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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2014-08-23- 06:37:26 
Joined: 2013-08-11- 10:02:10
Posts: 2
Location: Clearwater, Florida
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

 I'm having issues setting up Hamchat also, if possible, I'd appreciate any assistance.All files have been created , but I'm having problems installing the file.



ted dot kruger at gmail dot com

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Last Edited On: 2014-11-09- 06:13:15 By KK4LXY for the Reason
 Subject :Re:WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade.. 2014-08-23- 04:34:06 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Bugs
Topic : WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade

I did the upgrade on a WRT54GS this morning and experienced exactly the same problem as N4SV. My other WRT54G Version 3 and 4 converted just fine using the TRX file. The computer I am using is a PC Clone running Win XP. When the upgrade finishes loading and reboots, the http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/ does not work. You have to use to get to the setup. After you put in the ID and passwords and save changes then reboot, the LAN ports go deaf. When I look at the computer's error message for the Ethernet port It gives me a weird IP address like with a net mask of I have no idea where that is coming from. Looks like this BUG is on WRT54G VERSION 2 and WRT54GS units that I have tried to upgrade. Our system has some version 1's somewhere and I will try to get to them next to see if it happens to them. What now COACH??? 73 Dave WA5DJJ
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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-22- 16:22:53 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

This is dusting off some old memories, so others please correct if I've forgotten some of this... This also gets a bit more complex in that there's a vary different signal between 802.11b and 802.11g modes. This power meter didn't explicitly say a given mode, consequently I'd suspect it may not do 802.11b at all--which may be the mode the linksys predominately settles into. 802.11b is a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) mode. 802.11g does an Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation (OFDM) mode and DSSS. (802.11n is only OFDM.) Bottom line, the 802.11b is sending blips of energy hopping around at different frequencies within the 22 Mhz bandwidth. There are many channels, with each defined by a designed sequence of hopping around such that 2 nodes do not end up hitting the same given frequency at the same time. The sequence definces the channel. When there are 1 too many nodes, they start overlapping (aliasing) and bit error correction techniques can be used at that point. The 22Mhz spectrum would look like elevated noise if you don't know where to look for the blip of energy of a sequence or channel. the 19dBm would be randomly/evenly spread across this 22 Mhz. 802.11g OFDM mode and 80211.n mode has many distinct carriers/channels across the 22 Mhz modulating the 1's and 0's. Nodes would use different carriers at different frequencies when transmitting across the bandwidth--a more traditional signal that a low cost power meter can measure. Maybe this power meter is designed to measure 802.11g/n OFDM only... Joe AE6XE
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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-22- 11:00:13 
Joined: 2013-06-24- 16:33:19
Posts: 14
Location: Cypress, TX (NW Harris Co near Houston)
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

Wow, so much to know and learn.  Thanks to Joe and Conrad for their help and insight.  It looks like my evaluation of the IT-24 may not be truthful/accurate because of all the variables involved... not like the days of a Bird-43, steady carrier transmitters and dummy loads!

I'll keep researching away... gotta learn somehow!

Boyd, K5YKG

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 Subject :Re:Re:Solar power and wrt54g.. 2014-08-22- 10:51:18 
Joined: 2012-06-22- 14:25:44
Posts: 24
Location: St. Croix, USVI
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Solar power and wrt54g

It would be great to have a mesh-wide power monitoring application using a derivative of the cron job listed below.  Is there any way that DC supply voltage to a node can be read and stored?  This data would then be remotely monitored for node 'health'.  This would be HUGE for long-term emcomm applications where system up-time is critical.  

73 from St. Croix de NP2X

[KB3UQE 2014-03-29- 08:24:44]:

06:20:01 up 1 day, 1:07, load average: 0.14, 0.04, 0.01 with the battery reading ~3.65v

I ran a cron job to output the uptime every 5 minutes to a text file to monitor it. So all I had to do was "tail" it to get the last one when I re powered it on house current.

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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-22- 10:04:44 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

The camera itself will not generate any content unless another client is pulling that data.

The frames may be small if it's real time video or may be large all depends on settings.

Power output is affected by other nodes.

The only true proper way to do this is in a faraday cage and you MUST know low level commands to control RF settings (more controllable under Ubiquiti than Linksys) to control the device under test.

WIFI devices will vary the power up and down based on the speed they are transmitting at.

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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-22- 09:18:19 
Joined: 2013-06-24- 16:33:19
Posts: 14
Location: Cypress, TX (NW Harris Co near Houston)
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

With an IP camera hooked up to a mesh node (WRT54Gv4), with one antenna removed and the IT-24 connected to the other antenna output (RP-TNC male) and the 'Set_up' screen directing T&R packets to the left connector, I am measuring 13.8 dBm (23.7 mW) per the IT-24 which displays both dBm and mW values.  The IT-24 is "supposed" to measure PEAK power.  The Linksys advertizes 19 dBm.  If this is all the proper way to do the measuring, does this seem typical?

I am assuming (ass u me !) that the camera will cause the node to generate longer packets.  Is my thinking correct?


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 Subject :Re:BBHN 1.10 device integration.. 2014-08-22- 09:11:49 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN 1.10 device integration

First off:

Just using this just to pair PC's to a node would pollute  the RF.  This is unwise and highly recomended against.

Put up a wireless access point on channel 11 instead to do this. It is cleaner for the RF network and will have better performance.

Beyond that there *may* be a bug in OLSR as distributed by many distributions that does not function correctly on 64bit systems (unconfirmed)

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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-22- 08:50:42 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

Beacon's in WIFI are short bursts that send out basic wifi details.  As notes by me before they are very short packets.

We do not disable beacons. Any AP or Mesh node will send beacons.

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 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-22- 08:23:24 
Joined: 2013-06-24- 16:33:19
Posts: 14
Location: Cypress, TX (NW Harris Co near Houston)
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

Yes, I read about that in the IT-24 manual and used the mesh node's Set-Up page to put the node into the AP mode but didn't know how to invoke the "Beacon Mode", figuring that might give me longer transmissions. Any suggestions or info about the "Beacon Mode"?

Thanks Boyd Prestwood, K5YKG

Near Houston in NW Harris Co

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 Subject :Re:WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade.. 2014-08-22- 05:09:48 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Bugs
Topic : WRT54Gs ver 1.0 bug on 1.1.2 mesh upgrade

I have had this same problem with a WRT54G VERSION 2.0 at my location. I have also reloaded the software twice (once by RF link because I couldn't talk to it on the Ethernet) #### Still scratching my head over that one but much more to do to upgrade my network to 1.1.2. 73 Dave WA5DJJ

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-22- 05:15:54 By WA5DJJ for the Reason
 Subject :Re:BBHN 1.10 device integration.. 2014-08-21- 16:13:57 
Joined: 2014-01-21- 22:45:37
Posts: 4
Location: Lino Lakes, MN
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN 1.10 device integration

In short: no. I am wondering if it has anything to do with the exact olsrd core versions.
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 Subject :Interesting potential platform? WRTnode Opened.. 2014-08-21- 10:30:16 
Joined: 2013-09-30- 20:06:03
Posts: 47
Location: Madison, AL
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Interesting potential platform? WRTnode Opened

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 Subject :Re:Getting involved. Let's build something... 2014-08-21- 04:48:06 
Joined: 2014-07-24- 12:36:37
Posts: 3
Location: Marion, AR
Forum : Mid-south (MS/TN/AR)
Topic : Getting involved. Let's build something.

I was able to buy 5 linksys units with the software already loaded.  I got them up and running and they see each other.  I changed the node names and the passwords.  I won't have them all up 24/7 but maybe I'll leave one on  in case someone wants to see if they can reach it.  These are stock linksys 54g boxes.  I tried passing internet access through but no luck.  I am just beginning to read the articles on this site about the different applications. 

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 Subject :Re:BBHN 1.10 device integration.. 2014-08-20- 19:29:17 
Joined: 2014-07-26- 16:27:25
Posts: 1
Forum : Firmware
Topic : BBHN 1.10 device integration

Did you ever find a solution for this??
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 Subject :Re:Improving LQ and ETX meaningfulness?.. 2014-08-20- 10:01:35 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Improving LQ and ETX meaningfulness?

Under the hood of olsr...

After further research into this and looking under the hood in 1.1.x BBHN release, it is a different ball game from my first post. Introduced in the 1.1.x release is Device to Device (DtD) bridging of nodes with a cat5 network cable. This requires usage of the "ffeth" Link Quality (LQ) algorithm which is incompatible with prior methods. "ffeth" was added to handle ETX values < 1. '1' is considered a perfect RF link and this algorithm uses '0.1' value for ethernet links.

Trivia: ffeth = Funkfeuer/Freifunk (the guys that wrote the implementation) + ethernet support in olsr

So what is the algorithm used to determine Link Quality (LQ) which is used to calculate Expected Transmission Count (ETX)?

Short answer: The % of the last 32 Hello packets received from a node (in ~64 seconds) + bias due to several packets lost in a row (link may have dropped so don't wait ~40 secs before declaring it dead)

Long answer: here's the code :) :

/* calculate link quality */

/* LQ_FFETH_WINDOW = 32 */

/* lq.valueLq = 255 is 100% LQ and 0 is 0% LQ */

244 if (total == 0) {

245 tlq->lq.valueLq = 0;

246 } else {

247 // start with link-loss-factor

248 ratio = fpmidiv(itofpm(link->loss_link_multiplier), LINK_LOSS_MULTIPLIER);


250 /* keep missed hello periods in mind (round up hello interval to seconds) */

251 if (tlq->missed_hellos > 1) {

252 received = received - received * tlq->missed_hellos * link->inter->hello_etime/1000 / LQ_FFETH_WINDOW;

253 }


255 // calculate received/total factor

256 ratio = fpmmuli(ratio, received);

257 ratio = fpmidiv(ratio, total);

258 ratio = fpmmuli(ratio, 255);


260 tlq->lq.valueLq = (uint8_t) (fpmtoi(ratio));

261 }


263 /* ethernet booster */

264 if (link->inter->mode == IF_MODE_ETHER) {

265 if (tlq->lq.valueLq > (uint8_t)(0.95 *

255)) {

266 tlq->perfect_eth = true;

267 }

268 else if (tlq->lq.valueLq > (uint8_t)(0.90 * 255)) {

269 tlq->perfect_eth = false;

270 }


272 if (tlq->perfect_eth) {

273 tlq->lq.valueLq = 255;

274 }

275 }

276 else if (link->inter->mode != IF_MODE_ETHER && tlq->lq.valueLq > 0) {

277 tlq->lq.valueLq--;

278 }

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-20- 10:06:08 By AE6XE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Node Commands to Measure Power Output.. 2014-08-20- 08:14:26 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Node Commands to Measure Power Output

The manual of the IT-24 talks about putting an 802.11 AP into "beacon mode" to measure power. Sounds equivalent to simply copying a large data file while you measure.
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 Subject :Re:Misc newbe questions.. 2014-08-20- 07:53:53 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Misc newbe questions

3) Here's a couple ticklers on what needs upgraded should someone have the interest to get involved: A) Take a look at specific to olsr_mod_secure plugin used in the BBHN firmware. The RPi implementation would need to use the same 'key' before OLSR will talk to another node. B) configure to use the 'ffeth' LQ configuration (not compatible with the other-older techniques). ...and more.
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 Subject :Re:Misc newbe questions.. 2014-08-20- 04:56:55 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : General
Topic : Misc newbe questions

1) BroadbandHamnet-v2
2) Yes. Most notable one: SSH/2222
3) The RPi is not supported by the team. There were some changes and re-implementations that can be found on changelog/documentation on the side pannel. The Non-BBHN developer who worked on the code has yet to update it. You are right that you should be able to just change the SSID to match that of the m2m network, but what is going on in the configuration level of supported BBHN firmware is a little different.

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-20- 04:59:38 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Misc newbe questions.. 2014-08-20- 04:43:12 
Joined: 2014-08-18- 18:02:16
Posts: 1
Forum : General
Topic : Misc newbe questions

1) I'm confused.  I downloaded code and flashed my WRT54GS and it comes up with SSID

   "BroadbandHamnet-v2",   I also got the git files for my Raspberry PI, but it comes up with SSID

   "HSMM-MESH".   Which is it to be?

2) Besides the web setup on the WRT54GS, by default is there any other access to the WRT via

    telnet and/or ssh?

3) I've been working for a few years on real mesh networks (ie 802.11S).   In a nutshell you take

   any wireless interface (lets say wlan0) and using various iwconfig/iw commands you add a new

   mesh interface on top of the wlan0 interface.   I have 3 PI computers that talk together over

   a mesh, and when I switch all to "BroadbandHamnet-v2" on channel 1, they see each other BUT

   don't see the WRT box :-(  The 4th pi which came up on HSMM-MESH and modified to the same

   SSID also doesn't see the working mesh.

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