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 Subject :How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?.. 2016-01-19- 08:13:05 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Hardware
Topic : How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?

Dear Members,

Way back in the version 1.0 days there was a way to load the BBHN 1.0 software on

a Raspberry Pi and use it as a BBHN Node...  Has that process expanded to version

3.1 and if so... Where do I find it???

The reason I want it is I want to build a mobile BBHN Node for my car... and I want to

be able to expand the BBHN in places where using a Raspberry Pi could be advantageous.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

73 Dave WA5DJJ

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 Subject :How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?.. 2016-01-19- 08:13:05 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Hardware
Topic : How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?

Dear Members,

Way back in the version 1.0 days there was a way to load the BBHN 1.0 software on

a Raspberry Pi and use it as a BBHN Node...  Has that process expanded to version

3.1 and if so... Where do I find it???

The reason I want it is I want to build a mobile BBHN Node for my car... and I want to

be able to expand the BBHN in places where using a Raspberry Pi could be advantageous.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

73 Dave WA5DJJ

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 Subject :How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?.. 2016-01-19- 08:12:45 
Joined: 2013-09-25- 16:24:20
Posts: 25
Forum : Hardware
Topic : How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?

Dear Members,

Way back in the version 1.0 days there was a way to load the BBHN 1.0 software on

a Raspberry Pi and use it as a BBHN Node...  Has that process expanded to version

3.1 and if so... Where do I find it???

The reason I want it is I want to build a mobile BBHN Node for my car... and I want to

be able to expand the BBHN in places where using a Raspberry Pi could be advantageous.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

73 Dave WA5DJJ

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 Subject :Re:Greetings!.. 2016-01-19- 00:52:03 
Joined: 2013-05-04- 16:56:22
Posts: 2
Forum : Colorado
Topic : Greetings!

Thanks for getting this discussion started, Robert.

For about two years I've had a node running in Berthoud.  Usually, I have a Team Talk 4 server connected, but the node is always on the air and everyone is welcome to connect.

73, Jay    W0AIR

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 Subject :Mesh Forum at NCARC Hamfest, Loveland, CO, January 23, 2016.. 2016-01-19- 00:46:23 
Joined: 2013-05-04- 16:56:22
Posts: 2
Forum : Colorado
Topic : Mesh Forum at NCARC Hamfest, Loveland, CO, January 23, 2016

We're having a BBHN Mesh discussion at the NCARC Hamfest in Loveland, CO on Saturday, January 23, 2016.  Forum runs from 10:00 to 11:00. 

Details:     or see menu at

73, Jay W0AIR

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 Subject :Re:NanoStation M2 - is this the bootloader problem/aftermath.. 2016-01-17- 14:15:15 
Joined: 2016-01-15- 20:59:47
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation M2 - is this the bootloader problem/aftermath

thank-you, I'll look into all of that. These two NanoStation M2's I purchased were used. I intentionally bought used - to try and avoind any XM XW problems; and any other compatibility issues we see on occasion with the newer Ubiquiti releases. I just found out the two used NS M2 device s I bought - the seller "wiped them" by uploading the latest Ubpquiti firmware into them; and it was 5.6 If he would of just left things as they were... :-)
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 Subject :Re:NanoStation M2 - is this the bootloader problem/aftermath.. 2016-01-17- 11:32:43 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation M2 - is this the bootloader problem/aftermath

That sounds much like a problem that another user experienced the other week.

We will for sure get you set on the right stock firmware first and then hopefully back on track:

  1. View videos: here and here
  2. Download your suitable TFTP client here.
  3. Download UBNT v5.5.x firmware here.
  4. Following the methods in the two videos (mileage may vary) and your TFTP client, and
  5. TFTP the stock UBNT firmware back to the NanoStation M2.
  6. Once fully booted and re-setup using stock firmware, try re-flashing the unit back to BBHN

Let me know if you have any questions and please let me know the outcome either way. And then, we will see how to proceed from there. Thanks!

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Last Edited On: 2016-01-17- 11:35:43 By KF5JIM for the Reason After living in another country too long, your native language starts to fail on you...
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :NanoStation M2 - is this the bootloader problem/aftermath.. 2016-01-17- 11:04:05 
Joined: 2016-01-15- 20:59:47
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation M2 - is this the bootloader problem/aftermath

I have 5 NanoStation M5's, all I did was make certain they were XM versions before purchasing.  Flashed with BBHN with no problems.

Decided to include the NS M2 to my equipment collection; did the same... verified it was "XM".  Sadly I didn't look to see what version of factory firmware was already installed; made the mistake of using my M5 experience - just looking that the firmware version started with XM.

I reflashed with the BBHN 3.1 for the NanoStation M2; it went through all right; and then got the "NoCall" page. But when attempting to   change the call or password... the Save function errors.  Also, cannot reload any other flash; get a message "file type  not recognized".

I then went back to the main NoCall page, and in the lower right corner noticed something strange:

screen-shot (look at the flash free space value):

does this point to being the announced bootloader problem ?

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Last Edited On: 2016-01-17- 11:17:51 By N8NQH for the Reason added screen shot link
 Subject :Re:ESP8266 and BBHN/HamNET.. 2016-01-15- 09:33:47 
Joined: 2015-11-12- 15:40:28
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : ESP8266 and BBHN/HamNET

oh, the forum doesn't respect spaces between paragraphs? What if I do twice as many? I had an addition idea: Whenever the keychains are plugged in, they could switch to a more active mode where they spend most of their time broadcasting their presence to other keychains, so message passing could happen even without any BBHN nodes being involved. They would probably still want to switch to their normal mode periodically for message passing described above. And another thing: There is a successor to the ESP8266 coming out soon called the ESP32. I haven't memorized all the details, but one notable addition is BlueTooth Low Energy, which would make talking to phones a lot easier.... not that WiFi is hard.. anyway, BT could be used for configuration, etc..... That's all, thanks for listening!
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 Subject :Re:ESP8266 and BBHN/HamNET.. 2016-01-15- 09:20:37 
Joined: 2015-11-12- 15:40:28
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : ESP8266 and BBHN/HamNET

I've been working with the ESP8266 at work for some products we are developing. It's a pretty amazing chip for the price. It has an integrated microcontroller that can run user code, so it can be a nearly stand alone device. That said, it's slow and its got only a tiny amount of RAM and Flash compared to a router and will never, ever be able to run Linux like the routers do. On the other hand, its amazingly cheap, small, and power consumption is very low. While it isn't going to work as a full node, I think it could still serve some very interesting purposes. For example, a keychain style device that you could carry that would periodically search for BBHM nodes, connect to them, then log the time for you. Adding to that, and more interesting to me, would be the idea of a sort of sneaker-net relay system. This little keychain would look for nodes, connect, and if the node has any outgoing (very short!) messages, it would grab those. Then the next time it saw a different node, it would pass those messages along, while grabbing any new messages. It could be set up to step through any nodes it sees and repeat the process, so if you had one of these that could always see two nodes that could not see each other, it could pass small amounts of traffic between them. As Hams carried these things around, they would act as the conduit for this sorta slow packet traffic, if that makes sense. I don't know enough about how BBHN works to start something like this, and I'm too busy anyway (maybe someday). Though I could probably help a little. In particular, I am experienced at PCB design and manufacturing. (See for an example of my work) P.S. For a small cheap board that could run the full BBHN, check out the GS-Oolite boards. I've been able to get them for about $13/each:
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 Subject :Re:ESP8266.. 2016-01-15- 08:23:02 
Joined: 2015-11-12- 15:40:28
Posts: 3
Forum : General
Topic : ESP8266

It's been a while, but there is a more recent post over at I'd love to get more discussion going, so I am going to continue my comments there.
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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi Mesh.. 2016-01-15- 04:20:59 
Joined: 2015-07-02- 08:35:11
Posts: 11
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi Mesh

I had a concept for a something like a HAZMAT incident... You could create a bunch of nodes that consist of a RPi w/usb wifi adapter, webcam, lipoly "power bank" in a Tupperware box stuck on a simple tripod. Deploy a chain of these around the perimeter - range is not an issue. Could also work along a parade or marathon route.
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 Subject :Re:No storage on Bullet M2 HP.. 2016-01-14- 11:52:23 
Joined: 2015-11-20- 15:52:06
Posts: 3
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : No storage on Bullet M2 HP

You are correct, I deleted my original text in the fist post. My biggest issue with the community of moderators is someone posted a reply, and I ended up corresponding via email with a dev member who gave me a suggestion to force the uboot to reflash. The pictures I apologize for, should have mentioned in the post you could just right click on them and open them in a new tab. I posted a reply with what I ended up doing and shortly later the mods deleted everything past my original post. When they did that I became aware of this and other actions they took against other members and that is what has made me decide to move from BBHN to AREDN.
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 Subject :Re:No storage on Bullet M2 HP.. 2016-01-14- 11:30:39 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
Posts: 250
Location: Nederland
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : No storage on Bullet M2 HP

Honestly, I am not aware of the reason why the whole post was removed (EDIT:  I should have read your edit more carefully. You removed your main post.  I thought your original post was deleted and you opened a new topic under the same name). However, from looking at my email log, one person said that your problem possibly stemmed from this:

Your pictures were hard to read on this forum, so I had to download them to figure out what you did (luckly I still had the pictures). What is came down to is that you serial consoled into the router, turned on TFTP via the serial console (details here (ubnt website). Summary: Type "urescue" at serial prompt), grabbed AirOS XM 5.5.11 from the ubnt website, put the router in TFTP mode and TFTP'd the firmware back to the UBNT device. And then after the node fully flashed back to the origional (and older) stock firmware you proceeded to install BBHN onto the node. Does that sound right?

So for archival purposes (should anyone else have the same problem and need to search for it): "I flashed a bullet m2 hp today with 3.1.0 and when I tried to setup the mesh node it kept giving me an error. I telnet into the device and find out there is no available space. Tried to put the m2 in tftp mode and can't even connect to it. Any advice?" -KE5EUA  (Edit:  Since you deleted your original post, let me know if you want this quote removed since you have full ownership of it.)

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Last Edited On: 2016-01-14- 11:36:11 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi Mesh.. 2016-01-13- 17:07:13 
Joined: 2016-01-10- 00:16:35
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi Mesh

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 Subject :Re:Re:Raspberry Pi Mesh.. 2016-01-13- 16:39:54 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi Mesh

I think KG6JEI's earlier comment is still valid.  It is pretty hard to beat the price of a Ubiquiti PicoStation... (<$80) and there is "no assembly required." And, if you want a 60º sector with MIMO you absolutely cannot beat a 2.4 or 5gHz NanoStationM2/M5 at just $5 to $10 more. (Personally, I'd avoid the NanoStation loco unless range is not an issue.)

[KG6JEI 2015-02-03- 05:59:13]:  I suspect for in the wild nodes you will find Ubiquiti cheaper...

[KI6PVH 2016-01-13- 08:58:38]:

So is it looking more viable to use Raspberry PI as a serious emergnecy communications solution as nodes in a hamnet network? Cheap and reduced availability of the old routers makes it attractive to me.

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 Subject :Re:Raspberry Pi Mesh.. 2016-01-13- 08:58:38 
Joined: 2016-01-10- 00:16:35
Posts: 2
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Raspberry Pi Mesh

So is it looking more viable to use Raspberry PI as a serious emergnecy communications solution as nodes in a hamnet network? Cheap and reduced availability of the old routers makes it attractive to me.
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 Subject :Re:BBHN Layer 1/2 Protocol?.. 2016-01-13- 02:19:47 
Joined: 2011-02-01- 08:37:13
Posts: 5
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN Layer 1/2 Protocol?

Thank-you so much for your quick reply. I had already reviewed the OLSR information. What I am curious about is the link layer protocol. Per RFC3626: "OLSR is developed to work independently from other protocols. Likewise, OLSR makes no assumptions about the underlying link-layer." The confusion may be that I was thinking OSI model layers (Layer 1 = Physical, Layer 2 = Datalink, Layer 3 = Network) instead of TCP/IP model layers(Layer 1 = Link, Layer 2 = Internet). I understand that OLSR doesn't care what underlying link protocol is used. What I am curious about is the BBHN design requirement of a properly configured BBHN node being able to communicate with any other properly configured node simply by being powered on. To accomplish this the nodes would have to agree on how to encode the OLSR Internet Layer data and signal that data across the Link Layer physical link. Does BBHN rely on the 802.11 function of the hardware to negotiate link modulation and coding or does it specify a particular version of 802.11? Thanks for the help and my apologies for the confusion! -KO4ZE

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Last Edited On: 2016-01-13- 02:22:55 By KO4ZE for the Reason Edited wrong word for clarity.
 Subject :Re:BBHN Layer 1/2 Protocol?.. 2016-01-12- 12:19:52 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN Layer 1/2 Protocol?

On the home page of this website, click on "Learn about OLSR".

Optimum Link State Routing is what you are looking for.


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 Subject :BBHN Layer 1/2 Protocol?.. 2016-01-12- 10:23:57 
Joined: 2011-02-01- 08:37:13
Posts: 5
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN Layer 1/2 Protocol?

Hello all,

I have been looking for specific information about the Layer 1 & Layer 2 protocol used for node-to-node communication in BBHN.  I realize that 802.11 whatever devices cannot directly connect to BBHN mesh nodes but I am curious as to what the actual protocol used is.  Is it still 802.11 and if so - which version.  If not what is the modulation and coding scheme?  Can anyone enlighten me or point me in the right direction?

73, John, KO4ZE

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