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 Subject :Re:Sacramento.. 2013-01-17- 04:20:54 
Joined: 2012-12-10- 11:34:42
Posts: 4
Location: Sacramento, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Sacramento

Mesh is up in Sac.  15dBi omni in the attic.  No services.  IRC setup next.  Meshers needed!

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 Subject :Re:CHANGING THE MESH CHANNEL.. 2013-01-16- 00:53:16 
Joined: 2012-09-24- 16:44:57
Posts: 5
Forum : General

Since may original posting and question, I received some email feedback and completed additional experimentation. I have confirmed the notion that the MESH node scans for HSMM-MESH channel activity during bootup and selects the channel with activity (Beacons) and apparently starts at Ch-1. Although the Setup has another channel assigned the node picks the first one it finds. Experimentation shows that I can force a node to select the assigned channel by defining the nodes on that channel to a different SSID. For example, the default SSID = HSMM-MESH and these nodes work normally and scan for activity on THAT SSID. By changing the SSID for the nodes I wish to assign to Ch-3 (for example) = HSMM-LINK. When the node reboots it finds activity on the channel with the assigned SSID of HSMM-LINK and ignores the default SSID activity. I have confirmed connectivity between the nodes on the assigned channel. I am working on the networking issues to connect nodes on different channels to provide transparent "cross-channel" operations. I will appreciate any feedback on this issue. Thanks for you feedback and 73, Dave, WA7RYV
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 Subject :CHANGING THE MESH CHANNEL.. 2013-01-14- 05:53:28 
Joined: 2012-09-24- 16:44:57
Posts: 5
Forum : General

I have not found a discussion on the topic of changing the channel on an existing MESH node. It would seem that the channel can be changed through Setup and Rebooting the node. I have also seen a requirement to turn the node OFF for a period of time and re-powering the node.

I have followed these steps to change from the Default CH-1 to CH-3 as listed in Setup. The web page updates and shows the selected value but after Reboot it appears to remain on CH-1. I have attempted this process several times.

What am I missing? Is there any special requirement to change the node channel?

I will appreciate any feedback on this question as we are looking at using a channel other than the Default for dedicated directional links.

Thanks and 73,

Dave, WA7RYV

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-09- 13:14:06 
Joined: 2012-11-05- 00:36:42
Posts: 19
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

Ron KC7WVS de Jerry W0HU Ron, I would defer to Dave WA7RYV at this point. I have units up and running, but am very short on experience just yet. I do recommend one of the amplifiers from the Magna group, as reception will be surprisingly better once you get one in your system. Sorry my reply is so late, I was out of town and got behind on my comms. I would be willing to help in any way I can, and if you get set up with a date with Dave, I would be glad to try to attend and participate where I can fit it in. If you can do it on a Mon-Tue-Thu or Sat evening, or just about any time M-F during the day, I can be there.
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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2013-01-08- 03:59:58 
Joined: 2012-12-02- 12:37:42
Posts: 9
Location: Putnam Co Fl - EL99EP
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Works Great Easy to set up very small foot print. Time stamp would be nice.

73 Bob n7wwk

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 Subject :Setting Capture Page to work around WEP Like WIFI Hot Spot.. 2013-01-06- 12:25:15 
Joined: 2012-12-02- 12:37:42
Posts: 9
Location: Putnam Co Fl - EL99EP
Forum : Applications
Topic : Setting Capture Page to work around WEP Like WIFI Hot Spot

Setting Capture Page to work around WEP Like WIFI Hot Spot

Nodogsplash offers a simple way to provide restricted access to an internet connection. It is intended for use on wireless access points running OpenWRT (but may also work on other Linux-based devices).

Nodogsplash offers a solution to this problem: You want to provide controlled and reasonably secure public access to an internet connection; and while you want to require users to give some acknowledgment of the service you are providing, you don't need or want the complexity of user account names and passwords and maintaining a separate database-backed authentication server.

I have been working on setting on a capture page like most WIFI Hotspots use.


And nocatsplash

This looks like a good work around for security  and a way to by pass WEP as neither use any encryption.

nodogsplash in the HSMM-MESH packages it is older version but it gets the process started and loads th proper IPTables and necessary packages. But it will not run, you must then upgrade with the (latiest.ipk) Package. Do not start out with the most current version. As it will not work at first.

I have been able to get it configured to start and run but not provide a capture as of yet. I could sure use some help from some network savy people.

nocatsplash is little harder to get loaded, you must fined the nocatsplash.ipk and either Putty or WinScp it into the router. I have successfully got it to work and capture the WIFI log on. Still have not got it redirect the user to the webpage I want the user to go to.

Locally we are running small Windows XP Box with WAMP.
The windows box has static IP
Apache is set to Listen on port 88 (not to conflict with the mesh routers)
Computer name is (hamradio).

So you can log on via WIFI http://hamradio:88/  or http://localhost:88
I brings up the webpage for our server. and connects to all our Preconfigured pages.

I also setup OpenChat available from ( this is real goos chat as it does not require any user software or IRC client be installed it web based. unlimited chat rooms, with chat to all or individual users. Good for served agency not having to have othe software installed. Just web browser.

I can help with server setup WAMP and other things but could sure use some network help with getting the capture working.


nodogsplash Harder to setup but will ask for user name and password that can be Preconfigured with several ie. guest / guest

nocatsplash Easier to setup just presents a log on page which and state rules or terms for use but no user / password just click (logon) and your in.

Please take a look at thes packages and maybe help both should work on all router versions I have it Setup on WRT54G 1.1

For Testing.

73 Bob Elder N7WWK

Putnam County FL
Auxiliary Emergency Communications

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Last Edited On: 2013-01-07- 02:49:13 By n7wwk for the Reason up date information
 Subject :Hidden transmitter problem.. 2013-01-06- 09:53:57 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Hidden transmitter problem

Does the hidden node problem apply to HSMM-MESH... As with standard 802.11?  Or do the routing characteristics tend to minimize these effects?

Andre, K6AH

After following the "Learn about OLSR" link and reading how OLSR works, I now realize that since routing is solely determined by link quality, hidden nodes will be factored into the quality calculation.

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Last Edited On: 2013-01-27- 11:14:43 By K6AH for the Reason
Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Firmare Version.. 2013-01-04- 13:05:38 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Firmare Version

You can use the G revision. KTF
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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Problems & Answers

Hi Dave,

I have seen this on more than one occasion, and usually to fix it, I reboot either or both ends of the connection. Simple workaround for now.

Im going to bet its a bug in the older OLSR, which is responsible for the DNS resolution. Hopefully very soon we will be releasing an firmware update which will have the latest OLSR, and hopefully a bunch of bug fixes in the OLSR.




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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-04- 05:26:16 
Joined: 2013-01-03- 12:30:00
Posts: 2
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah


Thanks for your response.  I missed your Taylorsville presentation in November but have embarked on putting together a Mesh station on my own.  Everything went together just fine and you can see from the attached file what it looks like.  The cat5 cable is routed down into the hamshack in the basement.  The building the antenna is on is my workshop.  I have several channel 1 routers in the neighborhood that are around -56 so they may cause me problems.  Also I cannot go directly East as the house is in the way.  May have to put the antenna up higher.  Anyway from the conversation I had last night on 145.45 net I may improve my chances with an amplifier.  I'll get out to the Bishops storehouse to see if they have any available, however, this weekend is stake conference and I have much to set up for the meetings in the A-V arena.  Are these external amplifiers or are they a chip replacement in the router?  Also what output ratings are available?

Dick   W7SAE

 W7SAE-8.jpg [551 KB] :: HSMM-MESH Station
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-03- 13:57:21 
Joined: 2012-09-24- 16:44:57
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

WA7RYV, Dave, Taylorsville, may be able to help. I have presentations for both packet and MESH. Jerry, W0HU knows who I am. Let me know if I can help. 73, Dave WA7RYV
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Joined: 2012-09-24- 16:44:57
Posts: 5
Forum : Problems & Answers

At various times and on different nodes, we have seen the IP for a MESH node appear in the Neighbors but the Node Name is never displayed. In most cases, the LQ is 90-100%. The node can be pinged, telnet, and direct connection to the node which then displays all node information. Eventhough some connectivity is available to the node, since the node name is not displayed, the node does not appear as a Neighbor, as a Remote Node and is not shown in the OSLR lists.

What is the criteria for the node name being displayed? Is this an indication of a system or connection problem?

This may be one of the mysteries of life but I will appreciate a better understanding of how this connection display works.


73, Dave

WA7RYV, Utah

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2013-01-03- 09:24:55 
Joined: 2024-09-27- 21:18:32
Posts: 0
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node


Thanks for your input in fixing issues and expanding the asterisk guide. When I get back to my university (where my many HSMM-MESH nodes are located), I will try these out and update the guide accordingly. Thank you both for your support!

The symbolic link won't survive a reboot though and I need to figure out a way to recreate that link at startup.

The easiest thing you can do is edit the /etc/init.d/boot file and add a new line inside the brackets that reads: ln –s /usr/lib/asterisk/sounds /var/lib/asterisk/sounds

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Last Edited On: 2013-01-03- 09:25:21 By for the Reason
 Subject :Firmare Version.. 2013-01-03- 07:59:18 
Joined: 2012-11-25- 22:54:44
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Firmare Version

Perhaps I missed something on the firmware download page, but I have a "GL" model and only see firmware for G or GS?

What is the recommended firmware BIN file for the GL?


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 Subject :Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2013-01-03- 07:00:03 
Joined: 2012-01-26- 14:21:48
Posts: 6
Location: Portland, OR
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

For KF5JIM and K5KTF, I wanted to let you guys know I got voicemail working. It’s pretty simple.

I’m assuming you’ve followed FF5JIM’s instructions and have that part working ok.

I’ve attached the two required binaries, download and copy them to the mesh node the same way you copied the asterisk files to the node.

Install the packages:

ipkg install asterisk16-sounds_1.6.1-rc1-1.1_mipsel.ipk

ipkg install asterisk16-voicemail_1.6.1-rc1-1.1_mipsel.ipk

Now edit /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf and add the following lines to the bottom:


1012 => 1111,1012,,,attach=no

1013 => 1111,1013,,,attach=no

And set the user context by changing the userscontext line:


I also changed a few of the defaults in that file to shorten the length of messages, the number of messages, etc. The config file is well documented.

Now edit /etc/asterisk/extentions.conf and add the lines to what you’ve already entered so it looks like this:


exten => 1012,1,Dial(SIP/1012)

exten => 1012,n,VoiceMail(1012@hsmm-mesh,u)

exten => 1013,1,Dial(SIP/1013)

exten => 1013,n,Voicemail(1013@hsmm-mesh,u)

exten => 2000,1,Answer(500)

exten => 2000,n,VoiceMailMain(@hsmm-mesh)

So you are adding one new voicemail line for each extension, and one new extension (2000) you use to get into voicemail.

Now one last piece. The asterisk voicemail sounds package loads the sounds into /usr/lib/asterisk/sounds. But the voicemail package wants them in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds. If you move the base directory to /usr/ though the spool directory will move with it, and that’s no good from a space point of view. So I made a symbolic link

ln –s /usr/lib/asterisk/sounds /var/lib/asterisk/sounds

You may need to recreate the /var/lib/asterisk directory first.

Now restart asterisk, get back into the console, and type “voicemail show” and you should see the new voicemail boxes defined.

If you dial the extension “2000” the lady says “mailbox” – she’s asking for the mailbox number you want to get VM for. Type in 1012. Then the password, in this case it’s 1111 (from the line in voicemail.conf). from there you can get messages, set up your custom greeting, etc.

This configuration keeps VM on the volatile filesystem, so VM will non survive a reboot. I think that's fine. The symbolic link won't survive a reboot though and I need to figure out a way to recreate that link at startup. I found this link helpful for figuring out the setup

Thanks again KF5JIM for you work on this – and thank you K5KTF for your work on HSMM-MESH!


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Last Edited On: 2013-01-03- 07:05:34 By KF7LJH for the Reason
 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-03- 06:43:56 
Joined: 2013-01-03- 12:30:00
Posts: 2
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

Just got an HSSM-Mesh station up and running.  Location:  4930 South Woodhaven Dr. (1365 West) in Taylorsville.    Have TP-Link grid parabolic antenna (24 dBi) up about 15 feet.  It is vertically polarized.  Find plenty of routers around the neighborhood but no MESH activity.  Directions aimed:  West, SW, South, NW, North, NE.  Nothing yet.

Dick W7SAE

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2013-01-02- 21:05:12 
Joined: 2012-01-26- 14:21:48
Posts: 6
Location: Portland, OR
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome writeup! You made the setup simple, took me about 15 min. 

While I don't have any other mesh-nodes connected, I figured I'd try to establish a connection with a ham friend who has a hardware voip phone, but we'd do it over the internet. With some natting on our home firewalls it worked - I called his ext from a sip client on my smartphone and we had great voice quality. All from the mesh router. Very cool.

I was going to put Asterisk on my HSMM-MESH RaspberryPi file/web/aprs server, but why bother, this works great. 

Thanks for taking the time to do the write up and provide the packages.


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 Subject :Re:Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node.. 2013-01-02- 21:05:11 
Joined: 2012-01-26- 14:21:48
Posts: 6
Location: Portland, OR
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk Running Natively on HSMM-MESH Node

I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome writeup! You made the setup simple, took me about 15 min. 

While I don't have any other mesh-nodes connected, I figured I'd try to establish a connection with a ham friend who has a hardware voip phone, but we'd do it over the internet. With some natting on our home firewalls it worked - I called his ext from a sip client on my smartphone and we had great voice quality. All from the mesh router. Very cool.

I was going to put Asterisk on my HSMM-MESH RaspberryPi file/web/aprs server, but why bother, this works great. 

Thanks for taking the time to do the write up and provide the packages.


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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2013-01-02- 16:57:52 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 22:31:01
Posts: 1
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

Jerry  W0HU......would you please contact me.   I'm looking for a person that could come and give a demo of HSMM-MESH at one of our next live net meetings.   The City of Cottonwood Heights has an emergency system in place that will aid the city in the time of an emergency.   We are now in the process of getting D-Star set up to report our CERT conditions in the neighborhoods.   Several of us are also interested in the MESH possibilities.  Let me know if that is possible or if you would rather just suggest someone else to us to contact.

If anyone else on the board can help let me know.



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Last Edited On: 2013-01-02- 17:01:58 By KC7WVS for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor.. 2013-01-02- 05:30:46 
Joined: 2011-12-12- 17:15:26
Posts: 4
Location: Iowa
Forum : General
Topic : Interface with Dallas 1820 Temperature Sensor

I've been (slowly) working on a temperature/voltage sensor based on the Dallas DS2438 IC.  The DS2438 is a battery management IC that can read voltage as well as temperature; that way you could also monitor the voltage present at the router.

Using the digitemp software package, which is compiled for the WRT routers already, it should be fairly easy to put the voltage and temperature readings on one of the status webpages, even keep a log of the internal temperature of the case at a regular interval.

Eventually the plan is to have a PCB spun that plugs directly into the TTL-RS232 header of the WRT54 routers and incorporates the one-wire interface and DS2438 IC all on one daughtercard.

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