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 Subject :Re:Temperature Extremes.. 2013-02-23- 16:51:11 
Joined: 2012-04-16- 05:51:12
Posts: 23
Forum : General
Topic : Temperature Extremes

I have had two nodes mounted on a tower since November. One is in a weather tight plastic box and the other is inside an indoor metal box wrapped with a zip lock freezer bag. Temperatures so far this winter have gone sub teen's on us and the two units continue to work. Though I have observed that they seem to reset from time to time. That has not been figured out. But they have been able to be accesed through an indoor node during this winter weather. Our elevation is around 4000 feet. As for snow, they have not been bothered by it. Just today six inches fell from about 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. That is my personal experience this winter with my own equipment. At an elevation above 9000 feet are three nodes that are providing coverage and seem to not fail due to weather. I am not sure how they are housed, but two of them have been very reliable. Does this help? Gerald, AD7QF
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 Subject :Temperature Extremes.. 2013-02-23- 04:26:59 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Temperature Extremes

Due to the area's geography we will be forced to locate nodes in places where the temperature gets in the 20's and often snows in the winter.

Has anyone had experience in this area who can give us advice on suitable enclosure techniques.  The nodes are envisioned to be battery/solar powered, so temperature control might be a relatively complicated solution. 

Andre, K6AH

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San Diego Mesh Working Group
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 Subject :Temperature Extremes.. 2013-02-23- 04:26:53 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Temperature Extremes

Due to the area's geography we will be forced to locate nodes in places where the temperature gets in the 20's and often snows in the winter.

Has anyone had experience in this area who can give us advice on suitable enclosure techniques.  The nodes are envisioned to be battery/solar powered, so temperature control might be a relatively complicated solution. 

Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Wireless IP selection.. 2013-02-22- 16:11:04 
Joined: 2012-10-23- 15:33:21
Posts: 4
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Forum : Firmware
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Wireless IP selection

Thanks for the reply! As a software developer, that makes very good sense and I am comforted knowing it's not just a random selection. The odds of a duplicate seem to be about one in 16.7 million or so. I'm liking what I see the more I see of this.
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH and Wireless IP selection.. 2013-02-22- 09:44:40 
Joined: 2011-12-12- 17:15:26
Posts: 4
Location: Iowa
Forum : Firmware
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Wireless IP selection

The wireless IP address (10.x.y.z) is set during the initial setup of your HSMM-MESH™ node where x.y.z is the last three bytes of the wifi MAC address of the router.

For instance, say your router's MAC address ended in :12:17:48 Convert those from hex values to binary, your router's wifi IP address would be configured to

This is done automatically during the firmware installation so you shouldn't have to do anything yourself to set the IP address.

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Last Edited On: 2013-02-22- 09:54:11 By kc0alc for the Reason Formatting
 Subject :HSMM-MESH and Wireless IP selection.. 2013-02-22- 09:01:08 
Joined: 2012-10-23- 15:33:21
Posts: 4
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Forum : Firmware
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Wireless IP selection

I'm curious as to the process of how a mesh node chooses its wireless IP address. Is is simply randomization with a check to ensure it's not currently in use on an existing mesh? Or is there some sort of correlation between the IP and the serial number or some other information in the hardware of the node?

If it is randomization, does a node try to retain the same IP address after a power cycle or does it select a new random IP each time?

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 Subject :2.4GHz HSMM topic on amsat-bb started.. 2013-02-22- 08:28:46 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : 2.4GHz HSMM topic on amsat-bb started

I asked a few questions on the AMSAT mail reflector, amsat-bb, about utilizing 2.4GHz for high speed data

usage based on a satellite.

There have been a few replies and I replied back to there with a few more ideas and comments about this.

Wondering what the HSMM-mesh groups thoughts are on this.

This may be a 'lofty' idea but something to consider and maybe give a try.

James W8ISS

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Last Edited On: 2013-02-22- 08:29:09 By w8iss for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Power on issues.. 2013-02-22- 07:05:34 
Joined: 2011-12-12- 17:15:26
Posts: 4
Location: Iowa
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Power on issues

I can't say I have seen that specific behavior but have you tried any of the standard reset procedures yet?  The 30-30-30 reset procedure has worked for me so far on all my Ebay purchased routers to get them back to a known state and load the HSMM-MESH™ firmware on them <knock on wood>.

You could try going through the recovery process for the WRT54 routers outlined on the dd-wrt site too:

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 Subject :Power on issues.. 2013-02-22- 06:53:03 
Joined: 2013-01-26- 14:33:14
Posts: 1
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Power on issues

I bought my node preflashed on ebay and when plugged into wall power, the 4 Ethernet LEDs and the Internet LED stays solid and power LED flashes, and it won't leave this state on its own. If you slowly plug the power cord in most of the time it powers on. I bought a wall wart from another ebay seller the advertised compatibility with the WRT54GS. I've gotten it to work once powered on and configured with my callsign, but I do not want to have to fiddle with it at a public service event next week.

I've worked with the seller (who has been awesome to work with) to troubleshoot and I'm waiting to hear from him. Just curious if anyone else has had this issue?


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 Subject :Re:WRT54G power plug dimensions.. 2013-02-22- 06:11:56 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G power plug dimensions

I've also seen it listed as "5.5x2.5" on the internet, but I think the 2.1 is closer to reality.

Even if this is "wrong," it might actually work for the jack due to the amount of play in the jack on the back of the WRT-54G.  The spring on the side might push the connector far enough off center to make contact on the center pin.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:WRT54G power plug dimensions.. 2013-02-21- 18:14:25 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G power plug dimensions

I thought I posted this, but it disappeared.

Unfortunately, the measured and "advertised" sizes often don't match.

"Type M 5.5x2.1mm" barrel connector seems to be the most common answer for what you order.

The plug on the Linksys power supply connector is actually 5mm OD, 2.2 ID measured.  I've got both 10 mm and 11 mm lengths.

The hole on the WRT is about 6 mm, but there's a spring loaded contact that has quite a bunch of give to it.

The Belkin UPS we use a lot of is 5.5 mm OD, 2.2 ID on the connector, 12 mm long.  They fit all the WRT54G* machines.  

You'll probably have to just get a part and try it to find out what "standard" it is.  Or wait for someone who's already ordered the part somewhere.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

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 Subject :WRT54G power plug dimensions.. 2013-02-21- 09:11:53 
Joined: 2012-10-23- 15:33:21
Posts: 4
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G power plug dimensions

I've been doing a bit of research on power and portable power for HSMM-MESH nodes and need to validate some information.

KD8RAP and I have identified that the outer diameter of the power plug is 5.5mm for our WRT54GS nodes. I'm finding a lot of inconsistent data out there regarding the inner diameter of the plug. I'm also not sure about the length of the barrel.

My intention is to replace the AC/DC power converter with a plug connected to power poles that then connects to whatever 12V source is local... batteries, power supply, etc.

So, I'm asking for anyone who has a WRT54G, WRT54GS or WRT54GL to measure their plugs and post the results here. Please also post your note model and version.


P.S. Yes, I know that the WRT54G V1 is 5V.

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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2013-02-21- 09:04:40 
Joined: 2012-10-23- 15:33:21
Posts: 4
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

Hi Wes, can you kindly detail what "higher levels" mean? Very curious as to what reasonable levels these nodes can be pushed to.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2013-02-21- 05:59:30 
Joined: 2011-10-28- 14:57:45
Posts: 13
Location: Keizer, Oregon CN84lx
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

Jim 79mW is the factory default power level and with the Linksys firmware it can not be changed. With dd-WRT the power levels can be changed in mW rating to 251mW. With dd-WRT the max output varies with model of router. I do not have any equipment to test it properly. I do have WiFi Analyzer on my android phone and the power levels do indicate a reasonable difference. I have ran several WRT54G-TMs months on end at the higher levels with no ill effects. They are however heat sinked.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2013-02-20- 17:15:30 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting


quick questions....

Have you put the node on any analyzing equipment when you crank it up that high?

Im curious if it really does go that high, and if it does actually go over 79mW, what kind of signals are coming out?

From what I have heard who did hook it up to quarter-million dollar gear (way above my pay scale), it started to get really gnarly RF (spurs n such) above a certain point. Plus I remember something about radio life being shortened.

From what I understand, and I have been wrong a time or two before (just ask the wife...All men make mistakes--Married men just find out sooner), 19dBm/79mW is the RATED spec for the WRT radios. I have seen where others using other FW have cranked it up, but it would only be good for testing with limited longevity.

Im not trying to be an ass or facetious, just sincerely curious as to your results.



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Loading HSMM-MESH in WRT54x router running DD-WRT.. 2013-02-16- 09:54:05 
Joined: 2011-10-28- 14:57:45
Posts: 13
Location: Keizer, Oregon CN84lx
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Loading HSMM-MESH in WRT54x router running DD-WRT

do 30-30-30 reset on the router and then load the HSMM-Mesh firmware. Push and hold the reset button for 90+ seconds. The first 30 seconds leave the power applied. The second 30 seconds with power off. Third 30 seconds apply the poer again. It must be atleast 30 seconds each, longer is ok.
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 Subject :Re:Power Setting.. 2013-02-16- 09:37:07 
Joined: 2011-10-28- 14:57:45
Posts: 13
Location: Keizer, Oregon CN84lx
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Power Setting

For my HSMM nodes I have been using DD-WRT which will let me set the power setting to 250mW. 250mW comes out to about 23dBm. The your HSMM-Mesh firmware allows for a max or 19dBm wich is about 79 mW. This limits the distance between Mesh nodes using any omni antenna. I am using on all my routers a 9dBi colinear antenna. HOW do I boost it further; to 250 mW at the console prompt.? Wes Larson KF7BWS CN84lx
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G Dual Antennas.. 2013-02-15- 09:51:12 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : General
Topic : WRT54G Dual Antennas

The antenna use is software configured on one of the configuration pages.  Set for separate TX and RX or Diversity mode.  Diversity is the default.  It is common to have two different types of of antennas on a mesh node.



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 Subject :Re:WRT54G Dual Antennas.. 2013-02-15- 09:29:04 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : General
Topic : WRT54G Dual Antennas

Two different antennas, such as one directional, and one stock antenna are quite common, so I presume diversity mode is the normal setup.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

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 Subject :WRT54G Dual Antennas.. 2013-02-14- 16:59:56 
Joined: 2012-12-27- 16:48:28
Posts: 1
Location: north of seattle
Forum : General
Topic : WRT54G Dual Antennas

So I have a dumb question.. the dual antennas... are they used as diversity antennas with mesh or is one trransmit and one receive? I could envision two directional antennas to extend the range but I have not seen anything on this website that might give a hint.

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Just getting started with a rural MESH network in Washington State...
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