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 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 15:32:29 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

Why 1.4? was that the only that you could get for openwrt? or the easiest to get working?
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 15:23:17 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 05:14:59
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

Yep, It maps to the other node just fine.  You could have a phone on Node C that is registered to Node A (asterisk+dundi) and call a phone on Node D that is registered to Node B (asterisk+dundi).

Along with opening 5004, 5060, 10000-20000, you will also need to open 4569 on the asterisk+dundi nodes.

Here are the files.

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Last Edited On: 2013-05-15- 15:30:07 By for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 15:19:20 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

Some reading for All on just what DUNDi is, and how it works.

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Last Edited On: 2013-05-15- 15:20:13 By VA7WPN for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 14:52:51 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

Thats great, were you able to get DUNDi to autonomously map the other node? That is the BIGGIE that Im working on.. AS WE SPEAK!
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 14:45:45 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 05:14:59
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

I just got DUNDi working with HSMM-MESH. Let me dump what I have from the two nodes for us all to sift through.

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 Subject :Re:Internet Tunneling.. 2013-05-15- 14:35:43 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
Posts: 60
Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Internet Tunneling

Thats GREAT! I was a member of MARC two years ago, how ever I have moved out of the area. Im still in Mississauga twice a day tho :) The ISP Tunnel is great for remote back bones, for areas where the mesh becomes too far for practical use. I dont imagine it would be used as more then a means to connect remote mesh's together. Today Iv made some leeway in the Asterisk front.. The Phones are talking localy hopefuly this weekend I can get them talking across the mess. Even if it is direct :)

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Last Edited On: 2013-05-15- 14:36:29 By VA7WPN for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Asterisk GUI Management.. 2013-05-15- 13:28:45 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk GUI Management

Its working now, now to get asterisk to play nice with the phone... lol
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 Subject :Re:Internet Tunneling.. 2013-05-15- 12:47:04 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 07:22:02
Posts: 23
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Internet Tunneling

We are now trying to get the mesh in Mississauga running. And the tunnels will definitely be utilized, even though it kind of kills the idea of data transfer without using the ISP... But right now we would probably first concentrate our efforts on getting as many links as possible on the air, so that when the winter comes we could connect those separated clusters using the tunnels and start working on finding the applications for the network we made. P.S. Watching your progress on auto-meshing the Asterisk. :)
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 10:24:39 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 05:14:59
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

The only thing I have not done is "Study and Implement DUNDi into the HSMM-MESH on TWO Nodes." I am currently working on that now and should have something to you within a wekk.

As for the other items on your list? You shouldn't have any problem. I've sustained multiple 2+ hour calls over the mesh on the same and across different nodes (with hops in-between as well) without any hickups.

Best of luck! Keep me posted.

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk GUI Management.. 2013-05-15- 10:19:58 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 05:14:59
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk GUI Management

I've used that program for quite some time. It really saves on not having to SSH to the node every time.

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk GUI Management.. 2013-05-15- 07:53:18 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk GUI Management

Thats great, I will so ASAP. Thanks a ton. I hope this gets the ball rolling for my project.
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 Subject :Re:Asterisk GUI Management.. 2013-05-15- 07:45:35 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 05:14:59
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Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk GUI Management

When I put the files inside a /www/asterisk/ folder, but that reproduced the same error you had. Make sure you rename the style.css attached with the AsteriskGUI to something else and change the respective filename in the asterisk.html file. After you do this, put the files inside the /www/ folder and don't forget to move to the cgi-bin folder and chmod it.

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 Subject :Re:Asterisk-DUNDi MESH.. 2013-05-15- 06:29:17 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Asterisk-DUNDi MESH

Last night I was able to make a connection to the asterisk server in the WRT, how ever the connections were then refused by asterisk. It turns out the IP Phones I have purchases have an outdated SIP firmware on them.. some where along the lines of v5.1... how ever Since then the company has been purchased by Linksys (the phones were manufactured for linksys by a 3rd party), then Linksys Purchased by Cisco.. Cisco has a new firmware along v6.5 available. Which is Asterisk compatable.. Tonihght we upgrade and try again! More DUNDi reading ensues.
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process.. 2013-05-15- 04:07:44 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process

It works as listed, I use the PING in the CMD window to know when the router is again responding to traffic. This helps identify a few things. Like A) the previous procedure has worked, and B) Its time to take the next step.. You can leave out the PING'ing.
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 Subject :Re:WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process.. 2013-05-15- 03:14:23 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
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Location: Austin, TX
Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process

Just joking.  I assume the procedure works as listed.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process.. 2013-05-14- 07:39:39 
Joined: 2024-09-28- 05:14:59
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Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process

The method is solid.  WX5U, where are you getting lost?

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Last Edited On: 2013-05-14- 07:46:14 By for the Reason
 Subject :Internet Tunneling.. 2013-05-14- 05:08:39 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
Posts: 60
Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Ontario Canada
Topic : Internet Tunneling

Iv been reading abaout it and HSMM-MESH... I am very remote from Toronto (Between Brantford and Woodstock) But I do work in Toronto Every day. Would any of the members of YRARC who are involved with HSMM-MESH be interested in trying to get a central Ontario MESH Link established?

Im only reading up on it now, so Im in the "Interest" stage right now, so I imagine there is quite a bit to do and learn yet. But Im willing to learn if others are as well. Part of this would involve my other project, the HSMM-MESH Utilizing Asterick / DUNDi for VoIP MESH.

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 Subject :Re:WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process.. 2013-05-14- 01:03:32 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54G-RG/TM Flashing Process

Is there a problem? This is the exact procedure I follow to flash the lot that I have (Over 40 now). Any suggestion as how to fix this? I hope to help in ANY way I can!
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 Subject :Re:Stuck in AP Mode.. 2013-05-14- 00:38:48 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Stuck in AP Mode

After Many attempts to get into this I did a 30/30/30 reset and left the router off over night. Afterwards I unpluged the primary router. One hour later I pluged them both in together and powered up at the same time. and waited untill both of the routers lights had setteled down. I was then able to reach the localap:8080 ip address and switch it back to its default settings. Since then I have done a full re-flashing of the software, and re-installed the packages I needed (Asterisk and its goodies). Every thing has run smoothly since. Now I just have to get Asterisk running between the two. This was a problem of USER HEAD SPACE.. I did not follow the instructions for setting it up as an AP.. thus I ran into the problems. Not an issue of HSMM-MESH Its self.
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 Subject :No stable wifi connection with AP.. 2013-05-13- 16:54:44 
Joined: 2013-04-12- 14:16:38
Posts: 7
Location: Henderson, Texas
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : No stable wifi connection with AP

I'm running a wrt54g v1.1 as an AP with a wrt54gs in node mode. They've run fine for a few days. Suddenly tonight I cannot create a stable connection to the AP. It shows up in the list of wifi connections available. It will connect but then begins a cycle of trying to identify the network, then disconnects, connects, then indentifying again, rinse and repeat.

During the first few moments it hands out a address to the connected computer. Then, after a few attempts identifying the network, it hands out a address. When I flip to static ip and assign the address myself, I can view the status page at like normal. 

Is this a problem with the DHCP server? The same thing happens when I use a hardwire connection to the AP via one of the LAN ports. 

I've rebooted the router but still get the same results. Any ideas??

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