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 Subject :Re:End of Life for LinkSys hardware.. 2014-11-22- 08:21:36 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : General
Topic : End of Life for LinkSys hardware

Difference is that your Icom will continue to work on ALL analog repeaters regardless of whether or not it is still supported by ICOM.... the new firmware is NOT backwards compatible with older firmware/hardware so that renders old hardware USELESS to the newer MESH networks using newer hardware... Apples to Kumquats I say... Rich N2PPN
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 Subject :Re:End of Life for LinkSys hardware.. 2014-11-22- 07:57:16 
Joined: 2013-09-11- 15:47:48
Posts: 8
Forum : General
Topic : End of Life for LinkSys hardware

I see it more as there's not going to be any further development for that equipment.Basically the same thing as Icom won't support my old IC-2AT. Nothing stopping it from working, or me continuing to use it for events, but if I have a problem with it, I can't expect Icom to tell me what to do to fix it, or for them to fix it or continue providing parts for it. The way I understand the versioning, you can continue to use the Linksys stuff with versions of the protocol up to the last one compatible with the hardware (currently V3). I also understand the protocol version isn't changed unless there is a compelling technical reason to do so. It might not be as powerful or sensative as "replacement" models, such as my IC-91AD, but on FM, those two will talk as long as the batteries hold out.

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Last Edited On: 2014-11-22- 07:59:54 By KC8UFV for the Reason
 Subject :Recommended Video Cameras?.. 2014-11-22- 07:52:50 
Joined: 2013-05-28- 15:31:02
Posts: 15
Forum : Applications
Topic : Recommended Video Cameras?

I want to include a simple video camera in the mobile/portable node I am building.

Needs to be reasonably inexpensive and somewhat tolerant of outdoor use in a few special events, if possible.

What are you using and why did you choose it?  Thanks!


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 Subject :connect a hsmm mesh router via its LAN to my network, but keep mesh us.. 2014-11-22- 07:51:19 
Joined: 2013-07-11- 18:09:02
Posts: 6
Location: Oradell NJ USA
Forum : General
Topic : connect a hsmm mesh router via its LAN to my network, but keep mesh users out of internet?

Subject :connect a hsmm mesh router via its LAN to my network, but keep mesh users out of internet?

I have a Linksys WRT54G router converted to a hsmm-mesh box, and I'd like to be able to connect it to my home network so I can look at the status and such thru my home network, (I can do that with the home network ethernet cable connected to a LAN port, but not the WAN port).  But I want to configure it so a mesh user cannot access the internet thru my home network.  I see a mesh gateway box under "WAN" on the setup page, but no such box under "LAN".   Is there a way to configure the WAN port so I can get to my mesh status web pages, but have the mesh gateway unchecked?  In my case I have my router as (which I can get to when the home network is connected to a LAN port).  I configured the WAN port to be "static" and at but I cant get to the mesh web pages over my network. 

One crude solution would be for me to physically unplug the ethernet cable from the mesh router when I'm not wanting to access it over my network, that would keep mesh users from seeing the internet.  But if there was a reasonably secure method of doing this via configuration I'd like to do that instead.

TIA, 73s

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 Subject :End of Life for LinkSys hardware.. 2014-11-22- 07:39:56 
Joined: 2013-12-10- 20:09:30
Posts: 20
Forum : General
Topic : End of Life for LinkSys hardware

While I fully grasp and understand the need to come to a difficult decision of discontinuing support of the LinkSys WRT 54 hardware I hope that the software developers haven't gotten "tunnel vision" with regard to the people who volunteer their time, QTH's and resources for the MESH project.

Personally I have MANY WRT's in locations all over my region and am disgusted that newer hardware will NOT be able to be BACKWARDS compatible with the legacy equipment already in place!

I am not a person who has disposable income for my Ham Radio projects, buying the newest, latest, greatest piece of hardware out there..... I budget my money for projects as required. It makes no sense to me (or others I have spoken to) why a vertical marketing strategy for the MESH has taken place.

Who will promise that in another year that the Ubiquity hardware won't be tossed aside for the next greatest doo-dad?? Will that decision be as easily made as the one to discontinue LinkSys??

Is the "end-game" to create a saleable item to the general public in a for-profit mode that was built on the backs of hams?

The choice for no backwards compatibility is a puzzling one.... even if the newer hardware supported a vast amount of options that the older hardware couldn't fully support the older hardware should have been allowed to still participate in the MESH, supporting what it COULD do, rather than being cast aside for what it CANNOT do..

Any insight on reasons OTHER that the fact that the firmware has become BLOATED beyond the limits of the LinkSys hardware would be extremely well received..

I guess MY LinkSys hardware will be disposed of and MY nodes will go silent....

73 de

Rich Ser


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 Subject :Re:First off...... 2014-11-22- 06:42:14 
Joined: 2014-06-20- 22:25:13
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Location: East Meadow, NY
Forum : L.I./NYC
Topic : First off....

Most have either upgraded to v.2 or loaded that version I believe.
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 Subject :Re:Welcome Houston area meshers!.. 2014-11-22- 05:15:54 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : Houston Metro
Topic : Welcome Houston area meshers!

There is a google map page on the website.

it is all about line of sight as far as distance goes.

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Darryl - K5DLQ
 Subject :Re:Welcome Houston area meshers!.. 2014-11-22- 05:08:43 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 10:36:05
Posts: 1
Forum : Houston Metro
Topic : Welcome Houston area meshers!

Meshing sounds pretty fascinating... is there a map of Houston area participants? I live in zipcode 77095, grid EL29dv. How can I know if there are any meshers nearby with whom I will be able to share a network? What kinds of power levels and antennas do people run? How far apart can nodes be from one another, in a practical sense, assuming a low-profile antenna on the roof of a two-story house? (not on a 200 ft tower, which I don't have and never will). TNX, Peter
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 Subject :Re:node google map.. 2014-11-21- 17:22:46 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver
Forum : General
Topic : node google map

Hmmm. Usually when I log out then back in it works for me.

Yeah, try and dump the cookies. I think the site drops a cookie to know that you are logged in (never actually looked at what it does...never had to).

Try a log out, close the tab/browser, and then log back in from the home page below the left menu.

What browser are you using? That might help me figure it out.

Do you have more than one window at the BBHN site open?

You have me curious now...


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:node google map.. 2014-11-21- 15:33:40 
Joined: 2012-02-12- 14:03:41
Posts: 19
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Forum : General
Topic : node google map

I have tried 4 separate times over the past 2 days. No cigar. Maybe flush cache and cookies?
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Good on the 'ZED';)
 Subject :Re:Install from OpenWRT firmware.. 2014-11-21- 10:55:59 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : Install from OpenWRT firmware

Just use our TRX file.

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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-11-21- 10:48:21 
Joined: 2014-07-28- 08:37:55
Posts: 20
Location: Mississauga
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

Hi Shawn, all of these nodes are running BBHN-3.0.0 ( the 20-v3) beta versions. I expect we will try to update them over the next little while to the current V3.0.0 that was released. So, bottom line, be sure you have some version of V3. 73. Bob
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ve3cwu at
 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-11-21- 10:41:03 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 21:10:26
Posts: 15
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

Hi Bob Appreciate the info I will take my stock node out for a drive in the coming days to see what I can find. Do we know which version of the firmware all of these nodes are running? Shawn
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 Subject :Install from OpenWRT firmware.. 2014-11-21- 10:36:00 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 21:10:26
Posts: 15
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Install from OpenWRT firmware


Couldn't find any topic that covered converting a WRT54G from OpenWRT to HSMM-MESH firmware. Anyone done this?

Am I able to install HSMM-MESH firmware on top of OpenWRT firmware or do I need to revert my router to a factory Linksys firmware first?




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 Subject :Re:Ubiquiti link modelling - NSM2 specifics.. 2014-11-21- 09:52:45 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Ubiquiti link modelling - NSM2 specifics

For those using RadioMobile for modeling, here's a link to the Ubiquiti antenna pattern data files.  The ".ant" files can be uploaded directly to RadioMobile Online.

Remember, when you use a dual polarization antenna (such as UBNT NanoStation, one of their various sector antennas, RocketDiish, etc.) you're actually using two antennas... each having their own V and H patterns. They'll need to be modeled separately.  Their file naming convention describes the model and polarization the data file represents.

Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-11-21- 09:39:27 
Joined: 2014-07-28- 08:37:55
Posts: 20
Location: Mississauga
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

Hello Shawn and Ron, Myself and Anthony VA3IDL have had a lot of luck in Mississauga and Brampton this year. We have set up great backbone network of 3 sites, one at VE3MIS/R with 3 nodes there, a second at VE3MIS-station with another 3 nodes, and a third backbone site which is in Brampton at VE3PRC/R. These 3 sites are all talking to each other. To further that we have 2 residential sites in Brampton, one linked to ve3mis-station and the other linked to ve3prc/r. My home QTH is also connected to ve3prc/r. Just 2 weeks ago we helped ve3oak set up their backbone site at ve3oak/r at Trafalgar road just north of the QEW and this site is linked to ve3mis/r - a 14km route. If you wanted to test your mobile ( as I did very often this summer!) you could get near ve3oak and check it out. Our next faze is to hopefully bring in Burlington, Hamilton and the Niagara Region to complete the "Golden Horseshoe Mesh". I hope we can get more dialogue going soon good luck and keep meshing! 73, Bob VE3CWU
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ve3cwu at
 Subject :Re:Hamilton.. 2014-11-21- 08:02:40 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 21:10:26
Posts: 15
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Hamilton

Hi VE3SKH I think we are in a all but perfect spot for testing, if your house is the same spot that has your current node showing on the Googlemapped Mesh node page you would be one or two streets north of me, I can probably see your place from my top floor, HAHAHAHA! I wonder if stock WRT54G's could work through the houses? Talk Soon Shawn
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 Subject :Re:San Diego Mesh Working Group.. 2014-11-21- 06:30:50 
Joined: 2014-09-13- 16:40:43
Posts: 1
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : San Diego Mesh Working Group

Sorry I missed the first meeting, will definitely try to make it in Dec. Nick KK6TV
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 Subject :Re:node google map.. 2014-11-20- 18:23:35 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : node google map

Naw, just a bug....

I would suggest logging out and back in and trying again.

I have seen this a couple times myself, but cant quite catch what is doing it. I think its something with page session timeouts or something.

Happy Meshing!


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :APRS application.. 2014-11-20- 17:42:14 
Joined: 2012-02-12- 14:03:41
Posts: 19
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Forum : General
Topic : APRS application

hello guys. two questions.

I have a node on the air near the Amateur Electronic Supply here in Las Vegas. I would like to program the cordinates into that node so that it is displayed in the status page. CLI is not my forte' at all, so may someone walk me through it?

I also have a mobile node that will get a GPS hooked to port 2 very soon. I am very comfortable with hardware, but not so much with software. I read jims article, and I still cant make heads or tails of the coding part. Eventually I would like to connect my Byonics TT4 to the node. Hardware wise, its very simple, just cut the traces on the TT4 and it spits out TTL level serial. The same thing can be done with the MTTT4, and you'll have a complete 2m<>2.4G<>Internet box.

The sticking part with me is the software. Running the soldering iron is a blast, but coding looks like a nightmare.Sealed I'm a GUI man. HIHI

any thoughts.

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Good on the 'ZED';)
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