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 Subject :Re:Yet another tun question --- Not working yet.. 2015-02-11- 17:53:11 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : Yet another tun question --- Not working yet

FYI... a "wierd" workaround for the vtun_up command not executing on Linksys...

in /etc/hotplug.d/net/13-vtun

change this:


# Handles setting up rules for tunnel interfaces               
#echo "Interface is $INTERFACE $ACTION" >> /tmp/vtundscript.log




# Handles setting up rules for tunnel interfaces               
#echo "Interface is $INTERFACE $ACTION" >> /tmp/vtundscript.log


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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-11- 15:27:54 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
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Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...


I have placed a copy of the archive on Dropbox.

The archive includes the original perl script and css stylesheet as well as my modified versions.  The original README is also included.  I was going to add notification for when someone leaves the chat. But, in the end I decided the code was really only good for very light usage, or demonstrations. The basic problem is with the refresh mechanism. In HamChat this is accomplished by continuously reloading the web page. This is not too bad if you are in a chat, but when the chat window is in the background, I found it distracting.

In any case, UYMMV, so good luck. I will be glad to try and answer any questions.

Richard -- wb6tae

[KB1TKM 2015-02-11- 15:00:58]:

...I'd really like a copy of your modified HamChat script if you could either post a link ...

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 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-11- 15:00:58 
Joined: 2014-10-28- 11:19:11
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

Richard (Richard WB6TAE), since you asked if there was any interest, I'd really like a copy of your modified HamChat script if you could either post a link or email to me at nhbfc(at)


Allan KB1TKM

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 Subject :Re:Yet another tun question --- Not working yet -now working.. 2015-02-11- 13:53:35 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : General
Topic : Yet another tun question --- Not working yet

I have the connection working...

I changed to client setup to point to the lan ip addrees of the server. the connection was made.

I changed the  srtup back to the dyndns setup and things still seem to be working... go figure

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 Subject :Yet another tun question --- Not working yet.. 2015-02-11- 12:36:25 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : General
Topic : Yet another tun question --- Not working yet


just for the fun of it, here goes....

NS5 connected to Comcast router as tunnel server loaded and enabled

node sees internet and has a lan address xx.xx.xx.20. port forwarded 5525 on Comcast router to this address.

attached laptops can access both the node and the internet.

Linksys GS V2 loaded with 3.01 connected to the Comcast router and tunnel client enabled

node sees internet and has a lan address of xx.xx.xx.40.

attached laptop can access both node and internet

both nodes list default gateway as xx.xx.xx.1

I can ping the dyndns address used to connect the two nodes. have checked rererecheck ip address and password for tunnel setup.

issued vtun_up tun0 up on the Linksys gsv2 got the expected response.

there are 5 other local 2.4 GHz nodes seen by the Linksys node.

the ns5 see the other 5GHz node in the mix

not sure how to test further, any suggestions are appreciated.

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:Saving password and route problem.. 2015-02-11- 09:41:46 
Joined: 2012-01-19- 20:00:41
Posts: 4
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Saving password and route problem

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-11- 09:49:59 By KD5WMA for the Reason
 Subject :Re:android chat app.. 2015-02-11- 07:23:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : android chat app

This may be the lack of FQDN that affects chatzilla or may be the link just doesn't match what the application wants .

you may just want to configure  the app manually most have fields for server name  port number etc, links are but I can see how you would want the link to work, in that case contact the program support and ask them how irc:// links need to look for their application.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:android chat app.. 2015-02-11- 07:14:39 
Joined: 2015-01-29- 21:52:13
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Forum : General
Topic : android chat app

I have tried about six of them from app store and download from web and they all seem to say the same thing.

syntax error, wrong link, ect

Looks like they may add the :6667   to the end of the add line.

I did remove the port # from the set up and it will not let me, said it has to be in the set up.

Daryll kg9nd

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 Subject :Re:How to UNbrick a Linksys WRT54GS?.. 2015-02-11- 06:37:36 
Joined: 2014-10-28- 11:19:11
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : How to UNbrick a Linksys WRT54GS?

Bill, you may try reading this thread as it covers several methods...


Haven't had the misfortune to try any of them yet despite several screwups that scared me into thinking I was going to have to!

Allan KB1TKM

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-11- 06:39:18 By KB1TKM for the Reason to fit entire hyperlink on page
 Subject :Re:Saving password and route problem.. 2015-02-11- 06:12:34 
Joined: 2012-01-19- 20:00:41
Posts: 4
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Saving password and route problem

I got same thing,  i flashed firmware with hardware setup:   laptop-24vpoe-m2hp.  no router.

Firmware updated with tftp, worked good. 1982.168.1.1:8080 took me straight into status page and setup.

I tried to save the new node name and password, got the "restart in 60 seconds" page,  then nothing.

Nothing works, hostmode, localhost or   ---all inop.  ping wont work to the router either. the lights are on, but no connections.

i pushed button and held for 20 sec while turning on power, lights in disco mode, re-flashed firmware, all went well again, unill I save the node name/password, then again, no connections can be made to the M2.

Do i need a router or switch between the laptop and m2?

What 10.x.x.x address should i be looking for?

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 Subject :Re:android chat app.. 2015-02-11- 05:50:44 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : android chat app

IRC is a standard protocol (read as: everyone who wants to can and does support it)

Check the App Store for "IRC Client".   AndroidIRC is pretty popular on a lot of the non mesh servers I am on but there are likely hundreds of other apps.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :android chat app.. 2015-02-11- 05:15:42 
Joined: 2015-01-29- 21:52:13
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Forum : General
Topic : android chat app


I have the irc installed in node. Chatzilla working. I have a d-link set up as a wireless access point.

Has anyone found a chat app that will work with android phone and the irc node server?

Firefox on phone, yes   chatzilla add on said not compatible.

Daryll kg9nd

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 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-11- 02:59:28 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

The main issue standing in the way of tunneling out of my bridge router - the WAN port cannot be disabled...  Food for thought!  :)  The tunnel router needs to talk to the internet through the WAN port, not a LAN port!

Bill - N5MBM

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 Subject :Re:Re:Re:Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect.. 2015-02-11- 02:28:41 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-11- 02:30:49 By k5dlq for the Reason
Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Re:Re:Re:New VPN hub coming up.. 2015-02-11- 00:49:51 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
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Forum : Sweden/Finland
Topic : New VPN hub coming up


Sure, no problem. We´re open to all kinds of cooperation over the borders.

Just drop me a mail: sm7i.ham(at) and we´ll look into this.

[AE6XE 2015-01-16- 00:57:19]:

The bbhn beta test team has been testing a packaged server and client tunnel capability integrated in the bbhn setup screens. Darryl K5DLQ is making this happen with contributions from a few of us. We're working through one issue in testing the linksys implementation--ubnt is working well. This is not far off from being made available (a month?) and ultimately part of the bbhn release.

SM7I, let's snyc up separately to exchange an early version and figure out if there are any options to inter-operate? However, this is a vtun implementation.

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IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies..... 2015-02-11- 00:27:38 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
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Forum : General
Topic : HamChat, Tunneling and making life easier on newbies...

It works!  It works!!  It works!!!

With the help of K5DLQ I got the tunneling to work!

But in order to do it, I had to add another router onto the stack in the shack.  We set it up as JUST the tunneling node with no other duties.  And N5MBM-3-TUNSERVER was born. see for yourself at

The node is setup as a 5 node host with DHCP enabled and a static address on the 192. home network on the WAN interface with that interface plugged into the main home internet router.  In this config, tunneling works.

We originally tried it on my N5MBM-3-Bridge node but since it was setup as NAT to allow all my 192. network devices the chance at being advertised services.  It didn't want to tunnel anywhere.  And it is evident that being setup as NAT the tunneling just didn't want to work.

Now I am going to add ANOTHER router onto the heap (N5MBM-3-TUNCLIENT) so I can run the client software to enable me to be more flexible about people connecting to me and vice-versa.  One for Tunnel Client.  One for Tunnel server.  One as a NAT bridge to advertise my local network services and one as my internet gateway.

So that makes 4 linksys routers, stacked on top of each other, just to interface with the internet, my home servers, my local network and the mesh.  Kind of clumsy, perhaps a little "kludgey" but it works!

Many thanks for all the help getting it up and running.  The first time I saw my status page proliferated with Waco nodes, I became ecstatic!

Bill - n5mbm

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 Subject :Re:Re:Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect.. 2015-02-10- 16:28:10 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
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Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect

If the server node is a Linksys, you may have to do this on it as well. You are correct, the node *SHOULD* be calling this command when the tunnel connects, but, for some reason on Linksys, is not doing it reliably. It would need to be executed after a reboot until we can determine the cause. OR if you have a Ubiquiti model, it is 100% reliable in executing this properly.
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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect.. 2015-02-10- 16:14:40 
Joined: 2013-11-19- 21:40:01
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Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect

I get the following message after executing that command

      Firewall rules for tun0 up
      iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
      Adding vtun firewall rules...

I am now able to connect from the client node to the server node but I cannot connect to the other nodes at the servers location.

I cannot physically get to the server location until tomorrow--do I need to issue a similar command on the server node?

It appears the command needs to be reissued after a node reboot.

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-10- 16:16:33 By KE6TIM for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect.. 2015-02-10- 15:30:48 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
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Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect

KE6TIM, It appears that there is an issue on Linksys tunnel nodes.  (Possibly a OpenWRT Kamikaze issue, still researching)

Try this as a temporary fix:

ssh into the the tunnel client node (ssh -P2222 root@nodename)

type the following cmd:

vtun_up tun0 up

Then, try and access the remote nodes.

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Last Edited On: 2015-02-10- 15:41:16 By k5dlq for the Reason
Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect.. 2015-02-10- 15:13:52 
Joined: 2014-08-02- 20:59:51
Posts: 67
Forum : General
Topic : Tunnel problem - see remote nodes but cannot connect

I just got it setup and am trying to do some testing with K5DLQ and can't get a connection either...

We can't get them connected...  Your setup looks right...  My setup looks right...  There's something simple we are both missing...

I am wondering if it is because I left the DTDlinking OFF after the last upgrade - I can't find the file that describes how to turn DTDlinking back on because it sort of mysteriously disappeared from the net, I keep getting "File not found" when I try to click on any link referencing it.  It makes me wonder if I NEED to turn it back on for it to work.

I am a little unclear as to why it was turned off - probably router looping problems?

I will be watching this thread!

Bill - N5MBM

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