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 Subject :Re:USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users... 2013-09-07- 19:14:56 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : USB webcams, Webserver for cam, clickable link for users.

Thanks for the reply. While a couple of us could follow along with the project your working on, I was hoping for something more stock and off the shelf for others. We have a couple of people that are great training new people with radio classes but claim no computer know how. I want to beable to toss them a flash drive. Tell them to open Folder "mesh". Install file xyz and then run the program. Bingo it works. I can find software packages that allow me to do just that. Problem is no matter how i configure my node2 to port forward port 80 for a web server, Port1 gets "This webpage is not available. ARG!.
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 Subject :Re:Hyperlink to neighbor node won't work.. 2013-09-07- 19:09:01 
Joined: 2013-07-07- 01:53:59
Posts: 13
Forum : General
Topic : Hyperlink to neighbor node won't work

Ah hah figured out haw the links were made. Now i have a similar problem to you. I click a link and the service like web server is not port forwarded to :80. I've followed about 12 different how to guides on forwarding. I'm wondering now if its a firewall. the url of the requesting browser does not show a port up in the url address bar.
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 Subject :Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-09-07- 10:55:28 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?


OpenWRT's Kamikaze 7.09 (which is what BBHN uses) was made before ubiquiti came into the market, so it is not supported. If BBHN was utilizing newer firmware source code from OpenWRT, it would be supported. It is not a fast task to port BBHN to a newer OpenWRT build, but it can be done (I am slowly working on it).

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 Subject :Re:Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-09-07- 10:36:35 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

what is the reson for this? is it a copy right thing?

[KF5JIM 2013-09-07- 09:32:37]:

You can use ubiquiti equipment. However, as it stands, you have to compile your own firmware compatible with ubiquiti and manually configure the equipment.

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 Subject :Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-09-07- 09:32:37 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

You can use ubiquiti equipment. However, as it stands, you have to compile your own firmware compatible with ubiquiti and manually configure the equipment.
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 Subject :Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-09-07- 08:11:24 
Joined: 2011-07-21- 18:26:36
Posts: 30
Location: kj6dzb-10
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

Ive waited too long for Hsmmmesh or Hamnet firmware, so the check out the . The NW-MESH group has file repository with lots of firmware wrt's and ubiquity hardware. The NW-MESH is not just a North West mesh group. Im located in the SF Bay and just got an IP block. Time to set this up! 73 kj6dzb Mathison
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o.O 73 KJ6DZB
 Subject :Connecting to other nodes.. 2013-09-07- 05:51:23 
Joined: 2013-03-15- 09:05:17
Posts: 31
Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Connecting to other nodes

Just in case others run into the same issue, I've edited my original post to include the SOLUTION I discovered before anyone had a chance to respond.

It really helps to use the IP address of the 'server' and not the node itself! Now that the default mode is '5 Direct' you have to take that into account.  Before with a DMZ of one machine it wasn't an issue.

I learn a lot more when things don't work right the first time! :-)

Hope this helps someone else in the future.

Below is my original post:

Guys (and Gals),

I must be missing something here.

Using the old HSMM-MESH software I could connect from a PC on one node to a 'server' on another node to get access to files on the server.  Used this with great success from 4 PCs and a server on the 5th node to run Field Day Logging software on Field Day.

Now that I have upgraded to the newer BroadBand-Hamnet. I am no longer able to connect to my server from any other node.

What have I missed, or screwed up?

Steve G./N4TTY

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-07- 07:12:47 By N4TTY for the Reason Found my issue!
 Subject :Re:can i used ubiquiti equiment?.. 2013-09-07- 05:27:49 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : Firmware
Topic : can i used ubiquiti equiment?

Is there any update on the hsmm-mesh ubiquiti firmware? I have a few nanostaion 2 & bullet 2 I could do some testing on if need be.
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 Subject :Re:Looking to setup a node.. 2013-09-06- 05:11:46 
Joined: 2013-08-21- 14:45:19
Posts: 4
Location: FN32ct
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Looking to setup a node

nicely done!
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 Subject :Re:Looking to setup a node.. 2013-09-04- 16:21:03 
Joined: 2013-07-01- 12:30:14
Posts: 14
Location: FN32fp
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Looking to setup a node

K2MTS-1 and -3 are both online.

-3 is currently at my QTH for some testing, but will be moved to its permanent home in downtown Troy this week. Both have been added to the Google Map here on I don't know how successful this particular location will be, but since it's a place I'm free to set up a node, I figure I may as well! If I can ever get it on the roof of the building, I will, however this is probably unlikely.

I have much more exciting plans for the -1 node, however... Where is -2, you ask? Coming soon!

Mike K2MTS

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-04- 16:23:04 By K2MTS for the Reason
 Subject :Re:No ping.. 2013-09-04- 08:06:30 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : No ping

In Windows XP, there is a different procedure. See the below link:

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 Subject :Re:No ping.. 2013-09-04- 04:10:25 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : No ping

Yeah, I remember seeing that thread. Got me looking at the 'puters real hard. I'm pretty sure it's something similar, but both of these are running XP, which don't recognize that particular command.

I've got firewall(s) off, I think. The odd thing is, both work fine on the wireless interface, wifi through my home router, but act hinky on the wired interface through the Linksys nodes. Even if they're plugged into the same node, which is the same as using a hub in direct mode. I use ping a lot to test routing and switching stuff.

Ideally, I'd like these nodes to be as simple as possible; plug in a computer, attach to a server or other computer by name, without making any configuration changes to the computers or servers. Simple is good.

-- Time to get the big rubber mallett out...

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Last Edited On: 2013-09-04- 04:13:32 By VE3RTJ for the Reason
73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Help Needed to Convert Router from Tomato 1.28.. 2013-09-03- 18:48:11 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help Needed to Convert Router from Tomato 1.28

Use the respective *.bin file.

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 Subject :Help Needed to Convert Router from Tomato 1.28.. 2013-09-03- 14:51:03 
Joined: 2013-08-07- 11:13:59
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help Needed to Convert Router from Tomato 1.28

Hey Guys!

I recently purchased a WRT54GS V2 but was not aware that it had been upgraded to Tomato 1.28  I am able to login to the router but decieded to wait and ask so that I dont brick this router.  Do I use the .bin file and flash over the Tomato or one of the others used for routers already running HSMM-MESH?  Any help would be appreciated!



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 Subject :Idling.. 2013-09-03- 13:47:48 
Joined: 2012-10-15- 09:08:03
Posts: 6
Forum : General
Topic : Idling

For anyone that is interested.  I am Idling in #broadband-hamnet on

If anyone is interested in chatting drop by and say hello.  As I am busy a lot I drop by from time to time to day hey.  So... as with irc in general dont run away in 2min if no one answers.

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 Subject :Re:No ping.. 2013-09-03- 13:36:05 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 22:05:20
Posts: 28
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : No ping

I had the same problem. Here is a link to that thread. The fix for me was typing "netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable" in an elevated command prompt window on the computer fixed the problem." This was thanks to KF5JIM for the fix. I was on windows 7
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 Subject :Re:Anyone Tried Opera Browser?.. 2013-09-03- 08:56:53 
Joined: 2013-07-18- 20:20:40
Posts: 20
Forum : Applications
Topic : Anyone Tried Opera Browser?

This client works on Windows 7 operating system? Rafael - KP4RV
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 Subject :No ping.. 2013-09-03- 08:16:53 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : No ping

I have two nodes, in 5 port direct mode, with a computer attached to each node. After finally getting a clue about the dns entries, I can now run IPerf between the two computers by name. I can't ping from one to the other computer at all, however. By name or IP. I can ping the nodes, but any ping sent between computers is returned timed out. Pretty sure it isn't the computers (running XP home, by the way) cuz when I unplug 'em from the nodes and plug 'em into a hub they can ping each other just fine.

Did a search here, and found some suggestions re: firewalls, ICMP enabled or not etc., but so far no joy.

I miss my ping. Any suggestions? Probably something really obvious...

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73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Hsmm- mesh and ARES in Oregon.. 2013-09-03- 07:39:18 
Joined: 2012-02-03- 20:45:25
Posts: 11
Location: CN95fq
Forum : Oregon
Topic : Hsmm- mesh and ARES in Oregon

Hi all,

This is Ken KD6PGI, sysop and digital coordinator for the KA7HRC Hood River County ARES BPQ32 digital packet system. We have had an interest in converting part of our network over to mesh for the past 2 years and are now beginning to conduct tests for replacing our 1200 baud packet links with mesh nodes on our local digital network. We have 2 full services BPQ32 BBS systems running in Hood River County. I presently have 2 mesh nodes up and running in test mode while we investigate longer distance links.

The goal is to establish 5-6 functioning mesh nodes for linking BBS systems and providing additional IP functions in strategic locations in the county.


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Last Edited On: 2013-09-03- 07:40:34 By KD6PGI for the Reason
 Subject :Re:VOIP success on laptops.. 2013-09-03- 06:10:35 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : VoIP
Topic : VOIP success on laptops

I've done nothing special to the set up in either Linphone or Kphone.

Only did the minimal set up required to get them running.

As for set up to use hsmm-mesh, you'll have to go into your router and open the correct port for

these programs.

To connect to the other laptop, I have been using the IP address of the other computer to direct the calls

properly.  If I remember correctly, I could even connect to the other laptop using <sip:w8iss@w8iss-100>

or <sip:w8iss@w8iss-101>.

Hope this helps.

James W8ISS

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