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 Subject :FocusPhone glitch with WIN v. 10.. 2015-12-07- 23:10:02 
Joined: 2014-01-25- 09:13:12
Posts: 11
Forum : Applications
Topic : FocusPhone glitch with WIN v. 10

Hi folks,

I got a new laptop with Win/10 on it and, when using Focus Phone, its doing something that I've not had happen on Windows 7 or 8. 

When I plug in my USB external camera (Logitech eyeball) and open Focus Phone what happens is, Focus Phone starts up (as evidenced by the icon in the traybar appearing), but the program does not open up on the desktop (only in the systems tray bar).  I know the camera is work with Focus phone because when I cursor over the icon with my mouse in the tray bar (shown below in pic), the image from the camera appears (but in a much smaller version - which its suppose to do that).  The program itself doesn't seem to want to open up on the screen (other than in the tray bar). 

Anyone else have this problem with Focusphone.  I'd hate to use another program as I have installed on all our Mesh computers in our ARES group.  But, if I have to change to another program - I will, with some advice.

Well., after writing all this - i tried to up load the image (jpg) of my tray but this forum is giving me an error saying Warning: Failed to move file.  Unable to upload image.

Boy, i'm having a productive day.... Undecided

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 Subject :Re:Why only HAM use?.. 2015-12-06- 05:59:08 
Joined: 2015-09-30- 15:58:08
Posts: 2
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

I have a very new license, and have only been reading about HSMM, so my thoughts on this topic are very preliminary.

It seems to me that we should be thinking about part 97 versus part 15 operation, and that in particular we should have tools to rapidly switch between the two.

Part 97 operation offers greater flexibility in terms of power and frequency. You can make connections that might not otherwise be possible.

Part 15 operation offers greater flexibility in terms of the sort of traffic which can be handled. You can carry messages or permit unsupervised users.

The equipment, software, and skills needed to set up a network mostly overlap. IMHO when the desired connection can be established under part 15 rules, then it makes sense to do so. A part 15 connection could be connected to the open internet and used by non-HAM 'customers' without worrying about content.

A part 15 connection could be encrypted, whereas a part 97 connection cannot. (And while a HAM operation should not be encrypted, an _emergency response_ might need encryption, say for medical records.)

This is vaguely analogous to the rules about using the minimum power to effect the desired communication, or the requirements in the emergency operations rules permitting other rules to be broken only if no other communications method is available.

I've also been pondering the concept that if you use your call sign you _necessarily_ imply that you are operating under part 97. If you use your call sign with no qualification, then you are clearly saying 'this is a part 97 operation'. But what would happen if I used 'AF7TS/part15' to identify a node? This would be akin to someone who just upgraded appending /AE to their call sign. It removes any ambiguity caused by the use of a part 97 call, and part 15 doesn't have any particular call sign requirements.

The real question is how possible it would be to have a network that has some links operating part 97, and other links operating part 15, and automatically (and correctly) route traffic across such a network.

Thanks for considering my thoughts




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Last Edited On: 2015-12-06- 06:04:48 By af7ts for the Reason Original posting removed all paragraph breaks
 Subject :Re:Can hsmm-pi be changed to bbhn-pi ?.. 2015-12-05- 15:28:30 
Joined: 2015-03-31- 17:22:35
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Can hsmm-pi be changed to bbhn-pi ?

I ended up putting the BBHN code on a new SD card. It worked.
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 Subject :Introducing meshchat.. 2015-12-05- 05:01:18 
Joined: 2015-12-04- 19:49:31
Posts: 3
Forum : Applications
Topic : Introducing meshchat

Hi I’m Trevor K7FPV. We have a mesh network running in Layton, UT with around 12 nodes. We mainly setup and use the mesh for emergency communications. We have been using Team Talk running on a Raspberry Pi off my node to communicate. I’ve never liked this solution since it requires my node to be online as a single point of failure, and Team Talk is not the easiest thing to use, and does not work on mobile devices.

We tested Ham Chat, but again same problem. If that nodes goes down, your messages go with it, or you have to all login to a bunch of nodes. Great app for what it does.

I wrote a web app called meshchat that runs on the node it self. It has a modern responsive / ajax web interface. The concept is you can login to any node running meshchat and see the message database and send messages. The message database is stored in RAM and a smaller version persisted to FLASH. There is a daemon that runs all the time on the node and requests the message/user database from every node on the mesh. If it finds a new message it adds it to its own copy of the database. This way every node always has a full copy, fully distributed, fully redundant and p2p. No single point of failure or a server. It also keeps track of which users are currently logged into which node, and which node the message originated from. When you install on a new node, it will instantly get a full copy of the message database from another node. Depending on the speed and size of your mesh it can take a few seconds to a few minutes for new messages to fully propagate.

We have been running this on our mesh for a few weeks and it seems to work well but should be considered alpha software at this point. I invite any one else to try it out and submit bugs to me.
Right now the app just does text messages. I’m making some progress using webrtc to add p2p video and file transfer, but it is tricky to do without a server involved for ICE / STUN setup. Anyone who is familiar with webrtc is invited to help ;).

Right now there are some prerequisites to running this: 

* Must be installed on Ubiquiti hardware - may do linksys support at some point 

* You have to reboot your node after installing the package for the daemon to start - trying to figure out a problem with it starting after package install 

* We have tested only on 3.1.0, but it may work on other versions I don’t know 

* You must have the correct time set on your node - NTP is a great way to do this. We used the nodes times in UTC and in javascript convert it to that users timezone in the browser. May change this to use the time from the browser instead since NTP may not be available.

* You must have the wget-nossl package installed - this is because the busy box wget does not support connection timeouts and a unreliable node will stall the daemon forever. 

You can see the code here: 

You can download a wget-nossl package here (install this first):

You can download the package here: 

Possible features in an update: 

Auto update all nodes on the mesh after updating 1 node 
P2P file transfer 
P2P video conferencing 

Thanks to Bill N7IE and Dave KD7DHO for their work on our mesh and for testing. Feedback is welcome. 

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Last Edited On: 2015-12-05- 07:47:52 By K7FPV for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Patch 3.1.0.. 2015-12-04- 09:12:12 
Joined: 2014-11-04- 13:44:45
Posts: 12
Location: Euxton, Lancashire, UK
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Patch 3.1.0


When I downloaded the ......... squashfs.trx file the download notification had changed to


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Not as fat as the photo suggests.
 Subject :Re:Patch 3.1.0.. 2015-12-04- 08:16:41 
Joined: 2014-11-04- 13:44:45
Posts: 12
Location: Euxton, Lancashire, UK
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Patch 3.1.0

Hi All.

I updated my Linksys routers from v3.0 to v3.1 today. Initially I downloaded the normal file and the patch to My Documents I then connected the mesh router to the PC to upload via the administrator tab. I got an error message saying it could not load the file (either of them).

I then connected the mesh router to my internet router and did the update as a download from the Mesh website. I used the refresh file box them chose the patch file. It worked a treat, it took longer for the box to reboot.

All my units are now up to date but my question is. Why could I not upgrade my units with the file from my PC?



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Not as fat as the photo suggests.
 Subject :OLSR not running.. 2015-12-03- 16:44:01 
Joined: 2013-06-29- 10:42:02
Posts: 15
Location: Odenton, Maryland
Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : OLSR not running

I just updated all three of my routers and this is what I get when I go to mesh status. "Whoops, OLSR is not running, try again later.    I have tried serveral times tonight with no luck.  This includes pulling the plug and restarting.  Any ideas?

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When not at work, I am hunting, fishing, or hamming it up!
 Subject :Opportunity to participate in Humanitarian Experiment in Alameda, CA.. 2015-12-01- 07:02:28 
Joined: 2015-04-06- 17:53:58
Posts: 5
Location: Outer Sunset, San Francisco, CA USA
Forum : General
Topic : Opportunity to participate in Humanitarian Experiment in Alameda, CA


Every quarter the Naval Post-graduate School (NPS) in Monterey holds a Joint Inter-agency Field Experiment (JIFX) in-which groups are invited to participate in a multi-day event with a focus on collaboration and experimentation. The second JIFX of 16 (16-2) is being held in Alameda, CA and is focusing on Maritime and Humanitarian interests. There's a specific RFI that I thought might be of interest to the Broadband Hamnet/HSMM-MESH community below:

b.22: Interoperable Communication Solutions in Network Denied Disaster Response Environments.

Federal disaster response agencies are seeking technologies that provide clear and reliable communications between an array of disparate organizations. Additionally, network solutions are sought to establish private networks and strong backhauls to the open internet during times when commercially provided connects have failed. These solutions may include cellular, satellite, or point-to-point RF solutions.

For more information on JIFX 16-2, please see:

Generally the event is very engaging and the organizers encourage collaboration and experimentation in the field. I will be there participating for my own organization, but would love to have HSMM attending and participating as well. If you're interested in participating as part of a larger HSMM group, lets continue this conversation in this thread. If you're interested in submitting your own proposal, feel free to go ahead and begin that process.

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Greg Albrecht W2GMD
Engineer. EMT. Disaster Worker.
Mobile: 1-310-621-9598
 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-11-29- 19:23:40 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

Anne, Your high location may be sufficient to see the HRO Mesh nodes (shown on These are only ~23 miles from you. You've connected to an Omni there. I can see the mesh status on your NanoStation 4 hops away and over 70 miles of RF.
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 Subject :Re:DTD linking on WRT54Gx.. 2015-11-29- 15:56:23 
Joined: 2015-10-25- 02:33:05
Posts: 9
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : DTD linking on WRT54Gx

I followed the directions on the linksys dtd instructions on this site (ssh in, edit /etc/vlan, edit /etc/config.mesh/network) then I logged into the web interface hit save, then reboot and dtd worked between my nanostation and my WRT-54GL 73, Anne
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 Subject :Re:Why only HAM use?.. 2015-11-29- 15:21:47 
Joined: 2010-10-06- 23:04:25
Posts: 54
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

Well to me the main reason BBHN is for ham use is because the developers are hams. There are a number of other non-ham Mesh projects out there that I'll list below. As also mentioned; everyone is using a callsign on the BBHN network thusly indicating any relayed traffic over the nodes is Part 97 ok/ham oriented. I.E. emails transported over BBHN may come out on VHF (Winlink) packet nodes, or VOIP traffic out IRLP nodes etc.

Village Telco - Mesh Potato

Byzantium - wireless mesh networking for the Zombie apocalypse

Serval Mesh - Emergency Preparedness MESH project

SPAN - Smart Phone Ad-hoc Network!forum/spandev

Commotion Wireless - an open-source communication tool that uses mobile phones, computers, and other wireless devices to create decentralized mesh networks.

Hyperboria Sites - see the list of available services.

Meshnet - using CJDNS - Seattle or Santa Cruz

Commotion Wireless -

Quick Mesh -

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Last Edited On: 2015-11-29- 15:36:24 By kb9mwr for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-11-29- 15:04:40 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

Check the 'distance' setting and make it 65000 (in meters). Might improve the LQ. I see you are being received with an 8 SNR. Also, the NanoStation has no electrical down-tilt as I recall. Consequently, at that distance look to have a .5 deg physical up-tilt to see if we can squeeze out any higher SNR. Joe AE6XE
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 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-11-29- 14:38:02 
Joined: 2015-10-25- 02:33:05
Posts: 9
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

P.S. in the above message "3 or 5 MHz band" should read "3 or 5 GHz band" as of full dark of night my LQ drops as low as 7% so that 7-60% LQ, but it is still a link.

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 Subject :Re:Why only HAM use?.. 2015-11-29- 14:33:49 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

VA7IQ, While BBHN is usable under part 15 (or the equivalent of non-US countries) with proper designation, it's noteworthy to mention a couple of the benefits to operate under part 97: 1) we have part 97 only frequencies that can be used, which gives the advantage of clearer sailing outside part 15 congested areas. 2) Higher allowable power limits. We can actually be legal when attaching a high gain antenna and a ubiquiti device on full power with part 97 licensing. (Some easily accessible high gain antennas on a full power ubiquiti device are capable of exceeding part 15 limitations and abused by WISP operators.) Note, there is a group that specializes in packaging OpenWRT specifically for building communication wireless networks in developing countries (with some emphasis on enabling freedom of communicating in restrictive countries). Check out Joe AE6XE
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 Subject :Re:Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA.. 2015-11-29- 14:19:15 
Joined: 2015-10-25- 02:33:05
Posts: 9
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : Doing my part to improve HSMM-Mesh availability in LA

I pulled up the ocmesh listing for pleasant peaks and noticed I was on the wrong channel and bandwidth. I flashed the Nanostation to AREDN from BBHN 3.1.0 and set the channel to -2 and bandwidth to 10. Like magic, I connected to your node on Pleasant Peak from my QTH in downtown LA. I have link quality between 20% and 60% depending on which way the ether blows, but my Nanostation has linked over the 40 mile path. Sometime later, I will upgrade that link to something else with a little more gain and probably in the 3 or 5 MHz band to bring the link quality up and dtd my existing nodes to it. Right not the usability of the link is spotty. -- Anne
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 Subject :Re:Why only HAM use?.. 2015-11-29- 14:05:04 
Joined: 2015-10-25- 02:33:05
Posts: 9
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

Just remember if you do operate a mesh under part 15 (and there are meshes such as comotion that are operated under part 15) you are limited to the restrictions of that section of CFR 47 (or the equivalent of it for your country) if you operate under part 97 you are subject to its restrictions. Part 15 restricts power level and prohibits the use of many types of antennas, whereas part 97 allows for higher power and using many types of antennas to get high effective radiated power, etc. which makes operating under part 97 much more interesting. -- Anne
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 Subject :Re:help needed password reseting on a wrt54gl.. 2015-11-29- 11:23:32 
Joined: 2014-04-30- 14:30:42
Posts: 2
Forum : Firmware
Topic : help needed password reseting on a wrt54gl

I have two WRT54G, v2 routers flashed to version 3.1.  I can log into setup on one but not the other.  As far as I know I used the same password on both.  I have tried many combinations of passwords without success.  Has anyone come up with a fairly simple method of resetting the password for someone not reallyl"into" Linux?  I tried the method described by ad5oo but as he described it did not work on version 2 of the router.  Thanks KR4XN

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 Subject :Re:Why only HAM use?.. 2015-11-29- 10:53:05 
Joined: 2015-11-06- 11:49:25
Posts: 10
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

Thanks for the excellent clarification. This is helpful, and demonstrates a clear way to deploy this self-forming mesh network technology in non-ham environments too. Once under Part 15, then pretty much any country is fair game wherever WiFi is present. Thanks as well for deleting the dupes created on the original posting.
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 Subject :Re:Why only HAM use?.. 2015-11-29- 09:52:43 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Location: Nederland
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

I am not a lawyer, but I have spent a lot of time carefully reading documentation and thinking over this topic. So with that, here is my carefully formulated answer:

The only time any device or person follows Part 97 rules is when they transmit or affix to and while under direct control (ie. RC aircraft) their FCC-Part 97-assigned call sign. Should you choose not to use your FCC Call Sign, then technically speaking, you are still operating under Part 15 rules.

In short, there is nothing that makes Broadband-Hamnet unique for amateur radio use only other than the fact that most users here will put their Amateur Radio Call Sign as their node name (the node name gets transmitted once every 5 minutes), and thus are expected to abide by Part 97 rules and regulations. Why is this? Anytime you identify using your FCC-assigned call sign, you are implying to the rest of the world that you and your equipment are following the rules and regulations as outlined in accordance to your license grant.

So what does this mean with respect to Broadband-Hamnet?
You and your equipment must abide by Part 97 rules and regulations as soon as you change the node name to contain your call sign. If you ever change your node name to anything else other than a call sign, then you are no longer operating under Part 97 rules and regulations, but instead fall back to the rules and regulations as specified by the type of certification of that particular equipment.

I hope this adequately and sufficiently answers your question.

This reply has been tailored to those who operate under Title 47 CFR 97. Please double-check the documentation from your governing radio agency/commission for the most up-to-date information concerning what is and is not permitted (amateur radio related or not).

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My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Why only HAM use?.. 2015-11-29- 08:49:29 
Joined: 2015-11-06- 11:49:25
Posts: 10
Forum : General
Topic : Why only HAM use?

Hi all,

I've been wondering about HSMM-Mesh and the point that it needs to be used only by amateurs.

The system's communication is not encrypted, and it is on the lower 6 channels of the WiFi band, running no more power typically than can be put out using a WRT54G in stock mode. It connects to the internet, runs IRC and more, all of which are pretty public.

I don't understand what makes this configuration unique for amateur radio use and exclusivity. DD-WRT also provides a mesh capability, but it has no such requirement. It even shares the frequency for AP use.

I'm starting to wonder if this net could be setup in non-urban 3rd world areas and not be subject to amateur radio regulations?

So, can anyone clarify why this is so "amateur radio" specific? 

Thanks, Don  VA7IQ / AE7UP

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