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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-08-03- 18:42:49 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

Andre, on your benchmark test exactly what was the chain to grid configuration on the M2s on both ends of the path? Single chain 0 with a single 24dBi grid for TX & RX, not using chain1? Or, dual 24dBi grids using diveristy, or what? We seem to be getting unrepeatable results with different configs. Can't tell yet what's best so curious about you exact chain to antenna configs.


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 Subject :Re:Revert Back to Ubiquiti Firmware.. 2014-08-03- 18:20:53 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Revert Back to Ubiquiti Firmware

Thanks for the reply. I've got to bring it down from the tower to the bench to attempt this is a more "controlled" environment ;-). I been attempting this with me on the tower and another on the ground cycling the POE supply. I thought I could pull it off, but obviously not. Exactly how do the LEDs change? I see power and network activity under normal conditions on power up boot now.

Thanks again.


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 Subject :Re:Revert Back to Ubiquiti Firmware.. 2014-08-03- 17:42:06 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Revert Back to Ubiquiti Firmware

The TFTP method works, I've done it 50+ times personally to restore to factory image.

You have to hold the button until the indicator lights change to indicate it's in TFTP mode.

The BBHN firmware takes no action to enable or disable the TFTP recovery mode. This is handeled before we boot our software.

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 Subject :Re:Revert Back to Ubiquiti Firmware.. 2014-08-03- 17:33:53 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Revert Back to Ubiquiti Firmware

No luck here using the latest 1.2.1 firmware on a Rocket M2 using the OEM "Recovery" method of depressing the reset switch during power up for 8 to 15 seconds. Unit still boots up normally to normal BBHN operation. Using the firmware upload method aborts with "firmware not recognized". I can feel the tactile depression on the reset button, but no luck after several attempts. Does anyone know if this method really works? It appears the BBHN firmware has disabled this recovery method. It normally should revert back to the factory IP ( to allow TFTP upload of the OEM image, however, it appears this is only true if you have factory OEM firmware in the M2 already. So, how do we get back to OEM firmware?

Thanks in advance for an experienced answer,

73 Bob AF5RS

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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-08-03- 16:47:28 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

I have benchmarked the Bullet M2s with 24dBi dishes at 25 miles with 100% link quality. Andre, K6AH
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Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-08-03- 14:13:11 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

That begins to be a bit more promising - still need more distance ... sigh. At 9 miles I'll need to find two relays between here & the EOC. Thanks - David KD4E
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 Subject :Re:Problem on WRT54GS v1 after upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.2.. 2014-08-03- 06:02:20 
Joined: 2013-04-24- 12:58:28
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem on WRT54GS v1 after upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.2

Andre Absolutely not a problem, its local group of us just getting active and setting up some gear. I'm sure I speak for many, we appreciate all your efforts and the efforts of the others that making this mode available to the amateur radio family. As far as being a help when it comes to networking and coding I'm almost clueless. If there is other opportunities to help, and something I can do within my skill level please let me know. Again, the effort you guys have put into this are really appreciated and amazing. 73 Bryant W7BDB
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 Subject :Re:Problem on WRT54GS v1 after upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.2.. 2014-08-03- 05:30:58 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem on WRT54GS v1 after upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.2

Hi Bryant, If this is keeping you from implementing a production mesh for a served agency, then please contact me off list and we'll come up with a suitable work around. Otherwise we appreciate your patience. We are all volunteers with paid jobs, families, and other priorities. Perhaps you would volunteer to help us with coding, testing, our some of the administrative work. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Mounting Sector Panel with 2 degree electrical down tilt?.. 2014-08-02- 20:26:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Mounting Sector Panel with 2 degree electrical down tilt?

The downtilt and the beamwidth are indepednet of each other.

If it ships with 2 degree of down tilt and the antenna is vertically plumb than the center of the beam is at -2 degrees. With a 4 degree beamwidth this means it covers between 0 to -4 degrees with center again at -2.

So if you want to cover -2 to -6 you would need to shim it from the top to add an additional 2 degree of physical downtilt to give you a center at -4 ( -2 physical and + -2 electrical )

Note: Ubiquiti (like a lot of wifi antenna vendors) use -6dbm figures for beamwidth as compared to normal HAM antennas which use -3dbm. This data sheet calls out that it is -6dbm but some do not and it's easy to overlook as well. 

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 Subject :Mounting Sector Panel with 2 degree electrical down tilt?.. 2014-08-02- 19:46:29 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Mounting Sector Panel with 2 degree electrical down tilt?

This is a question/issue of interpreting the specs on a sector antenna.    In my case, for the Ubiquiti 19dB 120 deg 5G sector antenna.  Two statements in the specs:

1) 2 degree electrical down tilt
2) 4 degree electrical beamwidth  (should be in context to the vertical beam coverage area per the charts )

Is the electrical down tilt included in the 4 degree beamwidth or on top of this?  In other words, if I want the center of the signal-beam pointing down at 4 degrees, would we tilt the antenna down physically 2 degrees (to account for electrical 2 degree down tilt)?   Or do we point it down physically 4 degrees--and the 2 degree electrical down tilt represents the 4 degree bandwidth (2 degree down + 2 degrees up)?

Anyone have any experience on this?


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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-08-02- 18:14:13 
Joined: 2014-02-08- 15:26:32
Posts: 8
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

We have a solar powered linksys node on a hill. I am able to get in from 6 miles out with a Bullet M2 HP with 25 dbi grid and my friend is able to to get in from 9 miles out with M2 HP and 35 dbi grid. Hope that info helps.

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-02- 18:20:01 By KF7JJB for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul.. 2014-08-02- 14:03:40 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Rocket M2 Chain Configuration Options for Long Haul

I just read that someone used one Ubiquiti BULLET-M2-HP on the AP side w/non-Ubiquiti at the other end and they achieved a 3 mile wireless bridge (house to house) using 19 dbi directional panels. What might be expected via a clear path with a pair of Ubiquiti BULLET-M2-HP's running in optimal configuration using the same amtennas? Is a dual polarity dish the highest-gain or would a long-yagi, quagi, quad beam perform better? What distance might then be anticipated with everything optimized? Since Hams are allowed amps what may be the distance-impact of boosting the power at both ends? (Or has the understanding of Hams using amps with these changed?) I tried Linksys devices in the past but could not get enough distance to reach those interested in this area. The Ubiquiti HP devices may change that ... Thanks - David
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 Subject :Re:Problem with port setup.. 2014-08-02- 10:39:05 
Joined: 2014-02-08- 15:26:32
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with port setup

Thanks for the reply, I will look at the ticket. Rebooting has no positive effect. The service is still not advertised.
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 Subject :Re:Problem with port setup.. 2014-08-02- 10:00:12 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with port setup

Sounds like this is the same as BBHN->ticket:53

I believe a node reboot after saving will cause it to advertise the service as a work around until the changset in that ticket gets incorporated into a full release. 

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-02- 10:01:56 By KG6JEI for the Reason Darn iPhone keyboard mistakes
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 Subject :Problem with port setup.. 2014-08-02- 09:13:19 
Joined: 2014-02-08- 15:26:32
Posts: 8
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem with port setup

After upgrading my firmware and setting things back up a little differently, I am not able to get advertised services working again.

My setup consists of a WRT54GL running 1.1.2 firmware. It is set as 5 host direct. I have a laptop host setup with DHCP address reservation.

On this host I have a webserver listening on the standard port 80.

I also have another WRT54GL attached to the first as an access point.

I can connect to the host web server by typing the hostname into the browser HOSTNAME/

and the web server launches fine, however, if I try to set it as an advertised service:

Web Server: Link :http://hostname(selected from drop down) port: 80 

I get the Configuration saved, however:
problem with port setup 
and therefore doesn't end up showing as an advertised service on the mesh.

I also have ngircd package running on the node and it works fine, but i get the same error if trying to set it up as an advertised service, even if it is the sole advertised service.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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 Subject :Re:Hello.. 2014-08-02- 04:45:57 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : Central Ohio
Topic : Hello

Hello I'm Eli kd8rbh from Delaware. Just about 20min north of you. We are primarily using ubnt gear for perminant outdoor gear and wrt for temp/indoor setups. Feel free to join our email reflector by sending an email to
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 Subject :Re:More VLAN Questions.. 2014-08-02- 04:34:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : More VLAN Questions

The numbers are indeed important they have to match. 

The first major issue I see is you removed vlan1 from ports 7 and 8. This vlan needs to be there and it needs to be there in a tagged format so the node can read the traffic as being on it's "WAN" port.

DTDLINK sounds like it should be setup correct so that if you plug a Ubiquiti into 7 or 8 they would talk to each other on VLAN2. 

This post may help

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 Subject :Re:Problem on WRT54GS v1 after upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.2.. 2014-08-02- 02:29:57 
Joined: 2013-04-24- 12:58:28
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Problem on WRT54GS v1 after upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.2

There have been several of us finding issues with the latest upgrades, there is a ticket on the problem and we have been waiting to see 1.1.3 to show up in the downloads. Cameras and several specific type computer laptops don't see the updated nodes. There is coffee over against the wall in the Forum waiting area. :-) Bryant W7BDB
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 Subject :Re:Hello.. 2014-08-01- 16:51:36 
Joined: 2013-06-23- 21:07:18
Posts: 2
Forum : Central Ohio
Topic : Hello

KG6JEI, You pretty much explained everything I was wondering. Your comparison about the WRT54GL and the Ubiquitl is a good one, a price comparison shows that you might be better off not getting the WRT. Thanks for the help!
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 Subject :More VLAN Questions.. 2014-08-01- 13:39:24 
Joined: 2014-03-02- 19:10:56
Posts: 7
Location: Arizona
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : More VLAN Questions

I am running 1.1 firmware on a Bullet M5-HP and trying to set up a DHCP WAN connection. I picked up a small HP Procurve 1700-8 managed switch and am attempting to sort out the VLAN settings.

The HP has a default VLAN set with a VLAN ID of 1 that all 8 ports are assigned to. I created a second VLAN with an ID of 2 and assigned the last 2 ports (7 & 8)  of the switch to it. I also un-assigned them from vlan 1. So ports 1-6 are on vlan 1 and ports 7-8 are on vlan 2. No trunks were created. Ports 7-8 were marked to pass tagged only traffic and  ports 1-6 to pass all traffic. No ingress filtering was set.

I am unable to pick up an address for the WAN with a external DHCP server attached to either port 7 or 8. I am missing something here. Does a trunk need to be created?

The release notes in the firmware mentions untagged = LAN, vlan1 = WAN . and vlan2 = DTD Linking. Are these actual id numbers critical?

Anyone have an HP switch setup they can share?

Thanks, Dave,  K7DMK

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