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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI.. 2013-08-28- 06:03:43 
Joined: 2013-07-30- 15:37:37
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI

Thanks, I did find that after some experimenting, ie: the can be worked around part, but I felt that the real solution to the problem was going to have to be a RTC. Knowing what time it is - for real - can be fairly critical in a disaster or other situation when we are making use of the mesh. Timestamps on emails, IM's, voip phone calls... I think there has to be an NTP server running somewhere in the mesh to coordinate time. Luckily, the GPS option solves that, and gives the added benefit of location information about nodes as well.
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI.. 2013-08-28- 04:14:28 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI

Worked great, except Asterisk would complain and refuse to start because it didn't know what time it was. Inconvenient, but can be worked around.
That can be fixed if you continue to read further down on the RPi Documentation page, scroll down to 3. Running RasPBX without Internet connection and install fake-hwclock (or you could change the boot script to take the time check out).

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI.. 2013-08-28- 03:13:28 
Joined: 2013-07-30- 15:37:37
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI

What the hell? :) I really did make paragraphs in that message to make it easier to read. It just 'forgot' when I clicked submit. Sorry!
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI.. 2013-08-28- 03:11:53 
Joined: 2013-07-30- 15:37:37
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : HSMM-MESH on Raspberry PI

Hi all, I just wanted to drop a note here about the Raspberry Pi and Broadband-Hamnet. I think Scott has posted here before about his HSMM-PI project, but I wanted to post something as well! ( I can't say that building a Pi node is going to be cheaper or easier than building one on the WRT54G platform, but I do think that it is a much more flexible platform if you want to add additional features or services. So far it works great, and Scott has been very open to suggestions and comments, and has been turning them around with a code update almost overnight. Some of the features that are in the wish list for Broadband-Hamnet are already working on the Pi, and it is of course fully compatible with my other nodes, so I wonder whether some consideration should be given to the strengths of each platform? For instance, I was running several WRT54G's, and had a Raspberry pi set up as an Asterisk server to support them. Worked great, except Asterisk would complain and refuse to start because it didn't know what time it was. Inconvenient, but can be worked around. I suggested to Scott, who had already set up a gps on the pi, that pulling the time from the gps would solve some problems. So he did. Now the pi is also set up to be a NTP server for other devices as well. Do we need that functionality on the WRT platform now? We know it can be done. (Bring a serial port out, connect gps, modify firmware) I don't think so. Do we need a config option to set the time from NTP on the WRT? - yes! I would also like to see the position reporting he has implemented on the WRT! I also hope that people don't feel that there is any competition among the different solutions, as I don't think that is the case at all. I can see different node platforms being used for different applications, and hope to see cooperation for the benefit of the entire community! Best Regards, Drew Wood / KF5MMW
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 Subject :Re:Anyone Tried Opera Browser?.. 2013-08-27- 09:38:33 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Applications
Topic : Anyone Tried Opera Browser?

If, when you setup the advertising on the node running the ngIRC server AND you use irc://nodename:6667/mesh and have the advertising provide a link then, with Opera, all you need to do is click on the link provide in the mesh status page. Opera will then automagically bring up its internal IRC client and connect to the #mesh channel/room on 'node-name'. Other browsers can be setup to startup an external program or plugin when clicking on a URL starting with irc: .

If you loaded version 20.2 of my 'ngircd' onto your node then, when it finishes loading, the ngIRC server program will start executing and will be setup to run when the node reboots.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-27- 09:38:59 By ae5ae for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Noob with asterisk or router problem.. 2013-08-27- 09:16:14 
Joined: 2013-06-16- 19:14:29
Posts: 7
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Noob with asterisk or router problem

thank you that was the problem i though you had to do port forwarding with the new firmware it works great now thank you and this group helps the new people out very well

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 Subject :Re:QRV in Scotland.. 2013-08-27- 09:01:50 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : General
Topic : QRV in Scotland

If you're using an older version of widows, which seems normal for Amateur Radio digital work, then I've found I have to use ".local.mesh" where you would normally use ".com"
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 Subject :Re:Noob with asterisk or router problem.. 2013-08-27- 07:54:30 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Noob with asterisk or router problem

Each SPA1001 must be registered to a different extension number. Keep the nodes in "5 Host Direct" and you will not need to forward any ports. By keeping it in "5 Host Direct" we can rule out it being a router issue.

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 Subject :QRV in Scotland.. 2013-08-27- 07:46:58 
Joined: 2013-08-25- 08:09:11
Posts: 2
Location: Central Scotland
Forum : General
Topic : QRV in Scotland

Following advice on this site, I've set up a node in Central Scotland.

Now I need some more interest to get connected.

I had been pointed this way by a guy 20 miles away, we haven't connected yet, but will try.

I have 2 watts to a 15 element yagi, but considering building some higher gain antennas - perhaps a spiral beam?

One issue I have encountered. My PC gets confused as to which tab in the browser is lookin at which source. Sometimes wanting to see the node, it tries to use the internet connection. Sometimes when wanting internet, the browser looks to the node. Any ideas on that?

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 Subject :Re:Re:Browser Interface Edit.. 2013-08-27- 07:44:09 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Browser Interface Edit

Thanks for the reply! In the interm I brute force figured out the file locations. I'm working on the edits now :)

My goal is to have a picture of that node at it's location on the status page.

[KF5JIM 2013-08-27- 06:29:53]:

They are located in the /www/ folder on the node. Using WinSCP, SCP (port 2222) the picture to the /www/ folder and edit the css style sheet accordingly.

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 Subject :Noob with asterisk or router problem.. 2013-08-27- 07:22:55 
Joined: 2013-06-16- 19:14:29
Posts: 7
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Noob with asterisk or router problem

I wish to thank everyone that helped on my last problem well here's the next problem one one mesh router is the asterisk server when I connect the spa1001 adapter every thing works great and I have the other spa 1001 connected to a different mesh router it registers to the server but when I dial the extension I get an error 503 service is not enabled the ports have been opened on that router and the one with the server on it but the the problem is is the problem with asterisk or the router settings the settings for the spa1001 are the same for both adapters and the IP address have benn configured with the proper settings to point to the server they all register but when I dial the ext on the router with just the adapter it says error I,m thinking its an router issue I,m running the new update on all the routers do I need to make them a nat for this to work or is the setup different for the new update 1.0 

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 Subject :Re:Browser Interface Edit.. 2013-08-27- 06:29:53 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Browser Interface Edit

They are located in the /www/ folder on the node. Using WinSCP, SCP (port 2222) the picture to the /www/ folder and edit the css style sheet accordingly.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-27- 06:33:02 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help).. 2013-08-27- 06:03:24 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : New on Broadband-Hamnet (Need help)

Greetings! Think of the connection between the two nodes as a road you just built. It's a really nice road but you can't really use it without a vehicle, right? Additional software is required to add functions to your new mesh. Each of these in the below list have instructions, normally found on their respective websites.

Teamspeak 3: voice and text based chatting, requires server and client

IRC: Text based chat, requires server and client

Asterisk: IP Phone server, requires server and an IP phone handset for each node that desires access to the service.

The mesh is a very capable network, though how you use it depends on the services you install.

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-27- 06:06:18 By KD0KWW for the Reason
 Subject :Thank You.. 2013-08-27- 05:02:06 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : General
Topic : Thank You

I just want to shoot a quick thank you to the BBHN developers. You folks are on the cutting edge of amateur radio in my humble opinion. We in Colorado are very excited to get our mesh up and running and integrated into emergency operations. 

You're all doing a fantastic job and you need a donate button! 

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 Subject :Browser Interface Edit.. 2013-08-27- 04:51:18 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Browser Interface Edit

I would like to add a small picture to the node status page of my nodes. What is the best way to go about it. I attempted some minor background color editing by changing the value in styles.css found in the Web folder but it had no effect. Where are the HTML files hidden away? 

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 Subject :Re:Looking to setup a node.. 2013-08-27- 02:56:08 
Joined: 2013-08-21- 14:45:19
Posts: 4
Location: FN32ct
Forum : Eastern New York
Topic : Looking to setup a node

Node is online here in Clifton Park! Its just sitting here on my desk, but as far as I can tell it is online!

Just using the stock antennas as well on the 54g.


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Last Edited On: 2013-08-27- 02:58:00 By KD2DAS for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Will having music on hold break the rules?.. 2013-08-27- 02:19:25 
Joined: 2013-03-24- 12:21:59
Posts: 35
Location: NW Tennessee EM56ni
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Will having music on hold break the rules?

Regardless of the FCC definition, I like the idea of using a Morse code message as my MOH.  I found a website that converts text to Morse in mp3 format, converted that mp3 to 8Khz 16 bit mono wav for install in a RasPBX/FreePBX (Asterisk v11.5.0) box.  Under Settings -> Music On Hold I've deleted all the other wav files in the "Category:default" after I successfully uploaded my Morse wav file. 

I have 6 nodes, 4 with extensions active.  When I put an extension on hold from another (or put an inbound call from my GoogleVoice trunk on hold), I still get what appears to be the MIDI from the PBX. 

Anybody know where I select my Morse wav file to be played system-wide for all instances that a party would be put on hold?  I saw some FreePBX forum posts regarding Asterisk storing the recordings under "moh" and FreePBX under "mohwav" but that was back in 2011 and a final post said things were fixed.  So I'm looking for info from anyone that's set this up in a current version.

If I have to do it at the CLI be gentle and step me through it.  :-)

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-27- 04:49:45 By KJ4AJP for the Reason clarity
 Subject :Re:noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 100.. 2013-08-26- 22:25:45 
Joined: 2012-09-16- 04:20:26
Posts: 19
Location: Tamarac, FL
Forum : VoIP
Topic : noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

Subject :Re:noob having problem with asterisk-now and setting up with spira 1001 adapter

These are parameters that worked for me with programming the SPA1001: , Sipera is the exact same design as the Linksys version. Everything else that in the video made by KI5JIM applies. One other thing, check off the "Gateway Mesh" in basic settings on the router which the Asterisk connected to. I found this was the one thing that seemed to get the SPA1001 to finally register with Asterisk when everything else was rechecked as being what was instructed.. Gary-KI4WPI

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Last Edited On: 2013-08-26- 22:26:31 By KI4WPI for the Reason
Gary Michalosky
 Subject :Re:SSH into Node.. 2013-08-26- 20:43:14 
Joined: 2013-07-08- 14:39:21
Posts: 29
Location: Colorado Springs
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : SSH into Node *SOLVED*

And I'm in, thanks so much!
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 Subject :Re:SSH into Node.. 2013-08-26- 20:33:48 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : SSH into Node *SOLVED*

Undo your port forwarding. You don't need to forward port 22 to localnode. The nodes SSH server is located on port 2222. Also, make sure you are on the latest version v1.0.0.
The help file on the node is a good source of information: http://localnode:8080/help.html

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