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 Subject :Re:Best place to buy WRT54GL.. 2012-03-11- 18:22:42 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : General
Topic : Best place to buy WRT54GL

The current "new price" for a WRT54GL is about $50.00. Other prices are for used equipment, sometimes available from second hand stores. We have a second hand store in the Austin, TX area called "Goodwill Computer Werks". They stock what gets donated so it is a "luck" thing when shopping. When we can find them used, the WRT54GL and other usable versions go for about $20.00, used. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :HSMM-MESH and Part 97.. 2012-03-11- 18:21:31 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : General
Topic : HSMM-MESH and Part 97

I'm curious how HSMM-MESH moves the operation of the router from part 15 rules to part 97 rules.  Is there anything in the firmware that makes the router operate under part 97 rules or do we only operate under part 97 rules if we change the antenna and/or increase the output power?  Can someone please educate me as to when the router stops operating under part 15 rules and begins operating under part 97 rules?



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 Subject :Best place to buy WRT54GL.. 2012-03-11- 18:15:19 
Joined: 2012-03-10- 21:48:47
Posts: 13
Location: Riverton, UT
Forum : General
Topic : Best place to buy WRT54GL


I keep seeing posts where people are picking up used WRT54GL routers for $20.00 or less.  I'm not finding any locally (Utah) and the best online option I have seen is for $50.00.  Is there another resource, local or online, that I can find used WRT54GL routers for cheap?  I would like to pick up several, so the cheaper the better.



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 Subject :Re:Request that HSMM-Mesh firmware be created for Ubiquiti Products.. 2012-03-11- 11:40:50 
Joined: 2012-03-11- 16:30:59
Posts: 1
Location: south Orange County, CA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Request that HSMM-Mesh firmware be created for Ubiquiti Products

As to Ubiquiti reliability, here's my data point: I've been running a Nanostation 2 for a couple of years outdoors on rooftops of buildings, RV's. It seems to do well as outdoor customer premises equipment, no problems, has withstood a lot of temperature extremes and moisture. The internal 10dbi patch has worked adequately at distances of 2 miles or so. Terry S. KE5FGX south Orange County, CA
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 Subject :New Guy - WRT54GL on the way.. 2012-03-09- 14:21:53 
Joined: 2012-03-08- 21:41:42
Posts: 1
Forum : Hardware
Topic : New Guy - WRT54GL on the way

Just found this website via QRZ and I think the project is a great idea.  I ordered a WRT54GL a few minutes ago from Newegg and it should be here in a few days.  I'll probably have some questions after that.  Not sure if it's all that great a price but Newegg has GL's "on sale" - $49.99 w/ free shipping.  That at least sounded like a fair price for a brand new one to me.

Brian - KF7ORO

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 Subject :Re:Welcome to the Group.. 2012-03-09- 07:40:49 
Joined: 2012-02-08- 03:06:31
Posts: 5
Location: Evansville In
Forum : River City Meshers
Topic : Welcome to the Group

Hi all This morning I got permission to place a node on top of the Braun building in down town Evansville just off the river next to WEVV's studio. This is a 10 story building (11 with the penthouse) I had a meeting with John Bennett N4XI who is the Chief Engeneer there and he was able to get the ok from his higher up's. We went up on the roof this morning and was able to see Reitz HS, Deaconess Hosp, The Health Dept. Also we did some checking on google earth and found that it looks like we may have a clear shot to the Read Cross so we may be able to connect thje two sites with Hi Gain Yagi's at each location. So it looks like this could be the corner stone of the net work here in Evansville. 73 Danny WB9RIM
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 Subject :Re:HSMM-Mesh Display at Cave City KY Hamfest.. 2012-03-09- 07:39:44 
Joined: 2012-02-08- 03:06:31
Posts: 5
Location: Evansville In
Forum : River City Meshers
Topic : HSMM-Mesh Display at Cave City KY Hamfest

Verry cool.
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 Subject :Re:Solar/Battery power parameters.. 2012-03-09- 04:56:57 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Solar/Battery power parameters

Thanks! I appreciate it! I understand it's much more complicated due to environmental variables, but the answer just surprised me. :)
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 Subject :Re:VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network.. 2012-03-09- 04:52:31 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network

Apparently there are some tunnel linked meshes across the country in testing, but it's not completely ready. It's in the works though!
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 Subject :Re:Welcome.. 2012-03-09- 02:09:42 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Volusia County FL
Topic : Welcome

Hi, Don. I operate HF & VHF Winlink 2000 (WL2K) email as well as D-Star D-RATS but think an 802.11 Mesh is Ham radio's best option for moving High Speed data over RF. Unfortunately, my efforts to obtain any MESH traction in Volusia County seems to have come to a standstill. Hopefully, you'll find a better response in Cape Coral. 73 Mark KV4I
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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2012-03-09- 02:02:01 
Joined: 2011-12-17- 08:30:12
Posts: 51
Location: New Smyrna Beach, FL
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Hi, Mark. Glad you liked Focus Video Phone. This web site includes instructions for port forwarding at 73 Mark KV4I
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 Subject :Re:Welcome.. 2012-03-09- 00:33:48 
Joined: 2012-03-08- 15:44:49
Posts: 1
Forum : Volusia County FL
Topic : Welcome

Hi - I've just gotten started with HSMM-MESH. I was in Rockville, MD a few weeks ago and was able to hook up with some hams from the Montgomery County Amateur Radio Club. I joined them in doing field testing with several nodes. Since then I have joined their Yahoo Group and I just happened to find a WRT54G V. 2 in my closet. I have now uploaded the MESH firmware and am looking for more routers. I'm not sure what happens next but it's fun figure it all out. I am in Cape Coral, FL a bit southwest of you. 73 Don / KB0LPM
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 Subject :Re:Newbie From Australia.. 2012-03-08- 20:33:56 
Joined: 2012-03-01- 11:53:16
Posts: 4
Location: Bouldercombe, Qld Australia GL QG56FJ
Forum : General
Topic : Newbie From Australia

Hi Glenn, Thanks for reply, OK here is some info..... Yes, we can buy the WRT54GL units here 73, Jack VK4JRC
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 Subject :Re:Newbie From Australia.. 2012-03-08- 18:13:25 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : General
Topic : Newbie From Australia

Jack, welcome. I took a quick look at your band plan. I do not see a place for a 22MHz wide signal in the plan. Educate us as to what you do for wi-fi down under. Is there a WRT54G wifi device sold in your area? If so, we would have to take a look at possibly using a different band, where you live. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Focus VideoPhone.. 2012-03-08- 16:51:28 
Joined: 2012-01-24- 20:58:51
Posts: 13
Location: Evansville, IN
Forum : Applications
Topic : Focus VideoPhone

Hey Mark, This is great, I can't wait to try it out. I don't understand or know how to enable port forward, or using TCP. But I am sure someone will help me out along the way. 73 Mark KC9TYA
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 Subject :VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network.. 2012-03-08- 14:50:47 
Joined: 2012-02-12- 14:03:41
Posts: 19
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Forum : General
Topic : VPN between meshed cities for nationwide network

Hello all

I was talking to a ham recently about past and current status of packet radio. We both are interested in HSMM-MESH. I came to the conclusion that APRS, conventional packet, and HSMM-MESH can fully integrate into each other. As the other ham put it "something beyond 9600 ..." The load on the APRS, DXCluster, and others could be greatly reduced by utilizing the Hinternet for backhaul/backbone.

I think it could start easily. Start a VPN between Austin and Plano. San Francisco and Oregon. Vegas and New Mexico. ECT...

Questions, comments, concerns?

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Good on the 'ZED';)
 Subject :Want to push HSMM-MESH across the state?.. 2012-03-08- 11:44:31 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : General
Topic : Want to push HSMM-MESH across the state?

NO AFFILIATION, but saw the ad!

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 Subject :Re:Solar/Battery power parameters.. 2012-03-08- 08:28:03 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Solar/Battery power parameters

That is the short quick answer, and you will not get by with much less that what was outlined, if you want to stay on 24/7 even when a few clouds come into your area. One could get into a 500 or more page book on explaining all the details of solar systems and matching a load to a solar panel / charger / battery system. The WRT54GL pulls about 3.5 watts on average. Older units pull more. A smaller solar array and battery would likely let your emergency mesh node go off the air, at times. The solar array needed for most jobs is larger than one would wish for. We tried the size unit outlined and it worked for us, but a few more cloudy days, and we might have had the system go down. Again, there is much more to setting up a successful solar array than a simple attempt to match watts or physical size of panels. -Glenn KD5MFW
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 Subject :Re:Solar/Battery power parameters.. 2012-03-08- 08:19:04 
Joined: 2012-02-13- 18:18:04
Posts: 126
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Solar/Battery power parameters

Wow! That's a big panel for such a small unit! :) I thought I had read somewhere that the WRT54G uses about 8w peak. I had thought maybe a 10w panel, with the battery would keep the battery charged during the day, and still run the node at night. I'm just trying to find a reasonably inexpensive way.
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 Subject :Re:Solar/Battery power parameters.. 2012-03-08- 07:54:16 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:02:11
Posts: 104
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Solar/Battery power parameters

It has been shown that a 45 watt solar panal array charging a 55 amp hour 12 VDC gel cell battery will run a node based on a WRT54GL device in all seasons in central Texas. If you have a lot of sun, this should work fine for you. -Glenn KD5MFW
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