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 Subject :Can't obtain ARP address on WAN.. 2015-03-02- 12:17:55 
Joined: 2014-10-14- 15:18:07
Posts: 9
Forum : General
Topic : Can't obtain ARP address on WAN

I have an isolated RF node and have not been had any luck getting the system to either retrieve DHCP information or get an ARP answer from my TWC cable modem.  I have successfully set the static IP and gateway addresses but the system will not talk to the router because it doesn't know its MAC address.

As far as I can tell the ARP command will not take arguments so I am at a loss what to try next.


Alan - W5ARH

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 Subject :Re:Re:Incident Tracking Software.. 2015-03-02- 08:34:38 
Joined: 2012-05-27- 22:34:59
Posts: 7
Location: Mart, Texas 76664
Forum : Applications
Topic : Incident Tracking Software

WebEOC is either "hosted" or "on premise". I have a hosted WebEOC portal provided by a close metropolitan area because I am a rural small town EMC. BBHN would be great for a hosted WebEOC if the BBHN had internet access. I have no experience with on premise WebEOC. I would assume BBHN would be useful. It was not difficult for me to get a WebEOC portal. All I had to do was ask.
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 Subject :Re:Re:FreePBX 12.0.40 Linux Distro on a Dell PC - kicking my butt..... 2015-03-02- 02:52:19 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
Posts: 43
Forum : VoIP
Topic : FreePBX 12.0.40 Linux Distro on a Dell PC - kicking my butt...

Bill, the process to make Asterisk work involves several steps. You have to program the phone and assign it a phone number and password. This occurs inside the phone but is actually easy to manage by TFTP. Next, you assign the same number and the same password to the phone in Asterisk. Last, you boot the phone on a network containing the Asterisk server. The TFTP part is the biggest help. If you want the phone to be programmed by TFTP, you must point the phone at the server with the TFTP folder. Normally this is on the same server as your Asterisk. The phone finds a config file starting with its own mac address and adopts those values. This is pretty cool as you can set the server up to give different features to the phone (multiple numbers, etc) and, on reboot, the phone gets modified. Lots has already been written on this topic. Use the search window in upper right from any page. Broadband-Hamnet now searches every work including forum content using Google. The search is confined to content on this web site.
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Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Eastern TN

Hello Friend, Please give me a call and I will fill you in on information on the mesh project 1-423-582-7176 Talk to you soon 73's KD4YSH
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 Subject :Re:unable to access mesh router.. 2015-03-01- 08:12:51 
Joined: 2014-11-17- 22:57:17
Posts: 18
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Forum : General
Topic : unable to access mesh router

Tony, I assume that your node is running and only the DHCP service was turned off. Set up your PC with a manual IP address. I suggest you use with a net mask of Then open your web browser and enter the URL: http://localnode:8080



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Last Edited On: 2015-03-01- 08:13:31 By KI6MLU for the Reason
Russ Chung
 Subject :unable to access mesh router.. 2015-03-01- 05:54:01 
Joined: 2014-03-02- 21:58:56
Posts: 3
Forum : General
Topic : unable to access mesh router

I have a wrt54G router which I think I accidentally turned off DHCP and no I can't get into it.

Is there a way to get back into them via lan port without dhcp please.

Thanks & 73's Tony N2SIQ

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 Subject :Re:FreePBX 12.0.40 Linux Distro on a Dell PC - kicking my butt..... 2015-02-28- 17:47:06 
Joined: 2013-12-23- 01:38:54
Posts: 11
Location: Edgewood, Maryland
Forum : VoIP
Topic : FreePBX 12.0.40 Linux Distro on a Dell PC - kicking my butt...

The way I setup my PBX was give the phone/ATA a static IP on the mesh node they are attached to.  Then the pbx a static IP on the node its attached to.   The phones are programed with extensions of birthdays right now so the user who has the phone birthday is there ext number.   You can setup a dial by name directory also or call sign if you so desire. By no means am I an expert but that is the way I handled it.

My PBX is running on a BeagleBone Black and the phone/ATA boxes are

these off ebay
then utilize regular of the shelf phones and dect wireless ones

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 Subject :Re:RX of Broadband-Hamnet with normal routers.. 2015-02-28- 16:40:33 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
Posts: 67
Forum : General
Topic : RX of Broadband-Hamnet with normal routers

Yes, with a lan cable...
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 Subject :FreePBX 12.0.40 Linux Distro on a Dell PC - kicking my butt..... 2015-02-28- 16:36:51 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
Posts: 67
Forum : VoIP
Topic : FreePBX 12.0.40 Linux Distro on a Dell PC - kicking my butt...

I had an old Dell, slapped a fresh HD into it and installed the FreePBX Linux kit onto it...

The install went well.  I can get into the web gui, even over the mesh!

I just can't figure out how or where you attach phones to users and IDs to mac addresses...

I don't have much of a clue as to what I am doing and I am looking for some help getting my Cisco 7960 and some polycom phones up and running.

Any AsteriskNOW guru's out there?!?

Bill - N5MBM

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Joined: 2014-09-04- 07:41:55
Posts: 1
Forum : Eastern TN

Hello, I am brand new to this technology but would love to learn about it. I am in the Knoxville area not too far from where your town is according to QRZ. Thanks. KD8TJC
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 Subject :Re:Updating the mesh DNS.. 2015-02-28- 11:53:19 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Updating the mesh DNS

I have confirmed with Conrad that there is a bug in OLSR and a report has been filed. 

Conrad notes that until the issue has been addressed the best way to force an update to go out would be to turn off the node advertising the details for around 5-10 minutes (gives the rest of the network time to purge the details) and then power it back up.

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 Subject :Has the "XW" issue been resolved?.. 2015-02-28- 06:04:43 
Joined: 2013-12-25- 17:20:21
Posts: 12
Location: Rio Rancho, NM
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : Has the "XW" issue been resolved?

Hello  -

I see from the instructions that Ubiquiti has made a modification that prevents some newer models from being used -  the "XW" issue. There was another statement that the issue was being worked  - but no status was given. Has this issue been resolved yet? 


John, N9CNM

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 Subject :Re:Re:android chat app.. 2015-02-27- 13:26:51 
Joined: 2015-01-29- 21:52:13
Posts: 4
Forum : General
Topic : android chat app

AndChat looks to work well with android and irc server in node. I use access point for phone connection and use node url 10.x.x.x The app puts the port in for you. Then set up and log into channel #mesh The voice to text works also. Buster kg9nd Wayne Co In. RACES
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 Subject :Updating the mesh DNS.. 2015-02-27- 06:30:44 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Updating the mesh DNS

I just replaced an older R-Pi with a new R-Pi-v2. In the process I assigned (reserved) a new IP Address (so I could have both systems running for a while) and then moved all my apps to the new hardware and updated my services links.  After testing I removed the old hardware completely, but for consistency I kept the old name for the new system.

I.e. wb6tae-svcs.local.mesh was and is now

After rebooting my node, all works well locally. But, none of the other nodes in our mesh see the new address. They still resolve wb6tae-svcs.local.mesh to

So, my question: Is there a way too force a network wide update of the DNS data or do we have to resort to rebooting every nice on the mesh?

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 Subject :Re:Incident Tracking Software.. 2015-02-27- 06:20:01 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : Applications
Topic : Incident Tracking Software

After looking around a bit (well, quite a bit) I have settled on using Redmine. At least as a prototype system. This is offered as a bug tracker, but with a little customization (and imagination) it can actually serve as a decent community incident reporting system.

NOTE WELL: I was not looking to create a dispatch or resource tracking system.  My implementation was designed solely to allow neighborhood groups to input specific types of serious incidents to be logged. It was also a firm requirement that this system be able to run solely on the mesh and run on a low-power Single Board Computer (R-Pi).

Getting this to run on the Pi was NOT EASY. But, after a but of fooling around, I got it installed and was able to start with the customizations I needed.

I have attached a screenshot of the input screen. It should give a rough idea of what we trying to accomplish.

Next steps: Since the principal type of disaster we expect to experience here is an earthquake, we must assume that parts of the mesh will fail (for various reasons). So, we need to find a way to get this to run in a distributed (Cloud?) mode so individual groups can still input data locally, even if the data cannot propagate to the responders immediately.  

And, here is a key point: the nature of a significant earthquake is that it will strike a large area at once. Thus, it is very likely that emergency response agencies will be completely overloaded for the first 2 to 4 hours immediately post-quake. They will be neither soliciting, nor accepting neighborhood reports during this period. Local neighborhood CERT groups will be the sole responders.  However, as things settle down, the official agencies will, if only for statistical purposes, want to see the extent of damage in the neighborhoods. and this is the need we are trying to address.

 redmine.png [158 KB] ::
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 Subject :Re:Incident Tracking Software.. 2015-02-27- 03:22:28 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Applications
Topic : Incident Tracking Software

Just out of curiosity, I went to look for example WebEOC pricing.

Not surprisingly, they list NOTHING on their website.


If you Google "WebEOC pricing", (be sitting down first!) you can find PDF files of quotes for counties/organizations around the nation. Good thing I wasnt taking a drink at the moment I scrolled down to the itemized quotes (one I saw was >$127K!), else I would now cleaning sprayed Mountain Dew off my monitors/keyboard. :-)

So to actually have WebEOC running over BBHN, it would have to be a taxpayer-funded version, unless the ARRL can make some agreement with them... (not holding breath)



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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Problem upgrading Bullet M2 from 1.0.1 to 3.0.0.. 2015-02-27- 03:00:49 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Problem upgrading Bullet M2 from 1.0.1 to 3.0.0

Are you using the TRX file or BIN files? (the files' name extension ex: FILE.TRX FILE.BIN)

Anytime you are upgrading an existing node, you only use the TRX file.

73 & Happy Meshing!


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Problem upgrading Bullet M2 from 1.0.1 to 3.0.0.. 2015-02-27- 02:17:17 
Joined: 2012-09-22- 11:04:45
Posts: 25
Location: Albany NY
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Problem upgrading Bullet M2 from 1.0.1 to 3.0.0

I am trying to flash a Bullet M2-HP from bbhn 1.0.1 to 3.0.0. The firmware will upload to the Bullet from my laptop but will not flash. I get a message saying "Firmware CANNOT be updated the uploaded file is not recognized". Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Dave KM2O

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 Subject :WRT54G Channel Selection Bug - Not Accurate?.. 2015-02-26- 17:02:57 
Joined: 2014-08-27- 06:48:40
Posts: 3
Forum : General
Topic : WRT54G Channel Selection Bug - Not Accurate?

I have 3 WRT54Gs and one Ubiquity Bullet M2.  All were connected fine via RF on CH 1.  In an effort to minimize interference over a 20 mile path to another station, we decided on CH 3.  The bullet connected fine to the remote station on CH 3 (across the Las Vegas valley, I might add :) - still fine tuning though).

I changed the 3 WRT54Gs to CH 3; their physical locations remained unchanged.  Applied the change, used the "Save Changes" button and rebooted each of them.  They see each other, but not the bullet.  Oddly, I know I noticed that when I changed the first one to CH 3, it still saw the other two that I hadn't changed yet from CH 1.  At that point, I chalked it up to being tired / a fluke.

A WiFi scan from the bullet, and from at least one of the WRT54Gs, shows BroadbandHamnet-20-v3 on CH 1 (not CH 3!) (the bullet also shows a second entry - the remote station's -71 signal on CH 3).

I'm coming to the conclusion that for whatever reason, changing the channel on the WRT54Gs had no effect - is this a known issue?  

I know I can work around the 3 nodes being on RF only paths with the bullet; it was just my inability to replicate my original setup that was frustrating since everything worked fine on CH 1. 

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 Subject :Re:Re:Incident Tracking Software.. 2015-02-26- 09:23:42 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : Applications
Topic : Incident Tracking Software

Alot of the counties use it but they don't host their own servers. They use a portal directly at the state EOC. We are working on a way to get from our county EOC to the state EOC via BBHN hops. A straight connection to the amateur radio station room in the EOC.
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Michael Lussier
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