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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-15- 01:29:26 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

still no joy...

my netbook drops the connection with power off and takes too long on power up to make the one second window.

I think this one is a destine for the recycle bin. I appreciate all the help. The good new ... my other 7 nodes are working fine.

73 d mike

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 Subject :Re:WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?.. 2014-08-15- 00:36:41 
Joined: 2014-04-08- 19:54:23
Posts: 23
Forum : General
Topic : WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?

Thanks Conrad, I had no idea the algorithm was quite that complicated. Obviously my "non-Internet/Internet" test concept won't work because those sites can't be ping'd. Don't suppose the 4 sites in the list in the OLSR code can be easily modified? I'd like to keep my local mesh in a closed system for proof-of-concept testing; I completely agree with Michael's comment in this thread as to keeping a tight control on what goes in and out of my WAN port. Thanks again for the detailed response. 73, Bill, N4SV
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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 16:05:00 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

Short pins 15 and 16 on the flash chip. Please take a look at this post for more details:

After you do this, set your computer to a static IP and TFTP the firmware back to the router at the address.

As for JTAG, look here:

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 15:57:57 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???


No joy... just spent two hours trying to catch that one second window.

i can ping

i can setup tftp as defined as a .sh and it executes, but no workie.

this is a Ver 354G

i have no jtag cable but could order one. they are on amazon, just need to know which one and then what to do with it.

I can try the pin short process.

73 de mike

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 Subject :Re:Can this be used for JTAG?.. 2014-08-14- 14:59:19 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Location: Nederland
Forum : General
Topic : Can this be used for JTAG?

JTAG is something that you do not want to necessarily mess around with unless you know what you are doing. JTAG and USB-to-TTL use completely different protocols! Don't try to go cheap. Instead, get a device that is designed to do what it is supposed to do.

Take a look hear for some ideas:

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 Subject :Can this be used for JTAG?.. 2014-08-14- 14:30:58 
Joined: 2012-01-17- 07:29:35
Posts: 42
Location: Lincoln Park, MI - EN82jg
Forum : General
Topic : Can this be used for JTAG?

Wondering this can be used as a jtag on the wrt54g routers?

I have a few laying around that I use for a gps interface and as for console access to my Raspberry Pi.

What I am worrying about is voltage levels between this and the router

James W8ISS

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 Subject :Re:WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?.. 2014-08-14- 08:13:31 
Joined: 2014-06-01- 15:17:42
Posts: 47
Location: Spotsylvania VA USA
Forum : General
Topic : WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?

If the mesh need to see the internet then I think you just answered why I haven't been able to access from my mesh to the local network. On my ISP router I deny everything from the mesh and only allow my local PC's and wireless devices access to the internet. At this time I don't want the mesh to touch the internet. with that said, I haven't been able to go from my local network and traverse the other side of the mesh network. I would think a change to check access to the next hop router on the WAN side would be sufficient to populate the route. I plan on being extremely prejudice on what is and isn't permitted to the internet off of the mesh.
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Michael Lussier
 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 07:51:42 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

And I would agree. That would be the more consistent way to deal with routers in some states, but from my experience, there have only been a few routers that have the boot_wait flag enabled by default. From my understanding, when you load the mesh firmware, it enables this flag on first boot after flashing, but I have not had much luck with it.

The 1-second window starts as soon as you apply DC power.

What user action has to happen within the one second window to get "in"?
Read this:

You can TFTP whatever firmware you want. It's up to the router to read, accept and/or reject what you send.

When you short two pins on the flash chip, it erases the chip (minus the CFE) and puts the router into a TFTP recieve state until readable firmware is sent to the router. If the CFE is corrupt, your only method is to erase the flash chip and JTAG the correct CFE back to the which time (after finishing the CFE write) the router goes into TFTP recieve mode.

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 06:45:42 
Joined: 2014-01-01- 13:06:12
Posts: 41
Location: Albuquerque NM
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

[KF5JIM 2014-08-14- 04:24:40]:
> you can TFTP firmware to the router at this address during
> the 1 second window at boot. Make sure you set a static IP
> address on your computer too.

Seems like this could be a more consistent way to deal with routers in some arbitrary firmware state.

When does this one second window start? Upon DC, before/after one of the LED's, or ?
What user action has to happen within the one second window to get "in"?

Can the "standard" BBHN or stock BIN file be TFTP'd over via the bootstrap or does it have to be a special one?

Guessing that if something is corrupted to the point the window does not happen, what mode does the CFE go into when you "short" something?  I didn't see initialization detection/failure defined in a cursory review of the Broadcom CFE spec.

Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-14- 06:51:29 By K5LXP for the Reason
Mark K5LXP
 Subject :Re:WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?.. 2014-08-14- 06:31:38 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?

What happens when the MESH GW checkbox is enabled, saved and rebooted is that the OLSR DYN GW module is enabled in the config files

The OLSR DYN GW module controls the injecting of a HNA address;a=blob;f=lib/dyn_gw/README_DYN_GW is the main readme for the DYN_GW module.

The main item is that it performs a ping to the BBHN website (single ping) every 60 seconds with a fallback to Google as a safety net (the 4exact servers are listed in the source code.)

If any of the the pings are successful for a set amount of time than a HNA of is published by the module (same feature that tells nodes about your local 'direct' subnet')

Once a HNA of is published other nodes will see the route and add it to the routing tables on each field node in routing table 31 so they than can then get to the internet by going to the publishing node.

If the ping fails a set number of times the route is removed from publication and the nodes remove the route from the table via that node thus changing the GW routing

A route of means 'SEND EVERYTHING' to me. If the node is told to send all data but does not forward it onto the internet as a whole it WILL confuse the users if they are expecting to get out to the web and can't (depending how close they are to that filtering node vs the open node)

In addition if someone else turns on mesh GW and is closer they will not be able to get to your network on your WAN port so keep that in mind with your design and be sure to set the policies for your network.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 04:24:40 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

<>I brick routers on purpose only to turn around and unbrick them. From what you have described, you are experiencing the symptoms of a corrupt NVRAM. Hince the reason why the router does not boot. To unbrick it (assuming you do not have a JTAG cable) you are going to have to short some pins on the WRT54G flash chip. This method is not for the faint of heart, but it is my preferred method.

When the router firsts boots up, the CFE tells it to have a static IP of and a netmask of (regardless of the firmware). If the boot_wait flag is enabled (located in the CFE), you can TFTP firmware to the router at this address during the 1 second window at boot. Make sure you set a static IP address on your computer too.

If the previous method does not work, let me know your make and model of your router, I will tell you the pins we need to short and we'll have to go through it that way.

If you have a JTAG cable, let me know too.

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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 03:51:13 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

If you have flashed the node but not set it up, then http:// should get you in to the node do the setup. 

You might want to refer to:


Clint, AE5CA

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 Subject :Re:cannot connect.. 2014-08-14- 02:23:16 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : General
Topic : cannot connect


Your Mars Lander Project sounds like a great use for BBHN!  Putting a camera on one node and seeing on a computer connected to a second node should be pretty straight forward.  It sounds like you can connect to your nodes and hopefully they are seeing each other on a mesh status screen.

If your nodes were flashed a long time ago, I would guess you have 0.4.3 or earlier on them.  In the 0.4.x versions the default was for NAT and you would need to set up port forwarding or else go to a DMZ mode to get to the camera.  I would suggest you update to the current version.  It uses 5-host dmz mode as its default which should work fine for what you are doing. 

On the node for the "Lander", with the camera plugged into a LAN port, go into the setup and in the Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services screen and set up the camera with a DHCP Port Reservation and then as a Service.  Once you do a save changes and reboot, you should be able to see a link for the camera on the Mesh Status Screen of the "Mission Control" node.  Click the link and you should be seeing the camera.

If you need more help just ask.

Clint, AE5CA

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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-14- 02:01:40 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

thanks for the help. but  (seems to always be a but)...

i don't know the IP address of the node. does it default to something at power on?

73 de mike

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 Subject :WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?.. 2014-08-13- 16:24:46 
Joined: 2014-04-08- 19:54:23
Posts: 23
Forum : General
Topic : WAN/Internet to Mesh access, how does the routing work?

What exactly happens "behind the scenes" when the "Gateway" box is checked, this is to say, how does the routing change across the mesh to route other remote mesh notes to the Internet connection on the router that has "Gateway" checked? I've looked at the route tables in all of my mesh nodes and I see no changes in the routing that would tell those remote mesh nodes how to route a call to, for instance, across the mesh to the one node that has an Internet connection on its WAN and has the Gateway checked? What exactly is the man behind the curtain doing on the Internet-connected mesh router to propagate it's Internet connection routing to the rest of the mesh? I'm trying to fully understand how the routing changes when that box is checked as I am trying to build a non-Internet Internet...I want to place a "fake" Internet on the WAN port of the one router with Gateway checked to do some testing. So far it isn't working for me so I am clearly missing something in how the routing changes across the mesh when that magic "Gateway" box is checked. Thanks. 73, Bill, N4SV

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 Subject :OCT 04 GOTA 2 MeshFest Prince George's County ARES/RACES training.. 2014-08-13- 14:08:41 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : Maryland
Topic : OCT 04 GOTA 2 MeshFest Prince George's County ARES/RACES training

Want to learn about how mesh networks can support our emergency communications work? Need help getting started with HSMM-Mesh (  Want to find out if that old WRT54G router can be reborn as a High Speed MultiMedia (hsmm-mesh) network #emcomm node?  Do you want to try out that Ubiquiti ( router? Only have one node and no one to mesh with? :(

Join a gang of "Elmers" for a mesh training event! We'll be learning about how mesh systems can support our emcomm activities, and helping people get their routers working with Broadband-Hamnet firmware!
Where: Fire Services Building, 6820 Webster Street, Landover Hills, MD 20785
When: 04 October 2014, 0900-1300L
What to bring:
-Your own laptop (Mac, Windows, or Linux) and power cord
-1 or more Linksys/Cisco WRT54G version 4 or less (please see the shopping guide on routers with wall-wort(s), or bring a compatible Ubiquiti router.
-1 cat-5 (or cat-6) patch cable
-Optional: power-squid or power strip to make sharing power easier, Windows machines should have a ssh/sftp client like PuTTY installed, bring extra routers to share, trade.

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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :cannot connect.. 2014-08-13- 13:17:55 
Joined: 2012-04-20- 15:28:51
Posts: 4
Location: Madison, MS
Forum : General
Topic : cannot connect

It has been a long time since I tried to get my MESH network going. I got discouraged a while back when there was no other local stuff but me. However now I have thought of a use for it.  I am a STEM (technology) teacher and am doing a Mars lander simulation with remote control robots.  I wanted to put a remote wireless security camera on my MESH nodes so that the students can see the robot, plan their next move, execute, then see what happens.

In saying all that... I pulled my Mesh routers out and tried to hook them up.  Now it has been a while and I cannot remember much.... But I did go to the setup pages and used the addresses in the browser to connect via wireless and via LAN.  No matter the address I cannot get anything to connect.  I am thinking of reflashing a newer firmware, but cannot get anything to recognize on LAN.

Can I get some pointers?  They are 54GL routers and were flashed years ago.  I just cannot connect and I want to make sure I can before I buy a camera.

Bill R.


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 Subject :Re:WAN open by default?.. 2014-08-13- 12:18:10 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : WAN open by default?

It would be best to open a new thread instead of reviving one that has been closed for a year, especially since the thread is a different topic.

It helps with avoiding sending notices to users whom do not need to see them and allows for better viewing in the forum.

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 Subject :Re:problem after reboot with Linksys 54G 3.0.. 2014-08-13- 06:29:29 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : problem after reboot with Linksys 54G 3.0

I forgot the most obvious answer.  Use a second working node to connect to the first one through the mesh. The status screen should show the ip of the node or you can go into the setup screen and set the ip there.

Clint, AE5CA

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 Subject :Re:1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???.. 2014-08-13- 05:53:56 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Firmware
Topic : 1.1.2 load filed, how to recover bricked router???

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Last Edited On: 2014-08-13- 06:25:57 By AE5CA for the Reason
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