

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-27- 03:58:50 By K4RJJ for the Reason
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