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 Subject :Re:Beaconing of Info to other connected nodes.. 2014-12-20- 17:58:03 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : Beaconing of Info to other connected nodes

Kind of like a broadcasting script I guess.
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 Subject :Beaconing of Info to other connected nodes.. 2014-12-20- 17:44:03 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : Developer's Forum
Topic : Beaconing of Info to other connected nodes

So, Im working on a project, and I know the OLSR does some checking / beaconing of the local routers connected. What I am trying to do is build a script that will do much the same, only using figures and info input via a PHP form, along with some other device stats. Can anyone give me some insight, or a point in the right direction with this!!

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 Subject :Re:Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing.. 2014-12-20- 16:59:53 
Joined: 2013-08-22- 23:05:01
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Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing

Thank YOU too for the input. It sure sounds like what I've seen where the antenna used was an old Direct TV dish - upside down for one thing. I did not know about use of the Ubiquity product in such a scheme. Any chance of one of them passing along some details? Just thought I'd ask . Many thanks for the input. Howard W6IDS
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 Subject :Re:Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing.. 2014-12-20- 16:56:28 
Joined: 2013-08-22- 23:05:01
Posts: 12
Forum : How we used HSMM-MESH™
Topic : Converting a DTV Antenna For Initial Testing

Thanks for the input. I'll make note of it and do some searching. I have WRT54Gs already so I'm holding off on procuring the Ubiquity. HOWEVER, perhaps there is something I can do with that line as I progress along. Thanks much! Howard W6IDS
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 Subject :Re:EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services.. 2014-12-20- 12:25:53 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : Applications
Topic : EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services

Yes, you did. You got some things set in my mind now. And Im working threw some parts of them as we speak!
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 Subject :Re:EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services.. 2014-12-19- 19:53:30 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Applications
Topic : EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services

Sound like you are thinking it through and should go well, hope I gave you enough to ponder to understand the final plan and knowing where the limits are. Of course I realize as I put all those questions in I might cause you to make the mistake I often make, waiting for everything, often the solution that exists is better than the solution that is still being built.  Take it in stages with the grand scheme in mind and hopefully you won't have to wait till next December to have something to work with.

Good luck! 

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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-19- 13:08:44 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
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Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

Dahua IPC-HFW4300S

Update: Please do not alter the BBHN firmware for this one particular case. Instead, I will write a Perl (or Python) script to parse the URL passed by BBHN and rewrite the URL in a format compatable with the target camera. And then have Firefox call the script to execute the video streaming client. Not a big deal.

The only downside to doing it that way is that the script would have to be installed on all computers needing access to the video stream from the camera.

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-21- 04:20:04 By N4FWD for the Reason :Update to reply
 Subject :Re:EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services.. 2014-12-19- 12:53:17 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Forum : Applications
Topic : EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services

These are all great questions, and Im writing them down. :) The reasoning for the distribution of the services has to do with CPU load, My intent is to run these services threw a node that has a Raspberry PI as its backend. For instance, running just the GeoServer, or MapServer would be a heavy load for a raspberry pi. Adding on other services would put stress on the Pi. The distribution also gives some survivability to the network services. As I see it, a 24 hr rsync between all of the nodes data files would allow for this kind of "Hot Swapping". Clustering with the raspberry pi is a very common project, so I think that this could be a solution for this project. Again, if a node hosting a service goes down, an other node can pick up the service with minimal data lost, and down time. Network load is of concern as well, as 12 nodes all accessing all of these services at one time will make for some serious traffic. Regardless, of the physical location or approximation, the network will cover an area of about 2km x 2km. I will have to build antennas, to account for that. Also, if I ran all those services on a central node, and that node does not come up, we would be way worse off then a distributed system. Now, we can look at "Location Loading", meaning, once the connections are established, and services are up, having the services handed off to nodes that are, more suitably located to relive network loading. Both of these are something I would have to work out, and figure out. Its not going to be an overnight solution. Id like to say.. maybe by next December.... lol... Maybe if I had a team of code guru monkeys! Thank you, KG6JEI
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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-19- 12:49:40 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

Maybe I missed it...what is the make and model of the camera?

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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-19- 12:46:51 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
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Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

AE6XE, thank you for the input. I have been testing the various aspects of the camera and it's interaction with the mesh node URL.

Update: I found a better streaming video client for Firefox. It is called "mpv". The camera insists on getting account / password before it will stream the video. With mpv, I can manually pass all the information in one URL, but the URL is more involved than what a BBHN link will pass to Firefox.

What the BBHN link passes:   rtsp://IPC:554/live

(Where IPC is the configured server in the BBHN node, 554 is the streaming port,  and '/live' is the extra connection info)

What the camera will accept is:   rtsp://[account:password]@IPC:554/live

(An 'mpv' example with a blank password:    mpv rtsp://iwantvideo:@IPC:554/live)

The 'iwantvideo' would be an account configured on the camera in the above example.

If I can get the URL formatted correctly from the BBHN node link, it would be simple to configure Firefox to use 'mpv'

My thanks to everyone who has helped so far.

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 Subject :Re:EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services.. 2014-12-19- 12:08:43 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Applications
Topic : EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services

You may want to be careful with the choice of HTTPS/SSH as both are encryption that obscure the message, it tends to be a hot button topic with many ops and may create some interesting discussions, some times its just easier to avoid having to discuss.

The bigger items I want to bring up are to help you think the scenarios here for the bootup (these are ask your self questions not  questions I'm asking for answers on)

What happens when 2 networks are isolated and than become joined?  Do you run two masters at that point?

Why are you separating the services away from a single node? Is this really an advantage?(note: i want to quantify that 'distributed' design of loosing maybe the file server but not the chat server at the same time DOES count as an advantage) 

What do you consider a 'load'?  We can talk CPU load, we can talk network load etc.

Have you thought about the services trying to move to a more central in the network node based on routing data (a node in the center of the network will give you much better network reliability than a node at the far end of the network)

Everything was working great and someone bumped the power at one of the boxes, the box that has been controlling one of the services (and has all the data)  reboots quickly, but now has an uptime of minutes, what about its data set? Is it being published around or can the network rebuild that data?

Essentially you are talking about Cluster management for an Active/Passive infrastructure with a highly dynamic topology... Very powerful when done right, very code intense to build right. Just wanted to get your brain stirring, the idea sounds good in concept, just wanted to give you ideas on things in the backend to think on.

The basic services you want to offer sound exactly right and provide a method to hopefully make life easier for you, just an implementation item.

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 Subject :EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services.. 2014-12-19- 09:55:53 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 12:21:43
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Location: BC, Canada
Forum : Applications
Topic : EBOX Nodes, with Distributed Services

So, Im a soldier, and I live in an earthquake/tsunami zone. We have these things called EBOX's, they are a sea containor with some survival equipment and supplies. They are situated around the base to support various numbers of people in various units incase of an emergeny like the ones listed above.

Simply put, their communications system is VERY ineffective. Basicaly there is a CB with a mag mount to toss up on the top of the container. then there is the process of reporting in.... That quickly turns the whole comms setup into a giant crap shoot. Everyone is panicing, wants their turn NOW, and none of them follow any kind of rhyme or reason as to what and how they report that into... Who's listening?? lol So, I am devising a Mesh system to utilize in my community which also has these same EBOXs, but also has ham radio operators associated wtih them.

What I am working on at this point is to have a Raspberry PI act as a host for a local webpage that looks like the images attached to this post. Each EBOX will record its boot time, this boot time will help determine the operation of the services mesh provides. As in, even if EBOX1 boots at 9:00, that doesnt mean its the control host of the (HTTPS & IRC). EBOX8 May have been booted first, at 8:55. Making it the control host. The services being hosted across the mesh are, an IRC, PBX, GeoServer, HTTPS, and hopefuly a method of file sharing.

The reasoning behind determining the boot up sequence, is so that not one node is responcible for all of the load of the services. Services will be booted in a predetermined sequence according to priority. Each node will have to run the HTTP service for their local operation, I will need to decide what to use for reporting.. SSH??.. After that, the next node will run the IRC, then GeoServer, then PBX last. This would requier at least 4 nodes to be fully functional. If I impliment a system to check time and load, the distribution of non-operating services can be started by the nodes with the least amount of load after say a 30 min count down.

This "Load balancing" and "Boot Sequencing" doesnt make any one node the Control Node. A, for lack of better terms, rank structure will dictate what individual is the Controller, and thus wich node is the control node. Just as most nets are operated.

The layout, and basic function of the site I am okay with. How ever, the integration of the rest is going to be the part I need the most work on. Such as, the reporting of individual nodes, and those stats showing up on the other remote nodes in the master tab. i know there is a lot of work to be done, and I will do what I can. I may be asking for assitance or ideas as I go.

For anyone who may not know... the GeoServer application I wish to use, is a kind of standalone, opensource "Google Maps". It has GPS integration, and does not requier an internet connection to operate once it has been setup. The maps are localy stored, and accessable without the need of any outside sources. Which makes it great for this kind of setup.

Any suggestions, or insight are greatly appreciated!

Thank you for reading!

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 Subject :Re:Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?.. 2014-12-19- 07:02:05 
Joined: 2014-11-24- 09:05:23
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Location: W. Montana
Forum : General
Topic : Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?

Memo to Larry:  Attend the local ARC meetings once in a while!!    Apparently locally they are using NW-MESH firmware based on the OpenWRT Attitude Adjustment RC1 release.

A local web site I found is below:  (Stevensville  and Hamilton, MT area)

Since winter has descended upon us here, I doubt whether anyone is interested in updating now.   Good project for the summer, though.  I'll see if I can make contact locally and find out what the plans are.


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 Subject :Re:Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?.. 2014-12-19- 05:52:36 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
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Location: San Diego, CA
Forum : General
Topic : Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?

You really want to get to the latest version. I sure wouldn't be planning to downgrade nodes. Andre, K6AH
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Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Re:Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?.. 2014-12-19- 05:43:36 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Forum : General
Topic : Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?

Yes. However, I would advise that the some 15 stations be placed in a queue for update.

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 Subject :Re:Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?.. 2014-12-19- 04:44:13 
Joined: 2014-11-24- 09:05:23
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Location: W. Montana
Forum : General
Topic : Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?

So in order to join the local mesh (some 15 stations, I think) I would have to upload the old version of the firmware so that my SSID is HSMM-MESH?
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 Subject :Re:Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?.. 2014-12-19- 04:33:08 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
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Forum : General
Topic : Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?

The GUI forces the SSID to be different because the comm protocols differ between releases. Put them all on v3 and they will all be happy. Andre, K6AH
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Member of:
Beta Test Team
San Diego Mesh Working Group
Running 3.0.1
 Subject :Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?.. 2014-12-19- 04:15:06 
Joined: 2014-11-24- 09:05:23
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Location: W. Montana
Forum : General
Topic : Which SSID, HSMM-MESH or Broadband-Hamnet, is correct?

I have two node stations in operation,  W0AY-1 (resurrected  Linksys) and W0AY-2 (new Ubiquity AirGrid) up and running on 2.4 GHz Ch 1.  The two nodes can see each other and W0AY-2 located on my deck can see stations from the local mesh network.   But, as far as I can tell,  my W0AY-2 (air Grid) didn't join the local mesh.   Why?  Is it because my two nodes SSID as Broadband-Hamnet with version #  and the local mesh ids with an SSID of   HSMM-MESH?  I recall, I think perhaps incorrectly,  that the SSID's of all the mesh members must be the same?   If so,  I can't locate a way to change the SSID because the web interface automatically adds the version number.

Thanks for any help,

73 Larry  W0AY  in the Montana Wilderness

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 Subject :Re:BBHN on 70cm?.. 2014-12-18- 18:52:40 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN on 70cm?

There is a section 97.311 Spread Spectrum (or bandwidth-expansion modulation emissions) which is designated for many bands including 70cm. This does give some precedence for 5MHz+ channels and other 802.11 protocols.

While bbhn may not have any direct control over the 802.11 low levels protocols used, SS is one of them. It seems unlikely that the 97.37(f)(6) intent would apply to 802.11 protocols, because all this language is around symbols at 1200/300 baud.

The ATV channels on 70cm are 6Mhz wide and also sets a precedence on bandwidth usage. Many of these folks are no doubt looking at bbhn and locally have already put a mesh node on the ATV tower.

My opinion is that experimenting with bbhn on 70cm is fully in the spirit of ham radio, BUT as long as the ATV and bbhn folks are talking, getting alone, and sharing the band, there would be opportunity. Let's not go throw up a node and trash a well established ATV used space (well, it's more like ATV will completely trash the low power bbhn).

Locally, Don KE6BXT is working to integrate a VOIP-video device with analog video feeds to bridge the traditional ATV repeater with the local mesh. ATV folks are drawn to video over bbhn...


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Last Edited On: 2014-12-18- 18:59:07 By AE6XE for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI and Web Server Progress.. 2014-12-18- 18:52:28 
Joined: 2013-08-22- 23:05:01
Posts: 12
Forum : East/Central IN
Topic : Raspberry PI and Web Server Progress

Yep! It DOES seem like this forum is becoming MY Blog . I forgot to mention that I'm still looking at Web mail as part of the Web page but that still needs to be evaluated. I need to determine if the various offerings have to be kept separate or if I can offer multiple services off a single server on a PI. Interesting project and my little MESH hasn't even gone public yet. Can't wait to register it. And yes, it is indeed "So far so good." My avoiding both Linux and Raspberry (because of Linux) was pretty much based upon a history of disappointments with Linux. It simply did not get along with ME. What the root cause was, I don't know. However, as I said, it's turning out to be much more fun than I anticipated. Howard W6IDS Richmond, IN

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-18- 19:01:46 By W6IDS for the Reason
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