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 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-08- 16:04:59 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

Two item overlooked are the NAT problem and the filtering problem.

GRE through many routers won't work if NAT is involved, those that do support GRE may may have it disabled and at the moment directly exposing a node on the public web wouldn't be wise in my opinion.

vtund  has a better chance of working as it's either TCP or UDP based on config and can't be blocked based on protocol number(as GRE can) this may mean it is more likely to work on random networks as well, of course a true layer 7 firewall may be able to block it but that's even more rare.

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 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-08- 12:38:54 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
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Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

SM7I's post above suggests 'yes'--that GRE does run on the 16/4MB linksys versions with bbhn. SM7I, is this confirmed--are you doing this today? However, for the future, given the age of the linksys hardware and the inherent limited ability to continue to support in upgrades to OpenWRT, it would not be in our best interest to give a lot of weight to constrain a bbhn packaged implementation to these limitations. (Still opportunity for everyone to experiment with any/all tunneling options.)
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 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-08- 12:35:35 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
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Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

SM7I's post above suggests 'yes'--that GRE does run on the 16/4MB linksys versions with bbhn. SM7I, is this confirmed--are you doing this today? However, for the future, given the age of the linksys hardware and the inherent limited ability to continue to support in upgrades to OpenWRT, it would not be in our best interest to give a lot of weight to constrain a bbhn packaged implementation to these limitations. (Still opportunity for everyone to experiment with any/all tunneling options.)
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 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-08- 10:17:17 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
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Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

great post AE6XE. How "lightweight" is GRE? Would it possibly fit/run in a WRT54G (non-S) with limited ram and storage?
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-08- 07:21:01 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
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Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

GRE - by itself no encryption, light weight kernel mode tunnel, performance edge. Add on top ipSec for encryption also in kernel mode (or other designed encryption techniques/strengths over this tunnel). Googled internet posts claim it is more complicated to do encryption over GRE and depending on technique may limit the protocols.

vtund - on top of vtun kernal driver with everything else in user space. Packaged with basic level of 128 bit encryption->easier to setup. Doesn't limit protocols in use. I'd call this the middle ground solution.

What is best for our community? Depends... If we have no need to encrypt data carried over the internet, basic GRE with no encryption is lighter weight and straight forward. If we need to do encryption (let's say a city EOC has requirements to encrypt their data if going over the open internet), then vtund. If 'strong' encryption is required, then we'd want to look at something like openVPN (over vtun driver) and 1024 bit keys.

All, What do we as a community think are our requirements? What level of security (for the purpose of tunneling traffic over the internet to connect MESHes) should be packaged in a future release of bbhn? This need is likely the significant factor (while still considering options that are easy, supportable, and work). Any opinions?

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Last Edited On: 2014-10-08- 07:22:41 By AE6XE for the Reason corrected formatting
 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-07- 19:24:35 
Joined: 2014-08-16- 22:03:25
Posts: 6
Location: Las Cruces, NM, USA
Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

For the sake of discussion, what are the advantages/disadvantages in vtun vs gre tunneling? 

I've setup gre tunneling before have not had the opportunity to play with vtun.



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Network Systems Engineer by day, BBHN by night
 Subject :Re:DTD and Beta v3.. 2014-10-07- 13:54:21 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : DTD and Beta v3

got it

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 Subject :Re:Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware.. 2014-10-07- 10:48:24 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware

And if you want better performance the ubnt devices that use MIMO will do even better. The AirGrid and Bullet are at the bottom of my ubnt preferred device list. I will and do use them, but they are not the best performers. Clint AE5CA
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 Subject :Re:Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware.. 2014-10-07- 07:34:48 
Joined: 2014-09-01- 18:58:19
Posts: 22
Location: Freeland, PA FN-21
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware

Hi Bob, Just a quick note, in order to see the firmware in the pulldown list, your router has to have an internet connection to it to connect to the repository. Or, you can manually download the file from the website here and load it in using load and explore to it. As far as your node coverage, remember a Linksys' output is a mere 79mW. Any length of coax to an antenna will give high loss further degrading the output. You'd need to have the router right at the antenna with less than 2' of coax. Yes, foliage and solid objects further degrade the signal as well, but if you're already losing to coax feed, your standing in the wind. I've already shot a Ubiquity AirGrid thru foliage over a 6.5 mile path and achieved solid connections, so it can be done. I'd recommend using Ubiquiti for local access nodes, it has 600mW of power, can be directly attached to the antenna connector eliminating any loss thru coax, and is made to be outdoors. I'm sure you'd achieve much better results. Right now we have a 16.5 mile path that goes over a mountain and we connect daily. Ubiquiti AigGrid to Ubiquiti Bullet on a 24dBi grid dish. Amazing what the GHz can do!!! Though I have to admit, when I put up my 900 MHz repeaters, I also was surprised at what they did. So when the BBHN stuff connected up, I was surprised, but also reminded of my experience with my 900 stuff. Good luck Bob, John W3RC
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John W3RC
 Subject :Re:Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware.. 2014-10-06- 05:38:03 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 13:25:05
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware

Hi KF5JIM, Thanks for the reply. Doing it manually, as described in the URL you provided, is a bit beyond my "skill set" and "comfort level". I have worked with LINUX in the past, but I'm very rusty with it and don't have a LINUX machine at my disposal. I'll leave the WRT54GL with the BBHN installation in place. I actually have 2 of the routers and tried (with a 14db gain vertical on one of them) out BBHN as an experiment in my neighborhood. The achievable range was disappointing (only a few hundred yards). I suspect that all of the leafy trees in the area are part of the problem. The whole concept of BBHN is fascinating. In my area (Syracuse NY) I suspect that a router that operated in the 900 MHZ spectrum might prove to be a better performer. Bob (N2FKW) - retired EE (utility SCADA hardware, software, and systems), with lots of experience on an IBM mainframe (assembler), some UNIX (DEC UNIX), and a Mac OSX user.
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 Subject :Re:Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware.. 2014-10-06- 04:54:16 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware

Not true. This is what is happening in the background: You have to do it manually.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware.. 2014-10-06- 04:45:55 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 13:25:05
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : Revert BBHN back to Factory/Other Firmware

Hi, Based on the FAQ and your notes above I also attempted to revert my WRT54GL to its factory state, but after hitting the refresh button the factory firmware doesn't appear on the list. It looks like trying BBHN firmware on a WRT54GLis a one way street; you can't go back!! Bob (N2FKW)
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G Areal selection.. 2014-10-06- 04:06:20 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G Areal selection

Zl4DK, Your answer can be found in Chapter 10 of WNDW on pages 7 and 8.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:WRT54G Areal selection.. 2014-10-05- 22:11:58 
Joined: 2014-07-24- 18:29:00
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Location: RE54ec
Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G Areal selection

This blog seems to suggest that the wrt54 will sense which aerial it is receiving a device best on and therefore when transmitting back will select the best aerial to use (probably based on mac addresses). This would make the use of two high gain aerials pointing in different directions practical. However what does the device do when it has a broadcast packet to transmit? How does it decide which aerial to use then?
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 Subject :Re:Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-05- 19:40:27 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
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Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels


Well, we are using GRE tunneling as we wanted to keep the footprint of implementation to such minimum that it could successfully be run on even the GL models.

I will be releasing the latest docs soon, but please feel free to look at the documentation found at

[k5dlq 2014-10-03- 07:11:59]:

Joe, let me know if you want to try and connect to my server, or, vice versa. email me at SM7I, I would like to review your docs once available. Are you using GRE or VTUN?

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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-05- 15:39:01 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

Here's my setup of vtun with instructions to install on both server and client. untar and check out the README files. Anyone that would like to connect to the mesh in Southern CA, send me email to exchange a password. My internet IP is already in the config files here... 

Note, I've not tested my instructions with a fully clean test run.   let me know if I may need corrections. (but not with basic linux command line, etc.)

Download tar file here:

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Last Edited On: 2014-10-05- 15:45:28 By AE6XE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Mesh won't advertise service for VoIP.. 2014-10-05- 12:30:37 
Joined: 2014-10-03- 13:53:22
Posts: 6
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Mesh won't advertise service for VoIP

Hi Fred, did you ever get up and running? I only have 2 phones,(on seperate nodes), but run my RPi on the Mesh node which is installed in my car. Each person with a mesh node can also have a phone, when my car shows up, the network sees the asterisk server and the phones work. I shot a quick vid of the RPi setup. 73
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 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-05- 05:22:52 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

Trying to get my client connected to a server.

I'm getting a "vtund[2242]: Connection denied by...." error.

Here is a tcpdump of the conversation: (I've replaced the actual target IP with and my actual client name with "myclientname")

Any ideas???

73, K5DLQ - Darryl


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Last Edited On: 2014-10-05- 05:30:51 By k5dlq for the Reason
Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Virtual Tunnels.. 2014-10-05- 04:35:38 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Virtual Tunnels

I was able to setup a functional VTUN tunnel across my home network between a bullet and a rocket. The mesh and olsr status pages show the lone device across the tunnel as if it was a DTDlink in all respects. I will need to enhance slightly for the vtun server/host node to enable multiple clients (tun*) simultaneously such that the firewall rules continue to work. I'll post these config files, hopefully later this evening.
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G Areal selection.. 2014-10-05- 04:12:39 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : WRT54G Areal selection
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