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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-16- 07:15:18 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

I am not able to duplicate the issue in my lab.

My first thoughts would be to clear the browser cache and try again (to be sure its not a caching issue)  if the error still shows up on saving than I would suggest a different browser as a test to see if its maybe something browser related.

If that doesn't solve it than it will require more in depth searching to the cause as it seems to work fine in my lab.

Edit: See that You are already using Firefox, so my other browser choice seems less likely a cause.

 testserviceentry.JPG [57 KB] :: Test Service Entry
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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 07:20:48 By KG6JEI for the Reason Remove suggestion to use Firefox.
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 Subject :Re:Power Over Ethernet (POE).. 2014-12-16- 06:49:03 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Power Over Ethernet (POE)

Just a note, that passthrough of data on  the 2nd ethernet port on the NanoStation is not currently supported (See BBHN->ticket:56) and is currently blocked by BBHN->ticket:61 needing to be implemented first.

Also we do not out of the box support passthrough of the POE Power to the 2nd port, there are guides online on how to do it, but due to the very limited amount of official information, plus some stories in the past of ports blowing (frying the passthrough transistor) (though it may have been a bad hardware batch) the passthrough power feature is not enabled or selectable at this time from the UI.

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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-16- 06:43:58 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
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Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

I updated the node to v3 BBHN firmware and re-entered the IP camera. No difference. I captured some screen shots and attached them. The MAC and IP addresses were blurred out as they should not be relevant to the discussion - and I did not use the broadcast IP address for this node.

Any ideas?

 Screenshot-N4FWD-2 mesh status - Mozilla Firefox.png [61 KB] :: No link in spite of correct set up
 Screenshot-N4FWD-2 setup - Mozilla Firefox.png [90 KB] :: Camera set up for Advertised Services
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 Subject :Re:Re:Power Over Ethernet (POE).. 2014-12-16- 06:32:15 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
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Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Power Over Ethernet (POE)

Glad to hear that I was not crazy. What you say is certainly good news. But, the down side is that active POE devices cannot be powered by Ubiquiti passive devices - example: an IP camera (active POE) coupled with a NanoStation M2 (not Nano Loco M2). In this given example, one would have to hunt up a passive POE camera to use with the NanoStation.

Thank you Sir

[KG6JEI 2014-12-16- 04:19:37]:

Correct,  Ubiquitit does not use Active PoE (802.3at/802.3af) it uses Passive PoE (a common industry practice) as noted in the datasheet which is simply sending voltage up the spare pairs that are not used for data and essentially turns the cable into a long extension cord + data pair

This mostly has advantages on manufacturing side where it would cost a couple bucks for the PoE chip on the receive side and again on the power sending side.  This also has the benefit for ham operations in that we can run it straight off a power source without the need for additional integrated circuits in the path.

The voltage range has been discussed in the past  so i wont go into to much depth other than to say its around 10.5-24v AT THE DEVICE this means it can be run from 12v battery (short cable run), 18v battery (longer runs) directly.  Can run from a car source, etc.

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 06:34:16 By N4FWD for the Reason
 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:27:52 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Topic : A few questions

I do know linux and have enough experience to get around. I am in no way compiling my own code, creating my own distro or anything crazy like that. but yeah I can get around linux via GUI and command line. Well I will look into this further. I have always wanted to play with a Pi, but now maybe I will have a good way to use one. :)
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 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:21:16 
Future Astronaut
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Topic : A few questions

Here is a link to a minimalistic GUI for asterisk on the node as well:

I would place it as an install-and-configure type solution. Maybe I am a fast learner, but I learned/figured out how to do all of this in one month where I started from not knowing anything about Linux other than "cd" and "ls."

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 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:15:55 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Topic : A few questions

Awesome. That will probably help a lot. I have come across Asterisk before in my (re)searching. Is this more of a solution for developers or is it just an install and configure type solution. I'm in now way a developer so an install/configure type solution would probably be best in my case.
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 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:13:50 
Future Astronaut
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Topic : A few questions

Here is the link:
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 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:10:17 
Future Astronaut
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Topic : A few questions

1. No question is a stupid question. :) Asterisk can be installed directly onto a router (I've personally tested 3 con-current calls 6 phones channels and left them open for two+ hours spread out all over a building without any jitter or choppy sound). Let me dig up my documentation from two years ago and I will point you to the correct link.

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 05:14:42 By KF5JIM for the Reason Bad Math
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:06:37 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Topic : A few questions

1. This is going to seem like a stupid question, but is the Raspberry Pi required for this or can Asterisk be installed directly onto a router? I'm at work so I cant watch the video ATM but if the video covers that, let me know and I will watch it later. :) Thanks again for your help.
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 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-16- 05:06:18 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
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Forum : Applications

I have been trying to find a good answer for you but I keep finding that a server seems to be involved. 

In windows xp there was a program called netsh.  I believe it would work like you want.Win 7 and 8 replaced it with a program called msg. It does not seem to work quite the same. 

If you were running Linux on your computers than a command called talk would be an excellent choice. 

There is an article on installing an irc server directly on your node on the website. I am not sure if it still fits on a wrt54g or not. 

II would recommend putting a server on one of your pc's. Do a google search on windows chat server freeware. You will find instructions and videos on how to set one up 

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 Subject :Re:A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 05:00:04 
Future Astronaut
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Topic : A few questions

1. Navigate to HSMM-MESH Info --> Videos --> and click on "Install Asterisk on a Raspberry Pi." Alternatively, you can use AsteriskNOW (or any other PBX) in it's place.

2. Please note that the firmware will still be readily available, but no longer updated.

3. BBHN/HSMM-MESH uses OpenWRT. So, you can install whatever packages you would like.

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 Subject :A few questions.. 2014-12-16- 04:53:01 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Forum : General
Topic : A few questions

Hello  everyone,

I am somewhat new to this but let me give you all an intro about me, what I am looking to do, and a few questions.

I am an IT guy who recently (3/2014) was appointed ARES Emergency Coordinator for my county. Being the IT nerd I am and my new interest in ARES, I have started the beginning of a mesh network project. I have a few Linksys WRT54G's I am playing with, one of which has the Hamnet firmware installed. I did notice that this is a very basic/simple to use firmware but it left me with a few questions.

1. I would like to implement a VOIP/SIP solution to have another form of communication when the mesh is deployed. Is there an easy to implement solution that will use the mesh to to make phone calls to other phones on the mesh? Maybe its just better/easier to use Mesh Potatoes. They are being used by other ARES groups too. :)

2. Not to take away from BBHN which I feel is a great resource and mesh network firmware solution, and taking into consideration of the Linksys end of life, are there other widely used, supported, mesh focused firmwares out there?

3. Am I able to install "packages" with this firmware like what can be done in DD-WRT and OpenWRT, or is this a "it is what it is" type firmware? Im just curious about this in regards to being able to add extra functionality (if needed) to the Hamnet firmware.

Thank you all for the help.

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 04:54:05 By KD0RVY for the Reason
 Subject :Re:IRC (Chat) Software Location?.. 2014-12-16- 04:40:00 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC (Chat) Software Location?

Thanks for the report, probably better if we move it to a new thread for any further on it.

BBHN->ticket:74 created for this issue.

Overview: It looks like the Linksys devices (but not Ubiquiti) are trying to download via a newly published IPv6 Record for the BBHN domain.  Problem with this is most houses don't have IPv6 yet.

I suspect this is due to the age of the backend that some of these IPv6 situations hadn't been fully worked out yet when it was first released in 2007 so I will do some digging and see what our solution path is to resolve this.

Further updates can be found by watching the ticket.

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 Subject :Re:Power Over Ethernet (POE).. 2014-12-16- 04:19:37 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Power Over Ethernet (POE)

Correct,  Ubiquitit does not use Active PoE (802.3at/802.3af) it uses Passive PoE (a common industry practice) as noted in the datasheet which is simply sending voltage up the spare pairs that are not used for data and essentially turns the cable into a long extension cord + data pair

This mostly has advantages on manufacturing side where it would cost a couple bucks for the PoE chip on the receive side and again on the power sending side.  This also has the benefit for ham operations in that we can run it straight off a power source without the need for additional integrated circuits in the path.

The voltage range has been discussed in the past  so i wont go into to much depth other than to say its around 10.5-24v AT THE DEVICE this means it can be run from 12v battery (short cable run), 18v battery (longer runs) directly.  Can run from a car source, etc.

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 Subject :Power Over Ethernet (POE).. 2014-12-16- 03:29:27 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
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Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Power Over Ethernet (POE)

I just wanted to share this nugget of information with my fellow Meshers.

Ubiquiti Network POE adapters are not compliant with the IEEE 802.3af standard.  I'm not sure if their equipment is compliant either.

The difference? IEEE 802.3af is a 48 VDC POE standard whereas Ubiquiti Network products use a 24 VDC POE.

When you purchase equipment which is IEEE 802.3af compliant, that equipment will not work using a Ubiquiti manufactured POE adapter. You will need to purchase an IEEE 802.3af POE adapter to power the equipment.

73 and keep meshing Laughing

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 Subject :Re:IRC (Chat) Software Location?.. 2014-12-16- 00:53:40 
Joined: 2014-04-22- 04:45:01
Posts: 4
Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC (Chat) Software Location?

With Regard to KF4WEO's question and AE5AE's answer, I get the following Error:

Package Management

Downloading wget: cannot connect to remote host: No route to host Downloading wget: cannot connect to remote host: No route to host An error ocurred, return value: 2. Collected errors: ipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp -q -P /tmp/ipkg-OqsAlH' ipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp -q -P /tmp/ipkg-OqsAlH'

I have 12 of the WRT Routers and have used the NGIRCD 20.2 download several times through package Management with no problems until now.


Rick AJ4FW

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 Subject :Re:Red LED on Solid. Still seems to work ok... 2014-12-15- 16:47:22 
Joined: 2014-11-07- 08:24:37
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Red LED on Solid. Still seems to work ok.

Awesome, thanks!  I was worried there for a minute. I guess I put mine up on the roof before ever connecting to another node.  I had to walk outside and look at the lights. Sure enough my other node has a red light too.  Thanks for explaining that to me!



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 Subject :Re:Red LED on Solid. Still seems to work ok... 2014-12-15- 15:45:08 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Hardware
Topic : Red LED on Solid. Still seems to work ok.

One of our poorly documented features.

The solid red led (Known as LINK1)  is illuminated when your node sees another node.  It is a quick indicator to see if you see another node.

Being lit doesn't always mean you have a good bi directional connection, it just means your node sees another node and you may have a chance at a connection.

it was added back in 1.0.1, and has turned out to be a great diagnostic tool (I've used it a lot more than I thought I would) as you can quickly see just by looking at the node lights if contact has been made.

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 Subject :Re:Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-15- 15:34:14 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
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Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

Thank you. I was not sure about the situation. I'll update the nodes with v3 and let you how it goes with the camera.

[KG6JEI 2014-12-15- 15:30:49]:

If you are using anything in the 1.1.x release this is likely BBHN->ticket:53 which was fixed in 3.0.0.

i would suggest upgrading to 3.0.0 (for a number of reasons) and give it another shot. 

Of course 3.0.0 is not protocol compatible with 1.1.x so you will need to update all nodes.

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