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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-02-01- 09:09:22 
Joined: 2012-07-29- 13:39:05
Posts: 55
Location: Nevils in SE-Georgia, USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

For some reason Quick Reply always fails with Request Forbidden, sigh.

Hamchat is a really important event in the life of HSMM-Mesh- especially when trying to demo the value-added potential.

Two apps that would be uniquely suited to the bandwidth and resilience of HSMM-Mesh:

1. Image transfer (single images good, streaming video a bonus).

2. 2-Way streaming audio (for SSB rig operation - linked to a control app like flrig)


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Last Edited On: 2013-07-23- 12:34:52 By KD4E for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Welcome, Victorville, Adelanto, Hesperia and SBDO HSMM-MESH Users!.. 2013-02-01- 03:23:08 
Joined: 2013-01-30- 18:23:36
Posts: 1
Forum : High Desert / San Bernardino County, CA
Topic : Welcome, Victorville, Adelanto, Hesperia and SBDO HSMM-MESH Users!

Hello from the OC. AD6DL
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 Subject :Re:Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2013-01-31- 07:20:31 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 21:19:37
Posts: 0
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

Sure thing! It'll be just a little bit different, but I'll make a windows-friendly version. I'll have an updated guide for windows by this weekend.

EDIT:  Please find attached the updated version for Windows.  This document is still a WIP.

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Last Edited On: 2013-02-04- 05:24:23 By for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2013-01-31- 06:59:22 
Joined: 2013-01-31- 12:42:42
Posts: 2
Location: Alki Point
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

I am new to HSMM-MESH. I have converted a WRT54GL to a mesh node. Doing the same to a WRT54GL and WRT54G. My only laptop is Win7; have PuTTY operational. I would really appreciate an install guide for windows based on KF5JIM's linux setup of Asterisk native on nodes. Can someone help? ThanX! WI7B
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 Subject :Help with node bridge.. 2013-01-31- 02:38:33 
Joined: 2013-01-27- 16:02:54
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Help with node bridge

I have a problem with the dissapearing node issue and due to physical barriers and rf interference I would like to run a hard wire link/bridge between two nodes about 200 feet apart. Unfortunately after hours or reading articles and trying many different configurations, nothing works.

I can't seem to bridge the wifi and lan subnets. My knowledge is pretty limited in this area but I can usually find and follow instructions pretty well, I have found a number of comments and some instructions but nothing has worked.

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 Subject :Re:Signal strength charting.. 2013-01-30- 16:19:42 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 11:34:42
Posts: 4
Location: Sacramento, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Signal strength charting

Well I'll answer my own post. I found NetSpot ( for OS X. Looks pretty nice. You can place a map of your neighborhood on the background, then just walk around and click to register signal strength. It captures all the wifi signal, but you can filter out all but hsmm-mesh.
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 Subject :Re:wrtsl54gs firmware fixes.. 2013-01-30- 09:53:32 
Joined: 2013-01-29- 11:34:20
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : wrtsl54gs firmware fixes

Done. You should have it today.
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 Subject :Re:Why Encryption?.. 2013-01-29- 17:19:43 
Joined: 2013-01-26- 20:02:56
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : Why Encryption?

Its easy guys.. Do NOT use WEP, WPA, or ANY option other than none..... Authorization is used on the administration pages... thats all good and there is no encryption there. To get into the network there is no security at all, anyone could hack right on in..... but who cares? Thats the same as any radio repeater, pl tone or not.... I know for a fact WEP is a form of encryption and it encrypts not only the authentication key but ALL data passed through the network. So Don't use wep. I hope that cleared things up for those who were still unsure.
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 Subject :Re:wrtsl54gs firmware fixes.. 2013-01-29- 05:59:57 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Firmware
Topic : wrtsl54gs firmware fixes

You can send them to me. I am one of the developers. kd5mfw at arrl dot net -Glenn
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 Subject :wrtsl54gs firmware fixes.. 2013-01-29- 05:43:56 
Joined: 2013-01-29- 11:34:20
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : wrtsl54gs firmware fixes

Hi I am new to the forum, in addition to just receiving my Call Sign.  I have installed the firmware on my two wrtsl54gs routers and noticed it does not work out of the box.  I have figured out the issues and modified the config scripts and web pages.  It now functions properly.  Is there someone I can give the new files to so that the firmware can be updated?


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 Subject :N5JXO-Tower node back on the air.. 2013-01-27- 13:41:32 
Joined: 2011-08-07- 08:48:04
Posts: 3
Location: Round Rock, TX
Forum : Austin
Topic : N5JXO-Tower node back on the air

I have a new permanent installation of a mesh node on my 30 foot tower with a gain parabolic antenna and bi-directional AMP. It is on a rotor and I now have a pretty solid connection to Cedar Park Hospital. Signal fluctuates from 85% to 100%. I can also connect to a few nodes through the Hospital such as KE5RS tower etc. But no link to Austin yet.

Fred N5JXO


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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-01-26- 20:44:09 
Joined: 2013-01-27- 01:34:55
Posts: 1
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

For a quick and dirty time stamp I change line 157 in the file to the following:

printf FILE '<p><span class="callsign">' . $name . ':</span><span class="date">' . localtime() . ':</span><span class="message">'. special_chars($msg) . '</span></p>' . "\r\n";

I then added the following to the styles.css file to make the time stamp slightly smaller and a different color:

.date {

padding-left: 2px;

padding-right: 5px;

font-family: "arrial-narrow", arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 14px;

color: #FF00FF;


If your router is connected to the internet it will pick up utc time while booting, if not, it will be some random time.  If the correct time is important you will need to ssh into the router and change it manually as there is no way to do it from the web interface. The command is: date MMddhhmmyyyy (Month, day, hour, minute, year)

This is how the time stamp will appear in the chat server as well:

K1NDT: Sun Jan 27 09:06:11 2013: testing

Hope this helps.

This worked well on Safari on my Mac as well as IE9 on a windows 7 machine.

Many thanks to VE3NKL for this.

Scott K1NDT 

[n7wwk 2013-01-08- 03:59:58]:

Works Great Easy to set up very small foot print. Time stamp would be nice.

73 Bob n7wwk

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 Subject :USR5461.. 2013-01-25- 17:03:42 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 21:34:13
Posts: 3
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : USR5461

I'm trying to upload the file for the USR5461 to turn it into a node. I've noticed one thing…2.8MB file where there is only 2MB of flash on the system. So…what's the secret?

PS I currently have a micro version of dd-wrt on the router but that was done in an effort to try and get the system to read the bin file instead of looking for the usr file.

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 Subject :Re:USR 5461 Flash size.. 2013-01-25- 16:56:51 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 21:34:13
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : USR 5461 Flash size

I'm not meaning to make this thread rise from the dead…Zombie Thread!…but I literally just went through the same thing today. My only guess is that you could try uploading a micro firmware that supports a thumb drive in the USB port…don't know how that would work out through the flash though.
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 Subject :Re:Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area.. 2013-01-23- 09:25:01 
Joined: 2013-01-23- 15:23:08
Posts: 15
Location: Malvern Pa USA FN20ga
Forum : Philadelphia
Topic : Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area

W3JY-MESH-03 active in Malvern, Chester Co Pa.
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-22- 04:17:14 
Joined: 2012-11-05- 00:36:42
Posts: 19
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

John, thanks for the update. Let me know if I can help in any way. Jerry/W0HU
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 Subject :Re:Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-22- 03:42:04 
Joined: 2012-11-19- 11:53:13
Posts: 10
Location: East Mill Creek, Utah
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah


In further discussions with the radio people, it was decided to use the cable for the 2-meter and 440 bands since it was already there.


[W0HU 2012-12-19- 11:12:07]:

Hi John,

I would be happy to visit you at the campus some time so we can look at options.  You have a good site there away from some of the barriers and stuff that are in the way of a clear shot to the mountain.  Perhaps there is a way to assist with that.

Jerry W0HU

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 Subject :Support for Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 ??.. 2013-01-17- 07:37:18 
Joined: 2013-01-17- 13:15:26
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Support for Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 ??

I just discovered HSMM-MESH and plan to experiment with it over the coming months.

Any thoughts on adding support for WHR-HP-G54 routers?

The WHR-HP-G54 is Broadcom based, so it should be relatively easy to add to the supported device list. DD-WRT uses the same binary for both WHR-HP-G54 and WRT54G routers. This is my router of choice with DD-WRT. In addition to reliability, the WHR-HP-G54 has a built-in amplifier and sensitive receiver. This makes them great for long distance links.


I have been using Linksys and Buffalo routers for 4 years in wireless networks running DD-WRT. I started with WRT54G, but switched away from them several years ago.

WRT54G routers work well most of the time. However, a recurring problem is that many do not properly reboot after a power glitch. I use these in rural areas that occasionally loose power in winter storms. Several of the WRT54G routers often hang when the power comes back up with the power light flashing quickly.

Unplugging the power adapter and plugging it back in restores normal function. However, this is not easy to do in remote locations.

I have never experienced this issue with Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 routers.


SF Bay Area

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 Subject :Re:linksys router reliability.. 2013-01-17- 07:28:34 
Joined: 2013-01-17- 13:15:26
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : linksys router reliability

I have been using WRT54G routers for 4 years in wireless networks running DD-WRT. The routers work well most of the time. However, a recurring problem is that many of them do not properly reboot after a power glitch. I use these in rural areas that occasionally loose power in winter storms. Several of the WRT54G routers often hang when the power comes back up with the power light flashing quickly.

Unplugging the power adapter and plugging it back in restores normal function. However, this is not easy to do in remote locations.

I have never experienced this issue with Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 routers. This is my router of choice. In addition to reliability, the WHR-HP-G54 has a built-in amplifier and sensitive receiver. This makes them great for long distance links.

The WHR-HP-G54 is Broadcom based, so it should be relatively easy to add to the supported device list. DD-WRT uses the same binary for both WHR-HP-G54 and WRT54G routers.


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 Subject :Signal strength charting.. 2013-01-17- 04:33:31 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 11:34:42
Posts: 4
Location: Sacramento, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Signal strength charting

Now that I have a mesh up, I thought it'd be fun to chart the antenna strength around my neighborhood.  Any good programs for this?  

My first thought was to get the signal strength to show up on my iPhone, start walking around taking screen shots, then manually transcribe the gps coords and signal strength into a spreadsheet.  But, iOS apparently looks down upon displaying this information, so that's not going to work.

I suppose there could be auto logging programs out there?

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