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 Subject :Re:OCT 04 GOTA 2 MeshFest Prince George's County ARES/RACES training.. 2014-08-20- 04:10:56 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
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Forum : Maryland
Topic : OCT 04 GOTA 2 MeshFest Prince George's County ARES/RACES training

The date has been changed to 18 October 2014 because of SET weekend. Please RSVP via

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-20- 04:12:37 By wb2ifs for the Reason
Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Re:Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area.. 2014-08-19- 15:15:27 
Joined: 2013-08-07- 11:13:59
Posts: 3
Forum : Philadelphia
Topic : Let's build this in the Phila / Southern NJ area

As of today 8-19-2014 I have a working node in my vehicle! This node will be used in conjuction with a router and air card giving internet access to the connected routers. If the air card or cell system is down, the node will utilize its ability to connect to other nodes that may have internet. My vehicle generally travels mainly in the Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, Philadelphia counties and hoping that it will connect up with some of the local nodes in Delaware, Chester, and Philadelphia areas. Router is setup as AA3JC-MOBILE001 In the next few weeks I hope to have a working node at my home setup with both a omni 23dbi gain antenna for local area reception, and a 25dbi gain yagi pointing towards Delaware/Chester nodes that are currently operational. I will post here again when I am ready to test connecting up with those nodes! I currently have everything ready to put together but waiting on the 5w Amp for the yagi. I did find a weather proof enclosure that is large enough to hold the router, amp, and power supply. Will post here again when installation happens!
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 Subject :Re:Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch.. 2014-08-19- 05:17:47 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch

Ok, that does not appear to be OLSR restart related as OLSR doesn't control the local LAN interface.

I would more suspect it to be a bad cable usually.

I haven't seen OLSR watchdog make the network interface unreachable, and it shouldn't   All it does is write to a file (in ram) every 5 seconds to say "I'm still alive as of  the current time" and then another script reads the file to be sure it isn't dead. Unless some crazy something is happening in the watchdog script or the watchdog module causing excessive CPU usage to cause the node to dump data (top on the node itself)   but even that would be rare as a IP/ECHO is handled low in the kernel, out of user space, its the least likely to be affected.

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 Subject :Re:Newbie question: -ash: ipkg: not found / UBNT.. 2014-08-19- 05:05:24 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Newbie question: -ash: ipkg: not found / UBNT

ipkg was discontinued years ago by upstream (OpenWRT)

Since the Ubiquiti builds are built on recent versions of OpenWRT (12.09 released in 2014 for 1.1.x builds)  it will use opkg instead of ipkg.

ipkg is still used by Linksys builds (based on OpenWRT 7.09 released in 2009)

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 Subject :Newbie question: -ash: ipkg: not found / UBNT.. 2014-08-19- 04:03:24 
Joined: 2013-01-23- 15:23:08
Posts: 15
Location: Malvern Pa USA FN20ga
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Newbie question: -ash: ipkg: not found / UBNT

Here's a newbie problem on UBNT FW1.1.2.  Trying to install asterisk and get this:

-ash: ipkg: not found

Googling it points to the Optware package as MIA.  Looking at my UBNT's root I don't see a directory for opt.

Can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks for the help

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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-19- 02:56:41 
Joined: 2013-06-24- 16:33:19
Posts: 14
Location: Cypress, TX (NW Harris Co near Houston)
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

Conrad, thanks for your response. I'm no codesmith so I'll try the long packets to see what that yields. Otherwise, it's gonna be watching with a quick eye and hope these old eyes and the IT-24 can "lock-on" quickly! If anyone else has any experience with the Rig Expert IT-24, I would surely appreciate hearing your opinions. 73 de Boyd Prestwood, K5YKG Near Houston, TX
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 Subject :Re:Re:Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans.. 2014-08-18- 22:40:11 
Joined: 2014-02-20- 03:44:15
Posts: 37
Location: Saratoga, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans

I will try to aim my node your direction as soon as I get my firmware updated. Everyone else in the bay area is going to need to update firmware as well so we can all stay compatible. Also make sure you add your node to the map:

[KD7OFR 2014-07-14- 11:55:39]:

KD7OFR here. I am in the south bay, and have an Ubiquiti Nanostation M2, which I picked up second-hand for $43 shipped I am at the southern end of the CM97AH grid square, just north of Hamilton Ave near San Tomas Expy, and would like to experiment with connecting to others in the area.

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 Subject :Re:Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch.. 2014-08-18- 21:14:23 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch

Thanks for the explanation of the update protocol. We use a similar methodology in our work, makes sense. I have seen some strange degradation to the point I can barely get into my Rocket now. Maybe I should re-flash. Looks broke now. See ping loop screenshot attachment below.


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 Subject :Re:Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch.. 2014-08-18- 20:39:55 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch

4-5 seconds sounds too quck for an OLSR restart.  Should take on the order of 30-90+ seconds average to re establish links on a reboot by my estimates to reestablish routing.

If your OLSR is rebooting you should see an incrementing OLSR restart count on your status screen. If that is the case then yes the watchdog is triggering and keeping the node online. A watchdog however is just a "patch" it's not a fix to the ultimate issue.

As for "closed without a release" this is normal for our dev cycle. When an issue has been "fixed" it is closed out to get it out of the developer queue so that way only "unfixed" issues show up (since I'm the only person working tickets this is very important to keeping track of what is going on. Fixed simply means it's been commited to the DEVELOPMENT branch and that it is belived to be working and is ready to go through further testing.  If a bug exists in any implementation (or combined implementation) it shows up in beta (and yes sometimes 2-3 patches interact on ways not seen independently )

It should also be noted I commited the patch VERY close to leaveing the country for work. Very hard to build beta builds while I'm nowhere near my gear, and that I've just returned back to the gear.

Eventually I hope to see the lab servers build untested "development" releases and publish builds automatically, but if I work on that than other bigger issues like OLSRD crashing (which is a much bigger issue) would have to go unworked on.

If anyone wants to step up and devote the resources to debugging (20 node lab environment looks to be the sweet spot right now) help is always welcomed.  

To to give an idea of what it takes to build an official release currently.

1) An intenrnal to me only build gets run. (This takes 15 minutes by itself to do each time by the way)

2) The build is tested in my lab (this can take a couple hours EASILY and the test list gets longer each time)

3) Any issues found in step 2 are resolved and steps 1-3 are repeated.

4) Once I find all the issues I can it gets releases to the BETA test team to double chexk me (step 1 gets ran again as a beta build this time).  Any issues they find are resolved (this takes a lot of time, each person has to dedicate hours to testing). and we start at step 1 again to be sure we are good if they find a bug.

5) only after it's been vetted does a public release get made (again another 15 minutes).  I should mention the above is just the Ubiquti procedure, Linksus requires me to run the steps again for building images.

This obviously doesn't catch every  issue. Some times we can't see issues till networks get bigger. (This issue for exmaple seems

to show up because now 3-5 nodes at a site is becoming the norm when before 1 node was the norm. We have increased traffic to a point where deep bugs are more likely to happen and we find the flaws now to continue growth.

All this keeping in mind I can work anywhere from 40-80 hours in week depending upon how the week goes, that I'm the Repeater Technical Chair and active board for my local club,that I'm regually responsible for planning and running net control for  health and welfare  traffic of endurance runners using Amature Radio (I have a 50k and a 100k that have just begun planning in the last week,  that I'm actice in promoting Amatre Radio to public (Street Fairs, Public Servixe demonstrairons, Scout Merrit Badges, etc)

Since February 2013 I probably have over 20 days (480 hours) of time into this (guesstimate. I hanent tracked the hours. May very well be more) fixing one major security bug last releases took over 40 hours itself in planning and implanting and testing, which shows itself with just a few hundred lines of simple changes as the end result of deep though and testing to be sure it's done right.

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 Subject :Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch.. 2014-08-18- 19:34:24 
Joined: 2014-06-23- 22:21:23
Posts: 9
Location: Highland Village, TX EM13LC
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Intermitant Link Resolution -Firmware Patch

I proceeded to patch the firmware per the changeset results from ticket 60 stated as closed. See link below:

The patch was done and the link results were in fact better for a longer time, however, with side effects. The router response to pings, web service, telnet, etc, is sluggish. It appears there is a lot more going on under the hood than obvious with the simple watchdog process addition in the OSLR config file. AFter several days of operation, the router seems in a almost constant restart loop. Pings die for 4-5 seconds then resume, die, resume, die, etc. Now what's up? I was a bit disappointed this ticket was closed without a new firmware release committed to, but maybe the side effects have been seen by others to delay such a watchdog workaround fix. Can someone give me an idea what's really going on here and when we might see some relief? Should I back rollback the patch? Still trying....


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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-18- 18:12:46 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

As you can imagine a "RF Jammer" is not very fondly looked upon by government so such a feather would not be in a stock build.

Linksys: None, and not doable at all due to the closed source nature of the driver.

Ubiquiti: Maybe if you hack the Kernel driver you could make something happen but nothing in the stock code.

Best Chance without modification:  Transmit large packets out the WIFI interface, You will still have spaces. but this will give you longer pulses. Most pulses on the nodes are probably around <100B The MTU is around 1KB so you could make packets around 10x larger than most average packets we transmit without forced data.

 Use of a "packet spammer" may help (there is some code online to make one) but would need something to be compiled by you on your own.

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 Subject :Re:Antenna connections for WRT54G router.. 2014-08-18- 18:06:39 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Antenna connections for WRT54G router

While it may function it is not the ideal deployment.

MIMO (multiple input multiple output) devices really want to see the same input on all antennas and will chooses the stronger of the two signals.

They seem to work best when running in different polarities (H+V)  or at least separated a distance apart from each other (the point is to get a different reflection to one antenna vs another)

In the case of 802.11n devices they actually use the fact that different polarities can be used (30+db isolation between polarities) to allow 2 data streams over the exact same frequency when the channel is useable, and when its not it falls back to 1x2 (1 chain 2 antennas) to cover the fact that one single path may be stronger (at any given second)

2x devices would be better (one on the Omni and one on the directional) and use DTDLINK to link the nodes together, Especially if you use dual polarity on the directional and the Omni.

Signals can change polarity as they bounce , Vertical is the usually noiser polarity. A signal from a field node may leave vertically and end up Horizontal on the other end, or horizontal and end up vertical, or maintain its polarity the entire trip. 

Transmitting both polarities gives best chance for decodes at the other end. (Many of the Ubiquiti devices do this already)

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 Subject :Re:Bug in v1.1.2 whereas it mis-reports a node as a current neighbor.. 2014-08-18- 13:29:39 
Joined: 2014-07-16- 16:29:30
Posts: 12
Forum : Bugs
Topic : Bug in v1.1.2 whereas it mis-reports a node as a current neighbor

No worries. I often remind myself that this (i.e., Amateur Radio) is a "hobby" and many of its operators (including those that have already done so much to make the HamNet Mesh a reality) also have "a day job", family, and perhaps one or two other priorities that compete for any available time. I was mostly wanting to make sure that "someone" knew what I had learned about the anomalies I saw. Unfortunately, I am not a Web-page developer, or I might have offered to help fix it; as it is, I'm fine with patiently waiting for any improvements, and continuing to use work-arounds until things improve. I do have a little experience in C and networking; so who knows, maybe I could help the group in other ways, a little farther down the line. Thx anyway for the suggestions. de Vern (W6NCT)
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 Subject :Re:Hello.. 2014-08-18- 10:35:11 
Joined: 2014-07-17- 13:59:00
Posts: 4
Forum : Central Ohio
Topic : Hello

I am just starting the process of reflashing some wrt54g for myself and a friend. I am in North Olmsted and he is in Brunswick, about 20 miles line of sight. There are a few others that started some network in north east ohio. They are going to put a ubiquity node at 120 feet up on a tower and see how well that works in the Medina area. Plans are to add another at about the same elevation on another tower in Brunswick. I am hoping this will get the network expanded out to attract more hams into playing on 2.4 Ghz.
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 Subject :Antenna connections for WRT54G router.. 2014-08-18- 10:12:14 
Joined: 2014-07-17- 13:59:00
Posts: 4
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Antenna connections for WRT54G router

I have found and re-flashed a pair of Linksys WRT54G routers. My question is can I use one antenna for an omni-directional antenna and the other for a directional yagi link to another station? I am not certain if they are separate transmit and receive or able to be completely independent. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your efforts.

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 Subject :Re:Advice on a large emergency mesh network in SW Minnesota.. 2014-08-18- 09:34:15 
Joined: 2014-01-26- 15:30:28
Posts: 1
Forum : General
Topic : Advice on a large emergency mesh network in SW Minnesota

Hi Matt,

I'm in MPLS and want to do the same here.  We could share some resources. Go to QRZ to get my email address. 




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 Subject :Re:Bug in v1.1.2 whereas it mis-reports a node as a current neighbor.. 2014-08-18- 09:02:50 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Bugs
Topic : Bug in v1.1.2 whereas it mis-reports a node as a current neighbor

Sorry, after re-reading my last reply... it was a little terse.  We are working on an upgrade of the BBHN web services and expect the upgrade to be much improved... including searches of the Forum.  In light of this, and the fact that we didn't write it, it's difficult to justify even looking into the current editor.

Others seem to have gotten around issues with it, so if it continues to frustrate you, then perhaps using another editor would save some of the aggravation.


Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:London.. 2014-08-17- 12:01:21 
Joined: 2014-07-28- 14:12:26
Posts: 11
Location: London, Canada
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : London

There is now a node on top of the William Mercer building located at 300 Commissioners Road West.

The node consists of two Ubiquiti units.  A "Bullet M2 Titanium" with a 12db omni antenna as well as a "Nanostation M2" pointing north. The 2 units are linked via their Ethernet connector. A 3rd unit is planned and we ran an extra network cable up the mast. A Cisco switch has been purchased to allow the linking of multiple devices.

According to Google earth, the position is 42 57' 23.97'' N, 81 16' 41.57'' W

The ground level elevation is 870 feet.  The building is 10 stories tall.  We have a mast on top of the mechanical room which is on top of the building (which should add another 100ft to the total elevation).

This is the 1st of many planned "anchor" sites.  We will try to cover the long hauls by linking the various anchor sites with directional antennas and flooding the surrounding areas with Rf using omni antennas.

If anyone in London is thinking about meshing, now is the time to get involved.

FYI: we hope to have more nodes in the near future!

For the next few weeks, I have placed some photos on my web server:

The zip is about 500megs.  It contains random photos from the top of the building including some panorama views of the skyline. If you see a building in the distance that you have roof-access, contact me!

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Mark Bramwell, VE3PZR
 Subject :Re:Bug in v1.1.2 whereas it mis-reports a node as a current neighbor.. 2014-08-16- 17:41:09 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Bugs
Topic : Bug in v1.1.2 whereas it mis-reports a node as a current neighbor

I have a hard time devoting resources to doing work in this area. We plan an upgrade to the web site. In the mean time I'd recommend drafting the message in Word or another editor and pasting it into the web page. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Get Involved!.. 2014-08-16- 17:31:29 
Joined: 2014-08-15- 10:10:24
Posts: 1
Location: Waddell, Arizona
Forum : Phoenix
Topic : Get Involved!

My name is Matt and may call is K7CBY.

I have put up a node near Olive and Citrus Rd. No outside ant. but there is a node. I am new to this HSMM-Mesh so I am still learning about it and what I can do with it. 

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