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 Subject :New Hardware Possibility?.. 2016-01-09- 04:09:22 
Joined: 2016-01-07- 18:35:21
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : New Hardware Possibility?

I was trying to find some hardware to run the HSMM-MESH software/firmware on. The Linksys WRT54g I have collecting dust is a version 6, and no joy for this project(yet). I could scour e-bay/Amazon for one that will fit the bill, but  in my opinion, it is a dated router technology even if it is still somewhat  effective to a degree. 

I like the Ubiquiti products yet that is beyond my capable price range at  the moment. In my spare router drawer (yup I have one), I began cross checking  the models on OpenWRT(the basis for HSMM-MESH) table of hardware website for  supported routers. As it so happens I have an off brand(labeled) router that  I was able to get OpenWRT loaded onto. In my research of this device, it runs  the same/similar chip-set as the Ubiquiti Bullet series(AR7240) and appears to have similar hardware to them as well. 

My basic understanding of router devices from different companies running similar/same chip-sets is that they will likely handle the same instruction set,  yet have differences in things such as GPIO settings (Leds, Status Lights, Buttons, Active Low or Active High ETC.)

I would be willing to test this router of mine to attempt at expanding possible candidates to other hams, for additional hardware to the Broadband-Hamnet  community. My router is basically a Netgear WNR612 v2, while it doesn't have external antennas, I figured I could still mess around with it. 
My thought was to perhaps take the current ubiquiti Bullet M .bin file, strip the 32byte header and "upgrade" the OpenWRT to the HSMM-MESH software/firmware.

I'm looking for input from you Developers to see If this is plausible or if I am even on the right track. I am no developer, and certainly wouldn't make any claim to being a coder. I love the work that everyone has put into this project.

I hope this all makes sense to the people reading it. I hope it wasn't too much to take in.  

    Thank You,     


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 Subject :No storage on Bullet M2 HP.. 2016-01-08- 15:53:39 
Joined: 2015-11-20- 15:52:06
Posts: 3
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : No storage on Bullet M2 HP

Due to the censorship of the mods I have removed the entire post. They removed my solution and a reply, I find no use with BBHN because of this.

Sad thing is nothing that was posted violated any of the rules.

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Last Edited On: 2016-01-13- 13:49:30 By ke5eua for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Tunneled Mesh in Oregon.. 2016-01-04- 12:08:23 
Joined: 2014-10-11- 22:11:18
Posts: 5
Forum : Oregon
Topic : Tunneled Mesh in Oregon

Did you every Find some one to tunnel/mesh with?
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 Subject :Re:Tunneled Mesh in Oregon.. 2016-01-04- 12:08:20 
Joined: 2014-10-11- 22:11:18
Posts: 5
Forum : Oregon
Topic : Tunneled Mesh in Oregon

Did you every Find some one to tunnel/mesh with?
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 Subject :Re:Error uploading SSH keys.. 2016-01-01- 17:09:16 
Joined: 2015-11-04- 11:11:42
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Error uploading SSH keys

Ok, with some help I have this figured out. The public key must be saved with a unix EOF "End of File", you have to copy and paste it into a a program like notepad++ which can have selected EOF types. Next, you evidently must have an "@" symbol in the key comment block.
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 Subject :Leaving MESH - Selling off Linksys Nodes.. 2016-01-01- 04:33:22 
Joined: 2012-03-06- 08:19:44
Posts: 39
Location: Cottonwood, AZ
Forum : General
Topic : Leaving MESH - Selling off Linksys Nodes

Greetings all and Happy New Year. I've decided to leave the MESH world and return to my first love of HF DX instead. I'm also shutting down my Echolink node on 2M and will replace that with a more versatile Asterisk node. To do that I need to buy several Raspberry Pi modules. 

I'm a Ham on a fixed income with nothing that's "disposable" for hobby activities so I'm selling off all 10 of my Linksys WRT54G and GS routers on eBay. The prices will start off pretty low, $15 and $25, so if you want an entry into this technology this might be a cheap way to learn the cool things MESH networks can do. I know I did. You can read more details when the eBay sales show up. And, no, I'm not doing any private deals.

I also have a lot of notes and references that I will scan that will help others get going with a minimum of fuss and bother. I'll include all my notes with each node I sell. These notes will augment what you will find on this web site here.

And with that I wish everybody a great year. (Now if it would only warm up again in Arizona).

73 - Wil - AB9U 

Cottonwood, AZ

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de Wil - AB9U
 Subject :Re:Error uploading SSH keys.. 2015-12-31- 11:23:36 
Joined: 2015-11-04- 11:11:42
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Error uploading SSH keys

I have been looking through the message boards and this does not seem to have a published solution. I have tried various key bit sizes and file extensions. I have also tried varying types of encryption. I have not tried to upload the key outside of the web interface, yet. Has there been any resolution to this? Glenn KG7IXA
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 Subject :Re:Welcome Houston area meshers!.. 2015-12-27- 14:59:42 
Joined: 2014-04-21- 17:43:34
Posts: 3
Location: Clear Lake City, Houston, Texas
Forum : Houston Metro
Topic : Welcome Houston area meshers!

Hello, Just checking in from Clear Lake in case anyone is interested. 73, KG5AXF, Anthony
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 Subject :EBay AP Purchases.. 2015-12-27- 14:40:12 
Joined: 2014-04-21- 17:43:34
Posts: 3
Location: Clear Lake City, Houston, Texas
Forum : General
Topic : EBay AP Purchases

Just a suggestion here and if it's a bad one just say so.

A few days ago I was bidding on some UN Rocket M2's...a batch of 5. Eventually the price got too high for me to justify the purchase to the family CFO :)

Anyway, I just want to suggest that if you are bidding on a batch that you may want to post a quick note to the forum in case another forum member may be thinking about bidding against you. Maybe you can work something out on the side as not to rack up the price. The cost of postage is likely a lot less than increasing the bid.

Of course there is the option of going into the bid with some fellow hams in your area, but may still want to post a note just so hams aren't competing against other hams.

Just a thought.

73, KG5AXF, Anthony

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 Subject :Linked Device Network Dashboard.. 2015-12-27- 11:57:29 
Joined: 2014-04-21- 17:43:34
Posts: 3
Location: Clear Lake City, Houston, Texas
Forum : General
Topic : Linked Device Network Dashboard


Before I go off an reinvent the wheel, I was wondering if there is already a linked device dashboard that has been created? I know that you can view a list of closest or linked nodes. What I was looking for is a dashboard where I can see pertinent information on all nodes under my control? Basically a web page that could reside on on an RPi that would poll nodes and maybe even sweep LAN IP ranges to discover connected devices.


73, KG5AXF, Anthony


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 Subject :Palm Beach County BBHN Mesh?.. 2015-12-21- 18:38:54 
Joined: 2013-02-22- 16:33:09
Posts: 3
Location: Greenacers, FL 33413
Forum : South FL
Topic : Palm Beach County BBHN Mesh?

Are there any Palm Beach County, FL Hams interested in forming a mesh? I am interested but do not want to invest if no other interest in the area.



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 Subject :Re:JTAG pins.. 2015-12-15- 10:53:15 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : JTAG pins

You use the 12-pin connector.


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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Patch 3.1.0.. 2015-12-15- 09:44:59 
Joined: 2013-03-28- 04:37:01
Posts: 13
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Patch 3.1.0

Same thing happened to me. The download in Windows changed file extension to file extension.
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 Subject :JTAG pins.. 2015-12-15- 09:37:50 
Joined: 2013-03-28- 04:37:01
Posts: 13
Forum : Firmware
Topic : JTAG pins

On a WRt54G, which jumper do you use, JP1 12 pin or JP2 10 pin?

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 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-12-12- 11:46:13 
Joined: 2015-10-25- 02:33:05
Posts: 9
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

We have 100% link quality on the NB 3. The NS 2 is pointed generally southeast until someone wants to connect to it in another easterly direction and I change which way it points. Downtown LA is connected. Now, I have to wait for the rest of LA to catch up. 73, Anne
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 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-12-09- 12:25:08 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

Correct. The NSM3 is a 90 deg sector, will be easy to do in the dark, just point in the general direction :) .
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 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-12-09- 12:20:03 
Joined: 2015-10-25- 02:33:05
Posts: 9
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

Joe, My Nanobridge M3 came in and I put it together and flashed the firmware and will be setting up soon. I want to confirm the link settings for AE6XE-PleasantsPk-RM3. Is it SSID: AREDN , BWidth: 10 MHz , Frequency: 3420? If it clears up a little where I can get a visual on it to help I may try to link up on 3 GHz tonight.
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 Subject :Re:Patch 3.1.0.. 2015-12-08- 17:05:52 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Patch 3.1.0

The filename extension change is created by your operating system. Always verify that the file you download and the stored copy have exactly the same name. You can always rename the newly saved file to correct the error.
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 Subject :Re:Channel width.. 2015-12-08- 16:59:57 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Channel width

This is expected behavior. With M3 or M5 units, changes are permitted because there is no legacy compatibility to maintain. With the M2 line, Ubiquiti hardware can do things that Linksys hardware can't do. For example, wider or more narrow channel widths are not supported by Linksys. The closed driver support for the Broadcom chipset probably does some additional tricks. The problem is that without documentation like the Atheros chipsets offer, how to do these tasks is not easy to find out.

We have provided a method to side step this problem. If you change the default SSID (and create a separate, non-compatible network in the process) the software in M2 devices can save a different channel bandwidth.

This is one feature inserted to protect "one network, works everywhere" compatibility in the 2Ghz band. We realize that most users will continue to use default values in this band and the restriction makes sense. If you have specific reasons to create a separate network, you may do so by changing the SSID. As you do so, the other changes can be saved as well.

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 Subject :Channel width.. 2015-12-08- 05:21:05 
Joined: 2014-07-28- 08:37:55
Posts: 20
Location: Mississauga
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Channel width

On our mesh we have Ubiuity bullets, Ubiquity Nanostation M2, and Ubiquity Nanobridge M5.

We are able to change channel width on the M5 from 20mhz to 10mhz or even 5mhz.

These options show as available on the bullet or Nanostation, but the device will not save the configuration away from 20mhz and reports that it is not available.

We are using V3.1 on all devices.

Thanks for your feedback

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