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 Subject :Quality of Service (QoS).. 2014-12-03- 06:35:14 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : Quality of Service (QoS)

Joe, Conrad, and I have been bouncing around ideas for quality of service.  There will come a time when served agency traffic is more important or urgent than general ham traffic.  Any QoS functions will need to recognize that and give the agency traffic higher priority through the mesh.

Gordon, you brought this up nearly a year ago and had some ideas.  With a stable release out... and as this group starts to discuss other needed bolt-ons, this one needs to be in the mix.  Perhaps Joe, you would be willing to start the discussion where we left off a few weeks back.

Andre, K6AH

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Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Security ???.. 2014-12-03- 05:45:12 
Joined: 2012-02-12- 14:03:41
Posts: 19
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Forum : General
Topic : Security ???

Copy that on the DEFCON. Im about 2 blocks away from the Rio, and weird stuff DID happen LOL. I guess I'm SOL for now, just add me to the list of people mildly concerned.
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Good on the 'ZED';)
 Subject :Re:Security ???.. 2014-12-03- 05:38:00 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Security ???

Yes Vegas, wonderful town, never turn on your computer when near the Defcon convention, bad things may happen.

The feature to add a code was added in version 1.1.0, however on tracking down the stability problems of 1.1.x  the Secure module was found to have numerous code problems that increased the level of instability in the release and had to be pulled for further testing. It has been retasked to be dug into in the future.

You can't disable SSID in an AdHoc network as it's needed to know that devices exist and associate (not to mention hidden SSID doesn't really hide anything.

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 Subject :Re:Security ???.. 2014-12-03- 05:17:17 
Joined: 2012-02-12- 14:03:41
Posts: 19
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Forum : General
Topic : Security ???

Don't really want to bring up an old thread, but it is the most relevant to my concerns. I have 2-3 nodes up here in the center of town. My neighborhood can only be described as "crackwhore infested". My building has already had trouble with our WLAN because of the neighbors. I secured it with an 8 character WPA2, they cracked it. When I locked down the MAC's, they spoofed it. I increased the password and they haven't come back. My question is, what's to keep them from going after my meshes?

Something as simple as a password for Las Vegas mesh nodes that only the hams know would be great.

Or disabling SSID. the nodes would still be able to connect, but I would be "invisible"

I need to be invisible in this neighborhood.

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-03- 05:30:26 By KE7TBB for the Reason

Good on the 'ZED';)
 Subject :Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-02- 16:53:40 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Problems & Answers

Thank you Friend not the light has come on....thank you I will try this that means I am hard wired here and the other nodes just transfer info from one to another and so on them another hard wired laptop to a node can receive the info. I was looking at the wireless aspect on my side, now I see thank you very much I will try this and let you know my results. I see what I was doing wrong now.... Thank you Friend 73's KD4YSH
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 Subject :Re:tunnelling update?.. 2014-12-02- 15:32:54 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : tunnelling update?

Welcome David. Been to Aiken many times (SRNS). ;-) Stay tuned for the tunnel stuff! It's really exciting.
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-02- 15:27:20 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers

Once they are configured you must connect using a wire to the node.

The wireless card on the router is used to talk to other mesh nodes, it can not speak to a laptop because the laptop does not know how to speak mesh. 

Plug an Ethernet cable into the wrt54g and into your laptop.  Make sure wifi is off on your laptop.  Then launch http://localnode:8080 

You will see the basic screen again.  From here if you have multiple mesh modes turned on you can then click on "Mesh Status" and see them as well.

the important thing is you MUST be hard wired in with a cable to a node to be able to access it.

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 Subject :Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-02- 14:56:07 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Problems & Answers

Hello yes the latter....from my laptop wireless it sees the 'broadbandhamnet-20-ve" I open my internet browser and type in http://localnode:8080 and nothing, my laptop sees the node but will not connect to it. I flashed 5 routers the linksys wrt54g models ver 1 thru 4 and when I was complete with the flash everything was verified and came up with my call letters and the node number I gave it, but that was the last time I ever saw that screew, should I see that same screen on my laptop wireless connection after I type in in internet explorer the local node 8080, shoul it connect at that point? I only have one node connected right now, I think I am so close but not there yet. When I did my flashing I used the cable from my laptop to the router. Thanks for your help like I said I think I am really close but something not right, I did not look or change anything in the SSID area opr any of the per set settings. Thank you again. KD4YSH
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 Subject :Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-02- 13:59:00 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers

Does it show up as "meshnode" or "Broadbandhamnet-20-v3". If it is the later you have already gone through setup and you MUST use an Ethernet cable as wifi is for node to node only.
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 Subject :Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-02- 13:50:24 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Problems & Answers

Russ thank you for your message back to me, my computer when i open the broser will not connect to http://localnode:8080 says page not found. If I do a search of available networks in my area it will find the mesh node router but will not connect to it in the same room or 200 feet away all wirelessly of course. I never did any changes to the ssid number should I have changed that to meshnode? I guess once I get on the right path I will be fine. thanks
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 Subject :Re:tunnelling update?.. 2014-12-02- 13:47:00 
Joined: 2014-03-07- 17:58:31
Posts: 3
Location: Vancouver, WA USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : tunnelling update?

Thanks AE5CA for the tunnel info. I now have 14 nodes, 4 or 5 of them being WRT54GS (less than rev 4). I'm pretty much isolated here and would appreciate a heads up when the new version releases...

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-02- 13:48:42 By KT6F for the Reason
 Subject :Re:tunnelling update?.. 2014-12-02- 13:20:23 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Applications
Topic : tunnelling update?

There is a set of scripts that are currently being beta tested that once installed on a node, will allow Tunnel Clients and Tunnel Servers to be set up from within the setup menu of a mesh node.  Members of the Beta Test/Developer Team have successfully created tunnels connecting New Jersey, Texas and California.  We have found some problems with firewall settings.  Work is under way to make sure we have proper firewall settings before the scripts are released. We are close to having the firewall issues satisfied for the UNBT nodes.

Some work has to be done still for the Linksys WRT54GS version 1 through 3.  The Linksys runs an different style of firewall.  It is looking like we will be able to use the WRT54GS versions 1 through 3 for tunneling and they will be able to connect to the UBNT tunnel nodes.  But some of the applications on Linksys are older versions and we have some compatibility issues we are looking at. The WRT54G, GL, and GS v4 will not have enough memory to run the tunneling application.  The WRT54GS versions 1 through 3 have double the memory of the other Linksys boxes.

I have been using NanoStation Loco M2's for a lot of my testing.  At $50 for the complete package it is a great choice.  It will most likely be less expensive than a 10 year old used WRT54GS v1-3. The NanoStation M2 is my favorite. It costs around $80. Either one is ready to be mounted in an outdoor setting and comes complete with antennas.  I have done 13 mile links with both the NanoStation M2 and M5.

The folks doing the heavy lifting on this effort are volunteers that have real jobs and families.  Understand we are working on it but sometimes real life gets in the way

Clint, AE5CA

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 Subject :Re:Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-02- 12:44:26 
Joined: 2014-11-17- 22:57:17
Posts: 18
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Forum : Problems & Answers


I may be missing something or there may be a typo, but if your wifi is turned off and you are not hard wired, how are you connecting your PC to the node??  How were you connected to the Linksys when you uploaded the firmware?  were you connected by ethernet or wifi?  Are you running Windows or MacOS on your PC?

If you are using a Windows PC and are connecting via wifi, try this:

1.  Enable your wifi connection and configure the TCP/IP properties to use DHCP

2.  Disable all of the other connections (ethernet, VPN, etc.) and disconnect the ethernet cable.

3.  Connect your wifi to the SSID "MeshNode"

4.  Before you proceed further, make sure that you have an IP address in the 10.x.x.x range.  Open a command prompt, type ipconfig.  If you don't have an IP address or it is not in the 10.x.x.x range, type ipconfig /renew.  If you still cannot get an IP address, open the connection properties and click on the repair button.

5.  Open a web browser, and enter the following URL "http://localnode:8080"

6.  Click the setup button.  The login name is "root" and the default password is "hsmm"

If you are running MacOS, replace steps 1-4 with this:

1.  Open the System Configuration, click on Network

2.  Disable or unplug any connections other than wifi (i.e., ethernet, VPN, modem)

3.  Connect to the SSID "MeshNode"

4.  Wait until your wifi has an IP address in the 10.x.x.x range.  If you don't have one, click on "Advanced" and make sure the wifi is set to use DHCP, then click the renew button.

[kd4ysh 2014-11-30- 08:40:28]:

Hello Friend and thank you for the reply, I now can see the meshnode from 200 feet away on my laptop with the wifi turned off and not hard wired. The laptop keeps trying to connect to the meshnode but never connects but it does see it with a good signal. I did not check the SSID. I let the laptop sit for 15 minutes but still seeing it but will not connect so it looks like I am getting closer, thanks again for ant direction. KD4YSH 73's
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Russ Chung
 Subject :Re:tunnelling update?.. 2014-12-02- 11:57:28 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
Posts: 60
Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Applications
Topic : tunnelling update?

^^^ What KT6F said... Im near Victoria BC. Maybe we can start a north west cross border mesh / tunnel.
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 Subject :Re:Internet Tunneling.. 2014-12-02- 11:52:46 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
Posts: 60
Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Internet Tunneling

Thanks, I know Im bringing this back from the dead... how ever... how do I go about finding mesh's to tunnel to? is there a listing?
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 Subject :Re:Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing.. 2014-12-01- 17:08:12 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing

There are some dish mounts that are made to accept a NanoStation. So they may not be old cable tv ones. I saw one location claim it added 10db over the radio built in antenna.

probably is doable I would imagine but I don't have enough knowledge on microwave antenna design to calculate the pattern and effect of the shape of the dish and the optimal mounting distance plus the effect the internal patch antenna on a NanoStation would have.

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 Subject :Re:3.3 Ghz mesh net??.. 2014-12-01- 17:02:49 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : 3.3 Ghz mesh net??

Correct using a BBHN node paired with an M3 in factory install until M3's become supported.

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 Subject :Re:Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing.. 2014-12-01- 16:11:47 
Joined: 2013-03-05- 21:13:59
Posts: 11
Location: Gillette Wy - DN74gg
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing

A couple of the ISP's here, use a Ubiquiti radio in place of the feed horn. The dish is very easy to spot, as it tilts down toward the horizon, instead of the sky. Not sure of the gain, or their mounting scheme, but they use them like crazy.
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 Subject :Re:Re:3.3 Ghz mesh net??.. 2014-12-01- 15:34:20 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
Posts: 29
Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : 3.3 Ghz mesh net??

Hello Conrad. I am not following your line of thought. Are you referring to the use of the "factory" Ubiquiti firmware (airmax) or are you referring to using a modified version of BBHN software?

I presume that you are referring to using the 3Ghz equipment as a "backbone" tunnel for say 2 local BBHN meshs.

[KG6JEI 2014-12-01- 13:45:43]:

While it should be doable I do not have any instructions on how you would do it.

Ideally you would want to bring up a new interface (say vlan 9 so it's out and away from anything we actively use or may use in the future) and probably set it up with an IP in the VPN address space and add the required routing and firewall rules and dns rules.

The other alternative would be to modify the dtdlink but then you need to remember you made changes if you replace the device and you won't be able to dtdlink to other devices without modifying them as well. 

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 Subject :Re:3.3 Ghz mesh net??.. 2014-12-01- 13:45:43 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : 3.3 Ghz mesh net??

While it should be doable I do not have any instructions on how you would do it.

Ideally you would want to bring up a new interface (say vlan 9 so it's out and away from anything we actively use or may use in the future) and probably set it up with an IP in the VPN address space and add the required routing and firewall rules and dns rules.

The other alternative would be to modify the dtdlink but then you need to remember you made changes if you replace the device and you won't be able to dtdlink to other devices without modifying them as well. 

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