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 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 10:04:15 
Joined: 2014-03-18- 14:49:02
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Location: North Texas, USA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

Guess there are forum limitations since the webpage does not take up the full use of my browser window either.
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Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO
President Denton County Amateur Radio Association
Emergency Management Professional
 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 09:55:17 
Joined: 2014-03-18- 14:49:02
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Location: North Texas, USA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

Well those images did not come up very well. Guess I need to find a different host for the images so that they will appear in full scale resolution.
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Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO
President Denton County Amateur Radio Association
Emergency Management Professional
 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 09:40:33 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
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Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

I'll be interested in hearing your take on them. Please post your results. Thanks, Eric. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 09:39:44 
Joined: 2014-03-18- 14:49:02
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Location: North Texas, USA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

Here are the images I just took for screen captures off our Anritsu SiteMaster S332E. This is using the antenna that is labelled 25dBi for 2.4GHz purchased from eBay. (NOTE I AM NOT AN EXPERT WITH THE SITEMASTER.) I did not have the software installed to make actual images from the screen so these are just iPhone shots.


Return Loss

Smith Chart

I am in no way an expert with the SiteMaster, so these images may be useless. However, here they are for reference. My initial impression with the plots is that it is not 25 dBi gain like the claim, however the coax is pretty small and it does not have designators to reference so it could be very lossy there. 

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Last Edited On: 2014-07-08- 10:02:48 By KD7CAO for the Reason Better picture links for full resolution images.
Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO
President Denton County Amateur Radio Association
Emergency Management Professional
 Subject :Re:1.1.0 DNS Propagation.. 2014-07-08- 09:10:19 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 1.1.0 DNS Propagation

Appears to be an unrelated issue.

I would suggest DIRECT mode until a fix comes out.

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 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 09:01:20 
Joined: 2014-03-18- 14:49:02
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Location: North Texas, USA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

K6AH> We actually have one ham that has ordered a NanoBridge. I just received my connectors in the mail for the adaptation of RP-SMA to N and will be connecting to our Anritsu SiteMaster. I am curious about how well this antenna works as well. I will say this, in actual use I have noticed a significant improvement in directionality and receive signal indicators. For the price it was well worth purchasing one to try out.
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Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO
President Denton County Amateur Radio Association
Emergency Management Professional
 Subject :Re:DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 08:51:25 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

I've heard mixed reviews on the 25dBi yagi... logic tells me the boom is much too wide for the length of the elements. You would do well to at least consider the NanoBridge as an alternative. It also gives you both vertical and horizontal radiation patterns which you may find real useful in high-noise environments. Andre, K6AH
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San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-07-08- 08:25:08 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

Basics sells the TP-Link line of wifi stuff on their website. They have yagis, grills and omnis. I bought my grill (dish) and omni from them, had them delivered to the nearest store for pickup. $50 each. Radioworld sells a MFJ yagi I've been trying. Works reasonably well for $40, and has a 1/4" nut so I can put it on a camera tripod. Finally, you can make a 'cantenna' for about $20 of Home Depot parts and a bulkhead N connector. You'll also need a couple of RP-TNC to N pigtails. I got mine from E-Bay for about $7 each. Have fun.
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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :DCARA Recommended Equipment.. 2014-07-08- 08:13:16 
Joined: 2014-03-18- 14:49:02
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Location: North Texas, USA
Forum : Denton/North TX
Topic : DCARA Recommended Equipment

DCARA Members,

Many of you have been asking for information as to which antennas and equipment I've purchased to go along with my Ubiquiti Rocket M2. For the sake of simplicity I am compiling the list here:

Rocket M2

Ubiquiti Rocket M2 (many vendors available, purchase through club and we will have connectors and cable available soon.)

25dBi Yagi for 2.4GHz

2.4 GHz 25dBi Yagi:

TP-Link 2.4GHz 12dBi Vertical

2.4GHz 12dBi Omni Directional:

Sorry image link is not cooperating.

N-Maile to RP-SMA 24" Cable LMR-400 Ultraflex:

All said and done with a little hunting I've only spent around $200 on the complete package. 

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Eric Gildersleeve KD7CAO
President Denton County Amateur Radio Association
Emergency Management Professional
 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-07-08- 07:48:55 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 21:10:26
Posts: 15
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

I will try those out and see what I can do, Im still stock with antennas right now though so it might be impossible until i get my hands on a yagi or the likes, just looking for a good source to buy from.

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 Subject :Re:1.1.0 DNS Propagation.. 2014-07-08- 07:29:34 
Joined: 2012-06-16- 17:56:37
Posts: 10
Location: Las Vegas, NV DM26
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 1.1.0 DNS Propagation

I'm not sure if 1.1.1 actually fixed the problem. Attached is the screenshot of my configuration setup for the 1.0.0 software. My computer interface is inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

With the 1.0.0 software everything worked. I could see all the nodes and get to them with my web browser as well as ping each node. Not sure if there was some NAT going on in the router but it all worked.

With 1.1.1 I can only ping or access the local node, I can't ping or get to any attached node even though they show up as in the mesh. I can ssh into my local node and it can ping and see everyone but my computer on the lan can only see the local node.

Any ideas? Sounds like a NAT/MASQUERADE/Firewall change.?

KF7PSM - Peter

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"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
Carl Sagan
 Subject :Antenna Source Ontario.. 2014-07-08- 07:29:01 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 21:10:26
Posts: 15
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Antenna Source Ontario

Hi All

I'm building my WRT54G army and was wondering if anyone has a source for antennas in Ontario Canada region? Most of my setup would be mobile for now until i can convince a repeater group to start meshing. Any opinion on the off shore ebay deals?



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 Subject :Re:BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices.. 2014-07-08- 06:57:01 
Joined: 2014-04-24- 07:48:32
Posts: 11
Location: Beavercreek, Ohio (near Dayton)
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices

Got it. Thank you. That did the trick.....
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 Subject :Re:BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices.. 2014-07-08- 06:54:19 
Joined: 2014-04-24- 07:48:32
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Location: Beavercreek, Ohio (near Dayton)
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices

The Software Download page currently shows only v.1.0 firmware for Linksys devices. Is there some other location on the web site where v.1.1 downloads are available?
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 Subject :Re:BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices.. 2014-07-08- 06:52:41 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices

You may need to clear the cashe in your browser for the update to show up. 


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 Subject :Re:BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices.. 2014-07-08- 06:46:06 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices

Releases have been available since July 7th.

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 Subject :BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices.. 2014-07-08- 06:38:59 
Joined: 2014-04-24- 07:48:32
Posts: 11
Location: Beavercreek, Ohio (near Dayton)
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN v.1.1 Release for Linksys Devices

When will v.1.1.0 firmware for Linksys devices be available on the download page?

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 Subject :Re:Backward compatability?.. 2014-07-08- 04:45:22 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
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Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Backward compatability?


I totally get it... and we have discussed this issue recently.  Unfortunately it's not here yet.  Thanks for your thoughts on the subject and we hope to be able to include such a feature in the future.

Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Backward compatability?.. 2014-07-08- 04:41:02 
Joined: 2012-06-16- 17:56:37
Posts: 10
Location: Las Vegas, NV DM26
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Backward compatability?

Well not 50 that was as an example, but we have about 10 nodes up now on one side of the valley and are slowly building around the valley. Problem is some nodes are managed by the same OP who got permission to be at some QTH's tower. I'm sure the owner of the QTH doesn't want to be bothered with "CAN YOU UPGRADE MY NODE" requests so if a Op has 5 or 6 of these sites, it becomes a pain to drive out and upgrade. I thought possibly it could be done remotely by upgrading the furthest point out first but after reading the threads it seems that is not possible as the unit defaults to an access point. Maybe that is something that can be discussed for future versions. I see these networks getting larger and larger with the release of 5.8Ghz and 3.4Ghz nodes and at some point upgrading would be nice.


73 de KF7PSM Peter

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"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
Carl Sagan
 Subject :Re:Backward compatability?.. 2014-07-08- 04:35:37 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
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Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Backward compatability?

Chek the release notes: Two features break compatibility: 1) OLSRd Secure 2) OLSR Link Quality metric costs. The new version supports directly connected ethernet with a metric cost of "0.1" You are not compelled to upgrade. I suggest you weigh the cost/benefit and decide whether its worth your while. Wow, do you really have a 50 node mesh in Las Vegas? Andre, K6AH
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Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
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