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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-04- 04:16:51 
Joined: 2012-03-02- 18:57:37
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Location: Baja, MX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

Well guess I bleed enough on this project for the MESH gods. It works! I did have to use .03, it issued that one first in this case. You were right on. I figured it was an IP configuration issue, just couldn't get the combination until you headed me in the right direction. Good education for me on this one, and the printouts of this nightmare added to my "how-to" book. Thanks to all on this one.. Case closed.
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Mike n6kzb/xe2
 Subject :Re:MESH/WiFi Hybrid Network Setup?.. 2012-03-04- 03:16:04 
Joined: 2012-02-07- 11:50:40
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Forum : General
Topic : MESH/WiFi Hybrid Network Setup?

Thank You W5LMM, Another question.... Could you still use IRC without an AP being connected to the internet? I know that you would need the IP address but not sure how that would work out? Also there are several Android Apps I have been looking into that use WiFi only so im hoping they may work also.
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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-04- 02:39:15 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

Nope.... Wont work.

You need to set your PC to something OTHER than .0.1 or .0.2, as they will be in use and you cannot have 2 IP's the same on any network.

The standard first DHCP a node will normally dish out is, so manually set (static) your PC to that, with as the subnet, and as the gateway.

Then do an IP Config in cmd prompt to verify that is the settings.

THEN, and you should be able to get to it.

When set to AP mode, it will take on a .0.2 IP.

If that gets you back into the mesh node settings, change it from AP back to just 'mesh node', save and reboot the node.

Once that happens, you will have to change your PC network settings either back to DHCP, OR, change the gateway to .0.1 (the node), and the browser URL back to http://localnode:8080 or (same thing as 'localnode' ).

Hope this helps,




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Last Edited On: 2012-03-04- 02:40:32 By K5KTF for the Reason
B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Why Encryption?.. 2012-03-04- 00:48:06 
Joined: 2012-03-03- 07:34:20
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Forum : General
Topic : Why Encryption?

config wifi-device wl0 option type broadcom option channel 1 option rxant 3 option txant 3 option distance 0 config wifi-iface option device wl0 option network wifi option mode adhoc option ssid "HSMM-MESH" option encryption none same as the other site
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 Subject :Re:Why Encryption?.. 2012-03-03- 20:02:47 
Joined: 2012-03-03- 03:05:58
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Forum : General
Topic : Why Encryption?

Hi Lee,

Thanks for the reply. It concerns me that the issue of encryption is not made clear to the users of HSMM-MESH. I have looked over the documentation and help areas and have not found a clear statement either.

The good news is that you can check this out yourself. If you have an HSMM-MESH AP, connect to with with SSH and look for this file: /etc/config/wireless. Open or cat the file and look for the following lines, typically near the end of the file:

option encryption wep

option key THEKEY

The encryption option sets or turns off encryption. Its options are "none", "wep", "wpa", "wpa2", "psk", and "psk2". I believe that for ad-hoc networks like HSMM-MESH this needs to be "none" or "wep". The key option is the authentication key that must be the same for all APs participating in a common mesh.

I am doing this from memory without an AP in front of me and it has been a while since I have configured an openwrt device. If I have it wrong, someone please correct me. Take a look at these settings and report back on this thread what you find if you have the chance, Lee.

Meanwhile, I am still hoping that someone can answer my original question on this thread.

- Glenn DJ0IQ and W9IQ

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Last Edited On: 2012-03-03- 20:04:20 By DJ0IQ for the Reason
 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-03-03- 15:22:43 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Ok, I have FIVE of these ready to go, I'm thinking of places to set them up. I would like to put one up on my tower, I do have several magnesium 24dBi dishes I can use, and omni, and various other 2.4Ghz antennas.

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Last Edited On: 2012-03-03- 15:32:18 By W5LMM for the Reason
 Subject :Re:New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group.. 2012-03-03- 15:22:37 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : New Mexico Meshers
Topic : New Mexico HSMM-MESH Group

Ok, I have FIVE of these ready to go, I'm thinking of places to set them up. I would like to put one up on my tower, I do have several magnesium 24dBi dishes I can use, and omni, and various other 24Ghz antennas.
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 Subject :Re:Why Encryption?.. 2012-03-03- 14:21:22 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
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Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : Why Encryption?


I appreciate your efforts, and I wish I knew the answer, but I dont.  Hopefully someone knowledgeable about the standard will chime in.

someone mentioned that encryption was used, but I see no settings for it, or any references to it either.

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 Subject :Re:MESH/WiFi Hybrid Network Setup?.. 2012-03-03- 14:16:57 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
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Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : MESH/WiFi Hybrid Network Setup?

OK. SO look at it this way. The MESH Nodes are just bridging everything across them. SO all the mesh nodes are one subnet and anything plugged in to them traverses the "mesh" to get to where it's going. So, ONE of the mesh nodes will need an internet connection through it's wan port, and the AP's (can be any kind, no need for HSMM-MESH flashed) can be plugged into the lan port on any mesh node. Any device that connects through the AP will traverse the mesh transparently. Any service that runs on TCP/IP should work as far as I know, so email, web, VOIP should all work.

I would make sure the AP's are on a distant non adjacent channel so they don't interfere with the meshnodes obviously.

The SSID for the APs will have to be different than HSMM-MESH as well.

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Last Edited On: 2012-03-03- 14:18:27 By W5LMM for the Reason
 Subject :MESH/WiFi Hybrid Network Setup?.. 2012-03-03- 08:15:06 
Joined: 2012-02-07- 11:50:40
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Forum : General
Topic : MESH/WiFi Hybrid Network Setup?

I have been reading a lot about HSMM-Mesh and have two nodes flashed so far. We have a group of us starting to work on MESH. One thing I have been wondering is about using Access Points for WiFi. I know that you have to set one router as an AP and connect it to the MESH router. I have a few questions though.

1. Does the AP have to be a HSMM-Mesh Flashed Router or can any router be used if connected to the MESH Node?

2.  I have read that if the AP has unsecured WiFi it leaves the entire MESH vulnerable to outsiders. If this was set up it would have security on the AP side using WEP or higher. What exactly can be accessed by a device connected to the AP and not the MESH directly?

3. If say a Laptop or Cell phone was connected via WiFi to the AP, and the AP is connected to a MESH Node could you access Mail, IRC, Web, and other services?

Below is a link to a picture of what I am thinking could be set up. The reasoning is that using a laptop, or cellphone via wifi in the field would be much easier then a PC. I would also want to have access to the Applications over these devices.

Please add any comments or question

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Last Edited On: 2012-03-03- 08:25:59 By KC7NEC for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-03- 03:10:08 
Joined: 2012-03-02- 18:57:37
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Location: Baja, MX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

Well I did LAN to LAN with my home router. Comes up with IP of as you say. But no go, I can not ping it or get to it. This is what I get for moving it from MESH to AP without reading first. Thanks, at least it is alive, one way, hi hi. Mike

Later I tried adding the IP of into the ip4 settings of the "local area connection"

I used it as the IP address


used it as the gate address

no dns

At least now I see the original routers name and it comes up as an identified home network.

But it still sez no network access and can't be pinged.

What a stubborn little beast..........

____________________More Progress

Just did a reset on the router, (the MESH linksys to my lap top, in AP mode), direct RJ45 connection to LAN port. I can now ping and it tells me I am network connected. !!

But I can't get to the setup screen to log in. But progress and thanks to all so far. I took a bit from everyone's suggestions and got it this far, not bad. At least I am seeing the beast now.

(This is real odd ball to say the least).

--------------------------- Time to end this madness..........

Thanks to all, great learning curve. Stupid dog knock wall wart out of its precarious location, my fault, so power to router was gone for a couple of minutes. And despite all my best efforts I can no longer duplicate, nor see the router.

So the time has come to delegate it to the parts bin and move onto another linksys. It is obvious that I have not "bled" enough to be MESH ready as of yet. Will tackle another router later.

Adios and again thanks to all..................END

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Last Edited On: 2012-03-03- 04:19:05 By n6kzb for the Reason
Mike n6kzb/xe2
 Subject :Why Encryption?.. 2012-03-02- 21:22:17 
Joined: 2012-03-03- 03:05:58
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Forum : General
Topic : Why Encryption?

I started this thread on the QRZ site when the HSMM-MESH topic was posted earlier this week.

The issue of the use of encryption when operating HSMM-MESH on a part 97 transmitter has been heavily debated in the Amateur Radio community but never ruled upon by the FCC. I have offered to use my professional services to file a Request for Ruling with the FCC on this topic.

As part of my research, I have asked why HSMM-MESH makes use of encryption. The typical answer is that it is needed to keep the unwanted off the mesh. As I have made quite clear on the QRZ forum, this is an application for authentication, not encryption. One can keep unwanted users off the mesh through authentication alone without the need to use any encryption.

I have asked the following research question on the QRZ forum but I have not received an answer so I will ask it here:

Since authentication does not require encryption, why does HSMM-MESH use encryption?

I don't ask this to be glib, cute or for spite. This is an essential point to the request for ruling with the FCC. We need to be clear as to why the choice has been made as it has.

If anyone would like to participate in the Request for Ruling, please send me a PM via my email on QRZ.

- Glenn DJ0IQ and W9IQ

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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 16:44:51 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:06:23
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

The mesh nodes drop their DHCP server when placed in the AP mode. It needs to pull a DHCP address from somewhere. Plug it LAN to LAN into another Mesh node. Look in the DHCP settings of the host mesh node to see what IP it pulled. Point your browser to that IP address as xx.xx.xx.xx:8080. You can also use LAN to LAN into your home wired router if you don't have two mesh devices. If you ever get one of them into the bridge mode, it sets up a LAN IP address of
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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 15:47:19 
Joined: 2012-03-02- 18:57:37
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Location: Baja, MX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

Thanks, will leave the hammer process alone for now. Will try in the morning. Have two more routers being donated, so perhaps I can keep from screwing those up. Adios and thanks from Baja. Mike n6kzb/xe2
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Mike n6kzb/xe2
 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 15:44:18 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

The TFTP window for down load is only available for a few seconds after the reset button is depressed. It it hard to get the timing down so you can do everything quick enough, but it works. I have fouled up then fixed many routers. Give it a rest. Leave the router off over night and check in the morning. I am not joking. Sometimes the router gets in a odd mode and leaving it off for a while sometimes helps. You need quick hands to get the TFTP load to work, but it works. One user that had problems used a hammer to smash his router. He reports that did not help. He did not offer an accurate "pieces" count after applying the hammer, but it was "negative function" for the router after the hammer reset attack. Short of that, the router can probably be recovered, it is just a bit more work. Try again after a rest. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 15:30:59 
Joined: 2012-03-02- 18:57:37
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Location: Baja, MX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

Nope, issue is I can't connect to the linksys router anymore. The network icon just sits and spins then goes to "yellow" warning sign telling me no network connectivity. Thanks for all the help. I think I have hosed this router. Thanks again. Mike
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Mike n6kzb/xe2
 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 15:22:16 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

You can try using the TFTP method of reloading the firmware, then use the default "mesh node" in setup. Check for browser buffering. Turn off the node, unplug the network cable, quit the browser. Then power up the node, reconnect the network cable, restart browser and see if any of the previous tricks work. The TFTP technique can be tedious, but works. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 15:13:00 
Joined: 2012-03-02- 18:57:37
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Location: Baja, MX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

I have only the one router by error on my part it is AP.

I tried 8081 no go, I can't get to it.  I have a "yellow' warning sign on the network ICON.

Al was fine until I changed to AP and re-booted, sigh.............

It sez I have no network access.

It acts like it wants an IP address etc for me to connect to it?


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Last Edited On: 2012-03-02- 15:20:02 By n6kzb for the Reason
Mike n6kzb/xe2
 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 15:07:43 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

If you have an AP and a mesh node, the console cannot be on the same port. For a mesh node the port is:8080. Try :8081 for the AP. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G.. 2012-03-02- 14:41:00 
Joined: 2012-03-02- 18:57:37
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Location: Baja, MX
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Unable to go to localnode after HSMM update to WRT54G

OK that is working and thanks for the explanation.. But now I can't even get back to the "localnode" with the browser. My adapter sez "no network access".. Mike

I think I see the issue.  In my notes I think I changed it from "mesh" to "AP".

That is why I can't get back in. In looking through the forums, the posted solutions do not work.

I only have this one node with Mesh software.


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Last Edited On: 2012-03-02- 15:00:17 By n6kzb for the Reason
Mike n6kzb/xe2
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