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 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-10-08- 17:10:22 
Joined: 2013-07-15- 13:27:16
Posts: 14
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

It is usually something small, I will try that and let you know. BTW Liked your video.
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-10-08- 16:28:49 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

I am glad to hear the video went well. As for your little problem Asterisk is probably not loading because it cannot set the system time. Take a look here, and install a fake harware clock:
This should solve your problem

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI & Asterisk.. 2013-10-08- 14:44:25 
Joined: 2013-07-15- 13:27:16
Posts: 14
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Raspberry PI & Asterisk

I watched KF5JIM’s Video on setting up Asterisk on a Raspberry Pi and I was pleased to see that my installation went just as he had explained it. Everything went well with only one problem. When I went to set up extensions in the Free PBX interface, the extension was grayed out in the Application drop down menu, Help!
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi/Gumstix.. 2013-10-08- 10:19:06 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 16:33:00
Posts: 3
Location: Rhode Island
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi/Gumstix

I am not sure what the problem was, but everything is playing great now between the Linksys and the Raspberry Pi. - Jim WN1X
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 Subject :Re:Request that HSMM-Mesh firmware be created for Ubiquiti Products.. 2013-10-08- 04:18:03 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Request that HSMM-Mesh firmware be created for Ubiquiti Products

Really? Please remember that all those involved with the firmware have real day jobs, and we do not make a dime on this project. In fact, we spend money on it, as we buy gear that gets put into public places, the webserver space is donated, and a host of other little odds and ends that take funds.

If you want it so bad, sit down, do the research, and build it yourself. When you get it done, post it back to us and we will get it up on the site.

Im really am sorry if I come off crass, but many people do not really know what is going on behind the scenes. And impatience of people begging us to deliver on their schedule is a bit irritating, knowing we all here work to make a living, then spend our free time working on this. If someone wants to donate a few hundred thou to pay us salaries so we can work on it full time, then I can see where results could be expected on a timeline. And I for one would be more than happy to do it.

Please dont reply calling me a jerk. I know I am a jerk (well, OK, worse, but I wont type that in a public forum where youngsters and religious folk may read :-) ). Its just that people need to understand that even though UBNT and other gear is great stuff, and WE would love to be able to use it ourselves, time is a major constraint. I mean, I still have 4 nodes here that I need to get upgraded to 1.0.0, and just havent had the time to sit and do it. I have some M3 nanostations/nanobridges that I would LOVE to have meshing up properly instead of just being invisible links. But again, spending time on this does not pay the electric or water or TWBC bills.

The info is out there (the forums here, etc) for individuals to manually handcraft for other platforms. What is needed is someone with the skills to do the crafting on a platform, then package it up and get it back to us to help everyone.


Happy Meshing!

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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Greeting from East Central Wisconsn.. 2013-10-08- 04:07:05 
Joined: 2013-10-07- 16:18:44
Posts: 6
Location: Seymour, WI
Forum : General
Topic : Greeting from East Central Wisconsn

Hello all. I am from The Fox Cities area in east central Wisocnsin and the recent Qst and CQ magazine articles inspired a small group of us (4 as of right now) to begin work on developing mesh in our area. We are all involved in ARES/RACES here and come to the table with different skills that hopefully can put something together. Rig now we are in the process of collecting hardware and hopefully next month we will get to meet and discuss and implement ideas. Any guidance and suggestions are more than welcomed. 



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 Subject :Poughkeepsie Area Anyone?.. 2013-10-07- 13:56:30 
Joined: 2013-10-02- 04:40:17
Posts: 1
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Poughkeepsie Area Anyone?

Anyone in the Poughkeepsie area have HSMM-Mesh setup?  I'm working on a solar power permanent node setup in my car!

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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi/Gumstix.. 2013-10-07- 12:29:21 
Joined: 2013-04-09- 05:05:41
Posts: 12
Location: Upstate NY
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi/Gumstix

My RasPi/Alfa AWUS036HN is talking to my three 1.0 flashed Linksys routers just fine using KK6DCI's HSMM-Pi project. I just had to set the WiFi SSID to "BroadbandHamnet-v1" on channel 1.
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 Subject :Re:Request that HSMM-Mesh firmware be created for Ubiquiti Products.. 2013-10-07- 12:23:04 
Joined: 2012-09-04- 10:57:29
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Request that HSMM-Mesh firmware be created for Ubiquiti Products

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 Subject :Re:Re:Raspberry Pi/Gumstix.. 2013-10-07- 10:13:32 
Joined: 2013-10-01- 16:33:00
Posts: 3
Location: Rhode Island
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi/Gumstix

Have you had a chance to adapt/test with the new version 1?

I am really interested in getting 1.0 to work on the Raspberry Pi. I've got a WRT-54GL running the new software, but have not had much luck getting the Pi to talk to it.

- Jim WN1X
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Last Edited On: 2013-10-07- 10:14:15 By WN1X for the Reason
 Subject :Hello all... 2013-10-07- 03:36:50 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 23:57:50
Posts: 13
Forum : Central Ohio
Topic : Hello all.

Hello all, I'm KD8USI. I have been hacking wifi under part 15 since 2002. I'm looking to build a HSMM network in Columbus Ohio. I'm still getting up to speed with HSMM but if anyone needs help I can work as an Elmer for helping to get nodes online. as of now I have a moded wrt54gl at 12 meters. If you live where the map is yellow we might be able to get a link.  

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 Subject :Re:Request for Columbus Ohio as a Geographical.. 2013-10-06- 16:21:51 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : Request for Columbus Ohio as a Geographical

For Buckeye Meshers who are round on the ends and hi in the middle :-)

Enjoy and Happy Meshing!


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Last Edited On: 2013-10-06- 16:24:06 By K5KTF for the Reason
B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Request for Columbus Ohio as a Geographical.. 2013-10-06- 16:13:18 
Joined: 2013-08-08- 23:57:50
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : Request for Columbus Ohio as a Geographical

Hello I'm starting to try and push more HSMM in to Columbus Ohio, With that end could we make a Central Ohio thread?

as of now I have a 3 watt wrt54gl with 1gb Flash and to 12 dbi omni at 12m. The photo is where I may be able to link to.

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-06- 16:15:24 By KD8USI for the Reason
 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh in the East Bay - Let's build this thing!.. 2013-10-06- 13:44:27 
Joined: 2012-03-18- 19:17:00
Posts: 10
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : HSMM-Mesh in the East Bay - Let's build this thing!

Do you have coordinates for the Mt. Tam site? We might take a shot at it in a few weeks. We are planning links that are in MT. Tams line of site between a few radio clubs.
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 Subject :Re:Signal conditions and Connectivity.. 2013-10-06- 13:30:30 
Joined: 2012-03-18- 19:17:00
Posts: 10
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Signal conditions and Connectivity

We went out and retested the nodes and found that the node we were aiming at had a faulty transmitter.  It was transmitting intermittently.  After a day of successful testing we feel much better.  Nodes can and do go bad.  We found that out the hard way.

Now comes the hard part...networking.

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 Subject :Re:Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??.. 2013-10-06- 11:15:45 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 11:50:24
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??)

Subject :Re:Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??)

Glad to hear that I'm not crazy. This is probably something that should be noted in documentation. (Unless it *IS*, and I missed it.)
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 Subject :Mesh access point: vanilla vs. flashed router?.. 2013-10-06- 10:59:16 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 20:23:52
Posts: 6
Location: Minnesota
Forum : General
Topic : Mesh access point: vanilla vs. flashed router?

I've found that I can just connect a vanilla Linksys router with minimal setup (e.g. set the SSID and a security password) to a mesh node's LAN port and the vanilla router becomes a mesh access point.  My iPad can wirelessly connect to the AP (prompted for password) and then all the mesh services are available in the browser, such as "localnode:8080" for the node status page.

Since this provides the wireless access that I want, including a wifi password if desired, are there any advantages to flashing the router and setting it up as a Hamnet "Mesh Access Point"?


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 Subject :Re:Connecting to other nodes.. 2013-10-06- 08:56:11 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 20:23:52
Posts: 6
Location: Minnesota
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Connecting to other nodes

Oh, now I get it:  If your node uses Direct mode (the default for v.1.0.0), then to get to advertised services you have to use the Hostname of the hosting computer in the URL, not the name of the router node.  So for me, the Mesh Status page has a link to this URL:

http://kd0wsz-2:8888  but this link does not work.  The Hostname of my hosting computer is "laptop" so if instead I use this URL:

http://laptop:8888  then that works.

It would be great if the advertised services (when in Direct mode) would generate link URLs that use the hosting computer's Hostname instead of the name of the router node.


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 Subject :Re:Connecting to other nodes.. 2013-10-06- 08:42:33 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 20:23:52
Posts: 6
Location: Minnesota
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Connecting to other nodes

Right, I'm also finding that to get to advertised services I have to use the connected PC's IP address in the URL, NOT the router's Wifi or LAN IP address.

But there is a problem, I think:  the link generated on the Mesh Status page for advertised services uses the DNS name of the router's wifi IP address, so that link does not work when I click it.  Instead, to access a web server on port 8888, I have to manually type the URL "http://PCIP:8888" where for "PCIP" I enter the IP address of the connected PC.

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 Subject :Re:Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??.. 2013-10-06- 08:27:22 
Joined: 2013-10-04- 20:23:52
Posts: 6
Location: Minnesota
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??)

Subject :Re:Advertised Services not appearing for local hosts (v1.0 AND 0.4.3??)

Yes, you just need to get a second node set up. Then when you refresh the Mesh Status of the first node, it will display its advertized services. (I was puzzled by this same issue for a while.) Paul
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