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 Subject :tun cemote connections?.. 2015-02-13- 04:04:36 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : General
Topic : tun cemote connections?

Having absolutely no idea what I am doing, but

I have put the client on a NS2 connected to comcast, defined it on the server (ns5) also connected to comcast.

configured/saved and the tunnel is active. from the server I can connect to any of the 6 nodes on the NS2 client side. I can not connect to the server node from the client side. Is this correct?

it would be nice to have another remote try...

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 Subject :Re:Discussion: Standards & Practices - Naming your nodes and resou.. 2015-02-13- 03:56:28 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : Discussion: Standards & Practices - Naming your nodes and resources

Absolutely a good practice. Just prefix your callsign to your DHCP reservations. ie. K5DLQ-mapserver.

(and on a side note... I really wish FOSCAM would support non-windows plugins.... I have to fire up an WinXP VM in VMWare on my Mac because of these guys lack of support. The Ubiquiti AirCam's work out of the box. rant_over)

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-13- 03:57:08 By k5dlq for the Reason
Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Re:is there any way to debug vtun?.. 2015-02-13- 03:52:21 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
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Forum : General
Topic : is there any way to debug vtun?

i don't understand what you are asking??
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Discussion: Standards & Practices - Naming your nodes and resource.. 2015-02-13- 02:59:02 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
Posts: 67
Forum : General
Topic : Discussion: Standards & Practices - Naming your nodes and resources

Thanks to the patience of a fellow netizen I have been bestowed the privilege of tunneling into resources far beyond the confines of my almost barren County...

Once the link came up - I was now tickled to find all sorts of people out there running stuff on the mesh like me!  I will admit, being an old ATV junkie, the cams appealed to me.  (Yes, sometimes I get THAT bored!)  After watching one guys fish tank cam for a few minutes I came to the conclusion he needed LOTS more fish in the tank to make it interesting...

I hear rumors that there is a GumbyCam out there somewhere...

But I also noticed a problem...  A few problems actually...  And it sort of comes back to "Standards & Practices"...

I notice a lot of people not being very creative or UNIQUE about their resource names.  How many Rasberry Pi's can you have on one network?  How many "asterisk" nodes can you have before it becomes awfully confusing for people?  How man "cam1" entries can you have?

I notice a need for people to preface their node resources witht heir call or at least the last few letters of it to make "cam1" or "aircam" into something like "N5MBM-TowerCam1".  It would make it easier for some guy in Germany to know what he is looking at on my nodes...  No webpage needed to figure out in the glance of an eye what he is about to click on...

"ChickenCoopCam1" is pretty unique - but there might be one in Montana some day...  "N5MBM-LiveNudeChicks" may get a LOT more hits though...  Just sayin'...

And while I am on the subject of cams - those IP cams you have to log IN to...  I think a proposed standard of what the guys in the Waco area seemed to do.  They have a "visitor" user name of "view" with a password of "view".  And it is pretty standard - if we make that a standard and a practice, everyone will know how to see the live nude chicks on my farm out here in the middle of blue bell ice cream cow territory...  We eat all we can and sell the rejects to all of you people...  But they won't put that in their commercials...

I now have a "view" user account on all my cameras...  Even the 24/7/365 ShackCam hanging off of my mesh routers on

What do you guys think?

Bill - N5MBM

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 Subject :Re:is there any way to debug vtun?.. 2015-02-13- 02:46:32 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : General
Topic : is there any way to debug vtun?

would you try to connect?

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 Subject :Re:Invitation to Broadband Mesh Testing in Anza Borrego Feb 7.. 2015-02-13- 02:19:53 
Joined: 2014-11-17- 22:57:17
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Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Invitation to Broadband Mesh Testing in Anza Borrego Feb 7


Thank you for helping out with the testing at Anza-Borrego last Saturday.  I sent you an email.  I will write up an After-Action Report with our findings.


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Russ Chung
 Subject :Re:is there any way to debug vtun?.. 2015-02-13- 02:17:29 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : is there any way to debug vtun?

you can install tcpdump on the node. ie. for Ubiquiti...

opkg update

opkg install tcpdump

tcpdump -i eth0.1 port 5525 -A -v

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-13- 02:21:36 By k5dlq for the Reason
Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Apps download and how to.. 2015-02-13- 01:23:30 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : Apps download and how to

When I started...  That's what I was doing - looking for apps...

But then I figured out - anything you can do over the internet, you can do over the mesh!  Have a favorite app you use on the net?  You can also use it over the mesh.  Yeah, you may have to tweak it a bit and it may not work like it did but most stuff works just fine!

The "rub" seems to be that a lot of apps nowdays use servers to talk to out there in the internet.  Most of our stuff doesn't need Internet bound servers - that's the real difference.  Because not everyone has their nodes connected to the Internet.

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 Subject :Re:Invitation to Broadband Mesh Testing in Anza Borrego Feb 7.. 2015-02-12- 17:12:19 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Invitation to Broadband Mesh Testing in Anza Borrego Feb 7


Can you send me an email to my Amsat ?

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 Subject :Apps download and how to.. 2015-02-12- 15:46:41 
Joined: 2015-02-09- 17:53:49
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Forum : General
Topic : Apps download and how to

hello all

I'm "N0AGI" (http://N0AGI.COM/) - and i am new to this forum.  I am really enjoying this Broadband-Mesh idea. I currently have 3 Linksys WRT54GS nodes in a mesh network in my neighborhood and I'm trying to add more eventually.  I like the idea and the potential this has to offer.

Can someone point me to a list of apps that are available for download into these nodes and a "how to" material. I see there are some links in the "Applications for the mesh" link here.  anything more for the sharing and how to install these on the nodes

Thank you in advance

73, N0AGI



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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-12- 14:25:39 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Oops. My mistake.  On my local install I renamed the executable as "hamchat" and forgot to fix that in the copy I posted. I thought it was cleaner to drop the extension -- it's not requited anyway.

Also, my mistake on the missing css stylesheet. I copied it from a work directory into which I symlink the original files.  I reposted the entire zip archive with the server names set to and the missing stylesheet.

Richard - wb6tae

[KB1TKM 2015-02-12- 07:48:43]:

Ok... got that little problem resolved and everything is working fine now, Thanks again!!! 

The fix was to modify the to explicitly name the file:

$self_addr = '/cgi-bin/';   # URL path to this script

It was looking for hamchat as opposed to

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 Subject :is there any way to debug vtun?.. 2015-02-12- 11:51:51 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : General
Topic : is there any way to debug vtun?

is there any way to track/debug the tunnel traffic.

it was working, we moved the client and now no activity can be seen.

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 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-12- 07:48:43 
Joined: 2014-10-28- 11:19:11
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Location: Central NH
Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Ok... got that little problem resolved and everything is working fine now, Thanks again!!!

The fix was to modify the to explicitly name the file:

$self_addr = '/cgi-bin/';   # URL path to this script

It was looking for hamchat as opposed to

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 Subject :Re:Re:OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz.. 2015-02-12- 06:15:04 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz

I showed only possibilities using different equipment in Mesh Network but other issue is how to use in local network.

73 Waldek SP2ONG

[KG6JEI 2015-02-12- 05:40:47]:

Of course running with a wifi modem in laptop to a local mesh node is not recommended as it will congest the entire mesh network (your local mode "jams" the frequency as it repeats back to your laptop)

This block out can degrade an entire network for miles to hundreds of miles (depending upon the layout of the network)

It it is still recommended you either use an Ethernet cable or a wifi AP instead on a different channel.

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-12- 18:34:09 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Re:OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz.. 2015-02-12- 05:40:47 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz

Of course running with a wifi modem in laptop to a local mesh node is not recommended as it will congest the entire mesh network (your local mode "jams" the frequency as it repeats back to your laptop)

This block out can degrade an entire network for miles to hundreds of miles (depending upon the layout of the network)

It it is still recommended you either use an Ethernet cable or a wifi AP instead on a different channel.

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 Subject :Re:Re:Alternate to APRS.. 2015-02-12- 02:45:09 
Joined: 2014-10-28- 11:19:11
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Forum : General
Topic : Alternate to APRS

Paul, there are several GPS articles on the forum which inspired me to work on one. I currently have an Arduino Uno running a Ublox NEO-6M GPS module. It does provide all that positioning, velocity, altitude, speed data as well as TIME, which is currently my focus. I've put the NTP project on the back burner while I attempt to get a wider network setup from within my valley to the outside world.
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 Subject :Re:Alternate to APRS.. 2015-02-12- 02:32:39 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : Alternate to APRS

Once you try toying with this mobile - you figure out what a real challenge mobile microwaves are...

Omni antennas usually aren't all that good for this application and the power levels are so low (600 mw) that "punching through the pine trees" becomes an act of futility.

I know, i have a FIVE WATT mobile setup...  And it's pretty dicey around town.  Most fixed stations use directional antennas to link to someplace that is up and on the air. 

So unless you have a compact area blanketed with multiple mesh nodes that all talk to each other, you are going to find that working mobile is a whole different experience than VHF.

I am not trying to rain on your parade, but I am sharing my experience with working mobile with the mesh so far...

Good luck!

Bill - N5MBM

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 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-12- 01:36:21 
Joined: 2014-10-28- 11:19:11
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Thank you so much Richard, I installed the new and now it comes up and asks for my Call sign when I go to the cgi-bin/hamchat file. However, once I enter that and try to proceed, I get a 404 error. I did notice that the styles.css file is only a link (71 bytes) and I'm not sure if that is an error in the downloaded zip file.

It's also possible that I get that error because nobody else is in my mesh network?


Allan KB1TKM

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 Subject :Re:OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz.. 2015-02-12- 00:49:26 
Joined: 2013-10-30- 10:57:25
Posts: 72
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz

Today I have patched linux kernel 3.19 to open tx power range and frequency below 2.4 GHz on my UBUNTU laptop. I have use USB TL-WN722N , run olsrd and working with my local network on channel #247 2.362 Ghz. It is nice solution for mobile access to HamNET network.

I have tested other solution with use VirtualBox  where I have run my own OpenWRT and connected WN722N to laptop and working good with local HamNET network on 2.362 Gh. You can find how to use VirtualBox with openwrt and USB WIFI:

 hamnet-wn722.jpg [90 KB] ::
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Last Edited On: 2015-02-12- 03:00:27 By sp2ong for the Reason
 Subject :Alternate to APRS.. 2015-02-11- 20:56:43 
Joined: 2015-01-26- 22:08:20
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Alternate to APRS

Hello All,

     I am a relatively new HAM, and even newer to HSMM-MESH.  I have been reading the forums and like what I have seen.  File sharing, instant messaging, voice communications, etc are all neat applications to run, but I haven't seen much on telemetry for mobile nodes.  Has anyone experimented with gps, speed, and altitude tracking to name a few?  I was thinking it would be handy to have that capability installed on nodes that are on vehicles, kind of like the military's Blue Force Tracker.  I especially like the idea of having these capabilities during emergency situations where hams may be aiding in search and rescue.



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