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 Subject :Re:Raspberry PI and Web Server Progress.. 2014-12-18- 18:51:04 
Joined: 2013-08-22- 23:05:01
Posts: 12
Forum : East/Central IN
Topic : Raspberry PI and Web Server Progress

This seems like this forum is becoming a Blog . My web server is alive and well and WORKING! I have the Home page created and am now working to configure a few buttons for selections. I am working with HTML and Notepad (pros and cons on that) and am making pretty good progress. I've included three pictures as well and it looks pretty good. So far so good. Pleased with my progress, having started from ground zero and avoiding both Linux and Raspberry. It's turning out to be much more fun than I anticipated. I'm actually seeing my project come alive. I officially logged my latest Web Page modification as 12/17. Now to wait til the Mesh begins it's construction. Howard W6IDS Richmond, IN
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 Subject :Re:BBHN on 70cm?.. 2014-12-18- 10:51:56 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN on 70cm?

As noted, I don't see why it wouldn't run olsr (it would be a wifi card inside Linux same as any other), and even if it didn't support AdHoc it could be used in a AP style deployment for more cord instead nodes.

Big unknown to me is the licensing part.  Perhaps David will jump in as I've seen him talk about them in the past and provide some more information about the licensing for us, as noted it's an area I'm not sure on and have questions about,

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 Subject :Re:BBHN on 70cm?.. 2014-12-18- 09:22:17 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 18:36:48
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Location: Preston, CT
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN on 70cm?

Hello.. Hmm.. Well.. I got my info about "High Speed Networking" from YouTube's HamRadioNow Episodes 176 and 41. It looks like David Bern W2LNX has done some High Speed point-to-point tests on 70cm using the Doodle Labs DL435-30 card. Just wondering it was possible to integrate OSLR meshing. It's just adding another band where BBHN could function. --73 de Doug
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 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-18- 06:17:13 
Joined: 2012-05-19- 21:52:33
Posts: 81
Forum : Applications

Rusty, thanks for the update. I installed it years back on a 0.4.3 node and it worked well. It was a pretty simple install as I remember. I remember some discussion on clients. I was using mirc and it seems to working for me. Thanks again, Clint
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 Subject :Re:BBHN on 70cm?.. 2014-12-17- 20:43:16 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN on 70cm?

I'm not going to say its possible or not as I have not ever had one of these cards in my hands.  The online quick datasheet is a little iffy on if it supports Adhoc mode, but assuming it does, it is an ath5k device which means Linux supports it and that you can build up a computer to run the BBHN protocol across it (Adhoc, OLSRD, etc)  but no build exists for it at this time (and it would be hard to make a dedicated build for it as it is a PCI card that can slip into any computer)

But assuming adhoc mode one should be able to do it I don't see why not.

The next question that crosses my mind is Part 97 licensing on the subject, I'm not going to render an opinion, I'm just going to say I'm not sure if its permitted or not as I've read conflicting information, enough to make me feel to say it needs to be researched more.

I will say i would LIKE it to be permitted as that can clear up some of the NLOS issues possibly better than the 900mhz band does and may open more options.

The parts I believe to be the relevent text from Part 97 is as follows for authorized transmissions on 70cm

97.307(6) A RTTY, data or multiplexed emission using a specified digital code listed in § 97.309(a) of this part may be transmitted. The symbol rate must not exceed 56 kilobauds. A RTTY, data or multiplexed emission using an unspecified digital code under the limitations listed in § 97.309(b) of this part also may be transmitted. The authorized band-width is 100 kHz

(8) A RTTY or data emission having designators with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J or R as the first symbol; 1, 2, 7 or 9 as the second symbol; and D or W as the third symbol is also authorized.

OFDM (802.11g) from what I can find is designator: 16M8GXW

Ive read one article but I haven't found a reputable reference for its claims other than an opinion  that the 'bandwith" rule applies to each carrier (and I'm not even sure how  big each subcarrier of an 802.11 signal is)

I've seen some argument brought on by the Google WIFI case to argue that each subcarrier is unique and independent (and that the receiving of all of them at once was special equipment)   to possibly give this some merit, but not enough that I would personally say if its permitted or not. I also saw another document try and argue it was "image" not "data" because you could put video across it, not sure I would suggest that as a valid interpretation either considering how the mesh normally functions.

Of course if you could some how  lock them to the  low 1mb speed (not sure if it can be done off hand or not)  one could claim they are Spread Spectrum (which I'm not sure is or is not subject to the data restriction or not)

I would suggest researching those items .  I can say If i managed to stumble upon some of those boards at an affordable price I could see them being useful and would love to press them into service if its permissible.

So there you have my thoughts on it, I don't know enough to give an opinion one way or the other on the licensing side, only enough to say I have questions. 

Otherwise from a technical standpoint, if they support adhoc mode they would be likely physically capable of being put into service.

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 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-17- 19:04:57 
Joined: 2010-10-27- 00:47:17
Posts: 144
Location: Van Alstyne, TX
Forum : Applications

Clint, The IRC server I wrote about, NGIRCD, installs just fine under v3 with plenty of flash memory to spare. The memory issue on the WRT54G nodes, even the non-32M models, is a tad overblown. Plenty of stuff still fits on that box. FWIW, after ngircd-20.2 is installed it's ready to go, up and running; no manual configuration (such as using the shell or 'vi') is needed as in the earlier version. The real task becomes finding a decent client program for your PCs that won't limit you to a fixed set of IRC servers on the Internet (or makes it very difficult to add a new one).
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 Subject :BBHN on 70cm?.. 2014-12-17- 15:27:11 
Joined: 2013-04-14- 18:36:48
Posts: 13
Location: Preston, CT
Forum : General
Topic : BBHN on 70cm?


  Is it possible to run BBHN on 70cm using the Doodle Labs DL435-30 WiFi card?  The Mbps looks to be about 12 with a 5Mhz bandwidth.

--73 de Doug (N1OBU)

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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-17- 14:29:31 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

N4FWD, The full URL to connect to the ipCam likely requires more information. Here is a guess for your cam:

rtsp://IPC:554/live/play1.sdp (for trendnet TV-IP862IC cam, use play2.sdp, play3.sdp, ... for lower resolutions)

rtsp://IPC:554/live/ch00_0 (for Ubiquiti airCam, use ch01_0, ch02_0, ... for lower resolutions)


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Last Edited On: 2014-12-17- 14:30:48 By AE6XE for the Reason formatting...
 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-17- 05:12:37 
Joined: 2014-11-21- 20:33:53
Posts: 23
Forum : Applications

Thank you friend I will give this a try. 73's kd4ysh
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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-17- 00:12:55 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
Posts: 29
Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

Paul, you were correct about needing a second mesh node. As soon as I flashed another node and configured it, the service link appeared.

However, I am now experiencing what appears to be a DNS resolution issue. I uploaded a screen capture. Is there something configurable which I missed? Maybe on the laptop end of the link?

Background: the web browser is configured to start up the VLC program when a rtsp request is handed to it. A direct connection will produce a login request from the camera. Typing in the viewing account (no password) completes the transaction and video shows.

 camera.png [35 KB] :: VLC is unable to resolve URL passed to it
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Last Edited On: 2014-12-17- 00:36:20 By N4FWD for the Reason Wrong name, apologies
 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-16- 15:57:59 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

Good catch Paul, thanks for the info.

BBHN->ticket:75 has been created for this.

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 Subject :Re:SF BAYAREA MESH.. 2014-12-16- 13:48:51 
Joined: 2014-05-01- 23:48:12
Posts: 70
Forum : SFBay Area

Just found your post from May. I am in the Berkeley hills around 3500 meters NW of you. I have been working with some of the NALCO members to get a small demonstration network up throughout the city. The end goal is for emergency services, but there is no specific plan art the moment as to exactly what that means, or if it even falls under the NALCO umbrella.

I see your Wi-Fi node KJ6DZB_(B)NO more Open use from my station. But, the signal is pretty weak -72db. Right now I am running a Rocket-M2 and a dish antenna with BBHN 3.0.0.

If you have an interest in pursuing this effort let me know in a post or PM.


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 Subject :Re:NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?.. 2014-12-16- 13:34:17 
Joined: 2011-01-31- 11:41:17
Posts: 16
Location: SF Bay
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?

Yes, found it. Thank you!
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 Subject :Re:NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?.. 2014-12-16- 13:28:21 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?

The release notes should be able to answer your inquiry.

Do note there is a difference between the M versions and non M versions (we only support the M series)

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 Subject :Re:NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?.. 2014-12-16- 13:16:27 
Joined: 2011-01-31- 11:41:17
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Location: SF Bay
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?

Conrad, I just edited my query since it was confusing. I want to buy a Nano2. (I already have the M2.) Thanks for your reply.
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 Subject :Re:NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?.. 2014-12-16- 13:04:12 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?

That link appears to be slightly out of date but it does list the NanoStation M2 Loco.

For the latest supported hardware list I suggest looking at the release notes (available from the firmware download page)

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 Subject :Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-16- 12:54:20 
Future Astronaut
Joined: 2013-07-17- 12:13:36
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Location: Nederland
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

I know about your problem as I have experienced it multiple times before. In fact, I just got finished helping someone else out with this problem earlier. I have identified your problem: You have a one-node mesh. Solution:  The second you add another node to the mesh, the link will become visible for the rest of the network. Until that time happens, you can navigate manually by typing the the link you specified in the setup page in the address bar.

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 13:00:38 By KF5JIM for the Reason
My opinions and views expressed here are solely my own.
 Subject :Re:Re:RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol.. 2014-12-16- 12:45:42 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 11:35:58
Posts: 29
Location: Carrollton, Ga.
Forum : General
Topic : RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol

I tried clearing the browser cache, using 2 other web browsers besides Firefox (Opera & Chrome). The results were the same. The Setup page will accept the settings for the camera, but the Mesh Status page shows a greyed out server and no services listed. Makes no sense. If I hook up a Raspberry Pi running an IRC service, the node set up accepts the "server" and the mesh status page gives me a link.

I double checked the MAC address of the camera. If I bypass the mesh status page and point the browsers directly to the camera RTSP port, I get video.

It seems to me that I should get a link on the mesh status page which passes the necessary URL to the browser for resolution, just like - irc://<server>:6667 and the browser then talks to the server.

Again, the Setup page accepts the setting without complaining when you save it (unlike version 2). I just don't get a usable link on the Mesh Status page.

Maybe I need to reflash the BBHN node firmware.

[KG6JEI 2014-12-16- 07:15:18]:

I am not able to duplicate the issue in my lab.

My first thoughts would be to clear the browser cache and try again (to be sure its not a caching issue)  if the error still shows up on saving than I would suggest a different browser as a test to see if its maybe something browser related.

If that doesn't solve it than it will require more in depth searching to the cause as it seems to work fine in my lab.

Edit: See that You are already using Firefox, so my other browser choice seems less likely a cause.

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 Subject :NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?.. 2014-12-16- 12:25:21 
Joined: 2011-01-31- 11:41:17
Posts: 16
Location: SF Bay
Forum : Hardware
Topic : NanoStation2 Loco - Is it supported?


newbie here.  I wonder if the Nano2 is compatible as

a meshnet device.  (Will it support the firmware?)  

I don't see it specifically listed in the "Which hardware to use" link.


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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 13:14:21 By KJ6HSH for the Reason
 Subject :Re:WHAT APPLICATIONS TO USE...... 2014-12-16- 09:06:15 
Joined: 2012-05-11- 08:05:13
Posts: 233
Location: Magnolia, TX USA
Forum : Applications

Found a Java serverless chat program here:

disclaimer: I havent tried it...

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Last Edited On: 2014-12-16- 09:06:46 By k5dlq for the Reason
Darryl - K5DLQ
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