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 Subject :Re:DHCP goof.. 2014-07-18- 14:21:22 
Joined: 2014-04-15- 13:36:39
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : DHCP goof

ok, here is what I did to "fix" it. All nodes are setup and have the same username/password/ssid. What I did was I had 1 node that was setup as a access point, and I changed to a node (and DHCP selected...) Once the node was online, I plugged into a port (linksys router) and typed http://localnode:8080 in my browser, and I brought one of the other devices I was having problems with (nodes) online. I was able to get to it from the node status page. It gave the IP of the node that had the DHCP unselected.. I changed it, rebooted and whalah.... Hope this helps someone in the future.
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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Bullet M2-HP doesn't see other Linksys Mesh Routers.. 2014-07-18- 14:14:47 
Joined: 2013-06-08- 23:43:21
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Bullet M2-HP doesn't see other Linksys Mesh Routers

Thanks Andre.........fixed........"same release problem" was the issue. The Linksys routers were an earlier release. Updating them fixed this issue. Great help.........73, David
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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti Bullet M2-HP doesn't see other Linksys Mesh Routers.. 2014-07-18- 11:34:15 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Bullet M2-HP doesn't see other Linksys Mesh Routers

Please confirm:

  • All are on the same release (e.g. BBHN 1.1.x)
  • All use the default SSID
  • None are Ethernet-connected to each other (the only network they share is the RF Mesh)
  • You haven't modified the OLSR Secure key
  • The Linksys nodes haven't decided to mesh on a channel other than 1

Andre, K6AH

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Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Ubiquiti Bullet M2-HP doesn't see other Linksys Mesh Routers.. 2014-07-18- 11:08:05 
Joined: 2013-06-08- 23:43:21
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Ubiquiti Bullet M2-HP doesn't see other Linksys Mesh Routers

I have two Linksys WRT54G's that "see" each other on the mesh.  Today I flashed a Ubiquiti Bullet that I can access with no apparent problem.  However it doesn't "see" the Linksys units and they don't detect it's activity.  All units are on channel one........any thoughts about where I went wrong.

I'm new to HSMM so presume it's operator error.


David Reid W6KL

Burbank, Calif.

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 Subject :Improving LQ and ETX meaningfulness?.. 2014-07-18- 10:57:19 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Improving LQ and ETX meaningfulness?

All,  I've been looking at the Link Quality (LQ) and Estimated Transmission Count (ETX) values and finding they don't seem to be representative of "common understanding" reality and don't compare to, for example, the results from a ping.   Granted, this issue may not be a problem as the current #s may work perfectly fine to calculate the best routing paths.  But it bugs me.  Here's a write up of my investigation to tune olsrd parameters in case this bugs you as well.  

The source code of olsrd is using a weighted exponential moving average.   The default olsrd parameter for this weighting is "HysScaling" and a value of "0.5".  The default HelloInterval is 2 seconds.  

This translates to a weighting that only makes significant (~98%) the last 6 packets in 12 seconds to base route decisions on.   The most recently received HELLO packet, if missed, would instantly drop the LQ down 50%, 2 missing in a row, down 75% and close to the threshold to drop the node out of the route table.

The weighting looks like this (add up the values for which of the last 6 hello packets were received to determine LQ):

0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.015625

I'm putting in a HysScaling value of "0.1" to see if LQ and ETX values are better representative.   The 0.5 value may be better for mobile nodes with dynamic environments to better compensate.  But our nodes here in Southern CA are fixed based and LQ should not change so rapidly.   For a weight scaler of "0.1" the route decision (~98%) would be based on the prior 40 packets over 80 seconds.  The first 6 look like this (smoothing further over time):

0.1 0.09 0.081 0.0729 0.06561 0.059049

The weighting value is determined =x(1-x)^i, where x=HysScaling value 0>1, and i is 0, 1,...

This is the theory.  Feel free to shot holes in this, I'd rather not be going down a bogus path and not know it...


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 Subject :Re:v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue.. 2014-07-17- 13:00:28 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 11:08:42
Posts: 3
Location: Garden Grove, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue

Hello again,

There is a connection to DHCP with this issue after all. I tried an older Dell laptop with a 3COM NIC and it will not get an IP address even though my other laptop does. I have also tried using static IPs and gateways, this allows me to get to everything on the network (including SSH to localnode) except to http://localnode:8080. I reverted the N6SER-100 node back to the v1.0.0 firmware and all the issues are gone, even with the older Dell laptop.

I have reverted all my nodes now to v1.0.0 of the firmware and I am sure the cause of this issue will be found. If I can help in anyway let me know.

Thank you all for the development of HSMM and the support.

73, -Dan

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 Subject :Re:v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue.. 2014-07-17- 07:03:32 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 11:08:42
Posts: 3
Location: Garden Grove, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue

Hi Conrad,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am getting an IP address via DHCP. I have also now verified the /etc/config/firewall settings. They are the same on both nodes.

73, -Dan

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 Subject :Re:Antenna Source Ontario.. 2014-07-17- 01:26:10 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 21:10:26
Posts: 15
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Antenna Source Ontario

Great info thanks VE3RRD

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-17- 01:26:44 By VA3MFD for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Antenna Source Ontario.. 2014-07-17- 01:04:01 
Joined: 2013-06-19- 16:54:27
Posts: 44
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Antenna Source Ontario

Bob Morton VE3BFM/VE3WY (near Everett) sells a couple of versions of omni antennas and a high gain yagi (with weather shroud). Although I don't see them listed on his website, he does stock them: . Bob also sells the required LMR240 jumper (RP-TNC to N) which he can make up to your required length. You can also order the TP-LINK 24dBi Grid Parabolic (TL-ANT2424B) from Staples online: or from "The Source" online: 73, AL VE3RRD

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-17- 01:06:51 By VE3RRD for the Reason
 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-16- 16:55:16 
Joined: 2014-07-13- 12:56:54
Posts: 3
Location: North Texas
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

I received the 25 dBi Yaagi from China in only 12 days @ $10.80 including shipping... put it up today.. wola^ . Got my one and only contact, Bob af5rs, but he is only about 1000 feet away. However I could not reach him on either my omnidirectional 16 dBi Omni ($3.68), or my $12 Airlink 9 dBi Omni. So, even though I think the gain on all of these is grossly over stated, the bargain yagi does at least work... somewhat...
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 Subject :BBHN 1.10 device integration.. 2014-07-16- 14:31:14 
Joined: 2014-01-21- 22:45:37
Posts: 4
Location: Lino Lakes, MN
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN 1.10 device integration

Updated to the 1.1.0 firmware on my mesh - multiple nodes both ubiquiti and linksys..

In 1.0.0, I had been utilizing laptops with Linux and OLSRD - this allows both extension of the mesh as well as access to web tools like trivnetdb, etc - directly from a laptop rather than having to pair each laptop up with a WRT router or whatnot.   Also quite useful to temporarily bridge an isolated BBHN mesh to the internet via a USB 3G phone or equivalent. 

In the new firmware olsrd on a laptop complains that all packets from the mesh are insane... :-)

[ENC]Rejecting packet from
[ENC]Packet not sane!

Has anyone else had this issue?   This is after modeling the config file after the BBHN configuration including the olsrd_secure_key

For interoperability with other BBHN nodes I would rather not turn off the secure plugin, although it might be tempting if no solution eventually presents itself.  

I thought this might be related to time synchronization but that appears to be ok.  

Any suggestions?

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 Subject :Re:v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not.. 2014-07-16- 08:33:11 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not

Assigned BBHN->ticket:55
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 Subject :Re:v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue.. 2014-07-16- 08:22:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue

When plugged into N6SER are you receiving an IP address ?

You may be hitting the issue being described

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 Subject :Re:combining 5ghz with 2.4ghz.. 2014-07-16- 07:07:20 
Joined: 2013-06-16- 19:14:29
Posts: 7
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : combining 5ghz with 2.4ghz

thank you for the information and a lot to think about the configuration of connecting the two this helps me decide how to link the two up
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 Subject :v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue.. 2014-07-15- 17:56:22 
Joined: 2013-12-14- 11:08:42
Posts: 3
Location: Garden Grove, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.0 to v1.1.2 issue

I have the simple network shown in the attached picture. The N6SER-100 node is a WRT54G v2 and my node, WA6PZB-100 is a WRT54GS v2. The issue is that while I am connected to the LAN port on N6SER-100 with the PC, I cannot view the status page either via localnode:8080 or N6SER-100:8080 or via any of the combinations of FQDN and IP address URLs. However I can access N6SER-100 from the PC connected to the LAN port of the WA6PZB-100 node. I can ping localnode on the PC connected to N6SER-100 and can even SSH to it via the LAN port. Very weird, I did not have this issue with v1.0.0  firmware.

 mesh.jpg [53 KB] :: Diagram
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Last Edited On: 2014-07-16- 07:31:16 By wa6pzb for the Reason Update
 Subject :Re:v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not.. 2014-07-15- 17:55:32 
Joined: 2013-04-24- 12:58:28
Posts: 5
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not

3)WRT54G v2 1)WRT54G v3 were the ones I tried to connect the camera. I have a WRT54GS (no version listed) but its the node for here in my shack I never tried it with the camera. This WRT54GS v4 seems to be working fine. Bryant W7BDB
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 Subject :Re:v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not.. 2014-07-15- 16:34:57 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not

For reference in case it turns out to be on our side:

What were the other 5 nodes you said you had issue with ? (Type and version of hardware)

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 Subject :Re:v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not.. 2014-07-15- 16:26:00 
Joined: 2013-04-24- 12:58:28
Posts: 5
Forum : Firmware
Topic : v1.0.x to v1.1.2, one PC discovered, other not

Update from my small world. I might have mentioned the node I had been using for the camera died, never figured out why but got tired of messing with it. None of my laptops could bring it up. So today I hit the Goodwill and grabbed another router. This one turned out to be a WRT54GS version 4, a model I haven’t found before. So I wrestled with loading the firmware because of the current struggles. Since I saw it was a different upload than what I had used for all my other WRT54G models I turned it into a node. Decided there is nothing to lose so I powered up the camera and plugged it in. The camera was detected and everything came right up and it works great. Bryant W7BDB
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 Subject :BBHN v1.1.2 release notes?.. 2014-07-15- 15:48:11 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 18:36:48
Posts: 13
Location: Preston, CT
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN v1.1.2 release notes?


  Just noticed that BBHN just release version 1.1.2.  What are the release notes for the upgrade from v1.1.1?

--73 de N1OBU (Doug)(FN41AN)

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 Subject :Re:OLSR on Ubuntu.. 2014-07-15- 12:07:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : OLSR on Ubuntu

A laptop doesn't need to be running OLSR to participate. 

You can hard wire in or put an access point in to move the traffic off the ham band into the part 15 band allowing local users to gain access without advanced configuration and allowing the mesh channel to not receive unneeded local interference.

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