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 Subject :Re:Phones.. 2015-01-05- 05:05:04 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
Posts: 26
Forum : Hardware
Topic : Phones

I just came across this and I too am considering a VOIP solution. Did you get this working? How are you setting it up?
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 Subject :Re:Hilltop solar node up... 2015-01-05- 04:18:48 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Hilltop solar node up.

I am working on a mesh project right now for emergency deployment (ARES). Ideally I would like to have a similar setup (outdoor antenna, outdoorbox for electronics, solar panel, and battery). I do have a few questions for you.

1. Did you upgrade from the 15w panel to the 60w panel because you had to? Will that allow you to fill the battery you have and run solely off the battery for 3 days without any solar power? I have heard of people shooting for that goal with their setups.

2. What size (mah) battery are you using?

3. What antenna are you using? Gain?

I currently have 2 WRT54G v2's that I am using to experiment with but at some time I will need to buy other hardware and test this in the wild to see how it performs so I am trying to get ideas on what I should be considering for power and such. :)

Thanks for any help.

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-05- 04:19:47 By KD0RVY for the Reason
 Subject :Re:San Diego Mesh Working Group.. 2015-01-05- 04:02:06 
Joined: 2014-05-17- 14:05:47
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Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : San Diego Mesh Working Group

Hoping to make it to the next meeting. Jon, KI6PTN
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 Subject :Re:Advice on a large emergency mesh network in SW Minnesota.. 2015-01-05- 03:47:16 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Forum : General
Topic : Advice on a large emergency mesh network in SW Minnesota

I know this is an old thread but I too am a Minnesotan and I am wondering what the answers to some of those questions are. They don't all apply to my particular application, but would be good to know the details anyway. W0ZZY, would you be able to post the answers to your questions? Thanks much. :)
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 Subject :Re:For Sale Two WRT54Gs and JTAG.. 2015-01-05- 02:40:47 
Joined: 2014-12-05- 15:38:10
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Forum : General
Topic : For Sale Two WRT54Gs and JTAG

Email sent. :)

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-06- 09:46:25 By KD0RVY for the Reason
 Subject :Re:IC-7100/RemoteRig online.. 2015-01-04- 19:37:01 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : IC-7100/RemoteRig online

A few years ago I put together a program for a friend that would allow him to serial into his repeater remotely and run the (proprietary) radio control tools from off mountain.

im having trouble rendering at the moment what I used on the Linux side but for the windows side I used com0com (on sourceforge) if memory is correct with the tcpredirector

I had the unique need that I had to control the RTS/CTS lines which made my search harder, in your case you just need to send a data stream over IP (serial over ip) without needing to control those extra pins so you should have easier luck.

If I can recall what I used on the server side or find my old instruction set I'll let you know. 

In this manner you could use the packet modem remotely on a remote computer as if it were really attached to the computer.

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 Subject :Re:Update FAQ.. 2015-01-04- 16:49:05 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Update FAQ


I know the Austin team started a cleanup effort a month and a half ago so I am sure they will add this to the list.

You can actually get a WAN port on Ubiquiti devices using a smart switch (please refer to the release notes for more information on this) so the information contained actually still applies and still works (I use it in my home lab)

I think I have a feature in mind that may change this in the future (playing with it in my test lab) so will have to see if that pans out this may become easier in the future (You are the 3rd person to bring this up today)

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 Subject :Update FAQ.. 2015-01-04- 15:14:33 
Joined: 2013-04-11- 14:26:17
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Forum : General
Topic : Update FAQ

The FAQ "Laptop wireless adapters and internet access" needs to be updated to address the reality of the ubiquity routers.

I have a Bullet router that I want to connect to my laptop with an Ethernet cable.  At the same time I want the laptop to be able to access the internet using WiFi to my modem that it connected to the internet.  As suggested in the FAQ this causes confusion regarding the mapping of the internet addresses.  The proposed solutions in the FAQ assume that your router has both a WAN and a LAN port.  The problem is that the Ubiquiti Bullet has only one port.

I am using the latest version of the mesh software on a laptop with Windows 8.1.


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 Subject :Re:use as access point or mesh access point.. 2015-01-04- 13:59:54 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : use as access point or mesh access point

Ah than you have to do it the hard way.

When plugged into the Lan port set the ip of your computer to subnet mask Then use your browser to

This also may work via the WIFI but I'm not sure on that off hand.

mesh_ap is intended to be paired with a mesh node in mesh mode it acts as a simple access point to bridge wired to wireless.

When in mesh mode your laptop will not connect the mesh mode is only for mesh devices as you have to speak the routing protocol among other tasks to be able to connect to the mesh wifi.

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Last Edited On: 2015-01-04- 14:00:36 By KG6JEI for the Reason
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 Subject :Re:use as access point or mesh access point.. 2015-01-04- 13:26:08 
Joined: 2013-01-28- 10:25:01
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : use as access point or mesh access point

I forgot such a detail, lol, its Linksys,
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 Subject :IC-7100/RemoteRig online.. 2015-01-04- 13:10:55 
Joined: 2014-03-16- 19:00:57
Posts: 71
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : IC-7100/RemoteRig online

Just added another "toy" to the the MESH.

I configured my remote rig equipment ( to manage my IC7100. Connected the control hear to one node and the radio to another node.  Works like a champ!

Base node configuration:

PicoStation M2

Linksys 5 port switch

Remoterig Radio node

All using DHCP (will change this more than likely)

Control Head Node

Bullet M2

Trendnet POE switch (node and Remoterig unit powered by the switch)

Again all using DHCP

My next task is to add a SCS Net Pactor Modem. This will give me remote winlink as well as remote D-Star. The challenge there (at least for me) is to figure out serial over IP from remote connected computer running d-rats and airmail.

Also added a streaming server for a connected scanner. This is using a RPI,, Black Ice as discussed in one of the other subject list.

73 de Mike

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 Subject :Re:Re:Routing and DHCP (2 questions).. 2015-01-04- 10:23:02 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
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Forum : General
Topic : Routing and DHCP (2 questions)

[KG6JEI 2015-01-04- 10:14:42]:Why not plug that router in via a WAN port instead? You would need a smart switch with a Ubiquiti to do this, or could use a Linksys wan port direct.

This is a Ubiquiti node.  Unfortunately, I do not have a smart switch available to try that route. With the default route I added manually, it works just the way I want. Based on your notes regarding the DHCP question, I will do some experimenting.

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 Subject :Re:WIRED VS WIRELESS PRIORITIES.. 2015-01-04- 10:22:01 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General

It is an advanced network configuration task.  It's not hard if you know it but when you don't it's complicated.

Though now you have given me an idea for a feature, going to have to look at some things in the future see if I can make happen what I think I can make happen. 

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 Subject :Re:Routing and DHCP (2 questions).. 2015-01-04- 10:14:42 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : General
Topic : Routing and DHCP (2 questions)

Why not plug that router in via a WAN port instead? You would need a smart switch with a Ubiquiti to do this, or could use a Linksys wan port direct.

What happens is the node routes all traffic destined to non mesh addresses that originated on the LAN to the WAN port (even if your not a mesh gateway) and allows you to access those networks.  (note: a bug was fixed in 3.0.1b01 where the node would in certain cases accidentally prefer routing over the mesh instead of from LAN to WAN)

Beyond that the DHCP pool and options are covered in OpenWRT Docs (you might try looking at the configur folder) and in our source code Exact methods to make changes depend upon what device (Linksys or Ubiquiti) due to the age of the operating system on Linksys. Same is true up at OpenWRT as the methods change over the years as the operating system evolves. 

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 Subject :Routing and DHCP (2 questions).. 2015-01-04- 09:45:19 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
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Forum : General
Topic : Routing and DHCP (2 questions)

I have two questions:

1) How can I setup a permanent static route?  I have a node with the LAN in direct mode and a router on that subnet I want to be able to route through to reach other internal networks, and possibly the Internet. I have established the route using 

ip route add via

But I would like to make that permanent. I have looked through the OpenWRT docs but they seem to differ in syntax. Any pointers appreciated.

2) On the LAN subnet noted above, the router has a static IP Address. I can easily "map it out from the DHCP pool by entering it as a static assignment in the DHCP setup. But, then it is advertised as being a local service. Is there some way to adjust the size of the DHCP address pool to contain less than the full 13 addresses?

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 Subject :Re:WIRED VS WIRELESS PRIORITIES.. 2015-01-04- 08:53:57 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
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Forum : General

Thanks - I kind of suspected that would be the case. I first ran into the problem in our Search and Rescue trailer running a program called SARTRACK. I tried wireless links to PCs that would share data, but also wanted i-net access to share the same data via Verion MIFI to the i-net. Found that our 800MZ radios would drop the wireless link, so hard wired to the LAN. Could not get windows to look at the Verizon, only the hard wired lan. thanks again.
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 Subject :Re:WIRED VS WIRELESS PRIORITIES.. 2015-01-04- 08:42:49 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Not really that "easy" unless you are familiar with Windoes routing tables and device priority elections.

if you know those that would be the method.  Without knowing that  it really isn't too easy to do as both the mesh device and the wifi device are saying "route all traffic through me" (in fact you probably are routing most of your traffic through the mesh already as Ethernet ports are considered by windows to be "less costly" by default.

the recommended method at this time is to not connect to two networks at the same time unless you have these advanced skills otherwise you will hit issues like this.

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 Subject :Re:use as access point or mesh access point.. 2015-01-04- 08:36:42 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : use as access point or mesh access point

Linksys or Ubiquiti?

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 Subject :use as access point or mesh access point.. 2015-01-04- 08:19:05 
Joined: 2013-01-28- 10:25:01
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Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : use as access point or mesh access point

i installed one a ways up a tower, so i could see how far i could detect the signal. this was right after i flashed it and had not done anything to settings other than give it my callsign.  I noted i could not see it with most regular wifi devices but managed to connect with another node at my desk.  I logged in to it,(on the tower) and was exploring settings when i found a dropdown with a "stanard access point"  and a "mesh access point" so i switched it to "standard access point" . i was pleased to see i could see and log in with any standard wifi device. but also seemed not to be able to see it with my other mesh node. so i switched it to "mesh access point"  now i can only see it with standard wifi devices, but can no longer log in at all, cannot see it with mesh, cannot telnet, cannot ping, version is about 1.1.3

please advise, thanks from kd5fgu

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 Subject :WIRED VS WIRELESS PRIORITIES.. 2015-01-04- 05:54:36 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
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Forum : General

I typically use a Verizon MIFI 4620 for my internet access.  I now have a BBHN Nanostation M2 wired thru a Netgear GS108E wired to the RJ45 access on my PC (WIN 7 - 64).

The NM2 sees a friend's BBHN MESH node with internet access, thus when I look at my network, I have I-net access on both.  The wired MESH access seems to take priority over the wireless Verizon MIFI and sometimes they get confused and a web page may hang.

Is there an easy way to tell my network to put priority on the MIFI, or ignore the i-net access on MESH?

Vance, KC8RGO

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