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 Subject :Re:NSM5 as internet gateway?.. 2014-12-10- 05:23:05 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : NSM5 as internet gateway?


It should not pose any problems. In my setup at home, I have a cable modem feeding a Linksys router.  My GS108E  internet input port is connected to a lan port of the Linksys router. 

If you want to be able to get to your mesh from the internet, you will need to use an update sevice like and port forward the desired ports on your home router. 

I connected a second router to my mesh node. It plugs into a lan port on the GS108E and goes to the wan port on the second router.  That way I can connect a laptop to the mesh using WiFi.  Since I have internet to the node, I have internet on devices connected to the lan.  I can get to both the mesh and the internet from a laptop connected by WiFi to the second router. You may want to set a different IP address range on the second router. 

Clint, AC5CA

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 Subject :Re:NSM5 as internet gateway?.. 2014-12-10- 04:51:39 
Joined: 2014-11-29- 08:08:30
Posts: 2
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : NSM5 as internet gateway?


I just read your VLAN setup and have a question about the internet into the switch.

I will be taking it from a Linksys wireless router that has DHCP on and supplies my home

network. It has to be turned on to supply IP's for the families smart phones Ipod touch, ect.

Will this cause a problem?


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 Subject :Re:NSM5 as internet gateway?.. 2014-12-09- 16:29:13 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : NSM5 as internet gateway?

Thanks Clint,

without a path to the internet, updating services, etc  seems a little on the hard side.

I have a GS108T laying around. I guess I need to do a bunch more home work.

73 de mike/k3mmb

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 Subject :Re:NSM5 as internet gateway?.. 2014-12-09- 16:04:26 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : NSM5 as internet gateway?

in order to have a wan port on a Ubiquiti, you need to have it pass through a smart switch that can add a VLAN 1 and Tagged setting to the internet going in on the Lan port.

The way I do this is with a Netgear GS108E or GS105E switch.  The "E" is significant.  I put some instructions for the setup on my web site at  

I personally do not recommend using the internet gateway setting but you can decide what is best for your situation.


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 Subject :NSM5 as internet gateway?.. 2014-12-09- 14:48:03 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : NSM5 as internet gateway?

Just flashed two NSM5 units with V3, both loaded firmware and they talk to another fine. Changed one unit to be a gateway, check the box. connected second port of power supply marked lan to home network switch.

does not seem to work. I have used a LS router configured with the WAN port to this switch and it works.

So my question is .... how do I make a NSM5 a gateway

73 de mike/k3mmb

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 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-09- 12:20:21 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Applications

What is the easiest program to use just for text? There are plenty of instructional videos on how to set up mesh network we need videos or demos on "APPLICATIONS" Please show the different applications in a video so a person can chose. Thank You
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 Subject :Re:Grandstream HT-70x and VoIP software.. 2014-12-09- 08:45:31 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Grandstream HT-70x and VoIP software

I've used linphone with these devices on the mesh. I hear that Bria is good to, but nominal cost.
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 Subject :Grandstream HT-70x and VoIP software.. 2014-12-09- 04:32:10 
Joined: 2013-05-28- 15:31:02
Posts: 15
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Grandstream HT-70x and VoIP software

We have a number of Grandstream HT-70x ATAs working with plain telephones that are intercommunicating fine, without any PBX.  Is there any VoIP sofware for a PC that will intercommunicate with the Grandstreams? That would be very useful in a mixed environment.  Thanks!


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 Subject :Re:LocalAP:8080.. 2014-12-08- 14:28:03 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : LocalAP:8080

Assuming you do not have anything else connected to the node, you do not have an DHCP server connected to get an IP. Set a Static ip on your computer. Use 172.27.0.xx. xx should not be 1 or 2. Connect a CAT5 from your computer to a lan port. From your web browser go to and you should be in. Clint, AE5CA

Updated to correct ip address to 172.27.0.xx and

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-08- 15:19:02 By AE5CA for the Reason
 Subject :LocalAP:8080.. 2014-12-08- 14:12:18 
Joined: 2014-12-02- 17:47:35
Posts: 2
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : LocalAP:8080

I have converted 2 WRT54GL V1.1 from mesh node to AP now i cant access them at all.  I have tried Every trick in the  book.  NOTHING.  my browser times out everytime i try to connect to either one of them, i have them both connected to a mesh node that is operational.  any suggestions??  btw  my ip from ip config shows  im not even getting a

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 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-08- 13:55:33 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Applications

Now that I have a network, what do I do with it? It seems to be a popular question with mesh. VOIP and Video seem to be the place where a lot of people start. IRC is another popular application. How is your Linux skills? Here is a couple things I can suggest. VNC This is an application where you can display the screen and remotely run another computer. I used it at field day to display the screen of the logging computers at our main site. XAMPP This is a simple to install web server that can run under windows. It also has a basic mail server. You can set up a simple website. You could even run Wordpress or Joomla on it. LAMP Server If you have an old computer sitting around, load linux on it. Set it up to be a Lamp Server. You can google step by step instructions. This would be a full feature web server. Postfix - Dovecot - Squirrelmail Again google is your friend. Step my step setup is available. Postfix will give you email on your mesh. Dovecot will give you pop access to it and Squirrelmail will add webmail. Samba Samba is a file server. Set it up and you can mount a remote drive over the network. VSFTP Will set up an ftp server on your computer. IRCD An Internet Relay Chat server for instant messaging. An old pc is more than capable of running a basic server. Many of these applications run on raspberry pi or Beagle Bone Black. I started out asking myself what applications would I use as work on the internet or what applications would be nice to have in an emergency. I will admit that some of these are advanced applications. But ask yourself what you want to do on the mesh and then research how do it. You can have all kinds of fun figuring out how to make some of these applications work. Clint, AE5CA
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 Subject :Re:Firmware Updating Remote Nodes.. 2014-12-08- 11:54:26 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Firmware Updating Remote Nodes

Until this feature is released (and for the advanced user), one can configure a UBNT device with AirOS out-of-box to long distance connect to a 3.0.0 upgraded mesh node (which is now in WIFI AP mode waiting to be setup). You need the right antennas just as if you were doing a long distance mesh node connection, it's just that you configure the local node to connect to an AP on the other side and the laptop oh the LAN port receives the DHCP address from the remote node. - Joe AE6XE
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 Subject :Re:Firmware Updating Remote Nodes.. 2014-12-08- 11:02:43 
Joined: 2014-10-21- 08:33:20
Posts: 5
Forum : General
Topic : Firmware Updating Remote Nodes

Thats great news that its being worked on. I'm testing out a 3 node mesh in my basement right now with Ubiquity M2s and ran into the issue with the latest update. It was easy to log into the nodes remotely and perform the firmware upgrade, but afterwards I needed to connect via wifi or ethernet to each node to perform the initial configuration to rebuild the mesh. I hope this feature would be benefit when managing remote nodes that are acting simply as repeaters without anything connected to them.
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 Subject :Re:Firmware Updating Remote Nodes.. 2014-12-08- 10:53:41 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : General
Topic : Firmware Updating Remote Nodes

The ticket is at

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-08- 10:55:01 By AE5CA for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Firmware Updating Remote Nodes.. 2014-12-08- 10:33:04 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : General
Topic : Firmware Updating Remote Nodes

On a Linksys node there is not enough available memory for a remote type upgrade. On Ubiquiti nodes, it is a feature that is in work. I believe it will be in the 3.1 release. 

For some of the beta versions a patch version was published that updated the node to the latest beta. But for a major upgrade that may not always work. It was easy to update remote nodes with a patch. 

There is a utilitity in openwrt that with a some modification to the user interface shows promise for a remote update. An early alpha version did not work for me, but it is being worked on. This is a feature that is definitely needed and the development team knows it. 

I put together a set of three nanostation nodes to perform a drive by update. The theory was node 1 on the old firmware.  Use it to login to the node to be updated and start the update. Node 2 was using AirOS in client mode to connect to node being updated using the meshnode ssid to set up the node. The third node run the new firmware and was used to verify the updated node was working. 

I updated several nodes this way. Pull into a parking lot close to the node to be updated set up the nodes and work my way through the set. Not ideal but it worked.

Clint, AE5CA

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-08- 10:36:01 By AE5CA for the Reason
 Subject :Re:San Diego Mesh Working Group.. 2014-12-08- 07:53:01 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : San Diego Mesh Working Group

Done. I hope to see you this evening at the meeting. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:San Diego Mesh Working Group.. 2014-12-08- 05:52:34 
Joined: 2014-05-09- 18:07:04
Posts: 1
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : San Diego Mesh Working Group

From: N6JO [] Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:50 PM To: '' Cc: 'Conrad Lara' Subject: RE: Google Groups Invitation: SD HSMM-MESH Working Group Hi Andre, I had trouble joining the Google group. My request was rejected by the server. Seems like there is still some residual effect from the infamous alias fiasco some months ago (they got hacked and the domain was blacklisted due to some dysfunctional behavior, emails bouncing etc.). Can you please re-invite me to join the Working Group, but this time use a different email address: I hope I have not missed any important announcements on the Google group. Thanks and 73, Joe/N6JO From: Andre, K6AH (Google Groups) [] Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:49 PM To: Subject: Google Groups Invitation: SD HSMM-MESH Working Group Thanks for joining us for the first San Diego Mesh meeting. Please join this discussion group to stay in touch with our happenings. Andre, K6AH About this group: This is a group of hams who seek to design and deploy an HSMM-MESH network throughout San Diego County. It is not aligned with any specific group or club. It exists primarily to advance the use of the technology and assist other ham groups in fulfilling their communications objectives. Accept This Invitation
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 Subject :WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-08- 04:44:52 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Applications

Hello, I have my nodes all set up now its time to set up a communication platform. I want to start out basic, just text and simple stuff later I will get into VOIP and VIDEO but what is a simple easy way for me to start out to send and receive info?  Any information will be much helpful thank you

Using the wrt54g routers



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 Subject :Re:Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-08- 02:48:53 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Problems & Answers

It would be better if you started a new thread as the main topic of the thread has been solved. And...In case anyone else has this problem, what steps did you take to get to a solution?

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:CAN'T ACCESS NODES.. 2014-12-08- 02:45:29 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Problems & Answers

Hello Russ, my friend in L.A. just sent me live pics of that big fire one was from the chopper wow big fire. Russ I can connect now all nodes but trying to set an easy program to send text and easy info back and forth not interested right now on VOIP or video any suggestions? Thank you again Joe kd4ysh
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