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 Subject :Re:Antenna Polarization.. 2015-06-19- 12:49:16 
Joined: 2015-06-19- 12:33:36
Posts: 1
Forum : Antennae
Topic : Antenna Polarization

I was also wondering what to do with the extra antenna connection.

The video at shows a WRT-type router with what appears to be two different antennae plugged in. One is directional and the other omni-directional. The speaker says that nearby stations can connect through the omni-directional antenna and the directional antenna is pointed toward a somewhat distant convention center where a lot of other stations are located, and that this allows stations near this thing to connect to the rest of the network that is too far away for them. It starts at 0:23 and the picture of the antenna connections are at about 1:28.

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 Subject :Re:Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio.. 2015-06-19- 10:36:42 
Joined: 2015-06-15- 15:29:23
Posts: 7
Forum : General
Topic : Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio

I haven't used any of the "radio controller" stuff before. Do they let you tune to the frequency you want? Does the app_rpt program perform any kind of authentication (allow Alice and Jim to use my radio but not Bob?) I saw the "USB Radio Interface" (, but if I'm reading correctly, this is an "audio only" solution, and doesn't do things like tune the radio.

For Rx only, I suspect an RTL-SDR ($20) plugged into a RaspberryPi or Ardurino (both ~$35) USB port would work. Allstar link might implement a SIP endpoint, but it appears to be an entire linux distribution rather than just a daemon to run on whatever you have. They also seem to like BeagleBoard, which seems to offer (and charge for) many fancy perks not needed by a remote unattended station. Even if one has to write a SIP endpoint daemon from scratch, I found a library (live555) which may speed the process along. Not volunteering. Just assessing.

To add Tx, can substitute a software defined radio board like the bladeRF ($400+) for the RTL-SDR. Would need an amp too.

I like the SDR route because of the ability to design the guts of the radio in a clickey-pointy way using GNU radio. I don't like the price so much.

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-19- 10:38:55 By AF7RQ for the Reason replaced paragraph breaks.
 Subject :Re:Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio.. 2015-06-19- 04:53:22 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : General
Topic : Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-19- 07:40:59 By VE3RTJ for the Reason dupe removed
73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Re:Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio.. 2015-06-19- 04:52:45 
Joined: 2013-08-19- 07:21:12
Posts: 49
Location: Hamilton, Canada FN03
Forum : General
Topic : Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio

How about Allstar? It doesn't require a server connection. It's just Asterisk and app_rpt. In a local configuration, you would set up the radio as an extension, manage it as a remote base, and then call in to the radio as you would any voip device. For that matter, many hardware devices exist that take a lot of the network black magic out of the problem. I've personally used the gateway devices made by voice interop to remote-control a radio over a network. (

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-19- 07:43:07 By VE3RTJ for the Reason add link
73 de Ron P. email: (callsign) *at*
 Subject :Logon Access to Nodes When Internet is Connected.. 2015-06-18- 13:58:47 
Joined: 2015-06-01- 20:06:43
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Logon Access to Nodes When Internet is Connected

I'm brand new to this and enjoying the challenge of sorting things out, however I'm stumped on something.  I have three Linksys WRT54GS routers (v2.1, v3, v4).  Each is flashed with the latest firmware (v3.1). I can access all of them without issues using the localnode URL and all have been setup with a node name and a new password. I can hang a laptop off any one of them and log into the node just fine, and see the entire mesh (3 nodes).  So all works good - they are linked.  Now...  I change one of the nodes configuration to make it a Gateway (simply checking the option). I then connect my home Internet to the gateway router via Ethernet cable.  I can now access the Internet with the laptop plugged into the gateway node, and I can also plug the laptop into the other two non-gateway nodes and successfully access the Internet over the wireless mesh via the gateway node.  But once the gateway is set and Internet applied - I can no longer use the laptop to log into any of the nodes via the localnode URL. I have to unplug the Internet cable from the gateway, reboot the nodes, and then I can log into them as I did before the gateway was connected to the Internet.  Is this how it is supposed to operate?

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-19- 09:36:04 By kw4usa for the Reason
 Subject :Logon Access to Nodes When Internet is Connected.. 2015-06-18- 13:58:30 
Joined: 2015-06-01- 20:06:43
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Logon Access to Nodes When Internet is Connected

I'm brand new to this and enjoying the challenge of sorting things out, however I'm stumped on something.  I have three Linksys WRT54GS routers (v2.1, v3, v4).  Each is flashed with the latest firmware (v3.1). I can access all of them without issues using the localnode URL and all have been setup with a node name and a new password. I can hang a laptop off any one of them and log into the node just fine, and see the entire mesh (3 nodes).  So all works good - they are linked.  Now...  I change one of the nodes configuration to make it a Gateway (simply checking the option). I then connect an Ethernet cable to the gateway node.  I can now access the Internet with the laptop plugged into the gateway node, and I can also plug the laptop into the other two non-gateway node and successfully access the Internet over the wireless mesh via the gateway node.  But once the gateway is set and Internet applied - I can no longer use the laptop to log into any of the nodes via the localnode URL. I have to unplug the Internet cable from the gateway, reboot the nodes, and then I can log into them as I did before the gateway was connected to the Internet.  Is this how it is supposed to operate?

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 Subject :Re:Re:Utah County.. 2015-06-18- 08:47:19 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 17:29:45
Posts: 16
Location: spanish fork utah
Forum : Utah
Topic : Utah County

how many are interested that have a clear line of sight to the wind mills in Spanish Fork? I have been talking to a fellow ham that is interested in setting up a node, and he lives slightly higher than the wind mills, and just to the west of them. I know that from point of the mountain, on a clear day, I can see the windmills(Its a good reference point). I have already offered up a free dish antenna, but I don't have any nodes to spare right now. and maybe if anyone has a good connection with the gun club in Spanish Fork, that could be an good location with line of sight into a lot of Utah valley from Spanish Fork and north. I have a few extra 24DBi dish antennas that I am willing to donate to a good cause, and though I am far from a pro, I offer up any help or parts that I can to get this project moving. Jake KD7VEA
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 Subject :Re:Re:Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio.. 2015-06-18- 07:28:14 
Joined: 2014-01-01- 13:06:12
Posts: 41
Location: Albuquerque NM
Forum : General
Topic : Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio

Basically you're looking for echolink or IRLP type interface, except "direct" without the use of their server.  I've been looking for the same thing literally for years.  The echolink mission statement specifically states it will "never" be a remote base platform which is a shame, I'd even pay for that.  Lots of VOIP options out there if you don't mind throwing a PC at it but I would prefer something more diminutive, both hardware and software wise. 

At face value it might be possible with a linksys router.  I recall seeing a USB soundcard plugged into a WRT at Hamcom last year, where it was described to me it was for streaming audio.  The WRT also has a hardware serial port which could be used for carrier sense and PTT, though if USB is available that could be used for both sound and radio control.  All that's lacking is a software genius to write an app to schlep the audio back and forth, and issue PTT and optionally serial channel control (BCD, up/down, whatever).

K5KTF has an application paper that interfaced an IP phone with an old phone patch, WRT router and used the serial port for radio control.  This is a bit of a long way around the block but on the right track:


I found that very same phone patch at Hamcom this year and already have that same IP phone interface, so it's a project for me to see if I can at least duplicate what's there and see if there's any opportunities for improvement and optimization.

For "RX only" there are linux utilities to just start streaming from the system sound device, so that might be a way to start with something along the likes of a raspberry pi or even a USB modded WRT. 

Mark K5LXP

Albuquerque, NM

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-18- 07:37:42 By K5LXP for the Reason
Mark K5LXP
 Subject :Re:Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio.. 2015-06-18- 05:19:59 
Joined: 2015-06-15- 15:29:23
Posts: 7
Forum : General
Topic : Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio

Thanks! Posted a request for info. It may be close.

I was thinking more "simplex", in a nutshell the objective is to position a remote-control narrowband FM VHF/UHF transceiver within a valley, and use the network provided by Mesh to relay the message to...well..wherever. If this were shared infrastructure, receiving a transmission on a frequency owned by the fire department could initiate a VoIP call to the fire dispatcher. Same to law enforcement. Mutual aid channels (i.e., "gold") could initiate a conference call to all connected dispatch centers (and the uninterested ones could hang up). If any of the shared-infrastructure participants prefer, their transmissions could be patched through to a repeater under their control.

If FRS toy radios actually had a designated emergency channel, that could be monitored and forwarded to the appropriate place.

Hams could dial up other hams via dtmf, or a particular ctcss tone code could route their call out to a repeater.

The biggest problem I can see with this setup is detecting when the device is in use. It may be transmitting on a frequency you're not monitoring.

Over the years, I've learned not to assume I'm the first person to think of something. It's far better to ask who else has done something similar, what problems they ran into and how they worked around them. :)

73, Bryce AF7RQ

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-18- 05:23:15 By AF7RQ for the Reason replaced paragraph separations
 Subject :Re:Dayton Hamvention.. 2015-06-18- 04:59:23 
Joined: 2015-06-15- 15:29:23
Posts: 7
Forum : General
Topic : Dayton Hamvention

Could I get more information on how the HF transceiver (in the Preble County Communication Van) was connected to the mesh? If this is covered in the presentation, please send that. :) Email: 73, Bryce AF7RQ
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 Subject :Re:Re:Utah County.. 2015-06-18- 04:41:50 
Joined: 2013-05-09- 15:54:30
Posts: 9
Forum : Utah
Topic : Utah County

A first goal might be a unidirectional antenna at someone's home that has some elevation. Around North Utah County here that would be Suncrest or maybe Cedar Hills. Does anyone here live in a spot that a few others could aim at?

I agree it could be interesting to grow the mesh. I have given routers to my neighbors for this :)

I want to have IP camera, weather sensors that we could connect to. It would be pretty amazing to have those at a remote cabin we could mesh into. I've got a huacam on order that can do onvif video and also easily serve out jpeg still images. I haven't played with the weather sensor stuff. In any case we can bring this up at the microcontroller meetup. We've discussed mesh network in this group.

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Last Edited On: 2015-06-18- 04:44:53 By kg7dgh for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Re:Utah County.. 2015-06-17- 17:37:09 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 17:29:45
Posts: 16
Location: spanish fork utah
Forum : Utah
Topic : Utah County

Glad to see there is still a little interest in the mesh. If there is any kind of game plan to get a node put up on lake mountain/west mountain, I am all in and willing to help in any way. I love experimenting with the mesh network, but its hard to do much when there just isn't any other nodes to connect to. There is so much possible once a mesh is created, and I think its sad that more hams don't get involved. If you look at the amount of hams in a specific area on something like the maps, you will notice that there are hundreds of hams in your town that I bet you didn't know about. if even 1/10th of the hams would get involved, everyone could link with ominis, I have been testing between several of my own nodes doing everything from transferring files, pictures, remote rig control, and of course digital voice. hopefully we can stir up a little more interest and get something going here. KD7VEA
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 Subject :Re:Re:Utah County.. 2015-06-17- 17:37:02 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 17:29:45
Posts: 16
Location: spanish fork utah
Forum : Utah
Topic : Utah County

Glad to see there is still a little interest in the mesh. If there is any kind of game plan to get a node put up on lake mountain/west mountain, I am all in and willing to help in any way. I love experimenting with the mesh network, but its hard to do much when there just isn't any other nodes to connect to. There is so much possible once a mesh is created, and I think its sad that more hams don't get involved. If you look at the amount of hams in a specific area on something like the maps, you will notice that there are hundreds of hams in your town that I bet you didn't know about. if even 1/10th of the hams would get involved, everyone could link with ominis, I have been testing between several of my own nodes doing everything from transferring files, pictures, remote rig control, and of course digital voice. hopefully we can stir up a little more interest and get something going here. KD7VEA
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 Subject :Re:Golden Horseshoe Network.. 2015-06-17- 17:24:06 
Joined: 2014-04-23- 10:13:07
Posts: 5
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Golden Horseshoe Network

I'm interested in getting connected to the network from my location in North Burlington. I don't think I have line of sight to Oakville location, so for the short term I may want to look at tunneling in if that is offered. I have 2 to 3 nodes set up in my house for testing, as well as a WiFi hotspot, and an Asterisk deployment running over my mesh network. Hoping Burlington comes online soon so I can direct connect.
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 Subject :Re:Re:Utah County.. 2015-06-17- 17:12:30 
Joined: 2014-11-29- 20:34:54
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : Utah County

I be meshin!!! Got 2 nodes up, one is my internet gateway, the other has a old apple airport express hooked to it. I'm able to ping the internet from that node, so all is well(ish) Next project is to add a third node, and then ride my motorcycle up to Lake Mountain HP and see if I can join my mesh and others from there. I need to tuck a directional antenna back on my balcony so no one sees it, pointed at Lake Mountain HP. I'm probably a few weeks away from that since my bike is in the shop. It would be nice to resurrect the proposed project to put a node up there permanently. Anyone up for working on that with me? I dont even know where to start or who to talk to. Is there a repeater up there?
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 Subject :Re:Re:Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2015-06-17- 17:09:01 
Joined: 2014-11-29- 20:34:54
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

I be meshin!!! Got 2 nodes up, one is my internet gateway, the other has a old apple airport express hooked to it. I'm able to ping the internet from that node, so all is well(ish) Next project is to add a third node, and then ride my motorcycle up to Lake Mountain HP and see if I can join my mesh and others from there. I need to tuck a directional antenna back on my balcony so no one sees it, pointed at Lake Mountain HP. I'm probably a few weeks away from that since my bike is in the shop. It would be nice to resurrect the proposed project to put a node up there permanently. Anyone up for working on that with me? I dont even know where to start or who to talk to. Is there a repeater up there?
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 Subject :Re:Re:MESH node configuration for N1MM Plus.. 2015-06-17- 09:20:04 
Joined: 2014-01-01- 13:06:12
Posts: 41
Location: Albuquerque NM
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : MESH node configuration for Field Day using N1MM Plus

It seems, at least for the networked logging programs I've seen thus far, the programs rely on the PC's networking or filehandling services which really aren't suited to be fault tolerant.  Maybe it's expecting too much of a "free" program to handle these kinds of network issues.  To go through all the setup and then keep a network and application tech on hand during Field Day to handle the issues doesn't sound like it's making life easier. 

Maybe at some point there will be a logging program that will be as easy to set up as the mesh nodes, without going through machinations of fixed IP's and accommodating latencies.  Now that mesh is becoming a popular Field Day activity maybe these issues can be adequately addressed going forward.  I know one group that used N3FJP software via mesh and "lost" a number of contacts.  N3FJP has addressed some of this with his newer TCP based method but it still doesn't sound like it's quite there yet.

Mark K5LXP

Albuquerque, NM

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Mark K5LXP
 Subject :Re:Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio.. 2015-06-17- 08:47:08 
Joined: 2015-04-08- 12:09:35
Posts: 30
Location: Saginaw, MI USA
Forum : General
Topic : Support of Land Mobile/PTT radio

Hi Bryce,

I don't know if this is what you had in mind but there was a mesh/radio repeater setup in the presentation talked about in this thread.

Hope it helps


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Last Edited On: 2015-06-17- 08:51:05 By KE8AVJ for the Reason typo
4 nodes. One GL, one Bullet, one AirGrid and one Raspberry Pi node. RasPBX and web server setup on another Raspberry Pi.

Club page:
 Subject :Re:Link between Mid-Michigan and South-East Michigan?.. 2015-06-17- 08:11:54 
Joined: 2015-04-08- 12:09:35
Posts: 30
Location: Saginaw, MI USA
Forum : Mid-Michigan
Topic : Link between Mid-Michigan and South-East Michigan????????????????????

Hi Augustine,

The current plan is to (at some point) place a Bullet M2 with an omni at one of our (SVARA) club repeater locations. I don't know when this will happen. However, I checked the distance and I don't think a link will be possible without a few nodes between us as the distance looks to be around 80 miles.

The longest link I know of was around 30 miles. That was with near perfect conditions.

I tried to attach a path profile shot but the up-loader is not working. (See google link below) I think that "ridge" on your end would be a good spot to put a node in the air for your area but we would need to put nodes on those high points to connect our meshnets. I think 12 nodes would give us the coverage we would need.

I would love to do this but I would need to drum up A LOT more interest in my area to get that kind of support. Currently my personal goal is to get a central node up in my area and to make a couple of push-up masts for "field use". My hope is that if I can get a node in the air that people can connect to it will create more interest.


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4 nodes. One GL, one Bullet, one AirGrid and one Raspberry Pi node. RasPBX and web server setup on another Raspberry Pi.

Club page:
 Subject :Link between Mid-Michigan and South-East Michigan????????????????????.. 2015-06-17- 07:01:54 
Joined: 2015-01-24- 18:52:52
Posts: 10
Location: Superior Twp., Michigan, USA-- EN82eh
Forum : Mid-Michigan
Topic : Link between Mid-Michigan and South-East Michigan????????????????????

Hi Mid-Michigan Meshers!,

I live in Superior Twp. in Washtenaw county and am considering setting up a mesh node here at my qth.

It would be great if one of the nodes in Mid-Michigan could point an antenna in my direction so that we could work on expanding the BBHN coverage here in Michigan.

More information is in my post on the SE Michigan BBHN forum:

If we could do this that would be AWESOME!


Augustine, KD8NXH

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Augustine, KD8NXH :)
Potential mesher in Superior Twp., MI-- EN82eh.
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