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 Subject :Re:Loading packages, and where are they?.. 2014-09-01- 11:51:33 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Loading packages, and where are they?

Sorry missing part of URL.

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 Subject :Re:Loading packages, and where are they?.. 2014-09-01- 11:48:30 
Joined: 2014-04-04- 19:26:09
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Location: Christchurch NZ
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Loading packages, and where are they?

Thanks, Conrad. Unfortunately, I "have no permission to access" the brcm-2.4 directory. The mipsel directory worked OK. 73, Graham Lees ZL3GSL
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73, Graham ZL3GSL
 Subject :LAN Mode 13 Host Direct or NAT.. 2014-09-01- 11:23:28 
Joined: 2012-05-09- 15:44:25
Posts: 9
Forum : Firmware
Topic : LAN Mode 13 Host Direct or NAT

Is there any disadvantage or advantage  in using NAT mode on one router and 13 Host Direct on another router ??

Another question is  13 Host Direct mean only 13 Hosts on that one router  or..?? Can anyone explain ??

Thank you


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 Subject :Re:dtdlink issues.. 2014-08-31- 16:31:58 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : dtdlink issues

Received VM (went to a number I don't normally access but can get to me with time)

Bit late to be calling though.

Let me know via @amsat some good times for you and I will give you a call.  There are a couple options depending how flexible you want it to be and how exactly your network protocol passing is worked out and varying scenarios if complexity to setup.

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 Subject :Re:Loading packages, and where are they?.. 2014-08-31- 16:21:59 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Loading packages, and where are they?

Currently at for Linksys


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 Subject :Re:Default Channel 1 - Why not use Channel 0 or Channel -1.. 2014-08-31- 13:23:53 
Joined: 2013-06-23- 12:17:16
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Forum : General
Topic : Default Channel 1 - Why not use Channel 0 or Channel -1

Again, thanks for the detail!
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 Subject :Re:Interference with wireless G routers.. 2014-08-31- 13:19:57 
Joined: 2013-06-23- 12:17:16
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Forum : General
Topic : Interference with wireless G routers

Thanks, Conrad.
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 Subject :Re:How do routers get their time from Internet NTP.. 2014-08-31- 03:46:17 
Future Astronaut
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Forum : General
Topic : How do routers get their time from Internet NTP

You need to enable "mesh gateway" on the node that is plugged into an active internet connection before the other nodes can communicate with an NTP server.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :How do routers get their time from Internet NTP.. 2014-08-31- 01:31:24 
Joined: 2014-04-08- 19:54:23
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Forum : General
Topic : How do routers get their time from Internet NTP

According to the descriptions, when a node is connected to the Internet it will automatically get its time from an NTP server (default is  Will this NTP access propagate to other nodes on the mesh?  Mine don't seem to be syncing their time to an NTP server on the WAN so I wanted to understand a bit more about how this NTP sync should work, and maybe I could figure out why mine aren't.

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 Subject :Re:Used it as a car video surveilance... 2014-08-30- 15:44:13 
Joined: 2012-04-26- 20:51:24
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Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Used it as a car video surveilance.

Would you be willing to give details on how you configured your video surveillance system?
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 Subject :Loading packages, and where are they?.. 2014-08-30- 14:03:42 
Joined: 2014-04-04- 19:26:09
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Location: Christchurch NZ
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Loading packages, and where are they?

Where, EXACTLY, are packages which are loadable into  v1.1.2 on WRT54GL routers?

I have been trying to load the "joe" editor from the OpenWRT site. (I can use vi, but don't like it.) I have downloaded various versions of it to my PC.  When I try to Upload from the Administration page  I am told "nothing to do",  "error 4",  and "can't find joe".  However, the Browse window allows me to find the file, and its name is displayed.

Could someone do a screendump of the Services/ports  page with a *working* installation of a service.  I have activated the Windows NTP server (w32tm) in  Windows 8.1, but I can't get HSMM to recognise its presence.

73,  Graham Lees ZL3GSL

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73, Graham ZL3GSL
 Subject :Re:Need better understanding of BBHN networking... 2014-08-30- 13:11:03 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Need better understanding of BBHN networking.

So first off,  the reason for the NAT is rather obvious but I will state it for those whom may not know, we are converting from a private range to whatever is on the subnet and were a singe device and the is it's own ecosystem with lots of standards around it.

Can you please advise what you are trying to do? Having an idea of what you think you want to do might be more useful as there is more going on in the mesh interfaces with all the standardized protocols and configurations that come into play. Some features may or may not work depending upon what your looking at without modification etc.

Just turning NAT off on it's own wouldn't solve all the issues your likely to hit,  you may get the source address but now we have a lot more issues,  like how are nodes on one mesh going to know about nodes on another? How are you going to configure the router to know which network nodes are on? How will the router handle having a network on each interface ? What if a user moves between the two networks?  

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 Subject :Re:dtdlink issues.. 2014-08-30- 11:24:28 
Joined: 2014-07-25- 07:41:55
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Location: Camarillo California
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : dtdlink issues

I can not change the 5.8GHz system to the MESH technology as the 5.8 is being used by several other volunteer groups.  This is why I wanted to find a way of bridging into my existing system.

If you have the time I would like to speak with you on the phone.  I have left my number on your machine.


Paul Strauss


Camarillo California

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 Subject :Re:dtdlink issues.. 2014-08-30- 11:04:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : dtdlink issues

If you use supported devices for your backbone you can do this already.

DtDlinkd 2 devices together. If you use DtDlink on a 2.4ghz node to a 5.8ghz node and then mesh out over the. 5.8 (even if it's a PtP link)  the mesh protocol extends across and now the 2 independent meshes are one big mesh like you want.

Over wifi it used a less strict requierment It's just the vlan 2  protocol that is only meant for low/no loss links.

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 Subject :Re:dtdlink issues.. 2014-08-30- 10:53:01 
Joined: 2014-07-25- 07:41:55
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Location: Camarillo California
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : dtdlink issues

OK I understand what you are saying.  I did have a related question pertaining to the LAN Host Addressing.  If I were given control over this address scheme, I beleive that I could bridge (dtdlinking)  together many MESH units Lan.  I have done some sudo successful address manipulation have been able to connect via a dtdlink path.  I believe that this scheme is workable.

This is no more that what already existed on the stock Linksys or Ubiquity router port being able to set the address that I choose.   

So in essence, ability to control the entire Lan Host addressing limited to say 13 addresses.

With this I believe I could truly bridge these devices together.

I do not have the knowledge to SSH into the unit and make the changes I have suggested, so I am turning to you.

If needed, please contact me so we can discuss this further.


Paul Strauss


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 Subject :Need better understanding of BBHN networking... 2014-08-30- 09:37:13 
Joined: 2011-05-27- 10:17:00
Posts: 5
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Need better understanding of BBHN networking.


Firstly, a big thank you to all for your efforts. I'm having a ball!

I have been doing some work here in my own lab using some Cisco routing equipment (3700 with 36 port switch module).

What I am trying to do si stand up two or more mesh networks using a different SSID for each network. I then want to use the router to route traffic between them.

I see this as having some practical use here and also a great way to learn something new, not to mention I have a friend who is a Cisco trained engineer who has gotten interested.

The problem we are having is the NAT that goes on between the LAN and WAN. It's messing with our attempts to create the routes we want. Come to think of it, the NATing plays hob with Asterisk too. Trust me, double NATing is pretty ugly.

I'd like your thoughts on this.  I'd kind of like to be able to selectively turn off NATing if possible.

Again, thanks!



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 Subject :Re:Interference with wireless G routers.. 2014-08-30- 06:59:54 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Interference with wireless G routers


1) Keep in mind in the US Part 15 users are secondary to any and all licensed users of the 2.4ghz band  This means the hardware has already been designed to handle use in environments where it may not have control of the band

2) For 21 miles you likely will be using high gain dish antennas,  this means the beam path is very tight and that signals from your node will very quickly fall into the -60dbm gain range of the antenna being virtually eliminated at the time it leaves the antenna, after that house construction will also attenuate the signal as well.   By the time you get indoors your node is but a speck of noise  compared to the internal RF reception of all the homes own devices.

3) WIFI is a Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocol. They are more likely to cause you trouble with corrupting some of your packets because they will in no way be able hear your node 21 miles away meaning they will think the channel is clear (hidden transmitter syndrome)

4) Setups like ours have been around for a long time under Commercial Wireless Internet Service Providers.  How often do you hear someone complain they can't get WIFI because of them?  Heck houses even use a WISP connection and than run WIFI in the same house some times and not report issues.

Household connections need to worry about the Microwave Oven (which really wipes out the band indoors) more than they need to worry about us outdoors.

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 Subject :Re:Default Channel 1 - Why not use Channel 0 or Channel -1.. 2014-08-30- 06:49:50 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Default Channel 1 - Why not use Channel 0 or Channel -1

Ok this hasn't been discussed in depth lately and new information has come to dev team information since the initial release and its the 2nd time this week this question has come up as well so I'll jump in with another technical analysis

1) Their is no proof that all the supported radios can even go down this far at the moment. 

We have recently discovered on Ubiquiti (actually applies to all Atheros based radios) something called the Calibration Tables that controls the power cal data to be sure the devices stay linear (high linearity is required for WIFI -- same reason you can't really find AMPS that work good in the <$500 price range).

There was a hardware mod for Linksys some time back but it made you 100% incompatible with other mesh users (shifting the device reference frequency down.) No such hardware mod exists for Ubiquiti and it had a lot of negative pitfalls under Linksys as well (timing was corrupted, which btw timing is important for WIFI )

To our knowledge no seller calibrates the radios below channel 1 at the factory at this time.

2) To do this proper would need to be a software only method, the Linux Operating system we use currently does not support the non standard channels. 0 and -1 are not channels in the distribution and will require a re-write of some code, IF the devices are even capable of doing this without hardware mods as this part of the code is linked to the Cal Data, without it this doesn't happen either.

3) Channel 0 and -1 would not actually get you out of the noise of Part 15 wifi.  WIFI is ~20-22mhz wide (g vs b).  Channel spacing on 2.4 is every 5 mhz.   To actually get clear of Channel 1 noise you would need to go as far down as 2392 mhz center (Channel -3)  and then you have the issue that 20mhz wide you spill out of the HAM band on the LOW side so above this is would also need to support smaller channel bandwidths as well to be useable. This calculation also doesn't take in any Guard Band between HAM and Part 15 WIFI either to reduce possible error rates from noise.

4) The main goal of the project currently seems to be getting hardware to work where its suppose to before going out and trying to do things the hardware isn't meant for.  We have added 5.8ghz already by doing this, were looking at the other bands,  were looking at more Ubiquiti hardware, etc  Chanels 0 and -1 are NOT in band and will take a significant dev effort to acomplish (if at all possible)  We welcome other devs who may have the capability (3ghz spectrum analyzer and Linux Kernel programming skill ) to work the issues involved. Its just not something in core we can focus a lot of effort on at the moment.

tag: channel 0

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 Subject :Re:Team Speak 3 - VoIP Conferencing.. 2014-08-30- 06:19:15 
Joined: 2013-06-23- 12:17:16
Posts: 12
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Team Speak 3 - VoIP Conferencing

This is an old post so things may have changed. I visited the TeamSpeak site and could not find anywhere to download server software. I only see client downloads and the ability to sign up for their "cloud" based server. What am I missing?
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 Subject :Interference with wireless G routers.. 2014-08-30- 05:52:56 
Joined: 2013-06-23- 12:17:16
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Forum : General
Topic : Interference with wireless G routers

We are working specifically with Ubiquiti nodes. We have identified several locations to mount them including atop the second largest building in Tucson, AZ.

We'll be using minimum power needed along with gain antennae. Distances will be as much as 21 miles with no obstructions and minimal disturbance within the fresnel zone. Is there any risk of interference to home/business wireless G routers?


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