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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-14- 15:38:53 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Hi Mark: Still no luck. Turned off firewalls at both the laptop connected to WA8ZLK-003 and the desktop connected to WA8ZLK-002. Set both mesh nodes to NAT mode and rebooted. Got new DHCP leases at both ends and reconnected each machine to their http:/localnode:8080 Both nodes see each other well they should they're only 20 ft apart. I can log on to either node from either computer so the mesh appears to be working AOK. Port forwarding rules at both nodes look like this: Interface = WiFi ~ Type = TCP ~ Outside Port = 4500 ~ Lan IP = Localnode, LAN port = 4500 At WA8ZLK-003 The focus Phone Address Book Entry looks like this: Name = Andy-2 ~ Address = WA8ZLK-002 ~ Info = blank or empty At WA8ZLK- 002 it looks like this: Name = Andy-3 ~ Address = WA8ZLK-003 ~ Info = blank or empty After a few seconds I get a cannot connect message with suggesting of wrong address. I have not enabled pinging per your reply of 1-5-14 "netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable". Where is this to be run? In Windows or on a mesh-node? Thanks again in advance for you help Mark. 73 De Andy WA8ZLK
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 Subject :Re:ubiquiti bullet firmware that is coming out... 2014-01-14- 12:19:39 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : ubiquiti bullet firmware that is coming out.

That is correct. The Bullet M2 (non-HP) does not have enough space. Best save up for the M2-HP.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :ubiquiti bullet firmware that is coming out... 2014-01-14- 12:10:10 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : ubiquiti bullet firmware that is coming out.

Dear Members,

I read in the press release that the new firmware would work in the

Ubiquiti Bullet M2 HP.  I am assuming that it won't work in the M2

that is not High Power.   If this is correct .. then I will save up a few

more pennies for the HP model.  Thanks to all for the hard work in

converting this piece of equipment over to the Broadband Hamnet

version 1 softare.  I have been waiting until you were done to jump

into this MESHNET game.  I better get my order in quickly as I suspect

they will go fast as soon as the word gets out.


73 Dave


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 Subject :Water tight enclosures.. 2014-01-14- 11:25:21 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 08:05:31
Posts: 35
Location: Stormy Acres
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Water tight enclosures

I looked but didn't find anything on the subject of enclosures for the routers.  I currently looking at a "Tupperware" type container (stole it from the XYL's kitchen, with her permission) that will hold the WRT54G router, is water tight and will allow me cable access through one of the sides which will become the bottom when mounted.  I am curious what other enclosures are being used.

Kirk - N6SXR

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 Subject :Re:World's smallest PBX?.. 2014-01-14- 02:58:41 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : VoIP
Topic : World's smallest PBX?

That is a raspberry Pi!
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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-13- 14:37:30 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Thanks again Mark; I hope to set my meshes up again this week. I'll try your suggestions. Wonder how I missed the install insturctions 73 de Andy
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 Subject :The Kansas City Market Area.. 2014-01-13- 11:56:21 
Joined: 2013-12-20- 23:08:41
Posts: 1
Location: Olathe, KS
Forum : General
Topic : The Kansas City Market Area

We are currently setting up node sites for a zoned node approach for the installation of a 6 meter repeater system in the Kansas City Metro / Market area.  The idea is to make it possible for low powered 6 meter RF transmitters to be able to communicate long distances without having the requirement of 100 watt equipment.  All of these nodes are currently linked to a central transmitter site via RF links and a voter system. 

We are exploring the best use for the internet connections and how to apply these sites with the latest Amateur radio experimentation, linking and possibly other modes of Amateur operation.  

What has this to do with Meshing?  

We have currently identified and established geographical node sites in Kansas City, Mo, Raytown, MO, Mid town KC, MO (Plaza area), Olathe, Kansas, Shawnee, Kansas and Independence, MO.  Still have the hardware capability for 5 each more cities / locations / nodes.  

Most all locations have internet access, tower and equipment areas.   Room for other options, like Meshing or other.  In networking and wide area (wifi ) it seemed this opportunity would be a natural.  

Looking for interested parties, ideas, suggestions and general interest.  


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 Subject :Deployment Hardware.. 2014-01-12- 07:38:30 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : L.I./NYC
Topic : Deployment Hardware

Here are some pics of one of my nodes undergoing tests. I left the onmi on the right and added the YAGI to the left antenna jack... This node is POE powered and will hopefully go on top of a 35 story building nearby... YAGI will establish long range linking and the omni for local connections...



Interior View


First Outdoor Node

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 Subject :Re:Getting involved. Let's build something... 2014-01-12- 05:19:26 
Joined: 2013-11-11- 11:12:42
Posts: 16
Location: Hilltop Mineral Wells EM54bx
Forum : Mid-south (MS/TN/AR)
Topic : Getting involved. Let's build something.

For those interested parties. Doesn't seem to be a lot of activity of late.

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Last Edited On: 2014-01-12- 05:32:37 By KD5CKP for the Reason

I dont have any of the chat clients listed in the profile section, but if you would like to contact me via chat I am on Google Hangouts most days via my callsign @
 Subject :Intro & Goals.. 2014-01-11- 14:58:49 
Joined: 2014-01-10- 09:44:35
Posts: 1
Location: Connecticut
Forum : General
Topic : Intro & Goals

I just joined and got approved yesterday. I heard about HSMM-Mesh a couple of months ago. Took a quick look, decided it was interesting and set it aside. A week ago I was at a ham event and it was discussed, so I decided to take another look. I already owned a WRT54G (v4) which wasn't in use, then I ordered two WRT54GL's. I also have a couple of beams on order but they seem to be on the slow boat from China.

I have already configured the three routers and connected them together in the house. I inadvertently put one in access point mode and it took me a whole day to figure out how to get it out of that mode. It was easy once I found the correct instructions and followed them. I have already connected computers to the routers and connected to them (SSH) to prove connectivity. It takes some getting used to as on my home network I normally refer to them by name (<name>.local) vice by ip address. I still need to learn about how to see what components are connected to the network (else I'll need to use static ip's to ensure they don't mess things up on a random reboot).

My initial goal is to setup a network between my house, my friends house (yes a ham), and the club repeater site. I've long wanted to set up parameter monitoring there (room temperature, humidity, battery voltage, etc). I presently expect to put a Raspberry Pi at the site, probably wired to the router. On this end I would like to do some automated processing of the information so it's visible on the Internet and perhaps APRS. One of the things I need to learn here is how to have a computer utilize two different networks (HSMM-Mesh & Internet).

I'll be counting on getting information and advice here. I am still working on reading the recommended book. I'm about halfway through it.

-- Chip/n1mie

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 Subject :Re:Welcome to the UBNT Forum.. 2014-01-11- 07:15:23 
Joined: 2011-10-27- 10:48:43
Posts: 21
Location: Vancouver, WA CN85rq
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Welcome to the UBNT Forum

Good deal. I've been patiently waiting for this (not really so patient).
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 Subject :Router Access.. 2014-01-11- 05:59:39 
Joined: 2013-11-27- 15:56:35
Posts: 13
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Router Access

What's the easiest way to connect to the mesh router using terminal commands?  I'd like to take a look at the file structure and be able to create new folders, etc.


Dick, W4RSS

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 Subject :Re:WEBPOWERSWITCH.COM.. 2014-01-11- 05:46:47 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : General

GOT it to work! I used the WAN port on one of the nodes set to on the subnet... I am able to now use browser to get to web interface of smartswitch... just wish I could get the port forward to use address of WAN to be able to port forward into and out of the LAN port as it is now configured off the network AND subnet... but manually entering the address into the browser will get you to the smartswitch.. Rich N2PPN
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 Subject :Re:How do you connect two or more nodes via LAN connections.. 2014-01-10- 21:34:44 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : How do you connect two or more nodes via LAN connections

A few days ago, someone posted the config changes needed to make two WRT-54 mesh nodes mesh through the LAN ports, but I can't find the post now.

Apparently, the nodes don't "mesh" through the LAN ports unless you log into the router and edit one of the config files.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:WEBPOWERSWITCH.COM.. 2014-01-10- 18:12:03 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : General

I have used these devices a lot and really like them. I have not tried them over the mesh tho. If it won't take the 248 subnet, you may have to use the LAN mode on your mesh node. Can you post a screenshot of the error?
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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-10- 15:14:16 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Hi Andy. Here's the link to the upgrade instructions. Yes, FocusPhone is "portable". There is no requirement for any specific file folder location and no registry entries. I didn't realize that the old firmware offered 5 direct host mode. I also don't know if the 5 direct host set up in the old firmware works the same as 5 direct host does in the new firmware. When I first used FocusPhone, my old firmware HSMM-MESH nodes were set for "NAT" and I used the port forwarding set up described in my 1/24/2012 post (eight posts up the list from this one.) If you're going to use the old firmware, try the setup in the 1/24/12 post using NAT and port forwarding. If you decide to upgrade to the BBHN 1.0.0 firmware, try the steps in my 1/5/2014 post (two up from this one.) Good luck, Mark KV4I
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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2014-01-10- 14:54:10 
Joined: 2012-12-16- 21:19:20
Posts: 9
Location: Youngstown, OH
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Thanks Mark; I am still running the older HSMM-mesh firmware. Haven't attempted re-burning any of my nodes yet. Is the upgrade procedure the same as the original installation or is upgrading more of a patch like process. I haven't seen any instruction posted for the upgrade procedures, have you? Now back to Focus Phone: Both of my nodes were attached to browsers running in Windows 7 Mozilla Fire Fox to be exact. Both node were in 5 DIRECT mode. Should I have been in NAT? Focus phone is working I can see my own mug. You entered the actual node names into the Focus Phone address book correct? Not some related IP address. Focus phone here is running from the desktop on both machines rather than in an appropriate file on the C: drive. It doesn't appear that Focus phone modifies the Windows register ans so it should be portable. Windows 7 has not asked me whether or not I wanted to allow traffic through the wall. Does this happen when you initiate a video call? I appreciate you help on this Mark as I said I am an EE closer to retirement than to the beginning of my carreer but I don't have a lot of experience with Web, networking. Awaiting your reply. Thanks for your help so far. 73 de Andy WA8ZLK
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 Subject :WEBPOWERSWITCH.COM.. 2014-01-10- 14:19:51 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : General

I just "found" a Smart Power Switch from it has a LAN interface which allows it to be controlled over a LAN on port 80 through your browser...

It's default address is subnet ....

I can't seem to get it onto the subnet of the mesh network to be able to use it to control remote devices plugged into it... anyone have experience in reassigning it's address and subnet settings to be able to come up on the mesh??/ it can not be configured for DHCP and can be set to allow access from other subnets, but when I try to give it a 10.xx.xx.xx address on the subnet, it gives me an error message saying invalisd network settings...

Could it be that because I am accessing it over a 192.168.XX.XX network, it disagrees with the changes... I would assume it would accept them and then become unavailable on the 192.XX.XX.XX network and become available on the 10.XX.XX.XX network...

Am I missing something here???? it's been a LOOOONG day at work and I wanted to get this up and running tonight...

Here is a link to the pdf of the manual for the smart switch:



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Last Edited On: 2014-01-10- 14:31:30 By N2PPN for the Reason added link
 Subject :WEBPOWERSWITCH.COM.. 2014-01-10- 14:19:43 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : General

I just "found" a Smart Power Switch from it has a LAN interface which allows it to be controlled over a LAN on port 80 through your browser...

It's default address is subnet ....

I can't seem to get it onto the subnet of the mesh network to be able to use it to control remote devices plugged into it... anyone have experience in reassigning it's address and subnet settings to be able to come up on the mesh??/ it can not be configured for DHCP and can be set to allow access from other subnets, but when I try to give it a 10.xx.xx.xx address on the subnet, it gives me an error message saying invalisd network settings...

Could it be that because I am accessing it over a 192.168.XX.XX network, it disagrees with the changes... I would assume it would accept them and then become unavailable on the 192.XX.XX.XX network and become available on the 10.XX.XX.XX network...

Am I missing something here???? it's been a LOOOONG day at work and I wanted to get this up and running tonight...



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 Subject :Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node.. 2014-01-10- 14:16:14 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Port Forwarding WAN port 80 to Rpi webserver attached to node

A friend of mine has a weather station setup on a Raspberry Pi.  He wants to have the webpage available on the mesh and the internet.  We have have the Rpi connected to a lan port of his mesh node. We have an ethernet cable connected between his home router connecting to the WAN port of the mesh node.  We can connect his rpi directly to the router and get it work on the internet.  We can get it to work on the mesh.

What I can't seem to make happen is port forward WAN port 80 to the RPI port 80.  I believe there is a firewall setting on the mesh node that is blocking port 80.

What is the best way to open up port 80 for forwarding?

Clint, AE5CA

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