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 Subject :Re:Connecting an old android phone to hsmm?.. 2014-06-26- 08:54:27 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : Connecting an old android phone to hsmm?

Well WX5U,

I am not a part of the development team either and do get this hsmm-mesh confused ALL the

time :)

Now to get serious, I was just wondering if it could be possible because I have been tinkering around

with softphone apps and software and setting up a raspberry pi with asterisk last weekend. Got asterisk

running great as far as I can tell. Even had my cheap repurposed android (no carrier) phone connected

to asterisk with a softphone app. I consider that an amazing accomplishment since I only have started

to go back to school for networking and haven't even gotten to the networking classes.

Consider this to get more users of hsmm - repurposing someones 'outdated' android phone so that they can have continuous coverage and talk as if they were on a two meter repeater? Much like

repurposing the wrt54g's. How many old androids do you have sitting around gathering dust that

could be used?

Now to figure out the five Linksys SPA's I have coming (have gotten three so far) from sales on epay

and get them configured with the four meshed routers and the raspberry pi. Still have to get the

rasp pi loaded with hsmm-pi ware so that I can have that as a stand alone. Will be testing this out

at FD this weekend for the fun and giggles of doing it. Also planning a IR camera onsite that can be

remotely controlled from a users interface.

Currently trying to talk one of the local clubs into using a hsmm link for their ancillary control of their

two meter repeater and give up the POTS line they have that costs them. Same one that I am doing

FD with this year.

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:Node Splash Page.. 2014-06-26- 04:15:31 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : General
Topic : Node Splash Page

Thanks, Conrad. Points 1 & 2 are well taken. The services page works fine as it stands, and I don't think I want to mess with that. I think I'll limit my changes to modifying the 'index.html' page to add some text describing the purpose and location of the node, and brief instructions on how to use the services page. That should be pretty harmless, and help mesh novices a bit. It would be nice to capture visitor's callsigns as well. I use a little Perl program, 'Hamchat', that I got from this website for that purpose, advertised on the services page.
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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area.. 2014-06-26- 03:40:16 
Joined: 2014-06-19- 09:54:41
Posts: 1
Forum : Philadelphia
Topic : Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area

Hello All, In Sharon Hill, Delaware County FM29iv, and have a Node ready but cannot see any others and not sure if I should put it on roof or keep it as portable. Its a WRT54GL with one 15dB Omni directional and 1 24dB parabolic. I have tested for a couple weeks now but am just not able to see another one, I did connect successfully with a spare I have, so I know its all working. I Hope to see more soon.
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 Subject :Houston area.. 2014-06-26- 01:26:27 
Joined: 2012-01-12- 01:58:19
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Houston area

5 WRT54's enroute to my home here in Humble, and hope to start building up some nodes in the Humble area. Looking for contacts and possible tunnels/links across town once I start building my nodes.

Chris Engleman
Humble, Texas 

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 Subject :Re:Connecting an old android phone to hsmm?.. 2014-06-25- 16:51:20 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : General
Topic : Connecting an old android phone to hsmm?

No, not unless you write/configure some software for your Android phone. 

You'd need to figure out how to put the Android's wifi into ad-hoc mode, which seems to be difficult to do.  Then you'd need to load OLSR and configure it to connect to broadband-hamnet.  There are probably some other steps I'm not aware of.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Connecting an old android phone to hsmm?.. 2014-06-25- 14:48:09 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : Connecting an old android phone to hsmm?

I am wondering if there is a way to connect an old wifi capable android phone to a node without

utilizing a regular router as a go between?

I know there 'probably' is a way to do it, I just haven't either located it or I am not fully

understanding mesh nodes that well.

Just thinking that this may be a way to entice other hams into checking out hsmm and all.

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:Node Splash Page.. 2014-06-25- 12:04:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Node Splash Page

A couple items to think on.

1) The use of port 8080 comes from when the nodes defaulted to NAT mode, and because NAT mode is still an option.  If the mesh node runs a server on port 80 than users would not be able to run their own server on port 80 and direct to it. This is why the web interface is on a different port.

2) Not saying we can't do better with the services page,  I will say though the thought that this will be used by someone whom needs to look for nodes that doesn't know to look at the status screen is not a good situation for an Emergency deployment.  Ideally you want individuals to be trained.  Modifying the pages on the node itself doesn't make sense in this regard since if they don't know about services they likely wont know about localnode either.

I can see the the concept of captive portal on an Access Point that might be providing a link from local users on non mesh devices into the mesh (with rules,  links to some local services etc) and can understand how that could prove to be an advantage. How that would interact and what it would do  is of course a bigger topic.   It should not run on the Mesh Node  itself it should run on the access point device (now be that a meshap or some other device is a different topic as well.) There may be some OpenWRT based firmware or similar already avalible on the web to create simple captive portal access points. I'm sure I have seen a distro or two, but can't recall off hand the names.

Mark:  Ah Ha! you must be the gentleman with the 2 node backpack.... Hey did any of us get a photo of that?  ( Doh! moment now that I think upon it )

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 Subject :Re:Accessing mesh node status through conventional router?.. 2014-06-25- 11:49:57 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Accessing mesh node status through conventional router?

Did you plug the mesh node's WAN port into a LAN port on your home network router? 

You won't be able to see the mesh from your home network.  You should be able to get to the mesh node status page, but not any other mesh nodes, nor any devices attached to your mesh node.  

If the IP address your home router gave to your mesh node is, you'd go to and be able to see the status page of the mesh node itself, and that's all.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Node Splash Page.. 2014-06-25- 05:22:58 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : General
Topic : Node Splash Page

Thanks for responding, Sean & Mark. Mark, your screen shots didn't come through.

Lacking any skill with Perl, I've decided to fool around with the 'index.html' page. There's a 'refresh' meta-tag that does the redirect. By pulling that and building a static page with some links to the node's resources, I can do almost what I want. For example, a link to the node status page to go to the built in web admin system, plus a direct link to a message board (Hamchat) or IRC server on the node. These are link local, so don't require any dynamic updating. Some introductory verbage is nice as well for the uninitiated.

I'd like to see a more user-friendly advertised services page too. The automatic way the links propagate the mesh is absolutely essential to a simple, rapid deployment scenario. So I'm not going to mess with that. But a basic welcome page cueing new users on where to find links to services should be simple.  At a demo recently, just putting 'connect to localnode:8080' on a whiteboard was sufficient to get most people on the right page. From that point, using a  simple captive portal to capture call-signs or email addresses of attendees would be perfect. So far, the captive portals I've found are too complex for me to try at my current level of Linux knowledge. Plus I risk breaking the existing web services.


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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Node Splash Page.. 2014-06-25- 03:33:47 
Joined: 2014-01-01- 13:06:12
Posts: 41
Location: Albuquerque NM
Forum : General
Topic : Node Splash Page

I'm with you 100%.  Rather than connect to the status via port 8080 I think there should be a more general purpose and informative HTML page maybe with some simple graphics when connecting via port 80.  It would be nice to have some user information displayed so others know what they're connecting to.  Here is my status page for the node on my tower:

Below is the status page I did for my pedistrian mobile node/WAP I had strapped to my backpack at Hamcom a couple weeks ago.

I didn't have much luck trying to serve up images when I messed around with this.  Not sure if that's a limitation of the node page generation or not. 

I think augmenting the information on the advertised services page would be useful too instead of just a static link.  Not saying the existing pages are wrong or bad, but as the mesh evolves it'd be nice to improve the user experience, so in general use we don't always have to see how the sausage is made just to use it.

Mark K5LXP

Albuquerque, NM

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Mark K5LXP
 Subject :PC Engines WRAP 2c connected but...... 2014-06-24- 15:59:11 
Joined: 2014-06-11- 21:17:19
Posts: 4
Location: NW Alberta
Forum : Hardware
Topic : PC Engines WRAP 2c connected but....

Well with out to much trouble I got a PC Engines WRAP 2c embedded PC that I had laying around to connect to my other node. 

Now to figure out how to move over the BBHN status page and service announcement.  The status page doesn't look to difficult, but not sure where to start on the service announcement, anybody in the know who can point me in the right direction?


Sean, VE6SAR 

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Sean Smith, VE6SAR
Mackenzie Regional Radio Club
 Subject :Re:Node Splash Page.. 2014-06-24- 14:13:11 
Joined: 2014-06-11- 21:17:19
Posts: 4
Location: NW Alberta
Forum : General
Topic : Node Splash Page

I was poking around a node today and seems if you were to look in the www directory you could edit the HTML files there to add links.

--edit If you edit /www/cgi-bin/status you can add what ever you want to the splash page. It's written in Perl so make you use the right syntax


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Last Edited On: 2014-06-24- 16:53:07 By VE6SAR for the Reason
Sean Smith, VE6SAR
Mackenzie Regional Radio Club
 Subject :Re:Mesh in the UK.. 2014-06-24- 14:00:43 
Joined: 2014-04-04- 19:26:09
Posts: 19
Location: Christchurch NZ
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh in the UK

A quick look with Google "13cm amateur band" gives the RSGB band plan. That shows the (ISM) range 2.4GHz-2.450GHz (which is what WiFi uses worldwide) as allocated to amateur satellite. I don't know how much that is used for satellites with the megawatts (?) of terrestrial WiFi in every city. Anyway, I doubt that an extra 73mW from each mesh node would cause any more interference, especially if you used directional antennas. Anyway, WiFi is legal, isn't it. The mesh uses WiFi hardware. 73, Graham ZL3GSL
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73, Graham ZL3GSL
 Subject :Mesh in the UK.. 2014-06-24- 09:31:57 
Joined: 2012-11-18- 07:24:42
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh in the UK


I've not been able to find anything that will answer my question on here so far.

In the UK, the 13cm band was shared by radio amateurs and the military. However, the military has said that they no longer need the band, so it has lost most of its space. I am currently struggling to find information about it.

I'd like to know if the mesh is still usable, or whether there is not enough bandwidth to do so any more?

Are there any UK amateurs on here who can help?



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 Subject :Re:NPARC - Niagara Peninsula ARC.. 2014-06-24- 02:27:08 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : NPARC - Niagara Peninsula ARC

Hi, Eric;

I was in Fonthill last week with a mobile node, and connected to VE3PLF from various places around town. Saw another node connect at one point. I could send a screen shot if you like; would that constitute a QSL card?

Radio Mobile Online is telling me we have a shot at a viable link between Fonthill and our Hamilton repeater site. 47 Km, but nice line of sight.

I need a couple of details to help flesh that out:

 - What's the gain on your omni?

- What's the bullet's power output? I think default is 28 dBm?

I only have WRT's and Nanostations at the moment. I can test with a WRT54 and a 24 db dish, but would want something like a Rocket for a fixed link. Our site is at the corner of Upper Gage and Fennel in Hamilton, height above ground is 220 feet (or 75 m)

Your thoughts? 73

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Last Edited On: 2014-06-24- 02:29:40 By VE3RTJ for the Reason
73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:questions and concerns regarding exposure.. 2014-06-23- 14:28:36 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : questions and concerns regarding exposure

I am guessing if you are considering 8 watts, you have a path issue. Possibly trees? Microwave propagation works much differently than lower frequencies. More power 99% of the time will accomplish nothing, or next to it. Time to consider; 1.) more height on either end or both, and/or something in between to repeat you 2.) Gear on non microwave frequencies. I just looked at your QTH on street view, you have less tree's than where I live in Wisconsin. Try and talk to whoever owns that 200 foot tower not to far away. Looks like there is other microwave gear on there. Looks like line of site to that would be easy. Exposure has to do with field strengths. I'd be more concerned about if you have a bluetooth dongle in your ear most of the day, than something just 50 feet off the ground at even a few hundred watts ERP.
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 Subject :Re:Looking to setup a node.. 2014-06-23- 12:39:27 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 11:25:33
Posts: 1
Location: Clifton Park, NY
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Looking to setup a node

Hey KD2DAS, I also live off Exit 8 in Clifton Park. Any success with the Mesh on Linksys? I need an elmer of sorts.
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 Subject :Re:Re:Central Virginia EmComm Mesh.. 2014-06-23- 07:31:09 
Joined: 2013-05-15- 07:25:14
Posts: 2
Location: Northern Virginia
Forum : Central VA
Topic : Central Virginia EmComm Mesh

Hey sorry I dropped off the radar. My emails are a mess and trying to clean and sort things out. Yeah I'll look into this project. I am definitely interested in seeing what can be done. 73 kk4qgd

[kk4zuu 2014-06-18- 13:09:34]:

Hi Derek, The Ole Virginia Hams in Manassas is discussing setting up a BBHN node at their repeater location at NOVEC, 10323 Lomond Drive. Ole Virginia Hams: My node is up in Centreville, its posted on remoteamateur and here on this sites googlemap mesh map. 73, David, kk4zuu

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Derek B. Velez KK4QGD (CCNA, Security+)
Sh1n0b1 Network o.O
 Subject :Re:IAX?.. 2014-06-23- 07:31:00 
Joined: 2014-06-03- 08:30:27
Posts: 7
Forum : VoIP
Topic : IAX?

There's a fair amount out there if you look for it, but it's usually NIB and not surplussed gear. Nice thing about asterix is that it supports both IAX and SIP for those that wish to use it. As for me, I just love how IAX can do NAT traversal like nobodies business!
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 Subject :Re:can't mesh w/100% link quality.. 2014-06-23- 06:34:03 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : can't mesh w/100% link quality


All the comments I've given above apply to being able to link in one spot but not another spot.

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