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 Subject :Spring thoughts and HSMM.. 2013-02-13- 08:57:09 
Joined: 2010-10-09- 10:20:10
Posts: 34
Location: Henderson KY
Forum : River City Meshers
Topic : Spring thoughts and HSMM

I would like to setup a large Mesh sometime in the spring. Is anyone interested in invading a local park and see what we can do?



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 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2013-02-11- 22:18:32 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 21:15:20
Posts: 0
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G3G-ST

Physically changing the first 4 bytes through a hex editor. I used dhex and the WRT54G *.bin file.

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Last Edited On: 2013-10-02- 17:40:52 By KF5JIM for the Reason
 Subject :Re:WRT54G3G-ST.. 2013-02-11- 17:08:19 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 21:34:13
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G3G-ST

Can't get mine to take the firmware. By change the first 4 bytes do you mean by going in through nano or another editor or do you mean by physically changing it through say cat or something?
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 Subject :Re:Wookey Mistake!.. 2013-02-10- 14:45:33 
Joined: 2012-01-16- 08:49:03
Posts: 4
Location: Seguin, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Wookey Mistake!

Well, after numerous attempts at connecting both wired and wirelss and no go with the Windows machine, decided to try one last time! Brought the router up to the house and connected it to my Fedora Linux box. Low and behold it connected, allowed login, and I reset the errant menu function back to mesh node! All is well at this time! Guess I need to learn more about these functions and take better notes before doing anymore hacking. Thanks!
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 Subject :Wookey Mistake!.. 2013-02-10- 12:03:33 
Joined: 2012-01-16- 08:49:03
Posts: 4
Location: Seguin, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Wookey Mistake!

Well, I managed to loose contact with one of my newer GL's that I just flashed with the latest firmware!

Was playing around in the settings and changed from mesh node to wireless client.

Hit save, it did its thing, and came back up saying something like the subnet has changed and I need to renew my DHCP lease!

Hmm, all fine and dandy, but I cannot log into it! 

Should not have been playing around with the drop down menu's!

Oh, was doing this messing up on a Windows XP machine running IE! In case that matters!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Louis - K5STX

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Last Edited On: 2013-02-10- 12:04:31 By K5STX for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Help with node bridge.. 2013-02-10- 03:31:09 
Joined: 2012-11-18- 09:37:11
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help with node bridge

I'm also interested in this kind of a setup. Any pointers?
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 Subject :Re:Active development?.. 2013-02-10- 03:10:10 
Joined: 2012-11-18- 09:37:11
Posts: 5
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Active development?

Where is this group? I searched and didn't find one.
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 Subject :Re:Changing Domain Name - impact?.. 2013-02-10- 02:42:04 
Joined: 2012-11-18- 09:37:11
Posts: 5
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Changing Domain Name - impact?

Until such time as there is a way to support multiple domains, why not change the default in the firmware to just ".mesh"? is annoying not just for being wrong in most places, but for the length...
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 Subject :Re:Help for Fab-Corp BDA.. 2013-02-08- 13:37:16 
Joined: 2012-09-24- 16:44:57
Posts: 5
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Help for Fab-Corp BDA

Hello, Dave. Nice to see you on this forum. I am testing a Smart Amp 2400-1.0w amplifier as I am writing this. I was not able to find a spec sheet but here is what I know. This is a Power-Over-Coax amplifier. I do not know if it is an outdoor or indoor although it looks to be sealed. It will require a DC Injector. I do not see a model number on the one I am using but I have seen information on the Injector by googling Smart Amp DC Injector. The performance is comparable to the other amplifiers I have tested and the receive noise figure is good, which is a problem with some of the other amplifiers. I have tested the amplifier with a 7.5 VDC power source (actually closer to 10-volts) and it currently is running on one of the Linksys 12 VDC node power supplies. If you hear me on-air give me a shout and we can talk further. 73, Dave WA7RYV
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 Subject :Re:Any Linux Based System With a wifi Device.. 2013-02-08- 08:07:09 
Joined: 2013-01-29- 11:34:20
Posts: 4
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Any Linux Based System With a wifi Device

Ok I have tested on an old Laptop with Ubuntu installed and had partial success. I was able to connect to the mesh and surf the net through a linksys router in gateway mode.

I was not able to check olsr status on the linksys, but the laptop did appear in the mesh.

OLSR web interface on the laptop showed the linksys in the routing table.

Things that need to be done:

Web interface scripts to modify the os to go into router mode (iptables ect)

maybe an HSSM-MESH.deb file for easy install.

Here are the steps if anyone would like to try it out.

Prerequisites: Working copy of Ubuntu Install OLSR and olsr-plugins, an a working wifi card.

Configure your wifi settings. I did this through CLI

1. Open a terminal

2. issue ifconfig and check the name of your wifi card,(wlan, eht1, ect.)

3. stop the network-manager $ sudo service network-manager stop

4. turn on wifi card $ sudo ifconfig eth1 up "Your device may be different"

5. Assign name and mode and ip to wifi card:

$ iwconfig eth1 essid HSMM-MESH mode ad-hoc channel 1 rts 250 frag 256 $ ifconfig eth1 ( choose your own private ip if you wish)

6. Temporarily change your name server (will revert after reboot)

vi /etc/resolve.conf and add "nameserver"

7. Change your computer host name to your call sign

vi /etc/hostname

8. Copy the olsrd.conf and olsrd.key file to /etc ( I copied it from my linksys HSMM-MESH router)

9. You should edit the olsrd.conf file.

remove any settings you may not need

change the interface name to reflect your wifi card mine was "eth1'

change the call sign

Have fun.

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Last Edited On: 2013-02-08- 08:09:52 By KK6BVJ for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Any Linux Based System With a wifi Device.. 2013-02-07- 08:37:38 
Joined: 2012-04-16- 05:51:12
Posts: 23
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Any Linux Based System With a wifi Device

Part of my understanding is that the HSMM-Mesh software is optomized towards specific hardware. If you want to roll your own then it should be possible to run a HSMM-Mesh node as you suggest. So far it does not seem that anyone has taken up the challenge and made their results available. Gerald
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 Subject :Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?.. 2013-02-06- 12:09:36 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : General
Topic : Anything HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando?

Anyone heard of any plans for HSMM-Mesh at Hamcation in Orlando this weekend?

I can bring my two units if so ...

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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-02-06- 12:05:21 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Wow, another exciting piece of progress! Any thoughts as to how you might tie-in control-data e.g. as found in flrig (remote rig app) to switch bands, modes, rx volument, and PTT and to display the rig-interface on the host PC?
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 Subject :Any Linux Based System With a wifi Device.. 2013-02-05- 05:11:24 
Joined: 2013-01-29- 11:34:20
Posts: 4
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Any Linux Based System With a wifi Device

Is there any reason we cant use any Linux based wifi enabled device to create a Mesh node?  It looks to me as long as you install dnsmask, OLSR and the required options it should work fine.  What is the reason it is married to the Linksys router?


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 Subject :Re:043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh G.. 2013-02-04- 18:09:40 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 21:15:20
Posts: 0
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

Subject :Re:043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

I've had this problem before.

The solution I found that works is that in your Windows browser, if you want to type localnode:8080, you must type it as http://localnode:8080/. Without the http, it won't work. (At least with IE9)

If that doesn't work, usually an ipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew will fix the problem (you'd still have to type http://:8080/ if you didn't want to use the IP Address)

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 Subject :Re:043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh G.. 2013-02-04- 09:43:12 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

Subject :Re:043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

I think that might be caused by having used the same PC/browser on a non-mesh link first, and then hooking up to mesh without rebooting (or doing whatever it takes to get Win7 to forget the past.)

However, I never really investigated it any deeper, so I might be totally wrong.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-02-02- 09:20:52 
Joined: 2012-10-11- 19:05:25
Posts: 3
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

I agree, having audio application sounds like the next natural step. I did some research on what could be used here and my first choice was looking at ECHOLINK. Imaging that we have a local ECHOLINK directory server on one of the routers. In this case every PC connected to the mesh network could run an ECHOLINK client the same way it is done on the actual global ECHOLINK network.

Unfortunately, their server software is not open-source as well as the protocol they use is not published. There was an old ECHOLINK linux-based client (which I tried on the actual ECHOLINK system with a great success): QTEL. You can google for SVXLINK for more information on it. I wrote a small function-limited directory server that supports a small subset of the ECHOLINK directory protocol, enough for QTEL to communicate with it. The server is written in LUA (I could not get it done in micro-pearl). LUA can be installed on the router without any problems, it has a fairly small footprint. When the server is running on the router QTEL clients could connect to it and see all who is currently connected. Then you can initiate a two-way audio connection with any of the connected clients.

Note that the server is not necessary as as far as I remember you could use an IP address of the target client directly. However, the server makes it much more convenient to use. Unfortunately, it does not support more sophisticated clients like ECHOLINK for windows, etc.

May be we can start a new thread on this if anyone has interest in it and some good ideas.

73, Nikolai


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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-02-01- 17:23:05 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

If you use Rusty's IRCD pckage and IRC chat, you can send files and photos through it's interface. And it fits on any version hardware.

Im trying to figure out good duplex audio myself, as I now have TWO USB nodes, each with a USB sound card attached ($3.50 for both slo-boat-from-china specials). I would like to be able to tx/rx audio from my 897, since I can control it via ser2net and HRD over serial/USB.  Just need the audio solution.



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh G.. 2013-02-01- 17:13:02 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

Subject :Re:043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

Hi Ken,

Im wondering if there is something in Win7 DNS that is causing it. I usually dont have this problem with my Win7 Laptop. Once in a great while though, I will run across it where i need to go in via IP and not DNS.

I may do some extra checking on this here soon, and of course report back.



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gate.. 2013-02-01- 16:53:04 
Joined: 2013-01-31- 12:42:42
Posts: 2
Location: Alki Point
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : 043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

Subject :043.wrt54g firmware Help problem and solution - setting up a Mesh Gateway

I noticed that the PDF documentation to convert WRT54G(L) routers is out-of-date,  In fact, after re-boot you must access the MESH node as not as localnode:8080 in Windows 7.

Also, when setting up a mesh node gateway, all you need to do is "check" the "Mesh Gateway" box under "Setup" on the mesh node you plan to connect to the WAN.  In fact, I am now writing this comment through a two-node  HSMM-MESH, not typical WiFi router!



--- Ken WI7B 

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