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 Subject :Re:Re:HamChat Server.. 2014-03-10- 08:10:45 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Hey Ron, Have you tried the IRC instaruction on this site? Rusty posted a terrific article on this: Andre, K6AH
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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2014-03-10- 05:21:21 
Joined: 2013-12-29- 09:04:08
Posts: 11
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server


I am very interested in running a chat server. Can't find a way to pm you for assistance. Pm me please n1ahh at Thanks Ron, N1AHH

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Last Edited On: 2014-03-10- 05:23:23 By N1AHH for the Reason
 Subject :IRC (Chat) Software Location?.. 2014-03-10- 05:04:21 
Joined: 2013-12-29- 09:04:08
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Forum : Applications
Topic : IRC (Chat) Software Location?

The article describing the install process for the IRC on the Linksys router says the software can be found in the repository. Where is a this exactly (URL?). 

Thanks, Ron, N1AHH

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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi node w/TNC and APRS.. 2014-03-09- 17:37:47 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Applications
Topic : Raspberry Pi node w/TNC and APRS

Simple answer:

Ignore the mesh, it's not relevant to what your planning at first.

Treat this exactly the same way you would for a aprs node that was at someone's house.  Get all that sorted first.

After that than you can look at how to combine the data from each node (the problem here is can you trust all nodes will always have contact. This will be pretty unlikely. You would more likely need a query method from a central node that crawls out and asks the other nodes (or receives pushes and checks for the node not being reachable)

The simple method is configure all field nodes to stream updates to a single central node.  But again that assumes the nodes can reach that node at all times (this is how aprs gateways work currently when they go over the internet) or that they store history for forwarding when they can connect to the central node.

the non central method of this is just to display the aprs position data on each node and that you go to each node and ask it "hey who's here". Some APRS servers may be able to do this already.

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 Subject :Raspberry Pi node w/TNC and APRS.. 2014-03-09- 16:54:36 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 08:05:31
Posts: 35
Location: Stormy Acres
Forum : Applications
Topic : Raspberry Pi node w/TNC and APRS

Here is my vision.  Don't know if it has been thought of or tried but anyway...

I would like to have the Pi node with the TNC, which I have working, act as an APRS server of sorts.  Then when the mesh is deployed at say a fire the firefighters could be carrying APRS equipped handhelds or mobiles.  A service available on the mesh would allow those in control to see where personnel are located.

Lots of things to do to make it happen and some I don't know how to do. :-)  The idea is to try and  prevent the disaster that happened last year with 16 dead.  I theory it sounds good but implementation is lacking for me.

Anyway, back to dreaming.

Kirk - N6SXR

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 Subject :Re:Help us gather info on UBNT Devices.. 2014-03-09- 15:28:38 
Joined: 2014-03-09- 03:55:47
Posts: 3
Location: North Central WA State
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Help us gather info on UBNT Devices

NanoBridge M5 info:

XM.v5.5.6# cat /etc/
board.cpurevision=0x00000101 M5
radio.1.def_antenna=4 specified
radio.1.antenna.1.gain=0 only

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 Subject :Re:Help us gather info on UBNT Devices.. 2014-03-09- 15:26:09 
Joined: 2014-03-09- 03:55:47
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Location: North Central WA State
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Help us gather info on UBNT Devices

Bullet M2 Titanium

board.cpurevision=0x00000101 M2 Titanium

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 Subject :Re:New node in San Francisco (Bernal Heights).. 2014-03-09- 11:26:36 
Joined: 2014-03-06- 04:40:57
Posts: 7
Location: Fremont, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : New node in San Francisco (Bernal Heights)

Is the node in SF still on the air? And how about the Mt. Tam one? I don't see it on the map? I just set one up in Fremont and am trying to get more people in the SF Bay Area to set them up or to put them back online. KK6INS
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 Subject :Re:San Mateo / Belmont Area?.. 2014-03-09- 11:19:55 
Joined: 2014-03-06- 04:40:57
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Location: Fremont, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : San Mateo / Belmont Area?

Hey there KJ6ETL! KK6INS here.

Just got my node on the air in Fremont and posted to the map! My friend KH2SR also just got a node online in Saratoga and another one recently showed up in Sunnyvale.

Is your node still online? If not fire that puppy back up. I didn't see your node on the map. Could you please post it to the map so other hams know where to aim their antennas?

Use this link to post your nodes location to the map:

Don't forget to convince your ham friends and local ham clubs to build nodes and join in on all the fun building the SF bay area BBHN/HSMM-MESH network!

[kj6etl 2012-09-19- 06:14:38]:

I am located in San Mateo, close to Crystal springs.

Can see Belmont above me and parts off San Mateo / Hillsdale below. Plus the Fremont across the Bay.

Any one interested in starting a Mesh Network?

Might even put a solar powered node on top off Sugarloaf witch is in full view off our condo.




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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH Node KC6SSM-101 Up and Running.. 2014-03-09- 11:06:06 
Joined: 2014-03-06- 04:40:57
Posts: 7
Location: Fremont, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : HSMM-MESH Node KC6SSM-101 Up and Running

Any chance that Berkeley Hills node is still on the air? Just got mine online in Fremont and am looking to link with other nodes. Aaron KK6INS
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh in the East Bay - Let's build this thing!.. 2014-03-09- 11:01:00 
Joined: 2014-03-06- 04:40:57
Posts: 7
Location: Fremont, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : HSMM-Mesh in the East Bay - Let's build this thing!

I thought you guys might be interested to hear that I just put a node on the air in Fremont. It is now listed on the map as well. Don't forget to to talk your friends into setting up nodes as well. KK6INS
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 Subject :Re:Re:Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans.. 2014-03-09- 10:46:32 
Joined: 2014-03-06- 04:40:57
Posts: 7
Location: Fremont, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans

KK6INS here.

I've done my part, my node in on the air and has been posted to the map in Fremont, CA!

Now we just need more hams to get on board with this fun and cool project!

[KH2SR 2014-03-04- 07:01:30]:

Just listed my HSMM-MESH node in Saratoga on the map.

Now its time for some other south bay hams to do the same.

Spread the word to your friends and ham clubs. Lets get this network built.

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 Subject :Re:San Jose, Cupertino?.. 2014-03-09- 10:36:16 
Joined: 2014-03-06- 04:40:57
Posts: 7
Location: Fremont, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : San Jose, Cupertino?


My name is Aaron KK6INS. KH2SR and I have been working on putting up a node in Fremont and Saratoga. The one in Saratoga has one 16db gain directional antenna, one 8.5 db gain omni and eventually a second 15db gain directional antenna. for now my node in Fremont will only have omni directional antennas. However I plan on eventually adding two directional ones as well.

As you can see on the map, we now have our nodes on the air in Fremont and Saratoga. KH2SR has also convinced VE4AAI/W6 to setup a node in Cupertino. We have just started promoting BBHN/HSMM-MESH to some ham radio clubs around the greater SF Bay Area. We have already had a very positive response from several groups and individuals showing interest in setting up nodes to help build a BBHN/HSMM-MESH Bay Area Network.

If you are still willing to put a few nodes on the air in San Jose that would be awesome!

If you also happen to know some other hams or clubs in the bay area that would be interested in participating, please direct them to this website so they can create accounts, join the conversation, and with any luck, set up nodes of their own.

Feel free to follow/join the conversation on this forum thread as well:

[KJ6ZGJ 2012-09-08- 17:50:19]:

I'm looking to set a node up -- I could set one up in San Jose and perhaps in Cupertino.  Is there much of a point?  Would I be able to reach anyone else in the area, or would I just be placing my dots on the map in the hopes of enticing someone to fill in some of the open spaces? :)

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 Subject :Re:LAN access problems across Mesh.. 2014-03-08- 19:37:33 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : LAN access problems across Mesh

One thing I like about networks stack.

It's the same with every operating system and device. The only difference is how you input the changes  to do what of want.

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 Subject :Re:LAN access problems across Mesh.. 2014-03-08- 14:02:45 
Joined: 2014-03-02- 12:03:02
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : LAN access problems across Mesh

That was it. I should have thought of that... I knew that both Asterisk and SSHd would listen on multiple interfaces, so I glossed over their ability to reply back. I did see that other thread before, but I admit that I tuned it out when I saw that he was running Windows. It is working fine now. I have both IAX and SSH traffic flowing across the mesh. Thanks for the assist. Dean KD4TWJ
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 Subject :Re:Dual Network Cards in PC.. 2014-03-08- 07:49:33 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : General
Topic : Dual Network Cards in PC

Try putting the mesh node's IP in your PC as the primary DNS and move all others to the secondary/tertiary. Windows sometimes has a problem looking at the mesh when the mesh DNS is second/third. KTF
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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:LAN access problems across Mesh.. 2014-03-08- 05:17:23 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : LAN access problems across Mesh

Using two DHCP nic will never work by default without more work.

What is most likely happening is you "LAN" nick of your PC is being chosen for getting  to unknown network) from your local network.

Add a route on the allstar PC to go out via the mesh connected port.

The reason it works when your other PC is on the LAN port is because the Allstate PC knows that computers on the same DHCP subnet  can be accessed via the same port rather than going out via the default gateway.

Also see

If your going to run dual ports on a single computer you need I consider running fully manual networking as your close to a server environment than a desktop environment at that point and while dhcp makes setup easy it's not intended to solve the problems of multiple ports.

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 Subject :LAN access problems across Mesh.. 2014-03-08- 04:09:39 
Joined: 2014-03-02- 12:03:02
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : LAN access problems across Mesh

I have a couple of WRT54G nodes that I am getting setup.  One will be the main ‘on air” mesh node.  The other is for me to use for testing, demos, etc…

I currently have a XIPAR Allstar Desktop PC system running Centos and that is one of the things that I would like to access / provide IAX access across the Mesh.  I have a second NIC in the Allstar PC and that NIC is connected to one of the main Mesh node LAN ports.  Let’s call that node “Node 2”.  I have the LAN setting on Node 2 set to Direct.  I have IAX client support setup on the Allstar PC and it normally works fine with the iaxRpt client on other PCs, both internally on the home network and across the Internet.

I have a DHCP reservation for the Allstar PC second NIC on Node 2.  I currently have the firewall off on the Allstar PC for testing purposes.  It is already isolated from the Internet by a router firewall on that side of the other NIC on the home network.

With a Laptop connected to the LAN on my other mesh node, let’s call that one Node 5, I can see Node2 in the mesh status screen on Node 5, and I can see name of the Allstar PC from the DHCP reservation on Node 2.  I can access the web interface of Node 2 just fine across the mesh.  I also have DNS resolution at the Laptop of the Allstar PC across the mesh.  So far so good.

The problem is that I cannot access anything on the Allstar PC across the mesh.  I can plug the Laptop into a LAN port on the Node 2 router, and both IAX and SSH are working fine when connecting to the Allstar PC, so the interface in the PC is working fine and those services are functioning across that interface.  Even though the Help indicates the port forwards are not used in Direct mode, I tried that anyway with forwards configured at the Node 2 router, but still no joy.  I have tried specifying the Allstar PC IP address instead of the DNS name, while attempting connections across the mesh, but still no joy.
I have tried disabling the WAN interface on Node 2, thinking that maybe the router was getting confused, but that did not help.  There is currently nothing plugged into the WAN interface.

What am I missing?


Dean  KD4TWJ


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 Subject :Re:Dual Network Cards in PC.. 2014-03-08- 02:45:21 
Joined: 2013-06-23- 12:17:16
Posts: 12
Forum : General
Topic : Dual Network Cards in PC

"Mode 1 WILL WORK(and it is NOT suppose to allow internet access from wifi UNLESS you check MESHGW checkbox.)) It will let you connect to the local network and internet (assuming your local net is not in the 10.x range).  As this is suppose to allow wired LAN to WAN and WIFI TO LAN but not WIFI TO WAN."

Method 1 wasn't working for me yesterday, not sure why, but pings to the remote node by name were failing. Pings by IP Address were working. Clearly a DNS issue. One thing I didn't try before throwing in the towel on method 1 was to flush the DNS. That's why I tried the configuration with using two wired NICs which didn't work correctly as explained in the first post.

This morning I went back to the method 1 configuration, turned on the PC and now it is working correctly as it should. What I probably should have done was flush the DNS on the PC or at the worst case rebooted. In any case, its working as it should.

Now on to testing connectivity to a neighbor ham who is .8 miles from me. We've ordered high gain directional antennae for the testing. I've had great success with long distance WiFi connectivity using a parabolic antenna. I'm having a great time with this and hope to spur on more interest with the local EmComm group.

Thanks to all who commented on this thread. Laughing It is greatly appreciated.


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 Subject :Re:Dual Network Cards in PC.. 2014-03-07- 18:40:15 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : Dual Network Cards in PC

A fully DHCP setup will never work with multiple NICS.

The preference will be to use the wired port where possible. DNS priority is indeterminate in this state as wired is considered less cost than wireless.

Mode 1 WILL WORK (and it is NOT suppose to allow internet access from wifi UNLESS you check MESHGW checkbox.)) It will let you connect to the local network and internet (assuming your local net is not in the 10.x range).  As this is suppose to allow wired LAN to WAN and WIFI TO LAN but not WIFI TO WAN. 

Disable your WIFI while plugged in via the wired port in mode 1

Mode 2 is just complicating it

Mode 3 is actually exposing the internet to the mesh

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