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 Subject :Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect.. 2015-02-10- 14:39:06 
Joined: 2013-11-19- 21:40:01
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Location: Milpitas, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect

I have loaded the tunneling software on two GS units.  On both the Server and the Client I can see remote nodes but am unable to connect to them or ping them.  I re-read the instructions and double checked the tunnel set-up screens but I must be missing something or do not understand it--any ideas?

Not sure how well attachments work so here is also a link to an image of my setup


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 Subject :Re:Re:TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E).. 2015-02-10- 11:52:26 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : General
Topic : TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E)

seems like I get all the strange toys.

page 31 of the manual quote:

To ensure the normal communication of the factory switch, the default VLAN of all ports is set to VLAN 1. VLAN 1 cannot be modified or deleted.

Looks likes I get to buy another toy...

[KG6JEI 2015-02-10- 10:30:18]:

If the switch will not let you set ports of VLAN 1 to tagged there is very little we can do.

The node expects that vlan 1 is the vlan for Internet, trying to change it from the switch side will not work, it sounds like you had correctly configured it if it had been vlan 1 but since it's vlan 2 it will not work the vlan tagging on 1 and 2 is specific and doesn't support remapping.

Honestly this is the first switch I have heard of that does not let you edit the tagging for vlan 1

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 Subject :Re:TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E).. 2015-02-10- 10:30:18 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E)

If the switch will not let you set ports of VLAN 1 to tagged there is very little we can do.

The node expects that vlan 1 is the vlan for Internet, trying to change it from the switch side will not work, it sounds like you had correctly configured it if it had been vlan 1 but since it's vlan 2 it will not work the vlan tagging on 1 and 2 is specific and doesn't support remapping.

Honestly this is the first switch I have heard of that does not let you edit the tagging for vlan 1

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 Subject :Re:Re:TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E).. 2015-02-10- 09:18:35 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : General
Topic : TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E)

since I cannot make any changes to VLAN 1, I set up VLAN 2 (I thought) to connect the comast router to the node.

If I delete VLAN 2 there is no way to tag/untag members of VLAN 1 - all ports are untagged by default.

are you saying delete VlAN 2, leave port 3 connected to the node on untagged as VLAN 10 and the Comcast router plugged into port one

[KG6JEI 2015-02-10- 09:02:20]:

From your description your node is not a member of vlan one tagged (the Internet vlan) nor is your router (untagged) VLAN 2 is dtdlink (mesh node to mesh node direct connect only)

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 Subject :Re:TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E).. 2015-02-10- 09:02:20 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E)

From your description your node is not a member of vlan one tagged (the Internet vlan) nor is your router (untagged) VLAN 2 is dtdlink (mesh node to mesh node direct connect only)

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 Subject :TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E).. 2015-02-10- 08:41:34 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
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Forum : General
Topic : TUN with NS2 and TP-LINK (TL-SG108E)

Need a class in how to get tun to work with:


NS2 configured as client (3.01) - using TP-LINK TL-SG108E switch

NS5 configured as server (3.01) - using netgear gs108t switch

Configured the netgear via AE5CA.COM/?p=49  the NS5 has internet access as well as localnode.

now the problem child

VLAN 1 on the TP-LINK cannot be modified.

VLAN 1 = PORT 1, 7, 8

VLAN 2 = PORT 2 untagged -- PORT 3 TAGGED - PORT 2 is connected to COMCAST router, PORT 3 is connected to NS2

VLAN 10 = PORTS 3,4,5,6 UNTAGGED -- PORT 3 is connected to the NS2 and PORT 4 is connected to netbook

The netbook has control of NS2, but there is no access to INET.

The NS2 is configured as client and the gateway switch is checked. The NS5 is configured as Server and the gateway switch is checked.

Could use some education on getting the last mile to work...

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:Re:Re:OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz.. 2015-02-09- 04:52:59 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz

The calibration data is stored on a part of the 8mb flash eeprom (around 64KB in size) which we never overwrite.

The Ham Bands do not always overlap the worldwide channel specs (For example HAM bands go well below on 2.4GHz and well above on 5.8GHz and in the case of 3GHz with the down converter the majority of the channels lie between the normal channels)   Are there specific channels that are Ham Band that you are thinking of that are in the global channel field?  I would guess you are thinking of a few 5.8GHz channels that are below the current channels that are actually in the USA band plan (but not supported officially by the USA model hardware by Ubiquiti due to legal certification needs) that partially overlaps the highly used US Government Radar band (FCC NAL letters go out often for against anyone in that frequency range with wifi that do not have DFS [we don't and we are not required to but we are required to not interfere] )  The main thing to stop those channels would be the lack of International model hardware files as we would expect those devices to have the CAL data in them for sure. (Think we only have a Rocket in XM series)

[kb9mwr 2015-02-09- 04:15:36]:

Okay pardon my ignorance on the matter, but is it appears that we are only concerned about the calibration when we add extended channels. Why would this not apply to the normal channels? Do we have calibration data for the normal ones that you restore when flashing the new firmware? I assume if we buy the unlocked Ubiquiti worldwide version, read that calibration data, we could then write it back ??

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 Subject :Re:Re:OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz.. 2015-02-09- 04:15:36 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz

Okay pardon my ignorance on the matter, but is it appears that we are only concerned about the calibration when we add extended channels. Why would this not apply to the normal channels? Do we have calibration data for the normal ones that you restore when flashing the new firmware? I assume if we buy the unlocked Ubiquiti worldwide version, read that calibration data, we could then write it back ??
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 Subject :Re:Re:OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz.. 2015-02-08- 15:50:49 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OpenWRT AA and BB with channels between 2312-2407 Mhz

This is probably the best explanation I have read on the calibration topic:

Each AR2317 chip is a little different and consequently each chips requires individual RF calibration on the production line. This calibration ensures each AR2317 product has uniform transmit power and meets certain performance criteria. The calibration data is stored at the end of the SPI flash chip and loaded by the WiFi driver at boot time. Calibration is performed on the production line using a bunch of expensive RF test equipment connected via GPIB to a host computer running special software. The calibration procedure and most of the data relating to the AR2317 RF section is part of the Atheros “secret sauce”.....

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-08- 15:52:21 By kb9mwr for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-08- 11:17:07 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

I have a modified version of hamchat I sent to Bill. The major changes were to insert a message each time someone joins the chat, and a timestamp on each message. I also fixed a bug in the HTML page declaration and adjusted the styles a bit to make better use of the page space.

I can share the revised source or the diffs if there is interest.

[n5mbm 2015-02-08- 10:57:35]:

Thanks to some help from Richard WB6TAE, I got HamChat working! ...

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-08- 14:25:23 By WB6TAE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-08- 10:57:35 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Thanks to some help from Richard WB6TAE, I got HamChat working!

I have the tunneling setup and I will be installing the "other router" at W5TZ's place tomorrow hopefully - I have my fingers crossed everything works like it should!

Bill - N5MBM

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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-08- 09:33:48 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Try this Bill:

Link to Hamchat zipfile

It's a little bit of manual work.  It's not mine but I could make an .ipk file for it and that would negate all the file/directory creation.

Have phun!

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-08- 10:11:22 By ae5ae for the Reason
 Subject :Tunneling using Linksys Routers.. 2015-02-08- 08:15:37 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : Tunneling using Linksys Routers

I have setup a couple of Linksys routers to tunnel a connection across the county...

Does dtd linking need to be turned on?  They don't see each other...

Every place I see someone refer to a webpage that tells you how to enable dtd linking it comes back as "Server Not Found"

Anyone have any idea here?

Bill - N5MBM

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 Subject :Re:Re:Re:Question on upgrading.. 2015-02-08- 06:26:35 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : Question on upgrading

I can understand the reasoning for a clean install on a major version upgrade. However, if you want to encourage people to test the beta releases, then this could be a show stopper. If there were just one directory in the file system that would remain untouched, like maybe /var/local, then I could either add that to the search path in scripts, or symlink to it.

It would, of course, have to be made well known that programs and files stored under /var/local might not operate properly after a firmware upgrade. I suspect that those user who would take advantage of such a feature would be those more likely to understand how to use it.

I think the disastrous incompatibility argument is also sort of moot. What difference does it make if I store my data, code, etc. on the node or transfer it to the node after the upgrade.  The incompatibility issue remains the same, regardless of where the files are stored.

[KG6JEI 2015-02-07- 18:52:09]:

...all the arguments are basically against this as each version  upgrade could create a potentially disastrous incompatibility in programs currently installed on a node the only safe way is to do a full wipe and require reinstall of packages after the node is up and running.

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 Subject :Re:Are we being throttled?.. 2015-02-07- 22:09:48 
Joined: 2015-01-29- 02:24:38
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Are we being throttled?

I've read the document that k6ah shared with us. It is certainly a fascinating read showing various types of throughput behaviour on meshed networks.

However, as stated in the document, the experiments performed did not consider OLSR, which is the routing protocol that is maximising throughput on ham broadband. Also, since 2009, it is safe to presume that several enhancements have been made since then to the wireless equipment itself.

But as said, it is an excellent read and experimentation done by North Carolina state university.

For multi user VOIP and hd cams to work continously in an emergency setup, we need more data bandwidth.... or more and more nodes. Is our logic correct?

We also experimented with different polarisations and directionality. So far, the results fly in the face of traditional radio where it seems that we are working faster with omni-directoonal than with directional antennas.

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 Subject :Re:Re:how do you deploy/finance in a city?.. 2015-02-07- 20:19:00 
Joined: 2013-01-07- 02:07:04
Posts: 12
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : how do you deploy/finance in a city?

We have a similar situation here in New Zealand. Lots of hills and bumps etc. At the moment we have a map where we even list potential nodes. i.e. people that want to connect but have not committed. This seems to be drawing out hey I can connect to this person and we are almost at a point where we will get our first members all RF connected. Looking at VPN's between the more distant nodes until we can get some more momentum moving forward. We are also visiting clubs with a live demo and showing them the speed differences etc as well as a few examples of what the mesh can be used for. As for a backbone as soon as the M3 kit is supported we intend hopefully getting a few repeater sites licences and then run a 3Gig link as the backbone and downlink to 2.4G and 5.6G. Taken us two years to get to this point. The fact that we have worked out a deal with the local Ubiquity dealer has helped as we can supply the kit to HAM at a really good price. Perseverance and don't listen to the naysayers who say it is to hard etc... Nothing is too hard you just need to persevere on... All good things come with time.
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 Subject :Re:UNSM2 - Secondary POE port.. 2015-02-07- 18:57:45 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : UNSM2 - Secondary POE port

As noted the port is not enabled and will not pass any traffic.

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 Subject :Re:Re:Question on upgrading.. 2015-02-07- 18:52:09 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Question on upgrading

Actually under the current develop tree code it is still intended to wipe everything from a program standpoint, only node configuration data will be attempted to be retained.

I haven't heard of any plans to change this as all the arguments are basically against this as each version  upgrade could create a potentially disastrous incompatibility in programs currently installed on a node the only safe way is to do a full wipe and require reinstall of packages after the node is up and running.

[k5dlq 2015-02-07- 08:35:50]:

Today, everything gets wiped upon an update.

That will change soon on Ubiquiti (where we have more memory and newer OpenWRT support.


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 Subject :Re:BBHN out to HamWAN (AMPRNet).. 2015-02-07- 17:24:43 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : BBHN out to HamWAN (AMPRNet)

Yes, everything works for now except one route.  

For some reason, I am finding that nodes will dump the routing table on occasion, so I have to re-add my route command.

Current setup:

Node connected to AMPRnet 6Ghz link, as mesh GW

PC attached to that node can access AMPR but not Internet.  Still trying to figure out routing for that one back to the second node that has Internet GW.

Second node has Internet GW, and route command to tell all traffic to go out through the first node, but Internet traffic to go out the Internet GW on itself.

PC attached to second node has access to both AMPRnet and Internet.

So my only issue is, HOW to tell the first node that is connected to the AMPRnet to route all Internet traffic out the Second mesh node that is an Internet GW..

ANy ideas?

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 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-07- 13:41:03 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Still trying to figure out how to add or where to find HamChat...

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