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 Subject :Time Zone difference between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 Firmware.. 2014-03-14- 17:13:07 
Joined: 2013-11-19- 21:40:01
Posts: 5
Location: Milpitas, CA
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Time Zone difference between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 Firmware

On the Linksys, firmware 1.0.0, I can change the /etc/TZ file to display the correct timezone.  A reboot of the Linksys keeps that change.  However on the Ubiquity, firmware 1.0.1, the /etc/TZ file is overridden on a reboot losing my changes.  The apparent cause is a couple of lines of code found in the /etc/init.d/boot file of the 1.0.1 firmware as follows:

config_get timezone "$cfg" timezone 'UTC'
echo "$timezone" > /tmp/TZ

These two lines do not appear in the version 1.0.0 firmware.  I can modify those lines in the boot file and the settings in the /etc/TZ file stay after a reboot on the Ubiquity hardware.

My questions is why is there a difference between the 1.0.0 and the 1.0.1 firmware related to the setting of the /etc/TZ file on a reboot.

I understand there may be plans to add the ability to set the timezone from the menu at some point in the future.  Any info on that feature?

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Last Edited On: 2014-03-14- 17:57:56 By KE6TIM for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Newbie Quandary..... 2014-03-14- 15:56:13 
Joined: 2013-11-23- 20:24:41
Posts: 23
Forum : Applications
Topic : Newbie Quandary...

Anything you can do on the internet you can do on BBHN. I've just setup a Asterisk and got that working. I want to set up a website or two that gives some basic info on how to connect to the various services. My next task is to see about getting a openfire jabber server on the pi. So that it can do double duty as voice and chat. I've also thought about putting up synchronet bbs software as it comes packaged with so many useful tools, email, message board, file sharing, irc chat.
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 Subject :Re:Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ.. 2014-03-14- 15:39:17 
Joined: 2014-01-25- 19:07:14
Posts: 3
Location: Quartzsite, AZ
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ

Thanks Andre - We are looking to get a few of the Ubiquiti units once we are satisfied that our current applications are up and running. I do remember your talk at the Quartzfest. I think this is the future of amateur radio and time will tell where this leads us. Hope to have some interesting things ready by next year's Q-fest Steve
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 Subject :Re:Success/Failure for Different Router Models.. 2014-03-14- 15:34:25 
Joined: 2013-09-24- 14:42:24
Posts: 14
Location: Central Illinois
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Success/Failure for Different Router Models

I have been successful flashing a WR850G V2. It had some quirks, mainly I lost Ethernet after the flash even after resetting my laptop's IP using IPCONFIG. The laptop just could not find the DHCP server on the router. I also have to say that the router seemed to be sketchy *before* the flash. Sometimes the original admin web pages would not load. I let it sit for *weeks* figuring it was bricked, but then I realized I had not tried wireless, like I have with other WRT54G's. Boom. I was in and after the config & reboot, it is working fine.
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 Subject :Re:Re:Central Virginia EmComm Mesh.. 2014-03-14- 15:31:20 
Joined: 2013-11-23- 20:24:41
Posts: 23
Forum : Central VA
Topic : Central Virginia EmComm Mesh

I've been in development/test stages of my mesh nodes. Got a PBX up and going along with two voip phones as proof of concept. With any luck tomorrow I might be able to show case it to some of the club members. 

If you go the 5.8ghz route what hardware are you using? Would 2.4ghz be able to join that mesh?

[KQ9P 2014-03-01- 02:49:43]:

We're working toward a multilayer digital network for EmComm here in Central Virginia ARES District 3. We're looking at 5.8GHz mesh for high speed sites, 70cm mesh for better coverage and more sites, and 70cm/2m Winlink for broad coverage at lower data rates. These three networks would be linked together into a single network. We would be delighted to peer with mesh networks in neighboring districts to begin to create a statewide network. Our network is still in a developmental stage, but I would be happy to talk any time. 73, Mike KQ9P

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 Subject :Re:Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?.. 2014-03-14- 09:51:47 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?


Well, the safest thing to do is DEFAULT VALUES.  However, what you seek to do can be done.  Note though... there's a reason we warn against making changes to this part of the config. 

 In the Basic Setup screen: 

  2. Copy the address the system puts in the IP Address field
  3. DO NOT SAVE the default settings
  5. Paste the IP address you copied in step 2 into the IP Address field
  6. Save changes and REBOOT

If you run into any issues, then you *will* need to DEFAULT VALUES, Save and REBOOT.

Andre, K6AH


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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?.. 2014-03-14- 07:02:57 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : General
Topic : Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?

thanks! Is there a way to restore the automatically assigned addresses without restoring the units to "factory default"?
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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Re:Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?.. 2014-03-14- 05:09:03 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?

The BBHN firmware automatically assigns RF IP addresses based on the MAC address of the device.  The AMPRNet addressing scheme doesn't provide enough flexibility to do this without adding considerable risk to the duplication of IP addresses.

 Andre, K6AH


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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?.. 2014-03-14- 04:51:09 
Joined: 2010-09-01- 12:42:38
Posts: 31
Location: FN18ns
Forum : General
Topic : Why aren't we using AMPR ip addresses?

I just noticed that the HSMM project is using 10.XXX.XXX.XXX IP addresses for the wireless ports by default is there a reason for using these instead of the amateur radio allocation from

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Jesse Alexander, WB2IFS/3
Prince George's County ARES/RACES
twitter: @pgcares
 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2014-03-13- 22:15:55 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server


The IRC package that I built is for the WRT54G's and it will not work on the Ubiquiti gear.
By repository I mean the servers to access and group of files downloadable via pressing the [Setup] button (on the mesh node's Main/Status page) then click on the link for the Administration page on the WRT54G's webpages.  It's in the "Package Management" section.  There's no need for knowing which repository and how to access it since that is all done automagically for you via the aforementioned webpage.  If there are no packages in the pulldown list next to "Download Package" then hit the [Refresh] button and check the pulldown list again after the refresh is done.

Gimme a holler if you need any help!


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 Subject :Re:Re:Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans.. 2014-03-13- 21:14:00 
Joined: 2014-02-20- 03:44:15
Posts: 37
Location: Saratoga, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans

Looks like a nice antenna!

Just be sure to keep your coax cable as short as possible. Lots of losses at these frequencies. Keep one of your stock antennas on the router until you can replace it with a second gain antenna. 

[VE4AAI 2014-03-13- 19:13:19]:

I've got an 8db omnidirectional antenna on order from Amazon

Nothing too fancy but I figure it should be a step up from the stock wrt54g antennas...   

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 Subject :Re:Re:Re:Re:Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans.. 2014-03-13- 21:09:35 
Joined: 2014-02-20- 03:44:15
Posts: 37
Location: Saratoga, CA
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans

The more people you can get interested in this stuff the better. Putting up a node in Mountain View would definitely be cool!

I configured a cheap little netgear wifi router as a normal wifi access point. Any wifi router will do. Then I plugged a ethernet cable from one of the LAN ports on the BBHN node into the WAN port of the netgear wifi router. I then connected my iPhone to the netgear wifi access point just as you would normally connect your iPhone to any wifi. Then I simply typed in the address to access the BBHN node into my iPhone web browser and thats that. Works great!

First I drove down the two main roads around the complex to see if I could pick it up from there. That didn't work. Probably because the nodes need better antennas and more time to connect. You can't drive slow enough on those roads to stay in range long enough. I then drove around the apartment complex streets and was able to connect while several hundred feet away from various different positions. I wasn't using any of my directional antennas for this. Just the little stock antennas.

I know that the node will keep the "previous list" data for at least 4 hours. I haven't tested it any longer then that yet.

I have been trying to promote this technology to more hams. So far I have found a few that are interested.

There will be a south bay event where BBHN will be demonstrated on April 12th. Unfortunately I will be working that day. Here is some info on the details of the event. I have been informed you must register to attend. Registration is free:

Edith Morly Park

563 Campbell Technology Pkwy, Campbell, CA

If you happen to go to the event. Take some photos of the different node setups and post them on here. I am really curious how they will have their nodes setup.

[VE4AAI 2014-03-13- 13:45:59]:

I know there is an amateur group at work; I wonder if I can drum up enough interest that we can convince the company to let us put up a node there..  That'd be Mountain View.

Hey neat idea of connecting from your car.  Did you use two nodes so you could get access via your iphone?  

Cool!  Nice to see you could pick me up.  I wonder why I don't have anything showing up in my mesh "recent history" list.  I guess it must clear itself periodically or something.  

How far in to the complex did you need to go to contact my node?  Right near the building?  Or were you able to stay on one of the main roads?

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 Subject :Re:Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans.. 2014-03-13- 19:13:19 
Joined: 2014-03-01- 15:50:04
Posts: 11
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans

I've got an 8db omnidirectional antenna on order from Amazon

Nothing too fancy but I figure it should be a step up from the stock wrt54g antennas...   

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 Subject :Re:Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ.. 2014-03-13- 17:20:02 
Joined: 2013-12-29- 09:04:08
Posts: 11
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ

Steve, thanks for the kind words. Glad to hear your mesh is growing. Mine...not so much. Ward (K7PO) and I are working on a link between Gila Bend and Why, but one 19 mile path remains. I don't know enough about options to spend the $$ yet. Need to learn more about ubiquity options. I wonder if there is a way to vpn our meshes. As you may know, Why AZ makes Quartzsite look like a big town. I have no possible routes out until we get the link north. So that leaves vpn via the intenet. Also, I will be leaving Why in a few months for a remote part of Maine. VPN could move with me...... It would be nice to be able to pick your brain and not have to reinvent it all. Curious about the HP boxes. I need more info. URL to purchase etc. please? Again, kudos to you for making such giant strides so quickly. Ron, N1AHH.
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 Subject :Re:HamChat Server.. 2014-03-13- 16:55:57 
Joined: 2013-12-29- 09:04:08
Posts: 11
Forum : Applications
Topic : HamChat Server

Andre, I did read that article. In it he says . "The package that has been built is now available via the Broadband-Hamnet™ repository." I am confused about which repository and how to access it. Is the Linksys capable of interacting with an online repository? I know it is Linux, but have no idea how to access a repository. What am missing????

Ron, N1AHH

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 Subject :Re:Re:Re:Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans.. 2014-03-13- 13:45:59 
Joined: 2014-03-01- 15:50:04
Posts: 11
Forum : SFBay Area
Topic : Saratoga, Fremont, San Jose Mesh network plans

I know there is an amateur group at work; I wonder if I can drum up enough interest that we can convince the company to let us put up a node there..  That'd be Mountain View.

Hey neat idea of connecting from your car.  Did you use two nodes so you could get access via your iphone?  

Cool!  Nice to see you could pick me up.  I wonder why I don't have anything showing up in my mesh "recent history" list.  I guess it must clear itself periodically or something.  

How far in to the complex did you need to go to contact my node?  Right near the building?  Or were you able to stay on one of the main roads?

[KH2SR 2014-03-12- 19:16:31]:

Thanks Tyler! Yes thats the guts of a WRT54G in there.

I was looking at the ubiquity units as well. Another option is to add on a 2.4GHz RF amplifier between the antenna and router. There is a wide variety on amazon. I plan on getting a couple eventually.

We definitely need to work on spreading the word to more hams so we can get more nodes on the air in the bay area. If you happen to have any ham friends try talking them into it.

On another note, I installed a node in my car. That way I can try to track down unlisted nodes while I drive around town. I Haven't found any yet though.

I happened to be in your neck of the woods for work last week and decided to drive by and see if I could pick up your nodes signal. As luck would have it our nodes were able to connect. I thought you might be interested so I took a couple screen shots from my iPhone while our nodes were connected. The screen shots are attached to this message below.

[VE4AAI 2014-03-12- 14:47:48]:

Nice work James,  I presume that is a Wrt 54g in there? 

I am tthinking I will have to buy a couple antennas to play around with my Wrt 54g more.  I figure an Omni and a directional would be enough for me to experiment and see if I can pick anyone up.  If I can then I'm thinking I might get one of the ubiquiti units... 

I'm guessing we'll need a lot more nodes to get anything remotely connected well...  

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 Subject :Re:Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ.. 2014-03-13- 09:19:03 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ

Hi Steve,

Hey congratulations on getting the mesh running.  I was at Quartzfest this year and attended that talk.  You may recall the comments I made about Ubiquiti gear and where BBHN was heading.

Nice to run into you guys on the forum.


Andre, K6AH

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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ.. 2014-03-13- 08:54:36 
Joined: 2014-01-25- 19:07:14
Posts: 3
Location: Quartzsite, AZ
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Meshin' sround in Quartzsite, AZ

After listening to Ron's (N1AHH) excellent seminar on emergency communications ( } at the 2014 Amateur Radio Quartzfest in Quartzsite, a number of retired hams that "nest" here for the winter months  decided to try meshin' around.  Other than Quartzfest, the "Q" is for the most part, an RF ghost town.

Collectively, we have very little networking experience and a sprinkling of Linux but we somehow managed to muddle though and get a mesh up and running. There nine modes currently on line.

We have IRC up thanks to Rusty's  (AE5AE) tutorial, a couple of IP cameras,  and  few Puppy Linux servers running on surplus Neoware and HP Thin clients purchased on eBay.

The thin clients make ideal portable servers and terminals because consume little power and  run on 12VDC because they are entirely solid state (no hard drive). They are available in both embedded XP and linux flavors. We picked up a couple of them on eBay for $18 ea. delivered.

VOIP is next.

Attached is an image to the Q-Mesh

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2014-03-13- 08:48:08 
Joined: 2012-06-21- 16:49:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

I am told the node on Farnsworth Peak is gone.  Owner on a mission.

I have 7 nodes in Tooele County.  My path to Grantsville is fubar due to apartments built in my path.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.  Clear path to Farnsworth from home and hospital.  

 Three 16 db patch antennas.  Chinese so figure is suspect.  Two yagi, same concern.  Some omnis,same source.

We need Farnsworth Peak.   Any idea of how toroceed?

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 Subject :Re:HSMM-MESH in Utah.. 2014-03-13- 08:48:05 
Joined: 2012-06-21- 16:49:45
Posts: 5
Forum : Utah
Topic : HSMM-MESH in Utah

I am told the node on Farnsworth Peak is gone.  Owner on a mission.

I have 7 nodes in Tooele County.  My path to Grantsville is fubar due to apartments built in my path.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.  Clear path to Farnsworth from home and hospital.  

 Three 16 db patch antennas.  Chinese so figure is suspect.  Two yagi, same concern.  Some omnis,same source.

We need Farnsworth Peak.   Any idea of how toroceed?

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